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One more Snow ball


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Hey everyone! Un-snowballed players in the VIP section...


You know what to do!


Oh ive been doing them on my characters.


With improved stealth level i go on my jedi shadow stealth up to them and let the cannon rip right at point blank range... they never see me coming...

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Bah! Here I thought you meant it...nothing is more emasculating than running around a WZ with tinsel flying out your butt. :o


It's not everyone else's fault for not realizing he was being disingenuous. We're not mind-readers, and that's totally something someone would plausibly complain about.


OP, you need to work on your attempts at humor. If no one 'gets' that you're joking, it's not everyone else's fault; it's your fault.

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It's not everyone else's fault for not realizing he was being disingenuous. We're not mind-readers, and that's totally something someone would plausibly complain about.


OP, you need to work on your attempts at humor. If no one 'gets' that you're joking, it's not everyone else's fault; it's your fault.


I think the post about the NPCs kinda made it more apparent that they were joking. It doesn't help, though, that there's usuaully 4-5 topics a year about Life Day snowballs and how they're terrible and people are "griefing" with them. That's how you know Life Day is at hand. Same goes for Rakghoul, honestly, so this week is a double whammy.

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I think the post about the NPCs kinda made it more apparent that they were joking. It doesn't help, though, that there's usuaully 4-5 topics a year about Life Day snowballs and how they're terrible and people are "griefing" with them. That's how you know Life Day is at hand. Same goes for Rakghoul, honestly, so this week is a double whammy.


I admit, I kind of enjoy having to dodge around the infected when they're ready to explode. It just adds a little element of amusement to accessing the vendors and services that they camp out next to on fleet.

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Actually... the reveler NPCs on the capital city planets DO in fact pelt you randomly as you run by. I pelt them back.


Why is it so hard to just ignore the buff? It does not impair your play in any way, and it's hardly significant that you have some snowflakes falling off you for a few minutes.


it doesnt bother me, but to some people, what you do to their character, you do to them. Different groups feel differently about this. PVPers seem to be the opposite, thats why they always said to just rez after you are ganked. it doesnt bother them. But at least some of the RP community it seems to bother a lot.


TLDNR: it bothers some people a lot, not much can be done about it.

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I don't mind it. Spent about an hour last night standing around on the Fleet pelting people while constantly removing my buff to help them out too. I'm chilled to the bone now and my precious robes are soaked but it's all in good fun. Now they just need a hot chocolate stand nearby in the area and I'll be happy as a clam. :D
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And I'm going to lose my mind. I spent all day yesterday removing the snowflakes as everywhere you go someone is tossing them.......


The snowflakes stole my sanity......


Make Star Wars great again..... stop throwing snow!


Stop removing them. People are just going to hit you all the more because hitting someone without snow flakes seems to net a greater chance of getting the gifts. :D

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Why is it so hard to just ignore the buff? It does not impair your play in any way, and it's hardly significant that you have some snowflakes falling off you for a few minutes.


This is NOT true! I saw several dead characters on the fleet last night. And still people mercilessly continued to pelt them with snowball after snowball.


Spread the word! Tell all your friends and loved ones! Tell everyone you see! Snowballs. are. DANGEROUS!



Oh ive been doing them on my characters.


With improved stealth level i go on my jedi shadow stealth up to them and let the cannon rip right at point blank range... they never see me coming...


Hehe, glad to know I'm not the only one doing this. Got to spread the cheer to the people trying to hide. They need it the most! :)

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