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Champion mobs in operations nerfed from 20 CXP to 5 CXP with no patch note.


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Clearly..... binging on content in unintended ways is always going to get addressed in some manner or another.


OPs are NOT about going in and perma-grinding trash mobs, and never has been. So no surprise they adjusted these. The real error is setting them to binge-worthy returns to begin with.


Note... they over nerfed elites (90%), then brought them back up some (to 20% of pre-nerf). This time they appear to have gotten it about right the first time around (25% of pre-nerf).


Of course players that were binging on these are going to be bent about it.


So... the next binge and overuse in unintended ways, just to grind Cxp will be?........ <insert here>

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This is exactly what is wrong with the current setup....band aids after band aids. This will continue to happen, IMO, as long as this system remains set up as is...players will continue to find ways to grind out CXP on a fast track. The flaws of the current setup can not, IMO, be repaired by plugging holes here and there...and Bioware is creating a nightmare scenario for themselves, having to run after every exploit the players find.


I said it before, I will say it again...


The weekly cap is TOO HIGH. The solution is not to continue adjusting CXP payout every week. The solution is to DRASTICALLY REDUCE THE WEEKLY CAP. That is the ONLY solution, IMO, that will discourage CXP farming, along with a few other changes...


Removal of level cap for Command or increase it to something like 5000

Allow pieces of tier armor to be converted to tokens instead of CXP and open a vendor on Odessen

Substantially increase CXP from ALL sources and reduce CXP needed to level, especially 1 to 100

Finally, I recommend they give something like a .015 percent secondary stat boost, like class buffs, for every command level earned.


Doing all of this, IMO, would make the system next to perfect, having the widest possible appeal with the playerbase. There will still be folks that are unhappy, but IMO the vast majority of players will be satisfied.

Edited by LordArtemis
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At least we can see BIOWARE IS LYING!!! Musco said himself EVERYTHING is in patch notes, so they are LYING!!!


Good to know!


If Bioware lies, it means we can also lie and cheat in the game!!


They NEVER include every change made in a patch in the patch notes. Never have, never will.


If they did.. the patch notes would be many many pages longer and many do not even read them now... except to come back to the forum and call them liars and deceivers.

Edited by Andryah
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That doesn't surprise me. I followed the thinking behind putting decent CXP gains on mobs, to avoid the situation whereby you could go into an Op or FP and come out with no CXP gains to speak of. The problem is, that was supposed to be a fall-back; with the main mechanic being "mission CXP." (Just like with standard XP in standard play.


Once people started farming mobs for CXP, the devs were going to put some brakes on that.

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the fun part is that it also screws over people who were running flashpoints and heroics, and even story players, because its not like those were giving soooo much CXP to begin with.


they could have just made trash not reset, or just leave it be, or bump up other playstyles, but nope.


in any case... not surprising at all, people started expecting it days ago, aka as soon as trash farming became widespread.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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the fun part is that it also screws over people who were running flashpoints and heroics, and even story players, because its not like those were giving soooo much CXP to begin with.


they could have just made trash not reset, or just leave it be, or bump up other playstyles, but nope.


in any case... not surprising at all, people started expecting it days ago, aka as soon as trash farming became widespread.


They did some of this as well.. but more is needed, and appears to be coming.


Tuning of GC and Cxp is clearly going to come in small waves over weeks, not everything in one day.

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Seriously? 20 to 5?? HAHAHA! That kills KP and also kills the market for CXP boosts all at once. Impressive...


Sounds like something bw would do. Sneaky nerf and not tell us. Claim all changes are in teh patch notes but pretty much lie about it straight to the gamers. Let gamers figure it out on your own as bw keeps quiet on it.


They don't want you to grind extremely old content how you want to. You must must grind extremely old content how they want you to.

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They did some of this as well.. but more is needed, and appears to be coming.


Tuning of GC and Cxp is clearly going to come in small waves over weeks, not everything in one day.


I did see it, but the bumps are very minor. we'll see what livestream on Thursday will have. becasue at the moment unless something changes drastically for the better? I have 2 days left on my subscription with no desire to extend it.

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Clearly..... binging on content in unintended ways is always going to get addressed in some manner or another.


OPs are NOT about going in and perma-grinding trash mobs, and never has been. So no surprise they adjusted these. The real error is setting them to binge-worthy returns to begin with.


Note... they over nerfed elites (90%), then brought them back up some (to 20% of pre-nerf). This time they appear to have gotten it about right the first time around (25% of pre-nerf).


Of course players that were binging on these are going to be bent about it.


So... the next binge and overuse in unintended ways, just to grind Cxp will be?........ <insert here>


Clearly, saying that farming mobs is not an exploit yet treating it as such is dishonest. Clearly, Musco lied when he said that everything was in the patch notes.

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This is exactly what is wrong with the current setup....band aids after band aids. This will continue to happen, IMO, as long as this system remains set up as is...players will continue to find ways to grind out CXP on a fast track. The flaws of the current setup can not, IMO, be repaired by plugging holes here and there...and Bioware is creating a nightmare scenario for themselves, having to run after every exploit the players find.


I said it before, I will say it again...


The weekly cap is TOO HIGH. The solution is not to continue adjusting CXP payout every week. The solution is to DRASTICALLY REDUCE THE WEEKLY CAP. That is the ONLY solution, IMO, that will discourage CXP farming, along with a few other changes...


Removal of level cap for Command or increase it to something like 5000

Allow pieces of tier armor to be converted to tokens instead of CXP and open a vendor on Odessen

Substantially increase CXP from ALL sources and reduce CXP needed to level, especially 1 to 100

Finally, I recommend they give something like a .015 percent secondary stat boost, like class buffs, for every command level earned.


Doing all of this, IMO, would make the system next to perfect, having the widest possible appeal with the playerbase. There will still be folks that are unhappy, but IMO the vast majority of players will be satisfied.


Fully agree. The cap is how they can control the speed of progression. Control that and let people grind to hit that cap in whichever way they want.

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I expect a 5.0.2 next week with some more CXP tuning. They should have a "CXP budget" for each instanced area (FP, Uprising, and Op), and when they turn down the CXP gains in one are (mob kills), that frees up CXP budget to be added back in elsewhere.


(I am well aware of the difference between theory and practice, which is why I said "should," not "do.")

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Clearly, saying that farming mobs is not an exploit yet treating it as such is dishonest. Clearly, Musco lied when he said that everything was in the patch notes.


Saying something is not intended but not considered an exploit means... they don't want us doing it and will make changes to discourage it, but not sanction players for doing it.


When they say it is an exploit.. expect to be sanctioned for it.


Terms are important... and they mean different things.

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Clearly, saying that farming mobs is not an exploit yet treating it as such is dishonest. Clearly, Musco lied when he said that everything was in the patch notes.


If they treated it as an exploit, they would ban players.

They treat it as "undesired gameplay" and nerfed it.

That's nothing new in MMOs, Devs usually have a "vision" how their game should be played.

They tolerate "erratic behaviour" up to a certain the point, when it gets out of control, they act accordingly.

I've seen it over 10 years ago, and we all see it now.

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Fully agree. The cap is how they can control the speed of progression. Control that and let people grind to hit that cap in whichever way they want.


The cap is a safeguard, not a solution, and they have made that clear.


LA clearly had not read Erics post about coming changes to the design of GC before he wrote what you quoted.


The Thursday live stream they have scheduled is to share what changes in the GC system are coming, based on feedback. Of course not everyones feedback will be met, as some feedback is neither constructive nor particularly in line with the studios long term plan.... like removing RNG completely for example is not going to happen.

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Fully agree. The cap is how they can control the speed of progression. Control that and let people grind to hit that cap in whichever way they want.


Exactly. I would even say this...let me throw out some arbitrary numbers here.


Lets say the cap is set at 20 Command levels a week. That would give the quickest players a total play time of, say, 15 weeks before they would reach the cap and have no guarantee they would have their full set at that point (though they would still get packs, just not advance.


Now, lets say the cap was reduced to 5 Command levels a week, the CXP paid out was drastically INCREASED from all sources across the board, and tokens were offered for tier armor pieces when they dropped.


This would not only stretch out the rank play system to 60 weeks (note...more than a year), it would also provide a direct way for folks to get the armor they want/need in a reasonable amount of time. AND there would no longer be a need to grind for CXP since you would hit the weekly cap quickly if you did so.


Now, every normal activity, no matter what it was, would level you up to the weekly cap.


This is how the system SHOULD have been set up from the beginning IMO. This type of RNG system ALWAYS promotes grinding and exploiting, as it has in the past in this VERY GAME. This is a lesson they should have learned long ago.

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