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Everything posted by killershrike

  1. That's weird, I ran the solo version on Monday and all NPC AOE were red. I noticed no colour difference in PVE at all since the change. Can graphic settings influence the colour? Would seem odd, but I have experienced very odd graphic glitches in different games in the past (like the "metal hair" in DA:I when it was released). I can't comment on PVP, but I guess they simply forgot an attribute / flag or something like that for the new graphics in PVP.
  2. Colonel Jace Malcom is stationed on Alderaan. You can work for him in the planetary bonus series. He gets promoted to Supreme Commander after Ilum, replacing Rans.
  3. All crates drop a gear piece a cosmetic item jawa junk, rep token, companion gift or pet (it's possible I forgot something here) and some crates drop an additional schematic. Either you are bugged to hell, misremembering things or making stuff up.
  4. You are misinformed - 230 blue and purple enhancements have identical stats ( 113 endurance, 126 power, 181 tertiary stat).
  5. I'm wondering if some people are blindly disintegrating everything "orange" without realizing that the rightside MK-2 (blue mods) is coloured orange, too.
  6. Ich würde behaupten, dass das beste Gear für die meisten Leute die lukrativste Belohnung ist - nicht nur für Raider . Und ja, man könnte wunderbare (und vermutlich endlose) Diskussionen über MMO-Design führen, aber leider haben diese die Tendenz sehr schnell unsachlich / unschön zu werden. Wie gesagt mag ich die Grundidee von 5.0, da es in eine Richtung geht, die ich persönlich bevorzuge. Allerdings ist es problematisch, so etwas nach 5 Jahren in ein Spiel einzuführen, dessen ursprüngliches Design - und die ersten 3-4 Jahre - dem entgegen stehen. Ich habe das ganze schon mal andersherum erlebt - Einführung eines raidähnlichen Endgamesystems in ein Spiel nach 7 Jahren. 1,5 Jahre später war das Game offline. Nicht zwingend nur wegen des neuen Systems, es hat aber sicherlich dazu beigetragen.
  7. Es sollte schlichtweg keine Inhalte geben, für die man BiS wirklich braucht. Der schwerste Content sollte von den besten Spielern in 230 zu schaffen sein. Besseres Gear macht es dann einfacher und schaffbar für mehr Spieler. Und je mehr Wege es gibt, besseres Gear zu bekommen, desto besser. Und zu der "Grundregel" bzw. eher deiner Interpretation: veraltetes Gamedesign, über das ich schon vor über 10 Jahren nur den Kopf schütteln konnte. Zum Glück gab es ein paar Perlen im MMORPG-Ozean, die es anders machten (SWTOR 5.0 hätte dazugehören können, aber die gute Grundidee wurde dann in den Ausführungsdetails kolossal vermurkst).
  8. Debit cards / direct debit are very common. Same offline - you can basically pay everywhere with debit cards, but there are still lots of places that don't accept credit cards.
  9. Well, would playing SoR 8 times back to back fun? Or Makeb, even if you alternate pub and imp? It's not a KoTET problem.
  10. Analyst, Archaeologist, Scavenger, Slicer - what's the fifth?
  11. Not that it matters much, but contrary to your commentary your earpiece is actually a crate drop and not crafted (and the 228 implant is a world drop).
  12. Was that on fleet? I think there is a special vendor for people who pre-ordered SoR back in 2014.
  13. Are you looking for this Revan action figure (UPC is 630509483532) ?
  14. Both Jennifer Hale and Kath Soucie have continued to voice their characters in KoTET - there was no change in voice actors.
  15. Should probably be D:OS ( Divinity: Original Sin).
  16. Or you happen to know someone who can craft for you. On my homeserver are a few people who craft 240 "for free" (you send the required mats and get the crafted piece back when they got around to your order).
  17. Yeah, that's simply not true. Getting all four specialists to level 20 gave 200 radiant crystals (5 crystals per specialist every even level). That was enough to buy 1 relic...
  18. No, inside the H2 instance is a different bonus mission. The 15 kills needed for the first bonus must be completed before you use the key card.
  19. Rating 230 purple earpieces and implants dropped from command crates (Eternal Commander MK-3) are not REable.
  20. The Empire tried to take Voss by force and got their asses kicked, after that both sides are trying desperately to gain that new powerful party as ally.
  21. It's a bug introduced with 5.0. Starting at level 66, some content (e.g. KOTFE chapters + GSF) grant only 10% of the intended XP. Let's hope they'll fix it in January.
  22. IIRC you get the probes after you reached influence level 10 with Lokin, although the dialogue says otherwise.
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