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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Why skate around my question and focus on one negative you dont like?


Obviously the system is working properly for you right now...You are obviously having a problem with abilities firing off correctly...Hence why i said if it was working prefectly....


Why the hell is it so hard for you guys to answer a simple question...And what you state as "Has to be" is how it has to be for you...But thats irrelivent and I am not trying to bring my convo there...so please answer the question


Apologies but I'm on my phone at work atm, not skating around just not able to fully focus. I will reply properly to that post/question when I get home in about an hour.

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What I been trying to say for awhile now is if the ability instantly started as soon as you hit the button, then every ones animations would end on time with the GCD..


People have stated abilities arent starting until .5 or so after pressing the ability and that the animation is carrying about .5 past the GCD...WELL THERE YA GO!!!!



No, im talking about it taking .5 to 2.0 seconds to activate coming from NO previous ability, thus, no GCD.


I can be standing there, doing nothing... click to use an ability, the icon activates like I clicked it, but for .5 to 2.0 seconds, nothing happens, and then BAM, i attack.


There is nothing, no GCD, no animation, nada, that is getting int he way of the ability activating instantly. Im certain its linked to some performance bug dealing with warzones as it doesnt EVER happen in areas outside of warzones.

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No, im talking about it taking .5 to 2.0 seconds to activate coming from NO previous ability, thus, no GCD.


I can be standing there, doing nothing... click to use an ability, the icon activates like I clicked it, but for .5 to 2.0 seconds, nothing happens, and then BAM, i attack.


There is nothing, no GCD, no animation, nada, that is getting int he way of the ability activating instantly. Im certain its linked to some performance bug dealing with warzones as it doesnt EVER happen in areas outside of warzones.


Now this I have had happen a few times (Usually when I use Force Leap), even outside of Warzones. I always assumed it was either server lag, or I had a latency spike, as it doesn't happen often.

Edited by Jediwran
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Exactly...Lets start talking about how we can help the Devs with fixing this...Lets start breaking up the problems in to some kind of more organized fashion so they can start finding out what is causing what and for who...


Though most of the problems are the same, there may be different reasons for it happening per individual


The devs have all the info needed, this thread is very thorough. Don't worry about that part, they know what's wrong if they followed this.


Read my reply to you regarding the CC, trinkets, knockback within under half a second. Again, there is no way of writing up all example abilities, it isn't a bug report. Georg I believe understands the finer points from reading through the thread. How to fix it, that is difficult and ultimately we cant help much and its In their hands.

Edited by Xcore
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Xcore, I'd recommend altering the OP now to include the response, just so people can understand the thread did its job. Your call, of course.


The OP will be edited to include Georg's respons on Page 123 as well as the Pro Gamer response on 121 (I believe). When I get home in an hour.

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The devs have all the info needed, this thread is very thorough. Don't worry about that part, they know what's wrong if they followed this.


Read my reply to you regarding the CC, trinkets, knockback within under half a second. Again, there is no way of writing up all example abilities, it isn't a bug report. Georg I believe understands the finer points from reading through the thread. How to fix it, that is difficult and ultimately we cant help much and its In their hands.

I bet they don't.
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Now this I have had happen a few times (Usually when I use Force Leap), even outside of Warzones. I always assumed it was either server lag, or I had a latency spike, as it doesn't happen often.


This happens EVERY time I use force leap and it definitely isn't lag as I usually run at around 50-60ms. I can log into wow right now and fire off abilities with no lag, so the problem can't be on my end.

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Let me ask you guys this...Can there be any compromise with you all? If BW was able to fix the buggyness of the UI but still had damage corresponding with the animation and it worked perfectly with no problems with the execution i.e firing off as soon as you hit the button...Would that make you happy???


I personally like the animations in there...I realize that makes some instant casts not so instant...But I like the fact that you have to wait for the grenade to land on the mob before it explodes...The saber actually has to make contact before it inflicts damage instead of damage numbers poppin out before any type of lame animation follows...


I am not saying its definitely gonna be fixed/changed/stay the same nor am i offering a solution to fixing it...Non of that...Im simply asking if the animations stayed the same and their influence on how damage was distributed BUT there was no delay from when you hit the button and when the attack/ability started, would you be able to live with that and enjoy it???


I give you a simple answer, since you asking for one!


When I use my ability Saber Throw, which is instant, I have no problem if the damage hits .5 seconds after the cast, even though I am used of another mechanics.


But when I use Force Kick, to interrupt an ability (a chanelled cast) I dont accept delays in the effect of the Kick taking place. It has to be immediately.


I hope you are satisfied with my answer and catch the spirit and you like this compromise.

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This happens EVERY time I use force leap and it definitely isn't lag as I usually run at around 50-60ms. I can log into wow right now and fire off abilities with no lag, so the problem can't be on my end.


I also run around with that kind of ping, even better most times (40-50). I was saying server lag, meaning on their end. It certainly doesn't happen every time I fire off Force Leap.

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I also totally missed the dev response despite actively watching the thread. Weird.


Anyway, that's good news. Fingers crossed that you guys get this sorted.


You and Xcore... Dont torture yourselfs, dont apologize. The devs answer is immediately after my first post in this thread and I would say, it wasnt there when I followed the answers to my post.


However, it's very nice of George to come around with an answer! Vielen Dank George, wie Xcore schon sagte...


[We are here from the naturaly German speaking community, cause the english forums are much better! :D]

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I bet they don't.


What I'm trying to say is that we (some of us) have kind of understood that this issue is very multi-layered and deeply rooted in the combat mechanics and gameplay mechanics of SW:TOR.


It has to do with Animations (Start and Executions), net coding, coding, UI response as well as alignment to animations and timers, GCD timer, likely optimization as well as (probably very importantly) the faking of sync that WoW does which one very intelligent person brought to the discussion in this thread.


So this Isnt easy, it wont happen tomorrow but there is some feedback which is good. Georg, I urge you to keep us posted and perhaps give more details (not timeframes)

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Wait a minute, how did this escape me and seemingly everyone else?? I am satisfied with this response, apologies for missing this somehow...



Page 123 - I will add to OP once I get home...


Also adding a Pro Gamers Opinion, very nice insight...




Vielen Dank Georg

Woah !!! Same for me, how did this get past me?

I was sure I had read every freeking post here, very strange!!

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I have a couple observations from playing my Marauder...


1) Reactive off-GCD abilities such as Retaliation don't have a time limit. This is a bad sign. A very bad sign that they knew ability delay exist and to work around it they simply made it easier for players to activate abilities well outside the normal flow of combat.


2) Channeled abilities such as Ravage sometimes ignore its own CD and could activate twice in quick succession. Again, possibly to compensate for delay.


Anyway I hope they can fix it. However, having worked at EA and knowing the marketing-dept driven culture there (sell the sizzle not the steak), it might be a long wait.

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This issue is under active investigation.


The complication is that there are actually a number of different issues with very different causes and potential resolutions lumped together in this thread.


All we can say for now is 'we are actively working on the topic of character responsiveness'.



well, I certainly overlooked this comment on page 123...:jawa_eek:

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You and Xcore... Dont torture yourselfs, dont apologize. The devs answer is immediately after my first post in this thread and I would say, it wasnt there when I followed the answers to my post.


However, it's very nice of George to come around with an answer! Vielen Dank George, wie Xcore schon sagte...


[We are here from the naturaly German speaking community, cause the english forums are much better! :D]


Ya, eigendlich bin Ich auch deutsch aber lebe in Toronto fur die letzten zen yahre. Ich glaube Georg its auch deutsch?

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Just wanted to give my +1 here. Good job done, mates, and I *really* hope that BioWare will improve the responsivenes. Especially since there's no auto-hit and time-gaps between skills massively drop DPS. Well, on the other hand it can be seen as skill when the user is able to perfectly time all skills manually so almost no gaps between skills happen.
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Just wanted to give my +1 here. Good job done, mates, and I *really* hope that BioWare will improve the responsivenes. Especially since there's no auto-hit and time-gaps between skills massively drop DPS. Well, on the other hand it can be seen as skill when the user is able to perfectly time all skills manually so almost no gaps between skills happen.


I'm perfectly fine with no auto attack, its interesting and a fine differentiation from WoW.

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No, absolutely no-one saw it. It was either smuggled in purposely or somehow bugged out. I believe it was smuggled In for several possible reasons but it doesn't really matter right now.


Less controversially, maybe we all missed It... like I said, apologies in that case. I have read every single response over the course of the last two threads..

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It hasnt bothered me that much yet, except for the monster in the collapsing cave where i got killed twice because the environment was so shaky that it got less fluent and sometimes flat out ignored my mouse clicks. I like a challenge but not this kind...
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I'm a bit confused.


I have been reading this thread for the past couple of hours and I swear I did not see GeorgZoeller's post earlier...


I don't mean to add suspicion to this turbulent topic, but anyone else can confirm they saw the post earlier but said nothing? :jawa_confused:


The post is on page 123, saw it myself and it made my very happy and kind of worried at the same time...

But at least they are working on it and the people who are calling this thread whining were proven wrong.

This was the first thread which featured adult conversation and real talk and discussion about a real problem since the forum wipe.

The OP deserves some credit for that i suppose.

Edited by Hiramas
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