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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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What's with this "WoW Kiddie" term, by using it you immediately pay a severe price to anyone of intelligence reading it.


Also reedful in case you missed it, I'd like you to list some tournaments you attended and teamnames if possible before I add your contribution to the OP




I replied. The only 100% concrete proof I have is my Curse account, which I linked. Unless you want a picture of me holding a check in which case you could just look up my Facebook.

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first. im not sure where this 300 mill dollar thing came from, (link anyone?) Last number i read was like 30 mill.


on topic. I'm sorry you dont like it but ii highly doubt its something that can be fixed.

Go play Modern warfare if you want twitch gaming.


MMO's come from RPG's which were turn based, they will never be twitch. Wow was faster yes. AOC wasnt , Warhammer was fast. Everquest wasnt really. etc. etc.


I really dont see the point in complaining.


YOu stated you didnt like it. I'm sorry.


I have been having a blast in PVP. but then again i am a casual pvper, im lvl 36/valor 15 or so.


You kidding? In old EQ, when you pressed a button your character did that action.


WHen i kited on my druid in EQ I would open with snare, when i pressed the hotkey, the spell started casting, then I would spam my root button while snare was being cast, as soon as snare ended, root started casting. I would do the same thing in succession with all my DoTs.


So if EQ developers figured out how to solve this problem over a decade ago, it is really pathetic that it still exists in other games.

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all the casual noobs who still don't understand the point of scoring in huttball will still play this game in spite of glaring flaws/glitches/imbalances/etc.


if people will play the abortion that was FFXIV, then they will play SWTOR - which is still FUN as a KOTOR sequel of sorts with a big chat room


The ball is in BW's court too so they can always make the game better.


don't forecast doom and gloom until we're a month or 2 in. then you'll get an idea of the kind of customer support for their game.


i played aion - which had awful support - so i won't be playing SWTOR if the devs take forever to deal with the game's flaws + the horrible community here who cannot deal with criticisms meant to better the game (take note: no improvements were ever made because a fanboy white knight'd a thread)


And no improvements were ever made when 100 people said on a forum once that a bug is game breaking or the game will die in 2 months.

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A) all(100% of) your abilities aren't keybound


B) you turn with your keyboard


C) you don't understand your damage rotation in its most basic form


any of those options apply to you, you aren't qualified to say whether or not you have the delay. Simple as that. If I just ran around and did a cool attack or spin-move sometimes, the game would probably be fine for me, too. Unfortunately, I expected the game to have a polished, smooth feel to its gameplay which, apparently, still isn't a standard feature even after 10 years of WoW clones failing because of the exact same issue.


A. Nobody keybinds 100% of their abilities, but yes I use almost all of my regularly used attacks/abilities with keybinds


B. I dont keyboard turn...Unless I am running/driving somewhere and I am sitting back using my directional...I never Board turn in a fight


C. I have a pretty damn good rotation that has me doing very well at everything I do and I am able to down multiple mobs almost as fast if not faster then most players...


I line up my attacks perfectly and once one attack is done on the GCD, I have been able to pop off my next move without problems...I wont say all of my animations finish on time, but I havent had a problem


I have played WoW since vanilla in a successful raiding and pvp guild (I'm not a hardcore PvP'er, but I do PvP often) and a host of other MMO's..I'm not a noob and I know what I'm looking for when I'm trying to pay attention to a delay...I know its extremely hard to believe somebody doesnt have the problem because YOU DO...


Now I am not saying there isnt a problem with the UI..I should never have a situation where my ability doesnt work when I press my key and I dont think we should have to stop spamming in order to not have this happen...But I dont have a delay problem...simple as that...If you dont believe it, well thats your problem not mine :)

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And no improvements were ever made when 100 people said on a forum once that a bug is game breaking or the game will die in 2 months.


The OP's credentials are legit. He wrote a detailed post about an issue that has been previously documented.


YOU fall into the category of worthless fanboy casual. The OP is actually trying to better the game through meaningful criticism.


The end. Have a nice day.

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And no improvements were ever made when 100 people said on a forum once that a bug is game breaking or the game will die in 2 months.

but what if a bug is game breaking, and the game will die in two months because of it?


what should we say in those circumstances

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A) all(100% of) your abilities aren't keybound


B) you turn with your keyboard


C) you don't understand your damage rotation in its most basic form


any of those options apply to you, you aren't qualified to say whether or not you have the delay. Simple as that. If I just ran around and did a cool attack or spin-move sometimes, the game would probably be fine for me, too. Unfortunately, I expected the game to have a polished, smooth feel to its gameplay which, apparently, still isn't a standard feature even after 10 years of WoW clones failing because of the exact same issue.


You know what a joke this is, that even before WoW was top MMO, EQ existed and had responsive controls and, not coincidentally was top MMO, until WoW.


Is it that hard for MMO developers to understand people want to control their character? not command them and watch and wait on delays.


It seems like the EQ and WoW developers understand this, and also basically ALL single player action game developers.


Can you imagine if skyrim was released with crap like this?

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I replied. The only 100% concrete proof I have is my Curse account, which I linked. Unless you want a picture of me holding a check in which case you could just look up my Facebook.


I'll use the curse link but for effect wanted to add tournament names/team names/placings as well, consider it anecdotal evidence.


Either way I pursue this because I believe your opinion carries a lot of weight on this subject and your stature (if true) should cement it. Bioware should care and distinguish between informed and uninformed opinions.

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The OP's credentials are legit. He wrote a detailed post about an issue that has been previously documented.


YOU fall into the category of worthless fanboy casual. The OP is actually trying to better the game through meaningful criticism.


The end. Have a nice day.


Wow...There is no reason for petty insults...There is a lot of us that, though we may not be experiencing a "delay" problem, still support the OP and realize there is definitely a problem...Especially when abilities dont respond at all when you press it...


The UI is bugged...No doubt about it..But the severity of the problem is obviously different for some people...Why cant yall recognize that rather then insulting people because you dont believe that we dont have the delay problem as well...Some of you baffle me

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A. Nobody keybinds 100% of their abilities, but yes I use almost all of my regularly used attacks/abilities with keybinds



Wrong and wrong. I am an avid PvP player. If any of my teamates that I arena with used even 1 move as a click ability, I would throw up in my mouth and kick them from my team.


I have a nostromo and a razer naga. 100% of my abilities are keybound with 0 exception to that.


Again, I believe you just proved his point. If you click...at all...then you don't play competitively.

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Wow...There is no reason for petty insults...There is a lot of us that, though we may not be experiencing a "delay" problem, still support the OP and realize there is definitely a problem...Especially when abilities dont respond at all when you press it...


The UI is bugged...No doubt about it..But the severity of the problem is obviously different for some people...Why cant yall recognize that rather then insulting people because you dont believe that we dont have the delay problem as well...Some of you baffle me


yea yall. yall listen to this man ye'hear

Edited by Corwingeorge
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Maybe your class is not as affected as some other class .... one thing is certain my 2 current class jedi shadow and trooper commando both are affected by the issue.


Well I know people who play my class (Marauder) do have the problem...My problem is just execution not delay...So I do have part of the problem...But not delay


And by no means do I think any of you are making this up or being unreasonable...I just dont see why people have to insult or try to discredit anyone saying they dont have a delay problem

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While issue may seem minor to some in larger scheme of things it will prevent developement of meaningful endgame content (you know everyone reading it will be 50 and will look for stuff to do) and establishing competitive pvp community.


Both things are what keeps games ticking and both of them are impossible with built-in UI lag.

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Wow...There is no reason for petty insults...There is a lot of us that, though we may not be experiencing a "delay" problem, still support the OP and realize there is definitely a problem...Especially when abilities dont respond at all when you press it...


The UI is bugged...No doubt about it..But the severity of the problem is obviously different for some people...Why cant yall recognize that rather then insulting people because you dont believe that we dont have the delay problem as well...Some of you baffle me


If you don't get the unresponsive stuff everyone is talking about then do this.


Make a jedi consular sage, get force wave, go queue a warzone, enter the warzone. as soon as you see a few melee jump you, stun you and start beating you, try to use the tenacity ability to break stun, then get a cast of force wave off.


They are both instants, and the first is off the GCD, so you should be able to break the stun then force wave near instantly. it takes anywhere from 4-7 seconds to make this work. If you can actually live that long


normally, by the time your tenacity works and breaks stun, you get stunned again and die, before your force wave ever goes off.


So go try this and come back and tell me those abilities worked correctly and you experience no delay or unresponsive laggy crap.

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I cant agree...Maybe in pvp..Which I still didnt experience much if at all...I was able to interupt during the Boarding Party last boss fight everytime I needed to...


And I aint saying we should accept bugs if there is away around it..Not saying that by any means if you read my post correctly...I'm just saying it helped...thats all


Did you tried to interrupt while the GCD and/or the animation of your last ability was still running ?


I cant wrap my mind around the fact that this aint happening to everyone. Maybe its only for trooper animation ? Oh well ...

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Wrong and wrong. I am an avid PvP player. If any of my teamates that I arena with used even 1 move as a click ability, I would throw up in my mouth and kick them from my team.


I have a nostromo and a razer naga. 100% of my abilities are keybound with 0 exception to that.


Again, I believe you just proved his point. If you click...at all...then you don't play competitively.


Come on man...So because I didnt put a ability or 2 that I barely ever use on a keybind, I have no right to talk???


You have to be kidding me...In PvP I dont click my regular rotation...its all on keybinds...But my mount, fighting forms, buff, and the out of combat heal the SW gets are not keybind...This discredits me?

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The OP's credentials are legit. He wrote a detailed post about an issue that has been previously documented.


YOU fall into the category of worthless fanboy casual. The OP is actually trying to better the game through meaningful criticism.


The end. Have a nice day.


So I disagree and am labeled a fanboy? Nice, did I quote the OP? I think not.

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While issue may seem minor to some in larger scheme of things it will prevent developement of meaningful endgame content (you know everyone reading it will be 50 and will look for stuff to do) and establishing competitive pvp community.


Both things are what keeps games ticking and both of them are impossible with built-in UI lag.


This is very important to recognize and I wish I would've thought about this more in the OP and touched upon it. Perhaps I thought it was obvious anyways but Its important to point out that in a system with delay an issues in responsiveness you cannot develop any competitive environment worth mentioning.


This Is a very big and dangerous consequence that needs to be taken into account.

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Did you tried to interrupt while the GCD and/or the animation of your last ability was still running ?


I cant wrap my mind around the fact that this aint happening to everyone. Maybe its only for trooper animation ? Oh well ...


You know what..I'm all set with this convo...I cant believe I get attacked because I tell you I dont have a delay problem with my main (I havent explored every class) but do occassionally get a problem when I press the button and nothing happens...And I do agree that there has to be a problem because so many of you are experiencing and I completely agree it needs to be fixed ASAP...


But that just isnt good enough for those that have a delay problem...It's all good...I will bow out and go back to playing the game

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Come on man...So because I didnt put a ability or 2 that I barely ever use on a keybind, I have no right to talk???


You have to be kidding me...In PvP I dont click my regular rotation...its all on keybinds...But my mount, fighting forms, buff, and the out of combat heal the SW gets are not keybind...This discredits me?


Never said it discredited you. I stated that you are wrong. I don't have even 1 ability that I click, so that disproves your 1st statement.


And I believe that anyone who COMPETITIVELY plays doesn't click, at all.


I've read your posts, I see that you are in no way trying to hold us back. I am not angry or attempting to discredit you from making statements; but, this issue does exist for all.


It is not "lag" or "fps" or anything computer related. You have it, your class might be less effected but I have experienced it on each class (different moves are effected but universal for each player who uses those moves)


So, you can't say that you don't have it, you can say you haven't noticed it..which is fine.

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Never said it discredited you. I stated that you are wrong. I don't have even 1 ability that I click, so that disproves your 1st statement.


And I believe that anyone who COMPETITIVELY plays doesn't click, at all.


I've read your posts, I see that you are in no way trying to hold us back. I am not angry or attempting to discredit you from making statements; but, this issue does exist for all.


It is not "lag" or "fps" or anything computer related. You have it, your class might be less effected but I have experienced it on each class (different moves are effected but universal for each player who uses those moves)


So, you can't say that you don't have it, you can say you haven't noticed it..which is fine.


Whatever man...I'm all set...I should of not even bothered with writing anything...Whats the point if I have to defend my situation while Im ultimately agreeing with everyone...


And if I PvP, I play to win...But if thats not competitive, then no I dont competitively play...sorry

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This is very important to recognize and I wish I would've thought about this more in the OP and touched upon it. Perhaps I thought it was obvious anyways but Its important to point out that in a system with delay an issues in responsiveness you cannot develop any competitive environment worth mentioning.


This Is a very big and dangerous consequence that needs to be taken into account.


Yeah, I will be giving them howveer long it takes to level my sage to 50, and maybe 1 or 2 alts to fix this. Really not much to do besides questing and easy 4 man content.


I don't see how anyone can play competitive, challenging content PVE or PVP with this unresponsive system.


I love starwars and i love single player bioware games, so i'll give them some time, unlike warhammer ( they got 3 months of my time to waste)


But the fact that this is basically the same problem as warhammer, and the fact that EA rushed the game out before it was even close to ready is really disturbing.


I can tell you this, I will never buy another EA MMO again, and the only reason i did this time was the starwars name on it. But if they don't get this fixed fast,never again will EA fool me out of my cash

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