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Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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Your post is too extreme and hardcore for a lot to appreciate but I hope that Bioware takes it very seriously because the passion and accuracy is very valuable and displays why WoW is so successful.


I would like to add parts of your post to the OP if you could list me more specifically your Pro Gaming credentials, perhaps with further proof if comfortable...


Thank you for contributing


it's all yours pal

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This is the type of person who wants the spamfest style people. Think about it. None of you have figured out that if you stop mashing your buttons and pay attention everything works fine.


True, why should those great animations stop, just because you have pressed a button. The ability will start as soon as the animation is ready.


It's not that complicated, it may feel strange, but the flawless animation you will get is worth it, believe me.

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I would like to also reply and say this issue has been driving me nuts, I really appreciate the time you put in to the original post as it seems to sum up the issue nicely. Now hopefully on the official forums we will see some sort of official response.
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True, why should those great animations stop, just because you have pressed a button. The ability will start as soon as the animation is ready.


It's not that complicated, it may feel strange, but the flawless animation you will get is worth it, believe me.


Except, on my sorcerer, it's the other way around. Yes, the animation doesn't show it yet, but my force lightning is already doing damage. 2 seconds later it only shows up, only to go out again a second later.


I do full damage, but the animation is all borked out, because I used it as soon as something else finished casting.

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He could have started moving before the mount was even done casting. The person in this video doesn't understand what is going on at all. I certainly hope they do not use the faking system WoW uses where 2 people can CC each other etc and animations don't even play properly.


Try using timing instead of spamming keys guys. WoW throws accuracy out the window in favor of the illusion of responsiveness. That's why the visuals on the combat mean nothing.


He used timing, don't let your love of the game blind reality, that's the 1st step in hurting it...not helping it.

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If you want the noob friendly approach feel free to return to WoW.


ability delay is noob friendly. Having concise, perfect control of your character in any situation is what allowed you to do clutch things. In fact, it's what made 50% of the 160k I earned last year playing video games possible. Have you ever won any tournaments?


I just got Ruthless Gladiator in World of Warcraft and I haven't played since August. Please explain to me how having built in lag makes the game more challenging in a way that somehow also makes it more competitive?


If I wanted to play a game where my ability to react quickly didn't matter, I'd play Chess. Is that what you're saying? BioWare's, "next-gen MMO that will take subscribers from World of Warcraft" was really just Star Wars themed Chess?


Maybe that was in the Jedi Code somewhere while I was leveling.


There is no reaction time, only interface delay.


Ah, I guess you're right. Looks like me and ten million of my friends will keep the noob-friendly approach, then.

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If you want the noob friendly approach feel free to return to WoW.


You're the same guy from page 20, right?


Get out of the topic, please. You're trolling and adding nothing to the discussion.

You are either not aware enough to notice to problem, because you are bad, or do notice the problem, but do not care, because you are casual.


You have literally been giving everyone shtick like this since the topic got remade into this thread.


Please, I beg you.


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True, why should those great animations stop, just because you have pressed a button. The ability will start as soon as the animation is ready.


It's not that complicated, it may feel strange, but the flawless animation you will get is worth it, believe me.


Does anybody care about the animation after you see it the first couple times and go,"oh neat!"?


Personally, I'm too busy paying attention to important things like group health, positioning, skills that I may have interrupt, or cooldowns to care what fancy twirling animation I might be doing at the moment.

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This is the type of person who wants the spamfest style people. Think about it. None of you have figured out that if you stop mashing your buttons and pay attention everything works fine, other than specific attacks which do have some animation problems, but that is a different issue.


So its the player fault for spaming they button that the game is buged, L F M A O

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In case anyone didn’t see it, on reddit.com Stephen Reid, Senior Community Manager for SWTOR answered a few questions.


If you sort by ‘Best’ the first topic is a summary of the discussion, ability delay is the top item … but the whole string is pretty interesting to read.


Here is the direct link to the Ability Delay note …






Q: Ability Delay. Have you guys discussed this internally, and if so, is there an ETA for a fix on this issue?


A: Hey! It has been discussed internally, and we'll talk about it publicly soon. It's not a simple issue so we don't want to issue a quick, off-the-cuff response.


This is seriously garbage. This has been an issue since beta began.


How much longer do they need to figure out how to respond to these issues when players are bringing them up?


This has been a known issue for over a year, and beta testers constantly brought it up, and they ignored the issue and released the game with this crap in game.


This is starting to look like another snatch and grab the quick cash on game sales of a no where near done product like warhammer to me.


Coincidence that EA is running both?

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No people make mistakes, companies don't. They will never sell their costumer an unfinished or flawed product. Why would a company like EA or Bioware, a company with such a great reputation, destroying their reputation by releasing a flawed game.


Bioware would never risk their reputation just to sell a game. Else they would lose the trust of their customers and that would hurt them in future sales. So the game must good an the delay issue is not an issue, because they released the game.


You contradicts your self. Who runs companys well People and they do make mistakes. You are right in there intension is not to make a product with flaws.


But lets take a biiig company as Microsoft, with there Windows ME, even they have admitted that Me was flawed. That was not there intentions, but it was there.


And when you take a game like swtor and is saying there is no flaw well, I can say there is and there will be. It is an enourmus game. So it is only logiacly that there will be errors or flaws.


The game runs pritty smooth I will say for an MMO launch. But dont be folled to belive that it meens that there was no flaws, when they have already made there first bugfix.

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The responsiveness is an important factor of the game, but it is definitely not a game breaking thing like the OP is trying to paint it.


On the other hand I think it would be relatively easy to fix for BioWare if instead of using a single GCD they used a separate cooldown for each ability that would match the animation length. It would be so much better - and easier to balance as well. At the moment it is hard to accurately estimate DPS for each ability as they take different amounts of time to execute and we do not know the exact times.

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Does anybody care about the animation after you see it the first couple times and go,"oh neat!"?


Personally, I'm too busy paying attention to important things like group health, positioning, skills that I may have interrupt, or cooldowns to care what fancy twirling animation I might be doing at the moment.


But that was not the intention of this game. It's about story, voice and animation. The game looks great and they story is great and the animations are awesome.


It's a Bioware game, so they made a Bioware game. Bioware makes story driven game, Blizzard makes multiplayer games. So you are playing a Bioware game.

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But that was not the intention of this game. It's about story, voice and animation. The game looks great and they story is great and the animations are awesome.


It's a Bioware game, so they made a Bioware game. Bioware makes story driven game, Blizzard makes multiplayer games. So you are playing a Bioware game.


Story, voice, and animation aren't enough to warrant a subscription for a lot of people. Once you reach level cap, as great as the leveling experience was, something like this could kill the game for a lot of those who came expecting an MMO with some replay value.

Edited by ShooterX
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But that was not the intention of this game. It's about story, voice and animation. The game looks great and they story is great and the animations are awesome.


It's a Bioware game, so they made a Bioware game. Bioware makes story driven game, Blizzard makes multiplayer games. So you are playing a Bioware game.


What are you talking about? I love other bioware games, and when I press a button in this games, my character does what he is told.


Other bioware games are not unresponsive and laggy like swtor, stop trying to paint a picture that all bioware games have unresponsive controls like swtor

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The ability delay is seriously hindering. It makes playing a Trooper feel awful and I flat out gave up on that class because of it.


I mean, hell, Vindictus even has smoother combat than this and that game is f2p.


Playing trooper also. very annoying

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You are obtuse. I bring up EVE, "as a negative" because the game didn't make a lot of money and wasn't very successful in the long run. World of Warcraft did, and was. A company's goal is to make money, not make a cool game that a few weird foreigners like to play. They said it was a next-gen MMO. It turned out to be World of Warcraft 6 years ago without any decent coding at all whatsoever. If there are people out there that like playing a game where lagging is the default, have a great time I guess.


Now we are in a wierd place cuz we need to figure out what success is, if your making money or not could be it.


Does WoW bring in more money then EVE certaintly, I will not disagree with that. But then try it this way does EVE bring in more money then I do or you. Yes they do, do they bring in an OK amount of money well in my opinion yes.


But again it is a perspective what Success and OK is :)


The money they are making is in my opinion though lover then WoW... Success.

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I bring up EVE, "as a negative" because the game didn't make a lot of money and wasn't very successful in the long run.


Of course this is completely wrong. Eve made a ton of money and lasted nearly a decade, a success by any measure. But most of your posts are completely devoid of facts so why stop now.

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