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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

level 36 cxp zero set items =/


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This sucks. i have several 70s as I wanted to try many classes out. I have decided to main my assassin and although several of my other toons have received a set piece or 2 before hitting level 20 this guy is at 36 and nothing! My mara got a set piece on like his first or second chest lol. Anyways it's disappointing.
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Keep your armorings with set bonus from previous expansions, change your mods/enhancements/augments with purple 228s which are easy to craft then you are really close to a 230 item with set bonus from command crates.


As for my main, rank 44 : one item with set bonus and a few useless crafting schematics

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I got my first at 41. I have pretty much moved on from the game already. Getting a full set of gear isn't even that important to me, it's just that there is nothing interesting left to do here. I didn't like the nature of the last expansion, but it wasn't as bad as the current one. There is absolutely no way I am going to pay to grind old content.
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On my main I'm rank 46 with 2 set pieces.


On my alt I'm rank 25 with no set pieces or any 230 gear (all drops have been green 228s).


Thinking of just taking my alt, slitting their throat, scalping them and hanging them from a tree to try and entice Khem to come back.

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well now level 37 without a set item lol.

well, if it's any help, i got my first and only set piece at box #44. and promptly realized that i didn't even have a choice on which spec i wanted the SB for x.x like... seriously.... looks like it's for hte spec you are currently in..... unless of course they even made that part random:eek::eek::eek:

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well, if it's any help, i got my first and only set piece at box #44. and promptly realized that i didn't even have a choice on which spec i wanted the SB for x.x like... seriously.... looks like it's for hte spec you are currently in..... unless of course they even made that part random:eek::eek::eek:


They already explained this in one of the livestreams actually. It is indeed for the spec you are in. So if you need it to be for another spec, change the spec, then open the gearbox. It goes by the spec you're in when opening the gearbox, not when you receive the gearbox.

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