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Difficult choices (Chapter VIII Spoilers).


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It had to be between Vette and Torian, did it? Not Aric or Gault or any other of the companions nobody cares about.


I congratulate Bioware on finally adding meaningful choices (or choices that "matter" as it's been called before), but I'm also sad to have to lose one over the other, as these two companions are amongst my favourites across all eight classes.


Oh well.


Who did you choose to save? I went with Torian. If I ever bring another character through these chapters, I'll likely choose Vette just to see the outcome.

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Who did you choose to save? I went with Torian. If I ever bring another character through these chapters, I'll likely choose Vette just to see the outcome.


I chose Vette, and for one reason: The chapter of KOTFE where you fight with the Mandolorians, he fires knowing there is a group still in the area about to be pummeled, and when you ask he says "we are Mandolarians, there is no decision." So, for the way my mind works, knowing how a Mando would feel about it, it would almost be an insult to him to rescue him instead of Vette. Just the way I look at it. :)

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I chose Vette, and for one reason: The chapter of KOTFE where you fight with the Mandolorians, he fires knowing there is a group still in the area about to be pummeled, and when you ask he says "we are Mandolarians, there is no decision." So, for the way my mind works, knowing how a Mando would feel about it, it would almost be an insult to him to rescue him instead of Vette. Just the way I look at it. :)


Pretty much my thoughts as well.


Plus, Vette is just awesome. Sadly she's probably going to be written out of the story from here on out :(

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Personal preferences aside, the most logical choice is to rescue Vette.


Vette is a rogue who can pull her weight in a fight, but isn't a warrior. Torian was fully trained in the arts of battle and prepared to die if necessary. So he was the most capable person to hold his position for a longer time while waiting for backup.

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Saved Vette on my 1st play through. For the same reasons some of the others mentioned before. Torian being a Mando I would think it's they way they want to go out. It ended up an execution rather than a glorious death in battle, which would have been a great dishonor to a Mando. So that did sting a little.


Due to Mando's being warrior's I guess I will save Vette on most future play throughs as well, except for my one BH that has romanced Torian.

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I saved Vette.

Torian is a Mandalorian they fight and die for glory and honour.

Torian will probably die on all my characters except my BH who married him.

I also happen to like Vette more than Torian, she's sassy and funny where Torian is a bit boring for my liking, I don't like Mandalorians that much either.

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Torian is a mandalorian soldier, he was bred to fight and die fighting. Not saying the right choice should be obvious, but the right choice should be obvious. Vette is practically a civillian caught in the middle of this thing.


I chose to save Vette on my Consular and Torian on my Inquisitor. Torian is prepared to die like a warrior when you choose Vette, but Vette is scared ******** when you choose Torian over her. I could never leave her on my Consular. Whether you agree or not, the game clearly implies that saving Vette is the undeclared light side option.

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I've saved both on different alts and I felt sick watching Torian die.

Jedi knight saved Torian. *cough* I spent 2 mil leveling him and picked him as her companion a lot so they'd been through a lot. Whereas level 3 Vette....no.she honestly tried to save both.


LS SI - my Sith saved the civilian who was once a slave like her and promised to buy her that droid tank on Iokath. Lol


IA- my agent saved Torian because of his combat skills. She's practical. But she still thought she'd save both.


When my SW plays she will save Vette. Hands down.


Funny story you know how Vette says imma haunt you when I die? After she died on my Jedi I logged in to Vette's face taking up my whole screen. Someone was standing near me at the mailbox with Vette :p

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Torian is a mandalorian soldier, he was bred to fight and die fighting. Not saying the right choice should be obvious, but the right choice should be obvious. Vette is practically a civillian caught in the middle of this thing.


I chose to save Vette on my Consular and Torian on my Inquisitor. Torian is prepared to die like a warrior when you choose Vette, but Vette is scared ******** when you choose Torian over her. I could never leave her on my Consular. Whether you agree or not, the game clearly implies that saving Vette is the undeclared light side option.


The lines of morality are incredibly blurred... part of me thinks your just trying to justify Torian dying a bit too much. I mean, he IS the stronger of the choice. he has fought and trained for fighting his whole life, but he's still human and a sentient being with feelings. That first sentence reminds me of the clones in The Clone Wars... many people look down upon them sadly, but they still feel fear, hate, anger, and know betrayal, just because there willing to die, doesn't mean they should. In fact Vette even tries to throw Torian under the bus asking for his death, while playing the little innocent ol me card. It's neither a light side or dark sided choice between the two, your saving someone, while at the same time letting someone fend for themselves.

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The lines of morality are incredibly blurred... part of me thinks your just trying to justify Torian dying a bit too much. I mean, he IS the stronger of the choice. he has fought and trained for fighting his whole life, but he's still human and a sentient being with feelings. That first sentence reminds me of the clones in The Clone Wars... many people look down upon them sadly, but they still feel fear, hate, anger, and know betrayal, just because there willing to die, doesn't mean they should. In fact Vette even tries to throw Torian under the bus asking for his death, while playing the little innocent ol me card. It's neither a light side or dark sided choice between the two, your saving someone, while at the same time letting someone fend for themselves.


This! And at the end if the day Vette will criticise you and Torian will accept with disappointment. Torian is still a kid and it show's. He will confess that he didn't want to die. Post death Torian's message is by far the best. He dedicates himself to you and every day he will honor Vette in his life.

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The lines of morality are incredibly blurred... part of me thinks your just trying to justify Torian dying a bit too much. I mean, he IS the stronger of the choice. he has fought and trained for fighting his whole life, but he's still human and a sentient being with feelings. That first sentence reminds me of the clones in The Clone Wars... many people look down upon them sadly, but they still feel fear, hate, anger, and know betrayal, just because there willing to die, doesn't mean they should. In fact Vette even tries to throw Torian under the bus asking for his death, while playing the little innocent ol me card. It's neither a light side or dark sided choice between the two, your saving someone, while at the same time letting someone fend for themselves.


On the contrary, I still feel bad about leaving Vette behind on my Inquisitor. It just didn't feel right under any circumstance, which is why I did it. On my Inquisitor, I'm always extremely ruthless. I very rarely feel guilty about a decision I make with her. Leaving Vette behind was one of those rare decisions. It COULD just be Vette's helpless-sounding voice when you choose Torian. Or it could be the fact that my inquisitor is pure evil and practically called Vette worthless as she sacrificed her life. But again, there's no way I could've consciously made the decision to leave Vette on my Consular. Torian is a hardened soldier; Vette is a civillian that was in way over her head to begin with.

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Torian is a hardened soldier; Vette is a civillian that was in way over her head to begin with.


Vette is a capable criminal that can take care of herself, she, much like Torian, are both in over there head albeit her a little more. She wasn't drafted and came for her own free will to be a hero or something like that, and you have to remember Torian is only in his early to mid twenties, while he don't fray from fighting and his far above a average mandalorians, he still lacks experience.

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The lines of morality are incredibly blurred... part of me thinks your just trying to justify Torian dying a bit too much. I mean, he IS the stronger of the choice. he has fought and trained for fighting his whole life, but he's still human and a sentient being with feelings. That first sentence reminds me of the clones in The Clone Wars... many people look down upon them sadly, but they still feel fear, hate, anger, and know betrayal, just because there willing to die, doesn't mean they should. In fact Vette even tries to throw Torian under the bus asking for his death, while playing the little innocent ol me card. It's neither a light side or dark sided choice between the two, your saving someone, while at the same time letting someone fend for themselves.


It just seems like people did not play the Warrior class.


Vette not only trained for years with the Wrath, she was a pirate (trained by one of the galaxy's best pirates), an assassin, a thief, and yes, a warrior.


She was no civilian. She just wasn't a die hard warrior like Torian was and yes, was a slave for a period of her life. She didn't have that "best to die in battle" mentality that a Mando does.

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The lines of morality are incredibly blurred... part of me thinks your just trying to justify Torian dying a bit too much. I mean, he IS the stronger of the choice. he has fought and trained for fighting his whole life, but he's still human and a sentient being with feelings. That first sentence reminds me of the clones in The Clone Wars... many people look down upon them sadly, but they still feel fear, hate, anger, and know betrayal, just because there willing to die, doesn't mean they should. In fact Vette even tries to throw Torian under the bus asking for his death, while playing the little innocent ol me card. It's neither a light side or dark sided choice between the two, your saving someone, while at the same time letting someone fend for themselves.



I'm sad that in my story, Vette died, but I have no regrets saving Torian. :)

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My knight will Honor Torian for as long as he lives i like many choose vette simply because he is Mando and is willing to fight to the death.

Visla's message was further proof of it she syas he and his clan will be remembered as true mandlorian's or something along that line.

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Honestly, it should've been a choice between Lana & Theron to maximize the impact, as they've been attached to everybody since Shadow of Revan and are the closest to being universal companions. Vette & Torian only really matter if you played through the Sith Warrior and/or Bounty Hunter story and actually got to know them well. Otherwise, it was just two random companions you didn't have much emotional connection to. Might as well have been between Rusk or Pierce.


I saved Vette, because she's sassy and amusing. Torian's pretty bland.

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In my KOTET Sith Warrior playthrough, I saved Torian instead.


Why? Because I'm not under the obligation to save Vette's life because she's a damsel in distress and the other is a boy who happened to have self-sacrifice tendencies. Vette is brave enough to destroy the artillery without backup when I explicitly told her to stay out of the front lines and suddenly its my fault that she's mad about how I don't prioritize saving her and that she's captured and EVERYONE try to guilt me about how I should let Torian die... nope


Again, this is the Wrath. Vette is her first companion. She freed her from slavery, she reunited her with her sister and in turn both of them became real sisters in spirit (which is more real than what JK has with Twi'lek Liara on Tython). Its not difficult for me to sacrifice her because it make perfect narrative sense for this to happen. Vaylin treated people like they're breakable toys and she loved it because she didn't have empathy, she wanted to inflict the greatest amount of pain on her enemy and killing Torian doesn't have that much impact as it did with Vette. And Wrath herself have visions of her companions dying since SOR and in Chapter 2 with Valkorion. She can't save everyone.


Besides, he is the Chieftain of Clan Cadera and is a great war asset. I rather keep the Mandalorians where I can see them.

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I choose Torian.


Torian is human so it was an easy choice for me. My main character has always been xenophobic and that will never change. As a side note, I laughed pretty hard when my character told Aygo that he doesnt like Bothans.


Plus alien or not I found Vette annoying.

Edited by Radzkie
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It had to be between Vette and Torian, did it? Not Aric or Gault or any other of the companions nobody cares about.


Speak for yourself there, buddy. I like Aric better than any of those others. Though I do think that if you still have Aric and Kaliyo at that point, you should have been given the option between the 4 of them. That way I could have sacrificed Kaliyo and saved Vette and Torian both.


For the reasons others have stated, I think I'll likely save Vette most of the time. The exception would be on my female BH, and maybe others. In addition to the practical reasons others have given, there's the fact that most of my male characters would save Vette because of a certain chivalrous "save the women and children first" streak, or in the case of the sleezy dark side males, save Vette because they like having as many pretty women around them as possible and consider Torian a threat. So, good motives or bad, most of my males would save Vette just because she's a woman. My female characters would have more complex reasoning than that, but in the end they'll probably mostly save Vette as well. My current character, the first I'm taking through the story, will save Vette simply because she finds Vette amusing and thinks the Mandalorian honor stuff is a bunch of nonsense. And because of what others have pointed out, Torian's reaction to killing the Mandos on that planet. My character remembered that. Torian'schoices matter, too. ;-)

Edited by MollyDresden
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I choose Torian.


Torian is human so it was an easy choice for me. My main character has always been xenophobic and that will never change.


Ha, I wish there were more purebloods in the game, because I have one pureblood sith who's super duper racist and thinks anyone not pureblood sith is dirt. (Yes, I use racist instead of xenophobic because A- she's not afraid of them, which is what phobia means, she hates them and thinks they're scum, and B- race is the accurate word in this case, e.g. the human race.) She makes a slight exception for humans, simply because they're everywhere and it would be hard to get people to take her seriously if she didn't at least acknowledge that they're not quite as disgusting as other aliens.

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  • 1 year later...

I guess I took it differently.

1. My trooper didn't see Vette as 'almost a civilian'. At this point, he's fought alongside doctors, researchers, all kinds of people who aren't soldiers, and treated them as comrades in arms. Heck, he's probably fought alongside Vette (and had his butt saved by Vette) more often than Torian, officially.

2. If you choose either one, you lose that one. Neither is his romantic interest, he considers both somewhat friends, so that's even.

3. If Torian dies, not just that I lose Torian, but the Mandos do. He's being touted as the younger generation that may lead the Mandos to a new way. If his death embodied this 'new way', maybe it'd be valuable, but, while not contrary to his new way, it's pretty classic Mando thinking. They could well honor him, and still act the way they always did. I don't expect them to ditch because Torian died, but I want Torian around to make sure they stay on task, don't start random fights with each other, to live and embody that 'new way', and lead them to a better evolution of their culture.


So, my trooper, somewhat a man of ideals (not idealistic, he can be very pragmatic, but thinking long view) picked Torian.

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