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(Thank you thread) IF everyone is unsubbing, then why...


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Does he get his face fixed or something? Because to consider him hot in his default state, you must have serious fetish for machines :rak_09:


It's not fixed, his scars just show. There's nothing better than a battle hardened combat veteran. His scars make him all the more hot.


It just screams, I've been through a lot!:rak_03:


Totally into machines though, not gonna lie.

Edited by Eshvara
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I'm still considering if I'll stay subbed after december. So far I'm enjoying the story (I'm at chapter 7), but after that I'm not quite sure what will hold me over. I'll give a go at uprisings + veteran mode story, but I'm planning to do veteran story once and that won't hold me over either for more than 2 weeks or so.

If uprisings are the same unbalanced pos for 4 dps groups as tacticals after 4.0 I'm almost quite sure I won't renew my sub until they create some fun non frustrating group content. But.. I still have to try them and I don't wanna judge before that. :)

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I'm enjoying the game, but I'm unsubbing too because, I've already finished all 9 chapters. :p


Unsubbing isn't necessarily an indication that people are "angry" at the game, it is a natural consequence of a F2P game. People sub for the 9 new chapters, then once they're done, they unsub. And once there is a new reason to sub, they will do so.


I do want a frank conversation with the devs, because, I want to remain subbed. But you need to give me more online RPG grinding to keep me subbed.


Do the devs want people to stay subbed until the next expansion?

Or are they perfectly fine that people sub just for the story, then wish us well and see us again till the next expansion?

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I'm still considering if I'll stay subbed after december. So far I'm enjoying the story (I'm at chapter 7), but after that I'm not quite sure what will hold me over. I'll give a go at uprisings + veteran mode story, but I'm planning to do veteran story once and that won't hold me over either for more than 2 weeks or so.


Yeah you can only do the 25 chapters for so long before you are done.


We may need Master mode for the chapters. But for Master mode, add in more bonus objectives to keep us playing.

Edited by ConradLionhart
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....am I seeing two instances of the Fleet, Dromund Kaas or you name the planet on The Ebon Hawk.


It seems like everyone is playing the game while a very small albeit extremely vocal minority is 'unsubbing" because they can't be equipped BIS FIVE DAYS after the release of an expansion. Watch them whine and threaten yet again in two months when the next group content is released....:rolleyes:


I am telling you, the players nowadays...


I personally am enjoying the crates, already got one set piece after 12 crates, not too bad when prior to 5.0, I would have never gotten such armor, because I don't have the time to invest in guild raiding.


This update is great for us casuals, the story is really good, way better than KOFTE and I even surprised myself pvping!


Great job guys, thanks for the update!


There is a strong possibility there are a lot of people unsubbing. The month of release is not a good judge on whether it is happening or not as many people come back, sub for a month to get the story, and then are gone again. BW needs the long term subs, not the short term story walkers.


That being said, the fact their is a livestream tomorrow is a good indicator something is not right in SWTOR land. BW only responds live when they are either marketing an expansion or has serious problems with the sub base. If you remember back at launch, when a small vocal minority were unsubbing shortly after, BW ran a guild summit to try and convince players to stay. Instead, 75% of subs left and the game quickly went F2P.


If this was a minority, BW would not be holding a LS a week after launch. So I would bet that there probably are quite a few pulling the plug at the moment and BW needs to convince them they are going to fix things soon (before subs run out) or they are going to lose quite a few players.

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....am I seeing two instances of the Fleet, Dromund Kaas or you name the planet on The Ebon Hawk.


It seems like everyone is playing the game while a very small albeit extremely vocal minority is 'unsubbing" because they can't be equipped BIS FIVE DAYS after the release of an expansion. Watch them whine and threaten yet again in two months when the next group content is released....:rolleyes:


I am telling you, the players nowadays...


I personally am enjoying the crates, already got one set piece after 12 crates, not too bad when prior to 5.0, I would have never gotten such armor, because I don't have the time to invest in guild raiding.


This update is great for us casuals, the story is really good, way better than KOFTE and I even surprised myself pvping!


Great job guys, thanks for the update!

I am still playing while my sub is active, after it expires i'll go play another game.

Come back in 20 days.. fleet will be empty..


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....am I seeing two instances of the Fleet, Dromund Kaas or you name the planet on The Ebon Hawk.


It seems like everyone is playing the game while a very small albeit extremely vocal minority is 'unsubbing" because they can't be equipped BIS FIVE DAYS after the release of an expansion. Watch them whine and threaten yet again in two months when the next group content is released....:rolleyes:


I am telling you, the players nowadays...


I personally am enjoying the crates, already got one set piece after 12 crates, not too bad when prior to 5.0, I would have never gotten such armor, because I don't have the time to invest in guild raiding.


This update is great for us casuals, the story is really good, way better than KOFTE and I even surprised myself pvping!


Great job guys, thanks for the update!


Propaganda IMO.


True praise does not require targets of opportunity. This is more of a counter to negativity than it is true praise, and therefore lacks credibility IMO.


I would like to hear praise from the folks that do not find it necessary to deride others to do so. I am sure there are plenty of folks that are happy with the state of the game and the current systems in place, and would love to hear from them.


I expect the OP is not one of those people.

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....am I seeing two instances of the Fleet, Dromund Kaas or you name the planet on The Ebon Hawk.


It seems like everyone is playing the game while a very small albeit extremely vocal minority is 'unsubbing" because they can't be equipped BIS FIVE DAYS after the release of an expansion. Watch them whine and threaten yet again in two months when the next group content is released....:rolleyes:


I am telling you, the players nowadays...


I personally am enjoying the crates, already got one set piece after 12 crates, not too bad when prior to 5.0, I would have never gotten such armor, because I don't have the time to invest in guild raiding.


This update is great for us casuals, the story is really good, way better than KOFTE and I even surprised myself pvping!


Great job guys, thanks for the update!


You do realize people can still log into this game after unsubscribing, right? That people can be F2P or Preferred? That people can unsub today, and still have paid time left (since all sub time is paid for in advance) to go in game and do things subscribers have access to before their sub runs out?


No? You don't? You're just a white knight who has no need for facts or logic? Got it. :)


Trust me, casuals will not have it better off in the long run. Not when all the people willing to carry them through ops and show them the ropes of strategy and class rotations are gone.

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....am I seeing two instances of the Fleet, Dromund Kaas or you name the planet on The Ebon Hawk.


It seems like everyone is playing the game while a very small albeit extremely vocal minority is 'unsubbing" because they can't be equipped BIS FIVE DAYS after the release of an expansion. Watch them whine and threaten yet again in two months when the next group content is released....:rolleyes:


I am telling you, the players nowadays...


I personally am enjoying the crates, already got one set piece after 12 crates, not too bad when prior to 5.0, I would have never gotten such armor, because I don't have the time to invest in guild raiding.


This update is great for us casuals, the story is really good, way better than KOFTE and I even surprised myself pvping!


Great job guys, thanks for the update!


Man, it's only because something new appeared (kotet) after 2-3 month come here and try to write the same thread... You won't be able to do so because servers will be empty like it was 2-3 weeks ago along with previous months before kotet arrived

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That being said, the fact their is a livestream tomorrow is a good indicator something is not right in SWTOR land. BW only responds live when they are either marketing an expansion or has serious problems with the sub base...


If this was a minority, BW would not be holding a LS a week after launch. So I would bet that there probably are quite a few pulling the plug at the moment and BW needs to convince them they are going to fix things soon (before subs run out) or they are going to lose quite a few players.


Quote for truth. They didn't plan on having any sort of Live Stream until January when they, "May possibly, hopefully tell you guys something about maybe involving Group Content 'Soon™'. Here's some ugly armor you can get if you remain subbed! Hope you like buttcapes!" The fact that they're doing one on such a short notice (around the time they go on holiday break no less) means all is not well in Bioware Austin Land.

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Quote for truth. They didn't plan on having any sort of Live Stream until January when they, "May possibly, hopefully tell you guys something about maybe involving Group Content 'Soon™'. Here's some ugly armor you can get if you remain subbed! Hope you like buttcapes!" The fact that they're doing one on such a short notice (around the time they go on holiday break no less) means all is not well in Bioware Austin Land.


Yep. It's a sure sign they're scrambling to perform damage control. Sadly, their version of damage control always seems to be "talk about how awesome our new content is and hope that old propaganda standby about repeating a lie enough times to make people think it's the truth works out for us, then tossing in a few empty vaguely worded not-promises that great new things are coming soon, we swear!".


I assure you, EAWare bean counters... that act is not going to work this time. I'm holding off on unsubbing myself untill tomorrow, to give you a chance to fix things. Marketing blurbs instead of addressing problems and fixing them will make me push that button to remove my billing information for good.

Edited by AscendingSky
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I personally am enjoying the crates, already got one set piece after 12 crates, not too bad when prior to 5.0, I would have never gotten such armor, because I don't have the time to invest in guild raiding.



Now that you say that, would you like every achievement unlocked because you don't have time to invest in unlocking them? :rolleyes:

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People like you, you know Story Mode hero's. Ruined this game. with you "I can't raid so why do they get to have gear and I don't" mentality.

It's pathetic.


@keitzy: Hold on there, I am one of Story players that also dislikes what is happening to the fellow players who want to gear. I also dislike RNG like "raid players" do, and there are no special rewards for story players like there use to be for raiders. Raid players are not the only ones that expected far more from 5.0, but they are the ones who are most hurt by this, and I don't want to be blamed for it, BioWare does not know what to do with game, blame them. I want story good that KOTOR had. Did not get half of that. And they still did not fix their missions on planets, for years. You are wrong if you think that only raiders are hurt with 5.0, and that this is what we, or at least me, a "Story Hero" wanted from the game and for fellow players. I never said raiders ruined the game when raid content was added. I was happy to know that this game could offer satisfaction to many more people than just what I seek in game. Don't turn this into story players vs raid players, let's not turn on each other, this is exactly what EA wants! Game is in difficult spot right now, and only together we may make difference, if BioWare starts to listen.


....am I seeing two instances of the Fleet, Dromund Kaas or you name the planet on The Ebon Hawk.


It seems like everyone is playing the game while a very small albeit extremely vocal minority is 'unsubbing" because they can't be equipped BIS FIVE DAYS after the release of an expansion. Watch them whine and threaten yet again in two months when the next group content is released....:rolleyes:


I am telling you, the players nowadays...


I personally am enjoying the crates, already got one set piece after 12 crates, not too bad when prior to 5.0, I would have never gotten such armor, because I don't have the time to invest in guild raiding.


This update is great for us casuals, the story is really good, way better than KOFTE and I even surprised myself pvping!


Great job guys, thanks for the update!


@Yyrmega: You can only see more than one instance on fleet/planet literally on 3 servers out of 17 online servers at peek hours, and you post that statement on a week that expansion has been released. All 17 servers, should be marked with standard or heavy population to make your point as first, and as second, there is not even 50% of that during the month that expansion gone live. That should tell you enough. As third, if everyone is unsubbing, that does not mean they do not play game, they just don't pay for RNG. The only reason they keep it is because right now it makes profit. But in history of mmo, Swtor was the fastest game to fall from only subscription to +f2p while the content was still new. From that history in now repeating old content we can learn that this version of RNG will not last long, and will become forgiving over time or even removed, once it stops making profit, may as well become available to preferred with a reduced speed rate (like GSF), as they said they will reconsider in future. And KOTET story is only better than KOTFE story because it is impossible not to be.

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2) You manage to put, in the very same post, that my point about game population is moot while saying that the game has lost 80% of its population. Really? Did you even reread your post before pressing the reply button? Giving numbers without any proof does not make the numbers accurate. that is, in itself, trolling as well.


3) RNG is RNG. 17 crates doesn't allow you to extrapolate either. Yet you do so. All we've been hearing on these fora is how rng is screwing them...after 17 crates. really? Were you BIS in the amount of time it took you to get to rank lvl 17? I HARDLY THINK SO.


4) I never said that people investing less time in the game should be rewarded the same. Actually, if you are investing a lot of time in the game, you WILL get more CXP and therefore more crates. But I feel like I am losing time making sense here. It's so much easier to whine and cry than to actually think about it and MAKE SENSE.


He was talking about an 80% loss of population since launch not since the 5.0 launch. If you look at the amount of ppl in the game since the xpac has come out it is unimpressive compared to past xpacs and is steadily falling.


Do you know how long it takes to get 17 crates? I think I've grinded for 6 or 7 levels and it's not fun IMO. I'd rather spend my valuable time doing something strategic like an OPS, have a good chance of getting a gear token, plus get comms toward more gear that is guaranteed, and be able to choose that piece of gear that I need to upgrade vs mindless grinding for CXP, which they even nerfed the golds to 1cxp from 10 making it that much harder. It's not that I want things fast and easy. I was willing to work for my gear, but there is a difference in say doing a job you enjoy and being rewarded appropriately and doing a job you hate and getting crap tossed at you at the end of the day. If you watch the video of the dev opening command crates at lvl 96ish, he still only got green gear. And we have 300 lvls to grind thru. Which I hear the bar just stops but you still earn crates. So if in 17 crates, no set bonus gear is dropped, how much better do you think it's going to get from then on, And you need how many pieces? Oh and we have no new content to do to earn cxp other than Uprisings (which are fun) and the story, which doesn't earn much, so then we have to go rinse and repeat old FPs and Heroics and planet story arcs. I mean it just gets old. And that says nothing of gearing alts. Think about how much time you'd have to spend to get all those toons created for DvL, that can no longer earn achievements for DvL....


You shouldn't have to spend hundreds if not thousands of hours exploring old content to get ok gear so that you can get to where you were so you can do HM/NiM OPS, which you cannot do for better gear other than CXP. I am typically a person that just plays the game and doesn't post on forums, but this crap is frustrating.


And the fact that you said you play raids and ops might just explain why you just don't get it.

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Except that you have absolutely no idea how geared people are. Do you have any piece of statistics that proves your point? No, you are basing your disagreement on a bunch of very vocal entitled kids who spend more time here than in game.

When and if the devs release hard data on how rng is treating the whole community (and not just 5-6 angry posters) over a larger period of time than FIVE FREAKING DAYS, I have to right to disagree with the negativity seen here.


Just look at the tone of the people answering my posts. It's full of hate and insults.


I just got on the forum today, 10 days after early release. My information on who is getting what gear comes from talking to guildies and others in game and from people sharing what they've gotten in general chat. I have one guildie that has gotten 2 set bonus items in the @ 20 levels but that was extremely lucky. Most others have not gotten any. I talk to my guildies and query them as to their experience, so the info is a good test of mosts experience and does not come from mostly angry forum posters. I am upset, I feel jipped, ripped off. I feel like someone took something that worked perfectly fine and then made it extremely dumb.


I am a 40 year old mother of 4, disabled veteran and not a kid. I am used to life being disappointing but then this isn't life, it;s a game. It's supposed to be fun and provide a benefit to the ppl who play. Why else play the game and spend hard earned money on it?


You wanted to "thank" the devs for 5.0? You should've sent them a ticket as they pay no attention to these forums, but I think you know that. I think you wanted to thumb your nose at the people who are angry with the changes otherwise why the post, and why do you keep responding? I honestly am disappointed and unnerved by the changes, but I wasn't an angry forum poster until I read your post and replies. It just screams ignorance. Out of all ppl I have talked to, and conversations I have read n chat, about 1 in 200 are happy with the expansion, 1 doesn't care and the rest are highly disappointed. So these 5 angry kids you say are a minority on the forums, not so much.


There are always unhappy people after xpacs drop, but the level of unhappiness with this one is unprecedented.

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I just got on the forum today, 10 days after early release. My information on who is getting what gear comes from talking to guildies and others in game and from people sharing what they've gotten in general chat. I have one guildie that has gotten 2 set bonus items in the @ 20 levels but that was extremely lucky. Most others have not gotten any. I talk to my guildies and query them as to their experience, so the info is a good test of mosts experience and does not come from mostly angry forum posters. I am upset, I feel jipped, ripped off. I feel like someone took something that worked perfectly fine and then made it extremely dumb.


I am a 40 year old mother of 4, disabled veteran and not a kid. I am used to life being disappointing but then this isn't life, it;s a game. It's supposed to be fun and provide a benefit to the ppl who play. Why else play the game and spend hard earned money on it?


You wanted to "thank" the devs for 5.0? You should've sent them a ticket as they pay no attention to these forums, but I think you know that. I think you wanted to thumb your nose at the people who are angry with the changes otherwise why the post, and why do you keep responding? I honestly am disappointed and unnerved by the changes, but I wasn't an angry forum poster until I read your post and replies. It just screams ignorance. Out of all ppl I have talked to, and conversations I have read n chat, about 1 in 200 are happy with the expansion, 1 doesn't care and the rest are highly disappointed. So these 5 angry kids you say are a minority on the forums, not so much.


There are always unhappy people after xpacs drop, but the level of unhappiness with this one is unprecedented.


He's a story mode ape... he doesn't understand people talk in mmos and or their is a social aspect to these games. Apes will be apes.


TY for your service btw regardless of what country you are from.


(Assuming EU/US but can never be sure)

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Disagree. It's the elitism of hardcore people that's killing the game.


There is a huge difference between raiders, hard core raiders and elitists. We have people in my guild that are hard core raiders, ppl that would raid every day if they could, which it's kind of impossible to now. Elitists are not welcomed and are kicked from guild. Your statement is flawed.

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Ever notice how all the unsubs threads get moved to off topic but the white knight monkey threads that praise these stupid devs never get moved....:rak_03: is your ego hurting ben?


Yep. Probably sitting on the floor like a toddler, fingers in his ears going La-la-la-I-can't-hear-you. It's quite a mature and professional way to handle customer complaints, I'm sure.

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People should never generalize. That makes them lose all credibility in the discussion.


To OP:

You keep saying about vocal minority. You should know, more than 90% of dissatisfied customers quietly leave and you never get to know why. The ones that DO complain are the ones that want to stay and are trying to get your attention. This is standard throughout most of the businesses worldwide.

When posters here tell you that their guilds quietly fell apart, they are probably right. In all of my 3 previous guilds, people came online, said something like "this is bad" or "i didn't like the new class changes" and simply never logged back in. No tantrums, no shouting, simply stopped playing.

More over, you keep saying the update is great for us casuals. Meaning you represent all of them or you ran a poll?

Look around the forums, there are casuals / story people that hate this expansion/grind and simply don't have the time to go through the RNGrind. You =/= everyone.

My playtime up until 5.0 was ~10 hours. 2 raid nights a week for ~3 hours and 3-4 hours mostly posting stuff to GTN and collecting. Primarily over the weekend. If you play more than 10 hours a week, it means i am more casual than you. So to my eyes, you are hardcore player and for sure you don't represent me.

Edited by Alloou
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It's not fixed, his scars just show. There's nothing better than a battle hardened combat veteran. His scars make him all the more hot.


It just screams, I've been through a lot!:rak_03:


Totally into machines though, not gonna lie.


OT: I do agree with the above statements about Arcann... his voice just does it, and he is a bad boy dick, so plus.

Further request, have romance companions become right clickable like the alliance ppl you turn crates in to, for more options, kissing canoodling, cut scenes. Kinda boring when you can't progress further after the hook-up is complete.

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