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(Thank you thread) IF everyone is unsubbing, then why...


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....am I seeing two instances of the Fleet, Dromund Kaas or you name the planet on The Ebon Hawk.


I don't think that two instances is an indicator of good health one week after a major update. I would have expected a lot more.

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He's a story mode ape... he doesn't understand people talk in mmos and or their is a social aspect to these games. Apes will be apes.


TY for your service btw regardless of what country you are from.


(Assuming EU/US but can never be sure)


LOL so I've gathered.

Thanks for your thanks! US Army.

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You missed the WHOLE point of the thread.


What was it? All I've seen is you refute any claims contrary to your own without any evidence to support you claims.


Meh, I'm a casual player. My sub is cancelled, what do I know? If you like the new system and 5.0, you should get back in game instead of bleating on the forums that are full of doom and gloom, and continue to enjoy the game right?


I do recall fleet having 3-4 instances with SoR, Rishi with 20+ instances, Ziost with 20+ instances...... over a week after launch. So only having 2 instances within a week seems like a decline. But hey, I'm a casual, what do I know? Because you don't come across as a casual player.

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I don't think that two instances is an indicator of good health one week after a major update. I would have expected a lot more.


I'm on Ebon Hawk... two instances of Imperial fleet is actually a bit light. The most I've seen on Vaiken regularly in the past year is 3 instances, which it will hit during prime time on the weekends. So basically they're saying the expansion did absolutely zero to help the Ebon Hawk server population. Which is absolutely true. I haven't noticed any larger amount of players on Republic side either.

Edited by AscendingSky
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The thing I have been wondering about also was, people tend to say so-and-so-many instances of DK and the Fleet, or rather, so-and-so many people there. Don't people in private and guild SHs count towards the population of DK,NS, etc, just as being on a guild ship counts as fleet location?


What I'm trying to say is, I would be careful to assume that all the people that are counted on the Fleet or the homestead planets actually are up and about doing quests, as opposed to sitting "at home" crewskilling or whatever.


I also noticed that lately, guild windows sometimes simply show outdated information. Mine yesterday showed people online and in specific locations that I knew beyond any doubt were not even logged in.

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OT: I do agree with the above statements about Arcann... his voice just does it, and he is a bad boy dick, so plus.

Further request, have romance companions become right clickable like the alliance ppl you turn crates in to, for more options, kissing canoodling, cut scenes. Kinda boring when you can't progress further after the hook-up is complete.

Haven't heard the term bad boy dick before but hey, I support anyone who supports Arcann romance.:rak_03:

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People have been trying to strong arm their way around for years, each time claiming their leaving. They never do, just check the post history of the gang. Hint: It's nothing but rants and tangents. Honestly, this community would be better off if some of the toxic "subs" were to actually follow through and cancel their accounts but I'm not holding my breath.
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People have been trying to strong arm their way around for years, each time claiming their leaving. They never do, just check the post history of the gang. Hint: It's nothing but rants and tangents. Honestly, this community would be better off if some of the toxic "subs" were to actually follow through and cancel their accounts but I'm not holding my breath.


Yes, the game would be SO much better if all those people who dared to have a different opinion from you and the other obsessive white knights left the game, and then the servers all got shut down because the population dropped below profitability levels for EAWare. That would just be AWESOME! /sarcasm

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People have been trying to strong arm their way around for years, each time claiming their leaving. They never do, just check the post history of the gang. Hint: It's nothing but rants and tangents. Honestly, this community would be better off if some of the toxic "subs" were to actually follow through and cancel their accounts but I'm not holding my breath.


You've still yet to name this "gang" that you keep claiming things about.

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People should never generalize. That makes them lose all credibility in the discussion.


To OP:

You keep saying about vocal minority. You should know, more than 90% of dissatisfied customers quietly leave and you never get to know why. The ones that DO complain are the ones that want to stay and are trying to get your attention. This is standard throughout most of the businesses worldwide.

When posters here tell you that their guilds quietly fell apart, they are probably right. In all of my 3 previous guilds, people came online, said something like "this is bad" or "i didn't like the new class changes" and simply never logged back in. No tantrums, no shouting, simply stopped playing.

More over, you keep saying the update is great for us casuals. Meaning you represent all of them or you ran a poll?

Look around the forums, there are casuals / story people that hate this expansion/grind and simply don't have the time to go through the RNGrind. You =/= everyone.

My playtime up until 5.0 was ~10 hours. 2 raid nights a week for ~3 hours and 3-4 hours mostly posting stuff to GTN and collecting. Primarily over the weekend. If you play more than 10 hours a week, it means i am more casual than you. So to my eyes, you are hardcore player and for sure you don't represent me.


This is exactly my experience. I've been in 3 different guilds over the life of this game, and regularly ran with a couple others. Guild sizes ranging from 10 to 50 people. Ive rarely posted here over the years but most of the people I know and played with never posted at all. Since 4.0 dropped almost everyone is gone, completely stopped playing.


Thats why when I hear people say it's just the vocal minority complaining and not happy, I see it as total bs. Yes there are many people who never post in the forums or on Reddit who are happy and still love the game. It is also true that many people are disappointed with its direction and quit the game without ever saying a word about it.

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People have been trying to strong arm their way around for years, each time claiming their leaving. They never do, just check the post history of the gang. Hint: It's nothing but rants and tangents. Honestly, this community would be better off if some of the toxic "subs" were to actually follow through and cancel their accounts but I'm not holding my breath.


Riight. Because no one has ever unsubscribed from the game and everyone complaining on the forums you can only post on as a subscriber are handing over money month after month to just cry on a forum.


People have been wondering if the white knights for this game don't realize that we've gone from 2 million to under half a million and from 100 servers to 8, or that -- surprise -- having a host of good things (improvements to QOL, story, etc) won't stop a person from quietly unsubscribing if they can't enjoy the game to due one bad thing.


But, please, continue to pretend everything is fine. I mean, it's not like they pulled this same stunt in another SW MMO that collapsed after everyone on those forums said everything was fine and anyone being negative was a troll.


I've put more people on ignore in the past three days than I have in the past year.

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I get your angle here brother, a lot of people like myself dont want to go anywhere, but this system is overwhelming.


Think about it.


We just had a system in place where I could create a new character and level that character doing just PvP, and when I got to level 65 with that character, I would already have enough pvp tokens to buy the basic pvp armor and it was viable.


They streamlined leveling and made it easier to get basic gear to do all end game content and it flowed well IMO.


We just completed this LvD event that promoted leveling ALTS, which was cool but that was a lot of grinding already and then to turn around and toss in a system where we cant even begin to get command points until level 70.


Its crazy, because we were moving in the right direction before.

You level alts and play the main storyline while earning tokens that you could then share among alts or use to gear your new character for end game content right away.


Why would you want to do 70 levels of PvPing and then hit level 70 only to start off at level 1 command points and have to compete with already geared people for 300 more command levels just to be competitive. Doing the same warzones you just did for 70 levels.


It's a system that is INSANE.


There are people that are voicing their desire to leave not as threats, but because they DO NOT want to leave.


As a Film Editor, negative feedback is the only feedback that provides information. While positive feedback is appreciated, it's negative feedback that helps me do better work. Sometimes people complain to complain, but often there is truth there. Opportunity for improvement is always located in the complaint area.

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Also just to too out a fix that I think would help, so I am not just pointing out the issues.



Command points should be tied to legacy


Having to use 1 out of 22 alts to grind this stuff is tedious. Gaining command points while playing the main story on all my alts would keep me from going insane playing just my SW for 9 million huttball matches.

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Please by any means, continue insulting me, you are just proving my point

That is a non sequitur. The one does not lead to the other.


And besides, you have no right to complain because your original post said:

It seems like everyone is playing the game while a very small albeit extremely vocal minority is 'unsubbing" because they can't be equipped BIS FIVE DAYS after the release of an expansion. Watch them whine and threaten yet again in two months when the next group content is released....:rolleyes:


I am telling you, the players nowadays...

So do not complain about insults when you started throwing them around yourself. I find such false generalisations very insulting.


By the way, you are just talking about one particular point of mine, it's indeed, in reference to all the doom threads, and there are way more than two, just because you decide to ignore them, doesn't prove you right. You missed the WHOLE point of the thread. Please continue talking about intelligence, I need a laugh.

If intelligence makes you laugh that does explain a thing or two. It's all on yourself that you derailed your own thread's point by starting with insulting another group of people. Again you have put no thought in your comments. If I ignored parts in your comments, it would be because they have the least merit to be considered. I do not feel compelled to respond to every little bit of nonesense, but your insult was clear and you got some back. Deal with it.


nd before insulting me, please have a look at YOUR signature. You are proudly displaying that you canceled your sub, like anybody here cares about you do with your $15/month, or that you are entitled enough to show that because of a decision you have been living with for one full week (sarcasm as you will probably not understand it), you will make any difference by putting it in purple in your signature, now THAT is a reasonable and adult decision. Bravo for showing the community the example... (Once again, sarcasm)

And here you demonstrate again that you are only capable of jumping to conclusions instead of being able to consider multiple possibilities. It's this type of reasoning that lead me to my original conclusion about you.


As I am not happy with the current state of the game, that is the opinion I'm voicing here. One reply that pops up regularly is the idiotic comment that I should unsub if I hate it so much. I already have so it's a moot point. So this is my way of dealing with that pointless reply. Now people can see that they don't have to tell me to unsub because they can see I already did. I also did it in a normal letter type and a more subtle colour.


Now if I had done it in bright red with huge letters, you may have had a point, but as it stands it's again a sign of you not using your brain but just blurting out the first thing that comes to your mind because you feel offended. Again you started with the offensive language, you have only to thank yourself for that. If you really wanted to have a moral high ground then your own comments should reflect that.


So really, keep exaggerating things if you want. It only makes you look more like a raving fanatic and that's cool by me.


Just remember that I'm one of those people who doesn't want gear for free or BiS gear in 5 days, that I'm a person who didn't say any majority is leaving the game and I said that I do NOT expect SWTOR to die just because I and a number of others are leaving, but you do have the shortsightedness to throw around a general contempt towards people who are critical and unsubbing and then have the gall to get upset when I am being less than positive about you in return. That's just rich.

Edited by Tsillah
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It seems like everyone is playing the game while a very small albeit extremely vocal minority is 'unsubbing" because they can't be equipped BIS FIVE DAYS after the release of an expansion. Watch them whine and threaten yet again in two months when the next group content is released....:rolleyes:


I personally am enjoying the crates, already got one set piece after 12 crates, not too bad when prior to 5.0, I would have never gotten such armor, because I don't have the time to invest in guild raiding.


This update is great for us casuals, the story is really good, way better than KOFTE and I even surprised myself pvping!

The people aren't complaining about whether another player deserves to get access to a specific type of gear, they complain about the way BioWare solved this.


An example:

Let's say BioWare would have gone a different path and the commendation vendors would have sold the typical operation gear (the one that includes a set bonus) for a certain amount of crystals in SWTOR 4.0 ( 216 gear = blue glowing crystals // 220 gear = purple radiant crystals). (BioWare might have even introduced a crystal 'upgrade' / 'conversion' vendor)


Any end game content would have rewarded a player with a low number of commendation crystals (like they actually did), but running OPs would have still been the best way to get the gear. But no matter how unlucky a player would be when it comes to the '/roll' part, he would have still been able to buy all the missing gear parts sooner or later.


Problem fixed!


And maybe this example gives you a glimpse at how incredibly disrespectful and short-sighted your response actually is. To me, it seems you don't even attempt to put yourself into someone else's situation.


Because it's all the other stuff that has been introduced with 5.0 that pisses players off:


- Be it the fact that the boxes are random and bad luck might prevent you from taking up a certain role in a group (f.e. being the main tank) or might even prevent you from finding a team that is willing to repeat a less-challenging content until you eventually catch up.


- Be it the fact that the galactic command forces a players to choose between what he likes to do and what gives him the most CXPs per hour... You like to run FPs... well, Uprisings grant a higher reward! You don't want to kill the easiest first boss in NIM or don't want to do ranked PvP? Well bad for you, if the rest of your guildmates don't mind!


- Be it the fact that they've level-synced all the operations up, stopping you and your teammates from running the OP you've tried to complete for several months. Well, half year and you'll have the gear to try it again! (Just imagine the KOTET story wouldn't be available until you reach command rank 50+)


- Be it the fact that the lengthy leveling process prevents you to switch to an alt in case a teammate isn't able to play and your group is lacking a healer or tank. Who cares that 7 other players suffer or the whole team goes down... waste no sympathy for these elitist operation-lovers!


- Or be it the fact that those players who will join the game in half a year from now literally have no way to ever catch up.


So all that is irrelevant and all that is secondary to your wishes, simply because your ego couldn't handle to play single player content without PvP gear or group-based PvE gear! (But hey, who knows! Maybe your story mode character really needs the taunt cooldown reduction set bonus that much) And it's beyond your imagination that other players might not enjoy the new patch and can think of a game that fulfills the wishes of every player...


Merry Christmas!

Edited by Lillythiel
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Ive unsubbed because I simply don't care about gearing up. There is no need whatsoever. I don't run flashpoints. I don't run raids. I'm certainly not going to run flashpoints or raids that have been out for years in many cases. Been there, done that.


The story was cool. *

The missions were so-so; some were really cool, others were really irritating.**


Now I'm done. I don't hate the game. I just don't have anything to do that I want to do. So... yeah.

I'll resub when they have new story.


* The only thing I kind of disliked is that it was basically the story of this family. I, as THE player, didn't really have much to do with it. I liked the class stories because they focussed on MY character. I liked KOTFE because it mostly focussed on MY character. This was other people's stories and my character running around it that.


** I absolutely hated the walker missions. Irritating beyond belief. I did not roll a character, give her the exact looks I wanted and picked a build I liked playing to then play as a fricking vehicle.



Ps; the fight in my 'mind space' took wayyyyyy too long. Just boring. Difficulty was fine al around, but fights shouldn't last that long in normal difficulty.

Edited by Tahra
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You've still yet to name this "gang" that you keep claiming things about.


There isn't one. He's trying to claim some kind of evil conspiracy behind the unhappiness to justify ignoring it. Rather than recognizing it as legitimate complaints and grievances that could threaten the very existence of this game.


I mean, he and all these other white knights insisting no one is going to unsub en masse... do they forget we've gone from 100 servers to a handful? And that some of those servers are pretty much ghost towns? The vast majority of people who ever played have ALREADY unsubbed en masse because they were unhappy with the game and didn't think it was worth the money anymore. The game does not need another wave of shrinkage. One more might pull the plug on everything for good, despite all those mindless white knights singing the game's praises and insisting no one is leaving.

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"Story mode ape" here, or whichever insults have been thrown out there because players like myself enjoy casual play and story content... Could we perhaps stop generalizing and insulting each other over poor decisions made by BW?


I don't want your high end gear and I have never, will never, say you don't deserve to get it. Given the content I personally focus on, I don't want or need it but I know that you do. You tackle the content that requires higher gear and you deserve that gear. It's the biggest reason I support the current protests against GC. Not because it hinders me personally but it affects others in the community and it's a BS system. But I guess given the fact that I'm a casual story player, I'm instead to blame for your frustrations? Let's place the blame where it belongs, please.


And OP, here's another vat of oil because god forbid there's not enough arguing and discontent on the forums already huh?

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People like you, you know Story Mode hero's. Ruined this game. with you "I can't raid so why do they get to have gear and I don't" mentality.

It's pathetic....


You make it seem like raiders are the only population that matters in the game...this hasn't been true in years. Due to the fact that EAware hasn't come out with any new ops (and most likely won't for quite some time), the raiding population has plummeted over recent years. This paved the way for casual players, such as OP there, to make up the majority of the population that plays SWTOR now, and hence the reason why EAware is focusing more on content for them rather than for elitist s**t bags such as yourself. So you can't get BiS a week after a new expac? Go cry to your mother. Fact of the matter is, nearly all end-game content (minus NiM stuff) is still doable with the old 224 gear. There are a few fights out there (such as Styrak HM) that will be difficult due to the insane dps check, but I hear tell that this is actually doable in 230's with some blue's thrown in. This makes NiM content--which, by the way, very few groups actually do--the only content currently not technically doable until you get better gear. But that's how it's supposed to work. If you get gear capable of downing all NiM content within the first week of a brand new expac, then what's the point of even playing the game? You don't like it, don't bash on other people a**hole. Go back to WoW where they give you everything on a silver platter.

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