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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

(Thank you thread) IF everyone is unsubbing, then why...


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....am I seeing two instances of the Fleet, Dromund Kaas or you name the planet on The Ebon Hawk.


It seems like everyone is playing the game while a very small albeit extremely vocal minority is 'unsubbing" because they can't be equipped BIS FIVE DAYS after the release of an expansion. Watch them whine and threaten yet again in two months when the next group content is released....:rolleyes:


I am telling you, the players nowadays...


I personally am enjoying the crates, already got one set piece after 12 crates, not too bad when prior to 5.0, I would have never gotten such armor, because I don't have the time to invest in guild raiding.


This update is great for us casuals, the story is really good, way better than KOFTE and I even surprised myself pvping!


Great job guys, thanks for the update!

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....am I seeing two instances of the Fleet, Dromund Kaas or you name the planet on The Ebon Hawk.


It seems like everyone is playing the game while a very small albeit extremely vocal minority is 'unsubbing" because they can't be equipped BIS FIVE DAYS after the release of an expansion. Watch them whine and threaten yet again in two months when the next group content is released....:rolleyes:


I am telling you, the players nowadays...


I personally am enjoying the crates, already got one set piece after 12 crates, not too bad when prior to 5.0, I would have never gotten such armor, because I don't have the time to invest in guild raiding.


This update is great for us casuals, the story is really good, way better than KOFTE and I even surprised myself pvping!


Great job guys, thanks for the update!


People like you, you know Story Mode hero's. Ruined this game. with you "I can't raid so why do they get to have gear and I don't" mentality.

It's pathetic.


You were quite able to get gear with comms with you could have the 220 gear after a month or so. That is fine for doing story mode . Heck you don't even need gear to do story mode.


But no, story mode heroes gotta have the same gear as high end HM/NIM raiders.


So now I gotta out up with terrible RNG. I have no set pieces. I am a sorc heals and it makes it damn hard to heal harder content than story with out the set bonus. WHich I could get after a few Operations. Heck even story mode dropped token gear. But nope. I can't do that now. I gotta grind content as my healer to get the set bonus which is luck of the draw and yet lvl 30 and no set bonus. I have to try and do HM's in 230 blue modded gear because I have not even got 230 purple modded gear yet.


So, think about it. That stops heals and tanks from queuing up for HM's right. Nothing guilds or solo's can do about it except grind content until you get decent gear to do HM OPs/FP's.


SO basically I get left out of the team because rng was not good to me. Is that even fair?


But johhny nobody never stepped into a HM raid/flashpoint in his life has better gear then me. Rubbish system is rubbish. Hue hue I do story mode and get better gear than dedicated HM raider hue. yeah freak you.

Edited by keitzy
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Unsubbing means they no longer pay a monthly fee once their sub time runs out...which means they become preferred (f2p). They'd still be present in the game, just playing for nothing. And that assumes that everyone who unsubbed had their sub time run out today. Unlikely. Guess who spends the most on the CM: subs. Guess what isn't going to make EA money: less subs. Guess who doesn't have to bother with the GC RNG ********: f2p. Once they've played through KOTET once, there's nothing holding all these people to keeping their subs.


If everyone said they were uninstalling the game, you might have a leg to stand on. As it is, seeing a whopping 2 instances anywhere within a week of the expansion drop is hardly impressive. Wait until January. If the live stream Thursday isn't he biggest mea culpa in the game's history, Jung Ma won't be alone in collecting digital tumble weeds.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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You didn't understand my post, now did you? :rolleyes:


Yes, he did. He just posted the reasons why he disagrees with you.


The most maddening part of this whole debacle is how good the KotET story is. But are there enough story only players, who'll stay subbed, once they've played it a couple times. That's what has to be worrying BW, given they're actually going to talk to us live in December, when they normally all disappear each year.


Not much point in arguing about how good or bad things with the RNG are, until we hear if they're going to mitigate the grind, or try to stand pat. Thursday is going to be very interesting.

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This update is great for us casuals, the story is really good, way better than KOFTE and I even surprised myself pvping!




Speak for yourself as far as I'm concerned this update is utter garbage for casuals. It's made alts redundant pretty much destroyed the *play the way you want to play* mantra. It's just do the same thing over and over and over. With the fun of RNG at the end of it.


Unless you mean casuals that play 24/7 and love Korean grinds in old content or afking in PVP. For them and bots yeah it probably is great.

Edited by Snowred
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You didn't understand my post, now did you? :rolleyes:


No, merely dismissed it as more of the same. You have NEVER, in your ENTIRE posting history, made even the SLIGHTEST criticism of anything in the game.


As such, you're not an unbiased observer, so I fail to see what your viewpoint offers. To be blunt :


1) the fact that you like something does not mean everyone likes it. Dismissing people's concerns as trolling is basically trolling.

2) the fact that there is more population is hardly worthwhile, as every single major release has had a number of people 'come back' to try things out. Please note that after a few weeks this number rapidly falls back to the baselines seen before, thus your point is -- again -- not a point at all.

3) The fact that you have had an experience with the RNG that is good should not be extrapolated to be what everyone is experiencing. I have not had a SINGLE PIECE of set gear at CR 17. The very nature of RNGs means that you cannot expect consistency... but the primary problem people have with it is that it takes control of gearing and progress out of your hands.

4) The fact that people who don't bother to invest time into the game can be rewarded as much as those who do is going to make those who invest time in the game go elsewhere. I'm sorry that you think that's a good thing , since casuals are not the people buying heavily in the CM and propping the game up.


To be fair, I don't think much of the vitriol is needed. However, the truth is many of these changes were not only unneeded, but have alienated people. You don't see that now because of the usual boom...and when the boom expires and people go back to whatever, the playerbase will be weaker.


The Whales won't come because they can't be exclusive. The hardcore raiders and PVPers have nothing to keep them here. The story people will eventually consume all the story content and then what?


Funny how none of the people who are always so upbeat ever bother to explain how, if everything is so perfect, the game has lost 80% of it's playerbase since launch, or why it had to go F2P. Some objectivity would do you a world of good.

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People like you, you know Story Mode hero's. Ruined this game. with you "I can't raid so why do they get to have gear and I don't" mentality.

It's pathetic.


You were quite able to get gear with comms with you could have the 220 gear after a month or so. That is fine for doing story mode . Heck you don't even need gear to do story mode.


But no, story mode heroes gotta have the same gear as high end HM/NIM raiders.


So now I gotta out up with terrible RNG. I have no set pieces. I am a sorc heals and it makes it damn hard to heal harder content than story with out the set bonus. WHich I could get after a few Operations. Heck even story mode dropped token gear. But nope. I can't do that now. I gotta grind content as my healer to get the set bonus which is luck of the draw and yet lvl 30 and no set bonus. I have to try and do HM's in 230 blue modded gear because I have not even got 230 purple modded gear yet.


So, think about it. That stops heals and tanks from queuing up for HM's right. Nothing guilds or solo's can do about it except grind content until you get decent gear to do HM OPs/FP's.


SO basically I get left out of the team because rng was not good to me. Is that even fair?


But johhny nobody never stepped into a HM raid/flashpoint in his life has better gear then me. Rubbish system is rubbish. Hue hue I do story mode and get better gear than dedicated HM raider hue. yeah freak you.


Your anger blinds you.


By allowing everyone to have better gear, the game makes it possible for people who are not raiding 24/7 to play Operations or HM fps more easily. how is that a bad thing??


And I have been here since before launch, I have played plenty of HM raids and operations. But please, by any mean, continue insulting me. Shows the community what kind of people are vocal on these fora.


Are you denying that flashpoints are popping up much faster than before the expac?


You are the one judging the expansion FIVE DAYS after its launch and calling it a failure. Not me.


Yours truly,


Johnny Nobody

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By allowing everyone to have better gear, the game makes it possible for people who are not raiding 24/7 to play Operations or HM fps more easily. how is that a bad thing??


But everyone is not having 'better gear'. And while the gear may be sufficient for story mode, the higher difficulties require much more serious gear not available until Tier 2 or 3.


Of course, 'casuals' don't care about that, now do they?


You castigate someone else for being angry... and your statement basically says that you could care less if people who like raiding or PVP now have no reason to play the game, because now you can be a good as they are even without trying.


Except you can't.


The gear alone isn't going to fix the fact that all of the guides and tactics to get through the HM FP's and OPS was done by the very '24/7' raiders you sneer at.


As for server pops....please. Come back in a month and watch how dead the place is.

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No, merely dismissed it as more of the same. You have NEVER, in your ENTIRE posting history, made even the SLIGHTEST criticism of anything in the game.


As such, you're not an unbiased observer, so I fail to see what your viewpoint offers. To be blunt :


1) the fact that you like something does not mean everyone likes it. Dismissing people's concerns as trolling is basically trolling.

2) the fact that there is more population is hardly worthwhile, as every single major release has had a number of people 'come back' to try things out. Please note that after a few weeks this number rapidly falls back to the baselines seen before, thus your point is -- again -- not a point at all.

3) The fact that you have had an experience with the RNG that is good should not be extrapolated to be what everyone is experiencing. I have not had a SINGLE PIECE of set gear at CR 17. The very nature of RNGs means that you cannot expect consistency... but the primary problem people have with it is that it takes control of gearing and progress out of your hands.

4) The fact that people who don't bother to invest time into the game can be rewarded as much as those who do is going to make those who invest time in the game go elsewhere. I'm sorry that you think that's a good thing , since casuals are not the people buying heavily in the CM and propping the game up.


To be fair, I don't think much of the vitriol is needed. However, the truth is many of these changes were not only unneeded, but have alienated people. You don't see that now because of the usual boom...and when the boom expires and people go back to whatever, the playerbase will be weaker.


The Whales won't come because they can't be exclusive. The hardcore raiders and PVPers have nothing to keep them here. The story people will eventually consume all the story content and then what?


Funny how none of the people who are always so upbeat ever bother to explain how, if everything is so perfect, the game has lost 80% of it's playerbase since launch, or why it had to go F2P. Some objectivity would do you a world of good.


Looking at my post history is really moot. I play the game much more than I post. You HAVE to agree that the animosity here is unbearable. Along with LOTS of people, I play in silence and enjoy the game for what it is.


I also don't like to whine on the fora. Call me unbiased.


To be blunt:


1) If I was dismissive, it's mainly because people are complaining and declaring the game dead after FIVE DAYS. Nuff' said


2) You manage to put, in the very same post, that my point about game population is moot while saying that the game has lost 80% of its population. Really? Did you even reread your post before pressing the reply button? Giving numbers without any proof does not make the numbers accurate. that is, in itself, trolling as well.


3) RNG is RNG. 17 crates doesn't allow you to extrapolate either. Yet you do so. All we've been hearing on these fora is how rng is screwing them...after 17 crates. really? Were you BIS in the amount of time it took you to get to rank lvl 17? I HARDLY THINK SO.


4) I never said that people investing less time in the game should be rewarded the same. Actually, if you are investing a lot of time in the game, you WILL get more CXP and therefore more crates. But I feel like I am losing time making sense here. It's so much easier to whine and cry than to actually think about it and MAKE SENSE.

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your statement basically says that you could care less if people who like raiding or PVP now have no reason to play the game, because now you can be a good as they are even without trying.


Except you can't.


The gear alone isn't going to fix the fact that all of the guides and tactics to get through the HM FP's and OPS was done by the very '24/7' raiders you sneer at.


As for server pops....please. Come back in a month and watch how dead the place is.


Where did I say that? Please don't put words in my posts. And believ me, Pvpers are quite happy about 5.0


And I wasn't sneering at anybody. I just said that I didn't have time to play for a guild 24/7. But by all means, please do.

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There are many things about your post I disagree with. For one thing, you could have gotten near top end gear in a single night running EV or KP HM on a few alts (did it in 192/198 mix when KotFE dropped). You could have had 216s anytime since they required absolutely no gear to complete. The most casual player had easy access if they chose to do a raid. Obviously players didn't want to raid and I'm fine with gear being available elsewhere, but you can't claim that only hardcore raiders could get good gear.


But now we have your self proclaimed not ideal scenario. You're only happy because you have access to the gear, so any amount of time to get it is ok by you. Players who previously could get it at a reasonable pace now get to suffer along with you. You make it out to be an either/or scenario as if there is no option that gives access to non-raiders and also doesn't rely on an RNG gear grind that takes all year.


I swear, no one defending the system has anything to say other than how happy they are to have access to the gear. Sure, some elitist raiders are mad that you get it, but most people are just pissed that they can't get their gear in any sort of reasonable timeframe anymore. KotFE was giving gear too fast, but there is a speed between gearing in one night and gearing in 8-9 months, especially when the game encourages alts and caters to a casual player base.

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People like you, you know Story Mode hero's. Ruined this game. with you "I can't raid so why do they get to have gear and I don't" mentality.

It's pathetic.


You were quite able to get gear with comms with you could have the 220 gear after a month or so. That is fine for doing story mode . Heck you don't even need gear to do story mode.


But no, story mode heroes gotta have the same gear as high end HM/NIM raiders.


So now I gotta out up with terrible RNG. I have no set pieces. I am a sorc heals and it makes it damn hard to heal harder content than story with out the set bonus. WHich I could get after a few Operations. Heck even story mode dropped token gear. But nope. I can't do that now. I gotta grind content as my healer to get the set bonus which is luck of the draw and yet lvl 30 and no set bonus. I have to try and do HM's in 230 blue modded gear because I have not even got 230 purple modded gear yet.


So, think about it. That stops heals and tanks from queuing up for HM's right. Nothing guilds or solo's can do about it except grind content until you get decent gear to do HM OPs/FP's.


SO basically I get left out of the team because rng was not good to me. Is that even fair?


But johhny nobody never stepped into a HM raid/flashpoint in his life has better gear then me. Rubbish system is rubbish. Hue hue I do story mode and get better gear than dedicated HM raider hue. yeah freak you.


This^^ So much this^

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Looking at my post history is really moot. I play the game much more than I post. You HAVE to agree that the animosity here is unbearable. Along with LOTS of people, I play in silence and enjoy the game for what it is.


3) RNG is RNG. 17 crates doesn't allow you to extrapolate either. Yet you do so. All we've been hearing on these fora is how rng is screwing them...after 17 crates. really? Were you BIS in the amount of time it took you to get to rank lvl 17? I HARDLY THINK SO.


For the time I spent grinding for gear since 5.0, in 4.0, I would have had a full PvP set and a 6 piece set bonus with mostly 216 and 220 pieces for my PvE set and I would be ready to clear all the HM operations to gear up toward NiM.


Right now, I got only a 2 pieces set bonus, 1 relic and 1 implant of 5.0 gear in about 50 level total between my 2 sentinel (I raid with 2 groups). I got really lucky with purple drop compared to others in my raid group, but I got 5 relics, 3 alacrity one and twice the Focus Retribution on the same toon, so I wasted 4 purple pieces that I got since I couldn't choose what was usefull for me.

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But now we have your self proclaimed not ideal scenario. You're only happy because you have access to the gear, so any amount of time to get it is ok by you. Players who previously could get it at a reasonable pace now get to suffer along with you. You make it out to be an either/or scenario as if there is no option that gives access to non-raiders and also doesn't rely on an RNG gear grind that takes all year.




Except that you have absolutely no idea how geared people are. Do you have any piece of statistics that proves your point? No, you are basing your disagreement on a bunch of very vocal entitled kids who spend more time here than in game.

When and if the devs release hard data on how rng is treating the whole community (and not just 5-6 angry posters) over a larger period of time than FIVE FREAKING DAYS, I have to right to disagree with the negativity seen here.


Just look at the tone of the people answering my posts. It's full of hate and insults.

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Your anger blinds you.


By allowing everyone to have better gear, the game makes it possible for people who are not raiding 24/7 to play Operations or HM fps more easily. how is that a bad thing??


That isn't bad, at all. The problem is the time required to get it and the RNG component. Do the math, look at drop rates and you might get it.

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Yes, a quick glance at the PVP forums shows they LOVE 5.0. The people in chat LOVE 5.0.


There's no point talking to someone who is living in fantasy land.


that's right, keep drinking the negativity here and base your opinion on what a nasty vocal minority says on the fora.


And I am the one living in a fantasy land? Hahahah. At least mine is nice and happy :D

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That isn't bad, at all. The problem is the time required to get it and the RNG component. Do the math, look at drop rates and you might get it.


I can't do the math. Only the devs can. You guys are basing your opinion on a very small sample. And that's all I am saying. Nobody likes grinding and I fail to see how this is more grinding than before. (actually in my case, but I agree I have been lucky, it's LESS grind than before)


Honestly, did you expect to be geared in FIVE DAYS? And then complain how there's no carrots in this game and nothing to do?

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This update is great for us casuals, the story is really good, way better than KOFTE and I even surprised myself pvping!!

casuals don't make the game hardcore people do.


it's why ffxiv and wow are huge and this is dying. when you win the raiders and pvpers you got a game when you don't? well tons of subs leaving play pops dying out. casuals just come in and play for an hour once or twice a month then find something else to do.

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that's right, keep drinking the negativity here and base your opinion on what a nasty vocal minority says on the fora.


And I am the one living in a fantasy land? Hahahah. At least mine is nice and happy :D


So what are you basing your comments that pvp players are happy in general with GC on then if not public statements?

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