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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"All gold NPCs now grant 1 Command Experience point (down from 10)."


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This is definately an overnerf in my opinion. Either they should revert, or ease the grind.


Remember we are supposed to gear with this RNG mess.

Actually the crafted gear is an alternative. But you have to rely on RNG of crew skills for purple mats because the jawas on the fleet dont offer grade 10 materials. Or you buy them...

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This GC XP is incredibly stupid BioWare. You can't enjoy the game playing other characters because you're too focused on the ridiculous grind on ONE character. Now you nerfed a supplementary way to gain the XP? Idiotic!


Don't even get me started on the fact that raid bossed don't drop gear anymore either! Schematics are great if you craft, but I don't. You seriously NEED to fix this.


My one month sub is as far as I'm going until something is done. I've enjoyed the story so far and many new things are great, but I have to ask myself if grinding to 300 XP is worth it. At this point I'll get my favorite characters to 70, play the story, then unsub. Fix this BioWare, increase the GC XP per activity or make it Legacy wide. Don't ruin everything we've worked for up to this point.

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I have never felt the need to post on these forums before. This move was a very poor choice and should be changed back. Like previous posters I was looking for the gold mobs in heroics instead of stealthing through as much content as possible. My stealthing spouse and I would take on any size pack to get those 10 command points. We will not be doing so for 1. I'm only command level 6 and 10 points was a barely visible jump. I can't imagine how small that will be in the higher levels.
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Some players here are giving good feedback, but a lot of players are in fact being hateful, spiteful, and exhibiting bad temperament. Feedback from the players is always good, but it needs to be objective feedback, not spite filled drive by insults like a lot of you are doing in this thread. We as players will get more response and respect for the studio if we all stop the childish rants, threats, and insults... and stick to an objective statement of the issue/concern, offer potential objective solutions, and politely ask the studio to take a closer look at the issue/concern. Behaving like petulant children on a playground rage is not productive. I encourage players to ask themselves... do you want to encourage positive change.... or just rant and rage and vent and thus encouraging the studio to just disregard you? We, collectively, as a player base can and need to do better in the feedback department.


You mean like the objective feedback regarding RNG gearing in the first place-the system that EA had already implemented and discarded years ago?

The feedback that was ignored because EA couldn't just throw away the only area of development beyond the 'ride the railroad for a few hours' story?

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Instead of nerfing, lower the weekly cap. Someone that spends 15hrs a day farming Gold mobs is not a cross section of the player base at all. I wouldn't imagine a casual gamer spending that amount of time to farm CXP to cap for the week.


Bad enough people crying they want all gear within the first few days of the expansion but making it slower to get the crates for everyone that doesn't regularly run Ops or Warzone is taking the biscuit, think 2-5 would have been a fair trade off.


Oh and in other slight spots goto Oricon and farm the champions in the Heroic Area they spawn relatively fast and still get 20cxp... so guess what is next to get nerfed!

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You can't enjoy the game playing other characters because you're too focused on the ridiculous grind on ONE character.


That's a very good point. I've noticed that even my guildies have become too paranoid to buy any augmentations and augmentation kits off the GTN because off "character switch paranoia". They are afraid that some change in class balance throughout the next year will force them to change their main character. That's why they are incredibly reluctant to even farm gear on one character, and they don't spend 150k per augment on the new kits.


The guild (as well as myself) also feel the incredible pressure of "focusing" on one character. I had five characters I usually played before, dabbling around: My Jedi Sentinel, my Sith Sorcerer, my Sith Juggernaut, a Jedi Sage and a Gunslinger. Mind you: Only two of them ever had anything close to good set gear: My Sentinel and my Sorcerer. The first one was completely equipped for PvE and HM progression, and the second one was stacked out in BiS PvP gear. With those recent nerf mechanics, I can't even enjoy playing my Juggernaut or my Sage as anything else than crafting toons.


The idea that even the most basic mechanics to get some gear across characters are being impeded doesn't bode well for player behaviour.

Edited by Alssaran
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So far I've enjoyed and been defensive of the new CXP system and the RNG grind, but this change is just stupid.


Just to add why I feel the change is stupid:


For the last few days, when I've wanted to work on my CXP, I've done it by playing unranked warzones. I enjoy PvP, and my favorite form of it in the game is doing the 8v8 matches. I was happy when I felt like I was getting more of a reward from playing them than I had before the patch. This hasn't changed with the gold mob nerf.


What has changed is how I feel about doing the rest of the game's content. I had always intended to run heroics and flashpoints when I wanted to take a break from PvP, but now I feel like this would be too much of a waste of time. 10 xp per gold mob seemed like what would keep the other forms of content competitive with PvP in CXP grinding efficiency, but by changing it to 1 CXP per gold mob, I now feel like I would be wasting my time by trying to enjoy the game.


Having multiple ways to play the game with relatively, if not entirely, equivalent grinding speeds is a good thing. It encourages people to go out and enjoy all aspects of the game, while letting them focus on the ones they find most enjoyable. The change from 10 CXP to 1 CXP for gold mobs severely damages this equivalency and puts some forms of grinding far above the others.


This is not good.

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I never unsubbed this game before. My subscription was always active even if I don't play that month. But this changes everything.


I'm a middle aged person, I have a job, wife and kids. I can't sit and "grind" all the time. So because of this, I've unsubbed just before writing this post.


If I want a "grind to win" game, there are better alternatives out there.


But I'm pretty sure they will increase this 1 to 10 again next week and people will thank them and forget about how awful is the RNG system in the first place.

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I'm pretty laid back when it comes to gearing speed, but this nerf is kind of depressing to me.


It sounds to me like a more moderate nerf was perhaps in order, though it seems that Bioware does not know how to "moderately" nerf things. Or maybe they could have also increased CXP gains from other solo-able (but not infinitely repeatable) sources. :(


I have to disagree. No nerf was needed, on the contrary. If anything, completing heroic quests (and most other PvE content as well) should reward MORE CXP. As it is, normal old-world story quests (not KotFE/KotET chapters) give 20 CXP, same as Heroics. (Edit: Clarification: I don't mean normal oldskool quests should have a huge CXP reward for completing it - but gaining a bit more than 20 if the quest has a gold or even champion mob is a nice bonus.)


PvE content should absolutely grant as much CXP as PvP does. That gold mobs gave 10 CXP helped, but not enough.


Also, as has been said, what good is a weekly cap if THAT isn't used to regulate how quickly the players are allowed to toss the coin for gear? And is it fair to anyone at all, especially those with very little time to play, to nerf anything at all after less than a week?

Edited by Rheshalea
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my sub runs until about 2 weeks from now. i was considering putting another 2 months recurring. with this decision, i decided to not renew the subscription until bioware remove this draconian punishment. as it is right now, i liked the ET storyline quite a bit, heck i was even considering getting all my other characters to the end of et, even if it means putting up with the GC.


i am afraid at this point i can not recommend or endorse my continuance on this game with the way things are.

it's a shame though, i've been around since pre-beta and i have always supported bioware and this game, but i can not support this action that bioware have conducted.


when bioware reconsider the draconian punishment for the subscriber base at the very least i may consider subscribing again, an automatic subscription back to the game would be the removal of GC and the return of the previous system as it worked.

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Nerfing the XP because of someone who played 15 hours per day for multiple days grinding them only PUNISHES the 99% of us who don't play that much and/or find grinding mobs fun/worthwile.


Thanks Bioware, you may have finally gotten me to stop paying you.

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I have to disagree. No nerf was needed, on the contrary. If anything, completing heroic quests (and most other PvE content as well) should reward MORE CXP. As it is, normal old-world story quests (not KotFE/KotET chapters) give 20 CXP, same as Heroics. (Edit: Clarification: I don't mean normal oldskool quests should have a huge CXP reward for completing it - but gaining a bit more than 20 if the quest has a gold or even champion mob is a nice bonus.)


PvE content should absolutely grant as much CXP as PvP does. That gold mobs gave 10 CXP helped, but not enough.


Also, as has been said, what good is a weekly cap if THAT isn't used to regulate how quickly the players are allowed to toss the coin for gear? And is it fair to anyone at all, especially those with very little time to play, to nerf anything at all after less than a week?


Ah, I could have phrased that better. :o I haven't played enough to comment on specifics, so I was trying to say that even if a nerf was needed, then this was serious overkill. Bioware seems prone to using a giant sledgehammer to adjust things that only needed a light tap, y'know?

Edited by Gwena
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My sub had 3 days left. It's now cancelled.


And the thing is, I loved the story content. I'd gotten some good drops from my first few GC lockboxes. The store sales were good, and I had enough saved up to get several items I'd been wanting.


Now I've quit, and I'm sad. I really loved this game. I've defended it to a lot of people over the years. But between the contempt/incompetence of the devs and the raw naked greed of the publishers, I can no longer do so.


I'm really going to miss this game, but it's been dying for a long time, I just didn't want to see it. It's finally time to accept that it's time has passed, and move on.

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Nerfing the XP because of someone who played 15 hours per day for multiple days grinding them only PUNISHES the 99% of us who don't play that much and/or find grinding mobs fun/worthwile.


Thanks Bioware, you may have finally gotten me to stop paying you.


Yep. Return these to 10cxp, and put a separate cap on each segment of content (elites, heroics, Ops, WZ, etc).


That would still allow players to grind for GCxp, but they would not be able to do it by simply grinding one type of content. Set the caps tuned for ~2 hours of play per day, per content segment (14 hours per week). [And no, I'm not married to the number... just providing a semi-reasonable example to illustrate my point].


They may already realize this, but separate caps would take time to code and debug (should have done it that way to begin with in my view). They keep underestimating the clever nature of players to find the fastest mouse path to all the cheese.


And yes, I realize some PvPers are going to balk at caps by content segment as it means they might have to play more then just PvP if they want maximum GCxp per week. But what is fair for one segment of content is fair for another as well.

Edited by Andryah
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Ah, I could have phrased that better. :o I haven't played enough to comment on specifics, so I was trying to say that even if a nerf was needed, then this was serious overkill. Bioware seems prone to using a giant sledgehammer to adjust things that only needed a light tap, y'know?


Fair enough. :) This time, they didn't even aim the sledgehammer at the right problem, though.

...which, when it all comes down to it, is the gigantic grind of old content to possibly, if we're lucky and the RNG gods smile upon us, eventually get gear to be able to do more old content.

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I think below statement is the most important point ALL of you should take away from this:


Bioware fundamentally disagrees with all of you about this system completely.


For weeks now since the Command Rank announcement, we've had thread after thread showing BW that the grind is:


1. Too Long

2. Too focused on RNG.


Bioware came back and said they will "review the Command Experience gain, and have discussions on how to make it more manageable". By making this nerf change, BW is effectively saying the grind is:


1. Not long enough.

2. Exactly where focus should be (on RNG).


They discussed it internally, and made their decision to put a middle-finger up to all those opposing threads.

Edited by AlaecusMcFly
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Yep. Return these to 10cxp, and put a separate cap on each segment of content (elites, heroics, Ops, WZ, etc).


That would still allow players to grind for GCxp, but they would not be able to do it by simply grinding one type of content. Set the caps tuned for ~2 hours of play per day, per content segment (14 hours per week). [And no, I'm not married to the number... just providing a semi-reasonable example to illustrate my point].


They may already realize this, but separate caps would take time to code and debug (should have done it that way to begin with in my view). They keep underestimating the clever nature of players to find the fastest mouse path to all the cheese.


And yes, I realize some PvPers are going to balk at caps by content segment as it means they might have to play more then just PvP if they want maximum GCxp per week. But what is fair for one segment of content is fair for another as well.


So players should play every aspect of the game? EA tried that with the carrot of DvL, now they should use the stick of Galactic Command?


BTW how does being the character sitting on the Eternal Throne equate to grinding heroic missions or personally fighting in warzones? Shouldn't Galactic Command have something to do with... commanding something?

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Did a Dev get their panties put in a knot because they said it was near impossible to hit CXP cap, and someone did in a matter of days! Get over it!

That the majority of players now face a trip to pluto as opposed to the moon to see any advancement is retarded. Do something to lessen the grind, for "all" play styles...................... you have a weekly cap, leave that , restore what you took away and live with it for now. And adjust it a bit later( January 2017) to make it less grindy!

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