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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"All gold NPCs now grant 1 Command Experience point (down from 10)."


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Well it was good while it lasted. You could tell they were going to nerf it based on the wording of Eric's post, and the fact they were only going to give the patch notes at the time of the update. The devs are desperate to buy themselves some more time to try and make new content. The month and months they had for making new content for kotet, was instead spent on building the framework for galactic command and the rng cxp system. Now they realized they f'ked up. Serves them right.
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I don't post much on the forums, but I wanted to add my disappointment in this change. Others have already stated the reasons why this was a bad change and why the entire system in general is messed up. I'd urge anyone from Bioware to read through the suggestions and to give them some serious thought.


As a whole, the people who make decisions like this really need to adjust their way of thinking and stop over reacting to everything. Pretty much any time there is an outcry about something, the result is some heavy-handed reaction in the opposite direction. Sometimes only a few small tweaks are needed, but the standard reaction tends to be so extreme that it gives the impression that they don't really understand the problem.


Within every thread complaining about something in the game, there are usually some very good descriptions of the problem and reasonable suggestions to fix it. The reasonable stuff seems to be ignored completely and some huge nerf applied in its place. I do understand that not every suggestion can be implemented, as even simple-sounding changes can be a huge undertaking depending on how the system was coded. But by over-reacting to everything, they give the distinct impression that they aren't really listening to what we say.


I'm not here to rant about unsubscribing. I'm here to appeal to the developers to look at the system and figure out how to make it work better, not just make huge changes in one direction or another because people are complaining. Read the threads. Find out WHY people are complaining. Look at the suggestions being put forth. Stop treating your paying customers like nothing more than dollar signs.

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I bought one time card to check out the story. I'm wishing I'd only paid for a month, because I certainly won't be paying anything else. This game can rot. I'll play GSF until the day that dies, but I'm done giving Bioware money.


Yeah and the so called "Promotions" are just nothing and they don't abide by them

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This is just crazy.

Nerfing CXP with in 24 hours of 5.0 dropping is a complete over reaction. If some one wants to grind for 40+ hours so be it.


You need to double the CXP gained from completing missions and objectives, operations, ect.


What happen to the promise of earning 2-3 crates an hour? We ran Two ops in 2.5 hours and I gains a total of 1.5 levels.

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Dear Bioware,


When you talked about being able to earn “a GC crate in about an hour to hour and a half” was that based on the average casual player like a bell curve chart? Or is that based on the sliding scale of only the most aggressive play styles will meet that standard? Before this last patch I would have said you based it on a bell curve. Now I am not so sure.


As some have said, prior to this change I felt a desire to actually look for and take on the elites in heroics/ flashpoints/story rather than just avoid them. Their value went up to me as a player. Now to be rewarded with one point for the effort is not worth it.


This change doesn’t even stop the most dedicated from reaching the cap either. It only slows down the process in which casuals will feel the most impact from this change.


Bioware, could you please actually revisit this decision and re-evaluate the affects this might have on various types of play? It would be appreciative.


While you are at it, maybe look up and memorize the definition of “moderation” and “baby steps” so you may use these in future changes so as not to enrage the majority of your player base every time.;)

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I usually don't post on this forum, and when I do, it's usually to be positive to outweigh the negative. This, though? Nope, no silver lining, no positive way to spin it or look at it. This is just stupid. Last night, I ran through the Ord Mantell and Coruscant heroics, figuring it was worth a try to see how much CXP that would get me. I didn't even get from level 4 to 5. The grind was already there, already not that good, and this just made it worse.
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Just wanted to add my name to the list of people who think this is an awful idea.


I am a solo player. I don't do ops/wz/fp. Heroics were going to be the only way for me to level my GC and that was going to take forever already and they nerf it? Honestly, I felt it needed a boost in cxp gain.


Is there even a reason to keep trying at this point? It would take me like 5 yrs to level my GC at this rate :(


I feel like this was a bad decision.

Edited by TinaLovesHan
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I'm usually one to go with the flow. I don't really complain much, but this time I feel I have to. The grind for CXP was already pretty bad as it was, but at least you could make some progress during heroics, flashpoints, ops and such by killing those elite mobs. Lowering the cap? Fine. Nerfing those elites? Fine, by half would have been okay-ish. Nerfing them to oblivion? WHY.


Like 1% of the players got to the cap by grinding those elites in a way the very vast majority of players will never do, and now the whole of the player base is punished for it?


With the Command system not even Legacy-wide, I cannot ever imagine grinding it on more than one character, especially not now that a good source for CXP has been obliterated. I don't pvp, I enjoy solo activities, and I love playing the story, but after that, with ops no longer dropping gear and the Command system the only way to make any kind of progress, now seriously nerfed, what is there left to do?


I was actually looking forward to staying subbed a little longer and get some of my alts through a few command levels, but this is so disheartening. I hope they decide to revert this change, at least partly. Or at least compensate by buffing up the CXP reward for other activities.

Edited by Syokhan
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LOL I would say I'm shocked just shocked but sadly I'm not. They want you to WZs plan and simple. Just look at how much cxp you get for losing over 500 for roughly 10 mins not mention tier 2 mats. Compare that to the little you get for doing a FP or uprising. You do slightly better doing a OP but again look how much you get time wise to that of a WZ. I did heroics between GSF pops now that's just a waste of time for a whopping 20 cxp. I've been subbed for over 3 years and relies many of you have been longer and for first time I think I might just go prefered. I play multiple toons just never gonna get to high Command XP because I refuse to become a WZ lifer. So I'll sit back save my money and hope they fix this game even though honestly do any of believe they will at this point?
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You all should know by now how this works. They will increase it next week with an apology, stating some mistake blah blah, then raise the CXP gain some so it is more than it is now thinking that it will pacify everyone who hates the system and everyone will be okay and just dislike the new gearing grind instead of hate it.


More smoke and mirrors...

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This is just insane. I was thinking it was just a bug, getting one point for killing a boss on veteran, same as story.


Oh and the reward boxes themselves suck. First crate I got blast rifle with zero mods in it, and a schematic to a trooper weapon. Considering the character is a sith warrior with bio trade skill I was not impressed. Second crate I got an implant.


Not even bothering to mention the companion gifts, since those are fairly pointless.

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Sent a message to Eric Musco. I know he's only a messenger, but I figured it was the best way to get my voice heard.


"I am one of quite a few people unhappy with the drastic lowering of GCXP to only a single XP for one gold enemy. It makes doing heroic missions nearly pointless, because the paltry reward you get from the heroic quest is, quite simply, not really worth the time you put into it.


I am far from alone in my thoughts. At the time I am sending this message, the topic I am linking has 15 pages of posts, and not a single one is remotely positive about this change. I strongly encourage you to mention to those with the power to at least soften the nerf to do so.



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Dear Bioware,


When you talked about being able to earn “a GC crate in about an hour to hour and a half” was that based on the average casual player like a bell curve chart? Or is that based on the sliding scale of only the most aggressive play styles will meet that standard? Before this last patch I would have said you based it on a bell curve. Now I am not so sure.


As some have said, prior to this change I felt a desire to actually look for and take on the elites in heroics/ flashpoints/story rather than just avoid them. Their value went up to me as a player. Now to be rewarded with one point for the effort is not worth it.


This change doesn’t even stop the most dedicated from reaching the cap either. It only slows down the process in which casuals will feel the most impact from this change.


Bioware, could you please actually revisit this decision and re-evaluate the affects this might have on various types of play? It would be appreciative.


While you are at it, maybe look up and memorize the definition of “moderation” and “baby steps” so you may use these in future changes so as not to enrage the majority of your player base every time.;)


No, they just lied.

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No, they just lied.


That's all they ever do, now. Every single thing they say is some variation of a lie. If they told me the sky was blue, I'd have to double check myself. Disney really ****ed ip letting EA and their subsidiary, Lucyware, continue to "develop" their money printing IP. If I was a Disney exec, I'd be contacting legal to see how we could pull the contract with EA. It's pants on head and dancing clown shoes over there EVERY *********** day!

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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You all should know by now how this works. They will increase it next week with an apology, stating some mistake blah blah, then raise the CXP gain some so it is more than it is now thinking that it will pacify everyone who hates the system and everyone will be okay and just dislike the new gearing grind instead of hate it.


More smoke and mirrors...


Sounds like they are running for cabinet positions in the new USA government to me.

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This is a joke surely. The majority of the CXP you earn from Heroics is from gold mobs. The 20cxp for the mission is nothing. The chapters pay very little for the time invested and the handful of golds bumped that up. I'm out.


Right there, what he said, sums it up.

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