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"All gold NPCs now grant 1 Command Experience point (down from 10)."


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I didn't even GET a form to explain why I unsubbed. Neither did my husband.

...when I stopped subbing from RIFT back in the day, they sent me a mail with a questionnaire. (I think it was RIFT...? Don't think it was after I visited WoW last time, but anyway, doesn't matter.) It was a nice one too, where they started by saying they won't get butthurt if I tell them I like some other game better.


Weird. I unsubbed through the website, and the last step is a page asking you why you're leaving.

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I just did a Heroic on tattooine and got the generous 1 CXP per gold. However when I completed the secondary task (Kill 30 peeps) the mission was over .. it gave me the 20 CXP. The main gist of the Heroic was to kill a champion Boss (Chief blood somebody) so I went ahead and did so for 0 CXP. Then the next heroic ended with a champion and I got 0 CXP for him too though the heroic was over when he died and then I got the 20 for the quest. These idiots are gonna squeeze me right outta my favorite game. :( I truly HATE wasting my time getting such a small reward.


Then there is the 250,000 credits for the companion gifts on odesson (that's each matey's). Lets see, they gave me 500 each for common data crystals (I wish I would have written them down to see if they really did. I am getting to the point that I think they are lying to me about stuff ... that sucks too.


ok gifts were 30 crystals or 15,000 each (Per the value I received) ... now 250,000 each? I know this is not real money but I still feel like I am getting ripped off.


1 or 2 crates per hour My A** :mad:

Edited by Wahala
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That is because more than 90% of people got changed over the years - it's not the same team that launched the game. The 10% remaining is probably all in marketing :D Bioware is a big company people come and go and the ones that really knew what they where doing have left SWTOR a while ago.




Original crew is not apart of development. It is ran by money now. Not MMO common sense.



Oh I completely agree that inexperience is not a good defense, ESPECIALLY whey people seam to lack basic common sense and knowledge of how MMO work... anyone who played any MMO ever would be able to predict this things.... Or so we think.

Not to mention the hiring policy - being a company you would think Bioware would hire someone who knows what they doing to run the game... But no, that is clearly to much to ask.

All I'm saying is that they do have a lot of inexperienced people steering the boat, so it seams... I'm NOT making excuses for them or saying it is right - it's the companies job to make sure people they assign tasks to CAN do them. Players are a paying customer in this case, their issues are not our problem - we ARE entitled to a good service. And we ARE entitled to live when we are not getting it. We are the ones who have to pay after all.


I've been warning BW of the 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 issues/changes for years. x12 XP, removal of abilities, merging of abilities, changing Active abilities I to Passive abilities, the dumbing down of the game for a more simple minded casual player base. It's been SWG NGE since patch 2.7. A Combat Upgrade packaged on the heels of a New Game Enhancement milked out over a period of years.


I've been flamed, banned, ignored, threads/posts trimmed by Community Managers but in the end, I've been right all along. I only stuck around to say, BW I was right all along. 5.0 just proves it all. Again. ;)

That's if the community sees my reply, the community managers have suppressed me and most of my posts aren't even viewer by the rest of the forum. vBulletin mods. I own a few vB forums, admin multiple forums and moderate a few others, it's not lost on me CM's. It's what I do as a hobby.


Thnx BW but should have listened to the actual veterans, not the high profile self involved streamers and casual PvE'rs


But the real money makers. The CM gamblers, crew skillers, and raiders/ranked/regstar players.

Edited by Liquor
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This is because 1 guy maxed CXP in 3 days farming gold's. :cool:

318K CXP and Command Rank 100 in 3 days. :)


That is an awesome achievement but not something the other 99.9% of the subscriber player base would do.


It's a knee jerk reaction from an inexperienced developing team leadership. It highlights the huge disconnect EA and Bioware employees have with the gaming community. They do not understand what it is like to be a new player in this game let alone an experienced veteran player.


Looks good on paper but in the real world, fails and alienates the paying community.


Go home BW you're drunk!


Yep, I mentioned this earlier too. One guy found a way to play the system as efficiently as possible, then had to brag about it to everyone who would listen. Then the white knights took the example and began telling everyone who was complaining about the ridiculous grind "But this one guy is already rank 100, so you're just whining!" And then EAWare finally paid attention for a minute, only to apply a 'nuke from orbit' nerf. So now everyone suffers, except the bragging guy who started it all--he already has his Command ranks from farming golds, this doesn't hurt him in the slightest! He'll just find the next most efficient way to grind and do it again.

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I really hope BW sifts through all this feedback and actually listens. (I know....)


Quick vent....


I cant begin to say how frustrated I am with stuff like this. Not only do they not fix so many annoying and frustrating bugs, they actually nerf something that was helping us. I literally just said to my buddy last night...


I'm actually ok with his patch. Many bugs, but they'll get fixed, I hope. My guild has died from no end-game content but at least now I don't really need to worry about gear. Pvp bolster seems to be working ok and I actually like killing golds now. For 5 years, I've avoided them for the most part. Now I see them and I wanna kill 'em. Then I wake up and see this. I just....I honestly don't know what the heck is going on over there.


I always joke that many stupid decisions are made in rooms with lots of people. Like, someone says, "..hey, I have an idea.." and every one listens and says ok, lets do it. Then the rest of the world says..."who actually decided this and thought it would be ok." There are so many things about this game right now that make me wanna say that.


/frustrated in swtor-land


There were so many posts I wanted to quote I didn't even know where to start. But here will work. Forbes once had an article about stupid IT decisions and the failure of such a high number of IT startups and the conclusion was sleep deprivation and the loss of critical decision making skills in the IT culture. ("Hey... I have an idea...." and then the stupid happens.) http://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelthomsen/2014/03/27/how-sleep-deprivation-drives-the-high-failure-rates-of-tech-startups/#69ecc5c57ae1


I play this game for RP and PVP. I wasn't looking forward to grinding even minimal gear on my 20 alts (had decided most would just be abandoned) especially since comms and the ability to use them to gear alts vanished. But the fact that RNG to gear up is HORRIBLE is so obvious I can only shake my head at its implementation. (see comment above on sleep deprivation and loss of critical decision making skills...).


So stupidly foolish.... So now I get to see people who LOATHE pvp sit in my matches mostly afk farming command exp? Fun for neither pvpers or that character who is being forced to do content they don't want - just as pvpers were crying (and I was contemplating leaving the game) when they thought they would be forced to do pve content for pvp gear.


I have played MMORPGs since the beginning of the original EQ and can't recall when I have ever seen a developer set so out of touch with the effect their decisions will actually have on the player base and so apparently unaware of the value of public relations in a business . I think for instance the meltdown pvpers had over anticipated CXP rewards in WZs vs the roll out reality and the fact Bioware never even bothered to say they expected there would be an adjustment by the time it went live. Not worth going into here but so much drama and angst could have been avoided if only Bioware issued a one line statement that could reassure the community their legitimate concerns were being looked at (and actually addressed! to some extent). So many pvpers had already decided they didn't like the changes before it even went live due to that.


I have so many friends who have unsubbed this week. They can rp on f2p and well, that is what they are doing. I subscribe and I still think the game is an entertainment bargain. But I won't be buying anything from the CM or coins until things change. I can't begin to say how sad it makes me to log in and see that so many of my friends are no longer around and the ones who primarily rp are often just moving it all to forums or other texted based. Nevermind I like to have my rp alts leveled and at minimally geared - to me it shows a commitment to the character. An empty world is not an incentive to log on and if I wanted to play a farming game I wouldn't be here....


So not unsubbing yet, but no more Cartel coins will be purchased until there is some solid attempt at resolving so many of the issues brought up in this thread (and others).

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It's amazing how many people are just dying to farm mobs all day long. Of course the mobs are still in game so they can still farm them all day long, but you now refuse to. Never happy are you.


Are you purposely not understanding it was about the 10cxp reward and had nothing to do with farming mobs as you say. Why do people farm nodes? The reward, monkey, the reward!

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Yep, I mentioned this earlier too. One guy found a way to play the system as efficiently as possible, then had to brag about it to everyone who would listen. Then the white knights took the example and began telling everyone who was complaining about the ridiculous grind "But this one guy is already rank 100, so you're just whining!" And then EAWare finally paid attention for a minute, only to apply a 'nuke from orbit' nerf. So now everyone suffers, except the bragging guy who started it all--he already has his Command ranks from farming golds, this doesn't hurt him in the slightest! He'll just find the next most efficient way to grind and do it again.


I would imagine that would consist of farming the 20 Cxp bosses on Alderaan by the Imp base.

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Well, I might have tried to give them some ideas too, in an objective and constructive manner, but that post is already buried, so...


Yeah, that sounds like my post. The forum doesn't really like anything objective and constructive generally anyway.

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I didn't even GET a form to explain why I unsubbed. Neither did my husband.

...when I stopped subbing from RIFT back in the day, they sent me a mail with a questionnaire. (I think it was RIFT...? Don't think it was after I visited WoW last time, but anyway, doesn't matter.) It was a nice one too, where they started by saying they won't get butthurt if I tell them I like some other game better.


Aah, found it. I guess I was so sad and annoyed that I didn't think to scroll down far enough.

I wrote them a short essay. Wish I could say I hope they'll listen...

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Okay at first i want to say i dislike the RNG System as it now is. Its not rewarding enough. Yes it feels good to lvl up with cxp ... but the rewards out of the boxes are miserable. The nerf for Gold mobs is just hilarious, this way its far longer to lvl up. But when you criterise something then it should be constructive so here my idea to make it better:


When someone get a lvl up in Command System the box should drop just Artefakt gear with lets a a 10 % chance of having a setbonus on the item. This way when got a piece twice you can send it to an alt for example ( with legacy gear , or you make Command System legacy wide ) and you know you have a piece. Not you get a box and you just know that there is a blue or green 228 piece in it. Most of the ppl don't need this crap, and don't forget, you need to have fourteen pieces for a complete 230 set. With the system now in work you need to have so much luck to get a complete tier 1 set that cant be the way. When i hit tier 2 from command lvl i should be complete equipped with tier 1. All the other stuff like shematics and so on is well lets say okay.

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Aah, found it. I guess I was so sad and annoyed that I didn't think to scroll down far enough.

I wrote them a short essay. Wish I could say I hope they'll listen...


Now now, dry those eyes, people unsubscribing in mass is the one thing I've only seen them TRULY listen to. Their jobs at this moment do depend upon subscription. Now the bad news, they pull this type of **** every year and immediately run off on vacation, the bastards!

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Earning CXP is far too slow considering many of us need to gear multiple characters. CXP for group content, weeklies and dailies needs to be increased. So players are rewarded for playing regularly rather than farming and grinding hours on end.
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Earning CXP is far too slow considering many of us need to gear multiple characters. CXP for group content, weeklies and dailies needs to be increased. So players are rewarded for playing regularly rather than farming and grinding hours on end.


I don't think the CXP is the issue but the RNG in the crates is.

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