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Merc super cancer 5.0!!!!!!


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The number of people I see DPSing into a full 6 seconds of reflect on mercs is just staggering. Literally teams crowding around him and unleashing full burst rotations.


They made the thing a BRIGHT RED BUBBLE, and gave it loud sound effects and people still don't stop.


Almost no one ignored juggs when they popped h2f cooldown... for 2-3 years?, so why they should ignore mercs now? Orange shield? Red Bubble? What is that? That merc should die right now! :D

Edited by Glower
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The number of people I see DPSing into a full 6 seconds of reflect on mercs is just staggering. Literally teams crowding around him and unleashing full burst rotations.


They made the thing a BRIGHT RED BUBBLE, and gave it loud sound effects and people still don't stop.


Reminds me of the time when the Sage Bubble was new.

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This is really a discussion of bad players no longer being able to kill mercs simply by stun locking. Thats the only mechanic many players know how to use. "I stunned him, applied dps as instructed and he didn't die. Though he did glow a strange color and green numbers popped out of him. NEVERTHELESS I'm unsubbing this game is clearly broken!!!"(Sobs uncontrollablely)


If you have ever killed a jugg or sorc simply repeat that same level or awareness.


I never play merc and it is only class i haven't yolo'd but I thought I'd try it out for this brief period where it is OP (just for lols).


I've found myself taking 400k-700k dmg before dying when focused in 4 DPS matches. Yes 4 dps matches lol!


I have only 208 gear which I sent to the toon last season even though I didn't play him. My dps is crap because I haven't even read the ability descriptions but is still higher than most other dps classes(non-merc). I even offheal a bit as i've taken dps sorc to gold a few seasons.


So in other words I'm terrible at the class but still winning most of my matches with most of my losses coming from a string of these 2 ahole trolls that kept getting on my team.


People complained about dps sorc last season but most dps sorcs switched to healer to get 1700+ and then switched back to dps when they knew they would usually end up on the better team (bw matchmaking ). DPS sorcs that stayed dps had to kite, offheal, etc. where on merc now I just facetank if I have less than 3 dps on me. Yes FACETANK up to 2 dps!


Merc was fine last update but for a long time before that it was rather UP and so there is nothing wrong with enjoying it's (likely) brief stay at the top. But lets not kid ourselves, Merc is currently at the top :) . Merc is probably my worst class and I'm still having very good results on it. I'm sure people who main merc are really kicking ***.


Also, don't worry about what people are saying on here. BW doesn't read pvp forums and Merc will stay this way for at least a few months!

Edited by DarthRaika
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I feel bad for Mara's right now especially. While they are still fun to play, Sins are just superior in 5.0. And with all the Mercs running around with with their OP defensive cooldowns. God forbid you piss a Merc off by touching them, you will be trolled with electronet the entire match.


Thats my main gripe with merc. Players get beat, then they just troll whatever player killed them with electronet the entire match just to be a complete a-hole. And given how strong mercs are right now, they do not deserve to have electronet how it currently exist. The damage is insane however manageable if you blow some vital cooldowns. But for the love of god, please remove the other effects that prevent high mobility actions. Poor juggs are already slow enough, then once you got 4 mercs (the wz average right now) netting them, they are really going no where.


I feel like. Mercs did need some defensive buffs maybe.. But right now it seems like they have the ability to survive anything thrown at them way to often.


What's wrong with Maras?

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Almost no one ignored juggs when they popped h2f cooldown... for 2-3 years?, so why they should ignore mercs now? Orange shield? Red Bubble? What is that? That merc should die right now! :D


Damn, I just thought they were pretty effects, so I turned my graphics settings right up so I could watch it when I hit them. I took an fps and lag hit, but it looks good when you hit them. I just can't understand why they won't die :D

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I hope they address this as quickly as they have addressed every other OP class. Which is not very quick at all. Coming from someone who's played a merc through thick an thin i assure you we deserve it. I see lethality ops are gonna be good for pve now. Grats to them. Also well deserved
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(In a 50's guy announcer voice)


"Most people think cancer is some pretty bad stuff."

"Well the hard working fellas at Bioware have the answer to all the problems regular cancer can't handle."

"Introducing the all new super cancer, for all your MMO addiction needs."

"Cures mmo addiction fast, by giving super cancer to all of your love of MMOs."

"Just look for the SWOTR 5.0 bottles at the pharmacy."

"Look for the merc on the label, and you know you've got quality."

"Just buy Mercanoids 5.0 You're just one swallow away from MMO relief."

Edited by Severith
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(In a 50's guy announcer voice)


"Most people think cancer is some pretty bad stuff."

"Well the hard working fellas at Bioware have the answer to all the problems regular cancer can't handle."

"Introducing the all new super cancer, for all your MMO addiction needs."

"Cures mmo addiction fast, buy giving super cancer to all of your love of MMOs."

"Just look for the SWOTR 5.0 bottles at the pharmacy."

"Look for the merc on the label, and you know you've got quality."

"Just buy Mercanoids 5.0 You're just one swallow away from MMO relief."

That was almost funny, but seriously how about a Free Learn to play pill instead? Would brighten my day and make these forums so much more enjoyable.
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Every other class/spec has been ROFL stomping Mercs/Mandos into the ground for how many years? Now that they are actually on par with other classes in terms of survival abilities, everyone starts complaining.


As it stands the top Merc players will dominate because they have had to face the challenge of actually being competitive before having these new buffs. These elite Mercs will understand how to time these cooldowns properly and yes they will win. However, in a competitive setting, the top players of other classes will learn to adapt and time their own cooldowns to combat the merc.


My arsenal merc is my main, Ive been having a blast fighting other mercs/mandos. Folks just have to learn to adapt and know what they are fighting.


This post sums it up nicely. I've had some nice fights versus other Mercs / Mandos, everyone else who is used to roflstomping the class is simply going to have to learn how to play their class properly versus Merc / Mandos.


You can counter them, it's not all about "derp dps the Merc / Mando and they insta die" now. I mean, who seriously continues to dps the Merc / Mando with the great big glowing shield up? You know you're healing us if we survive your burst right? Right? :D

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This post sums it up nicely. I've had some nice fights versus other Mercs / Mandos, everyone else who is used to roflstomping the class is simply going to have to learn how to play their class properly versus Merc / Mandos.


You can counter them, it's not all about "derp dps the Merc / Mando and they insta die" now. I mean, who seriously continues to dps the Merc / Mando with the great big glowing shield up? You know you're healing us if we survive your burst right? Right? :D

Heh, you already know the answer but...ah yeah, intelligent sarcasm is rarely worth it when talking with the great masses
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That was almost funny, but seriously how about a Free Learn to play pill instead? Would brighten my day and make these forums so much more enjoyable.


You've already helped prove in my thread that the only thing a veng jugg can do against a merc is not use their main abilities (impale and shatter). That was literally your solution in the thread.




I guess to you learning to play means no one playing veng jugs. Because a merc spent an utility point.

Edited by Severith
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You've already helped prove in my thread that the only thing a veng jugg can do against a merc is not use their main abilities (impale and shatter). That was literally your solution in the thread.




I guess to you learning to play means no one playing veng jugs. Because a merc spent an utility point.

No i simply told you how to limit the healing through mercs cooldown by not going HAM with the dots. And even IF the dots are applied theres no chance they tick 15 times during the duration of the merc shield, wich means that YOU can most certainly adapt to the situation by limiting your dmg output against that particular player for a few seconds.


How on gods green earth is that a difficult concept to comprehend?!

Seriously you people give me a severe headache by your constant ignorance of game mechanics.

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No i simply told you how to limit the healing through mercs cooldown by not going HAM with the dots. And even IF the dots are applied theres no chance they tick 15 times during the duration of the merc shield, wich means that YOU can most certainly adapt to the situation by limiting your dmg output against that particular player for a few seconds.


How on gods green earth is that a difficult concept to comprehend?!

Seriously you people give me a severe headache by your constant ignorance of game mechanics.


Once again, you failed at reading and comprehension. The dots are what prevent Intimidating Roar (soft stun) from being used on a merc. (You failed to understand the point, again) The dots don't trigger the healing, at all. (You failed to understand the healing mechanic of the energy shield utility) The problem was that resource generation for knights and warriors do trigger the healing, so when other classes can break los and regain force, or heat, or energy, the jugs and maras do not have that option.


You constantly complain about other people not getting the mechanics, and then you post another complaint in which you demonstrate that you clearly don't understand it either. I'm going to have to lump you in with all those players who don't get why mercs suddenly heal to full. You're that kind of stupid, just on the other side of the argument.

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Once again, you failed at reading and comprehension. The dots are what prevent Intimidating Roar (soft stun) from being used on a merc. (You failed to understand the point, again) The dots don't trigger the healing, at all. (You failed to understand the healing mechanic of the energy shield utility) The problem was that resource generation for knights and warriors do trigger the healing, so when other classes can break los and regain force, or heat, or energy, the jugs and maras do not have that option.


You constantly complain about other people not getting the mechanics, and then you post another complaint in which you demonstrate that you clearly don't understand it either. I'm going to have to lump you in with all those players who don't get why mercs suddenly heal to full. You're that kind of stupid, just on the other side of the argument.

First you say you cant use dots , then it's no worrys with the dots. Tell me whats preventing you from stopping to attack or GAWD i dunno, popping a defensive of your own to prevent the merc from dpsing you while his shield is up? It is so very easy to counter and yet you just say no no no, you are a baddie while yourself cant come up with a single solution except hitting the merc while his shield is up.


L2P for the last time

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First you say you cant use dots , then it's no worrys with the dots. Tell me whats preventing you from stopping to attack or GAWD i dunno, popping a defensive of your own to prevent the merc from dpsing you while his shield is up? It is so very easy to counter and yet you just say no no no, you are a baddie while yourself cant come up with a single solution except hitting the merc while his shield is up.


L2P for the last time


I didn't say I couldn't use dots. I said that I had to use dots because those are tied into vengeance's main abilities. (You failed to read and comprehend.) I never said the dots were not a worry, since they prevent the use of the soft stun. (You told us to use awe to counter it, but your way wouldn't work) Stopping the attack, for 12 seconds, is exactly what you have to do. Meanwhile, one of the best dps classes in the game is going to be killing you.


There isn't a viable solution for a veng jugg to use when a merc flicks up energy shield. That's how powerful it is. That 1 utility point would win a 1v1 fight for a merc everytime.

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I didn't say I couldn't use dots. I said that I had to use dots because those are tied into vengeance's main abilities. (You failed to read and comprehend.) I never said the dots were not a worry, since they prevent the use of the soft stun. (You told us to use awe to counter it, but your way wouldn't work) Stopping the attack, for 12 seconds, is exactly what you have to do. Meanwhile, one of the best dps classes in the game is going to be killing you.


There isn't a viable solution for a veng jugg to use when a merc flicks up energy shield. That's how powerful it is. That 1 utility point would win a 1v1 fight for a merc everytime.

No, the problem is that ability is enough to win against YOU, you have proven to be unable to adapt to the situation, End of story
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