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Merc super cancer 5.0!!!!!!


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Honestly the merc has three years of buffs that are finally too much. 4.0 the merc was close to being an ok class for ranked they just couldn't force a hard target swap like sorcs or limit pressure on themselves. Well they got all of that plus mobility and heals. The fact that a burst range spec has the best single target pressure in the game seems odd. They don't really have an obvious weakness.


Excellent against melee and stealth, burst to go toe to toe with a sniper or Mara. Self heals that rival sorcs. Two good kiting abilities. In combat mezz, hard stun, electronet, kb, build in slow, and a reflect as well now i think, easy resource management.


It's like the combination of a old school pt's with a sorcerer.

Edited by Chimerako
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Honestly the merc has three years of buffs that are finally too much. 4.0 the merc was close to being an ok class for ranked they just couldn't force a hard target swap like sorcs or limit pressure on themselves. Well they got all of that plus mobility and heals. The fact that a burst range spec has the best single target pressure in the game seems odd. They don't really have an obvious weakness.


Excellent against melee and stealth, burst to go toe to toe with a sniper or Mara. Self heals that rival sorcs. Two good kiting abilities. In combat mezz, hard stun, electronet, kb, build in slow, and a reflect as well now i think, easy resource management.


It's like the combination of a old school pt's with a sorcerer.


The issue is Bioware are always heavy handed with buffs and nerfs. They don't know how to do either. If they just did small tweaks then waited to see the result, then adjusted again if needed, we wouldn't end up in these situations.

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So, one of the classes that has been at the bottom for every single season receives some much needed buffs to make them competitive and people are already complaining before the next season even begins.


Season 8 already started. And I think people have made fair complaints. Merc was in a pretty solid place in 4.0. Definitely seem over-tuned now. The devs do too much at once and don't take everything into account. They changed/added/removed a lot of abilities, buffed some classes (like merc here) and made everything now either a ranged class or a melee class. Too much change and not enough thought to balance i think maybe. Still too early to fully tell though with people still trying to get a baseline of gear i think.

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Season 8 already started. And I think people have made fair complaints. Merc was in a pretty solid place in 4.0. Definitely seem over-tuned now. The devs do too much at once and don't take everything into account. They changed/added/removed a lot of abilities, buffed some classes (like merc here) and made everything now either a ranged class or a melee class. Too much change and not enough thought to balance i think maybe. Still too early to fully tell though with people still trying to get a baseline of gear i think.


Oh believe me, they're overtuned as all hell. A good merc with a tank or healer is now effectively invincible due to the BS combo of lower shield cd + heals on end of shield - if you're in constant fighting, the shield cooldown will be around 30-45 seconds.

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The way mercs stand, if played right, you have to kill them 3 times. Energy shield health stacks utility potentially heals for 100k and kolto infusion heals to 70%. That's outrageously broken not to mention that arsenal, undoubtedly, has the best single target damage. PvP today is just a combination of only mercs and maras. Sorcs hit and heal like a wet noodle. Corrupted barrier infused force barrier only heals 15% of your health now in most cases. Dark heal somehow only heals 2-3k per cast with the trauma debuff. Mercs are gods. Sorcs are dead. Hope you all are happy lol.
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The way mercs stand, if played right, you have to kill them 3 times. Energy shield health stacks utility potentially heals for 100k and kolto infusion heals to 70%. That's outrageously broken not to mention that arsenal, undoubtedly, has the best single target damage. PvP today is just a combination of only mercs and maras. Sorcs hit and heal like a wet noodle. Corrupted barrier infused force barrier only heals 15% of your health now in most cases. Dark heal somehow only heals 2-3k per cast with the trauma debuff. Mercs are gods. Sorcs are dead. Hope you all are happy lol.


Yeah, Carnage is very strong right now, and even then, I'm still dying to random shi.tter mercs on my mara when in 4.0 I would've steamrolled them. Really not sure what Bioware was thinking.


Hell, mercs are an issue atm even for like, concealment and deception in 1v1's lol

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Yeah, Carnage is very strong right now, and even then, I'm still dying to random shi.tter mercs on my mara when in 4.0 I would've steamrolled them. Really not sure what Bioware was thinking.


Hell, mercs are an issue atm even for like, concealment and deception in 1v1's lol


Well i only play Maras and Juggs too but on your own words you used to "steamrolled them" and now that they are fightning back (only if they have all cds up) you are pissed? Talk about hypocrisy much?


Simple way to beat mercs 1v1:


1 - Save your mezzes for when they pop energy shield. There is no point dpsing them while energy shield is up, they will just heal to full. Save your Awe, stun, push, vanish to buy some time.


2- Dont be a turd and keep dpsing while they have the reflect up. Have seen so many fellow knights and warriors keep dpsing them. Only last for 5s.


3- after these 2 simple steps they are a freekill for any guardian. Marauder have to work a little more but the same steps apply to them.


Be smart and interrupt tracer missel.

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I love merc/mandos, they really deserved some buffs...


But 75% healing pump and 6 sec of 50% reflect with small heals is a bit too much. One of these buffs is OK but 2 of them at the same time? :D


eh, forgot about healing shield. :p

Edited by Glower
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Well i only play Maras and Juggs too but on your own words you used to "steamrolled them" and now that they are fightning back (only if they have all cds up) you are pissed? Talk about hypocrisy much?


Simple way to beat mercs 1v1:


1 - Save your mezzes for when they pop energy shield. There is no point dpsing them while energy shield is up, they will just heal to full. Save your Awe, stun, push, vanish to buy some time.


2- Dont be a turd and keep dpsing while they have the reflect up. Have seen so many fellow knights and warriors keep dpsing them. Only last for 5s.


3- after these 2 simple steps they are a freekill for any guardian. Marauder have to work a little more but the same steps apply to them.


Be smart and interrupt tracer missel.


How is it hypocritical? I'm saying that their class is so massively buffed now that it makes up for their lack of skill. I'd **** on those people on MY merc in 4.0, too.


No other class has this many "haha don't attack me :)" abilities.

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I love merc/mandos, they really deserved some buffs...


But 75% healing pump and 6 sec of 50% reflect with small heals is a bit too much. One of these buffs is OK but 2 of them at the same time? :D


eh, forgot about healing shield. :p


There also doesn't appear to be an ICD on the reflect's healing. Tested with a friend against my mara playing carnage, I had about ~50% alacrity in a beserk window and was spamming massacre on him. He was getting healed from both the initial massacre hit, and the subsequent ataru form dmg, and I was hitting him around 2 times a GCD. Every hit healed him.

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How is it hypocritical? I'm saying that their class is so massively buffed now that it makes up for their lack of skill. I'd **** on those people on MY merc in 4.0, too.


No other class has this many "haha don't attack me :)" abilities.


Like i said, juggs and maras can still beat them 1v1, its just not a "steamrolled" anymore. If they couldn't been beated then i would say that they were op. Just play smart, and dont mindless keeps attack them while their cds are up.


On the ebon hawk server, i'm seeing 4-5 juggs guardians plus 2-3 maras for every merc. Hell some matchs there isn't even a merc. ( And i like to hunt mercs down)


The pvp meta right now for regstar premades are 3 dps juggs and a healer. Juggs dps guarding a healer is impossible to beat right now. Dps juggs are the new skank tanks.


If bioware just go around nerfing sins and merc then we will start to see only knights warrior matchs. Similiar to the sorcs match in 4.0

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Like i said, juggs and maras can still beat them 1v1, its just not a "steamrolled" anymore. If they couldn't been beated then i would say that they were op. Just play smart, and dont mindless keeps attack them while their cds are up.


On the ebon hawk server, i'm seeing 4-5 juggs guardians plus 2-3 maras for every merc. Hell some matchs there isn't even a merc. ( And i like to hunt mercs down)


The pvp meta right now for regstar premades are 3 dps juggs and a healer. Juggs dps guarding a healer is impossible to beat right now. Dps juggs are the new skank tanks.


If bioware just go around nerfing sins and merc then we will start to see only knights warrior matchs. Similiar to the sorcs match in 4.0


Lol to your logic. Mercs pop shield? Do not hit him. Kolto? Do not hit him. Reflect? Do not hit him. So basicly i must kite merc with my jugg for 20-30 seconds, and he can freecast his rockets on me. And if i am lucky to survive, he still has E-net, insta mezz, 4 sec root etc. Bro, i am jugg, not op, merc must kite me (and he has lots of tools for it) not i him.

And stop talking nonsense about new skanks. Jugg dps got ZERO dcds from this patch and lost soresu, no passive DR, except saber ward. Do you understand? If you will guard sombedy, you will melt in seconds.

Edited by Feddot
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Had a Solo ranked match yesterday where a Merc + Tank kited all three of us and won, Lol. The tank died along the way and then the Merc tanked the two that were left. I won't name the guy, but he was an amazing Merc player even before it was OP, so I'm not complaining. He's taking a really overpowered class to its limits. Very impressive display of skill by him.
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Had a Solo ranked match yesterday where a Merc + Tank kited all three of us and won, Lol. The tank died along the way and then the Merc tanked the two that were left. I won't name the guy, but he was an amazing Merc player even before it was OP, so I'm not complaining. He's taking a really overpowered class to its limits. Very impressive display of skill by him.



In a match 2 days ago, the merc was the last one standing on the enemy team - THREE of us, 1t, 1dps, 1healer sat there and just unloaded on this guy for like a solid 2 min and he finally died - he was cycling those big heals and the shields and it was super annoying.


I'm not surprised how OP they are - merc was best range dps and now they can face tank anyone in the game, if they want too. Those heals are just too much IMO, no dps class should beable to have big self heals on that fast of a CD. If it was a HoT it will be alittle more forgiving (something similar to jugg self heal), but that burst heal in conjunction with shields makes them ridiculous (ontop of the million other tools they have).

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