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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

BW : you expect me to grind for more than 20 years


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There is a cap, but I'm fairly certain that 23,400 is not the real number. I've been playing somewhat casually and just hit command rank 13, which requires 17k or so CXP, and there have been posters here saying that they are much higher than I am. This would be impossible if the cap were as small as 23,400.


I'm rank 21. At the pace I'm going I'll probably hit 23 or 24 before going to bed tonight. And I'm sure there are people with higher ranks.



Edited by Radzkie
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Why are you so focused in reaching 300? You'll be receiving great gear before 300.




I sense people are missing the point and feel they need to reach 300 to 'complete the game'. You don't of course, you can just use crafted gear and never open one command crate if you choose. Crafted gear is more than adequate for 95% of the content.


Think of getting cxp as a side activity you gain by osmosis as you play the content you enjoy. It's not a target you are meant to grind towards. Treat it that way and you will be burnt out within the week.

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I sense people are missing the point and feel they need to reach 300 to 'complete the game'. You don't of course, you can just use crafted gear and never open one command crate if you choose. Crafted gear is more than adequate for 95% of the content.


Think of getting cxp as a side activity you gain by osmosis as you play the content you enjoy. It's not a target you are meant to grind towards. Treat it that way and you will be burnt out within the week.


Oh yeah...

Enjoy every second of this "new and awsome content" with hundreds hours of gameplay!!!

So much new stuff to do...


What the hell are you talking about, dude?

Crefting gear is more than adequate? Seriously?

I think you missed a little detail here...




But such confident person of course know it, right?

Oh wait...

You don't.

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Oh yeah...

Enjoy every second of this "new and awsome content" with hundreds hours of gameplay!!!

So much new stuff to do...


What the hell are you talking about, dude?

Crefting gear is more than adequate? Seriously?

I think you missed a little detail here...




But such confident person of course know it, right?

Oh wait...

You don't.


Yes you need rare materials and schematics if you wish to craft the gear yourself. Or, you could just buy what you need from the gtn. Crafted gear will be there soon enough.


But of course you knew that, right?

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Yes you need rare materials and schematics if you wish to craft the gear yourself. Or, you could just buy what you need from the gtn. Crafted gear will be there soon enough.


But of course you knew that, right?


And how exactly i should "enjoy the game" if im gonna forced to farm heroics like madman in order to get more money for mats?

Where's your logic dude?


But of course such pro gamer as you enjoy endless grind, which has become ETERNAL, right? :rolleyes:

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I sense people are missing the point and feel they need to reach 300 to 'complete the game'. You don't of course, you can just use crafted gear and never open one command crate if you choose. Crafted gear is more than adequate for 95% of the content.


Think of getting cxp as a side activity you gain by osmosis as you play the content you enjoy. It's not a target you are meant to grind towards. Treat it that way and you will be burnt out within the week.


Ummmm... except the higher level crafting schematics ONLY come in the crates. Otherwise, you can still only craft up to level 64 gear. So, even the crafting is the same end game RNG grind.

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And how exactly i should "enjoy the game" if im gonna forced to farm heroics like madman in order to get more money for mats?

Where's your logic dude?


But of course such pro gamer as you enjoy endless grind, which has become ETERNAL, right? :rolleyes:


Dude I honestly don't know what to say to you when you are clearly determined to hate on the game. You identified your issues and I offer a possible solution.


I'll assume you have already cancelled your sub so I'll just wish you well on your future gaming endeavours elsewhere.

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Ummmm... except the higher level crafting schematics ONLY come in the crates. Otherwise, you can still only craft up to level 64 gear. So, even the crafting is the same end game RNG grind.


As I just said in a previous post, you don't need to craft your own. Get what you need from the gtn, crafted armor will be there soon enough to buy. Mats will be there to buy. And unless you are planning to run NIM operations a day after the release of the expansion, what's the rush?

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It's the same thing in all games, the guy or girl with most free time will complete it faster then the guy with family and a job, maybe it's time for you to put the game behind you if you lack the time for it. It's the same thing with a job, the guy who works harder and more often earns more $.


I think it's a bit nuts too but hey you'll be able to buy the best gear from crafters too remember that with the only difference being the lack of set bonuses.


This is why the game is dying....Maybe think twice before recommending people simply leave instead of bioware actually doing something to fix the game?


RNG was one of the worst things they could have possibly have done to this game. It's as if they are trying to shut down the servers.

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Getting to command level 300 requires around 1.2 M command points

People with family and job may collect on average 1000 CP --> 1200 days --> 3.3 years

( unless performing excessive PVP win trading )


An SM operstion nets around 800 to 1200 CP and I do not run them daily, HC ist out of reach with 230-equippment


With a minimum of 6 chars, 3 roles per side this requires 20 years of grinding and I doubt that this game will see the year 2018


This game makes no sense anymore


Agreed, it could be normal if this command system was over legacy so we could play different classes but forcing us to do same content with same char.... very stupid moove, people are going to leave fast

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As I just said in a previous post, you don't need to craft your own. Get what you need from the gtn, crafted armor will be there soon enough to buy. Mats will be there to buy. And unless you are planning to run NIM operations a day after the release of the expansion, what's the rush?


You are aware of course that in order for things to be on the GTN, someone has first to reach the level to earn them, yes? It doesn't magically appear there.

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You've only gotten 17K, how does that prove that the weekly limit cannot be 23,400 (or 23,800)?!


Anyone who has hit the limit or reached 24K this week can post a screenshot and we can go from there.


The cap is way higher. Some people are already 93 rank.

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I sense people are missing the point and feel they need to reach 300 to 'complete the game'. You don't of course, you can just use crafted gear and never open one command crate if you choose. Crafted gear is more than adequate for 95% of the content.


Think of getting cxp as a side activity you gain by osmosis as you play the content you enjoy. It's not a target you are meant to grind towards. Treat it that way and you will be burnt out within the week.


That's BW's problem & not the consumers' problem. You can't expect a product to succeed by changing your customer's perception of it. You need to make your product match the perceived needs / wants of the customer.


Most people play MMOs for the feeling of reward they get from advancing their character(s). BW needs to provide meaningful rewards that require balanced effort (not too easy & not too hard). The GC is clearly perceived as beeing too hard to justify the rewards.

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*Year 2036*


"OMG OMG OMG I DID IT! I freakin leveled all of my toons to 300 cxp rank!!!!!!!! I DID IT WOLD! I DID IT!"



*Runs outside stops first person*


"I did it!, I ground all my characters up on swtor! I spent every day for the last twenty years in front of my computer, but I did it!"



*Random Person*


"What's a computer?"

Edited by Darkside
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Why are you so focused in reaching 300? You'll be receiving great gear before 300.


You mean just a CHANCE at gear before 300. He is not guaranteed anything in the casino known as SWTOR.


Do all the 2+ year old content that used to give you gear but do it this time and just hope but the real kicker is, you wont see that same level of gear till rank 180 or so which takes 6+ months or more to reach and it's still just a chance at it. But lets also remember thats if you play SWTOR everyday. EVERY SINGLE DAY as you hope to reach this minimum level of CXP per day. Miss too much and now it's even longer.


Running the same 2+ year old content again and mainly getting nothing for months on end with the added bonus of making sure you don't miss a single days plays or now it's an even longer time just to see similar gear you were able to get in a couple weeks instead of 6+ months to years.


Thats not good game design.

Edited by Quraswren
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It sure takes a while! I'm just glad I don't have a life, sounds really inconvenient with 5.0.


I wish people with lives and other things to do, the best!


Pretty much this.


It is at times like this i am ''''''''''''lucky''''''''''' to have no life so i can get rank 300 in only 1.5 years !!!

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I'll assume you have already cancelled your sub so I'll just wish you well on your future gaming endeavours elsewhere.



^^^^ - throws the "crafted gear" defense right out the window. So really, a player has no choice: you want better gear you gotta grind. Sort of reminds me of old WOW and the Timbermaw grind.


This is just messed up.

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Well I rushed my char to 70 (Never even finished the first 16 chapters ... she is on chap 15) just to see what would happen with the command crates. I did three planets worth of heroics and got to command level 3. In those three crates I got a mount, three 230 Schematics (non modable), 1 for lightsaber, 1 for Blaster rifle and one for focus. Also got three pieces of gear (2 modable 228 pieces ... pants and gloves) and a non modable 220 head piece. I blasted one piece of gear for 100 points and got a companion gift or 2 and a little green jawa junk too. Since I was all 208 and 216 when I started I equipped the 3 pieces of gear.


So I am not like disgusted with the Command rewards thing so far. My Biggest worry is the change in amount of CXP points for the next levels as I go. Time to get points won't really change that much (as I see it anyway), but the amount of points so far for the next level (and next crate) is 150% approx. of what it took you to get to the level you are at (except level 1 ... 1 point heh :p). So as a casual player, I think crates will soon be days apart (then weeks then ....) instead of hours ... (unless of course I learn better ways to get CXP). It took me about 3 hours to get level 3 ,... so I figure 4.5 for 4 then 6 for 5 then 9 for 6 ... and so on .... perhaps they will see the difference between XP (Which has the same kind of curve up for each level, but you get more xp as you level up for the same kind of work ... er ... play :p) and the CXP and perhaps lower the curve.


I have not done a lot of research to see how the difference in points per level changes as you go up but if it is about like from level 2 to 3 was (600+ for 2 then almost 1000 for 3) then there is going to come a time when it will really take forever to level command level up. I suppose we will see as we go. I still Love this danged Game ... :D

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^^^^ - throws the "crafted gear" defense right out the window. So really, a player has no choice: you want better gear you gotta grind. Sort of reminds me of old WOW and the Timbermaw grind.


This is just messed up.


The difference with the timbermaw grind was you knew the reward for the grind. You knew that long crazy grind would get you exactly the reward you were after and it would take anywhere near 6 months to a year to do. In the end you got exactly what you were grinding for.


Swtor however is a gring for just a slim chance at what you want. A massive up to a year long grind and that's if you only run one toon every day and get a ton of CXP and for nearly a year.


It's a massive difference and a major negative to swtor.

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You mean just a CHANCE at gear before 300. He is not guaranteed anything in the casino known as SWTOR.


Do all the 2+ year old content that used to give you gear but do it this time and just hope but the real kicker is, you wont see that same level of gear till rank 180 or so which takes 6+ months or more to reach and it's still just a chance at it. But lets also remember thats if you play SWTOR everyday. EVERY SINGLE DAY as you hope to reach this minimum level of CXP per day. Miss too much and now it's even longer.


Running the same 2+ year old content again and mainly getting nothing for months on end with the added bonus of making sure you don't miss a single days plays or now it's an even longer time just to see similar gear you were able to get in a couple weeks instead of 6+ months to years.


Thats not good game design.


You get rewarded for playing all aspects of the game you like. There's new uprisings. You can do GSF, PVP, OPS, Flashpoints, Story, heroics, you get rewarded for them all. How awesome is that? More group content is coming out next so there's new content coming along. I've heard of ops in master mode, more uprisings, and some are saying possible new pvp. If you don't like the content, then leave. They just changed it so you can DO WHAT YOU ENJOY and reap the same rewards.

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