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My lovely Cathar looks stupid now!


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Tested it by both changing costume back and forth as well as removing armour and replacing it.. No effect.


Then it is a texture bug, and needs to be bug reported.


Probably always been there, but with the new graphics tuning it shows now, and did not before the patch. I'll have to get some of my Cathar nekkid tonight and check and see.

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Submit a ticket, don't fear. I doubt that this is part of BioWare's intention,

It's most likely a bug due to the new graphic update.


Already submitted the bug report before i made this thread. Just thought i'd mention it here too.

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Already submitted the bug report before i made this thread. Just thought i'd mention it here too.


Alright, thats a wise decision tbh. However I recommend you to clone this thread an paste it the Bug Report section ;)

Edited by Gray
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Looks like that top is broken and bugged, or your character is affected by the same thing that's been breaking near-topless companions.


I think you're right. I just checked my Cathar who wears that top as well....same horrific change in fur color (in her case, light grey). I hope they fix it, but I have a feeling I'll have to change her out of the outfit she's been wearing since the Cathar went live :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

My poor Cathar is suffering the same fate. I don't believe it's an armour issue as even in the character creation screen the Cathar females look dramatically more pinkish than they used to. Fur colour one in particular looks absurdly different than it used to.


And it's not just the fur colour, it's also the fact that it's only the fur colour at the neckline and above. It makes any Cathar not wearing fully concealing armour look ridiculous. I beg of thee Bioware, please fix the poor Cathar.

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One of my female Cathar's fur color has changed. She used to be brown. Now she's sort of a dark red-orange.


This reminds me of what happened to my female Mon Calamari in SWG. (It was decided that Mon Calamari females should have totally flat chests, so the model was changed, however when they implemented that change to the character models they accidentally reset every aspect of the physical appearance of female Mon Calamaris. In other words, they changed the skin color, height, weight, etc., of ALL female Mon Cals and that game had a lot more customization possibilities in character creation. :mad: .)

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She probably got cold and wanted you to put some real clothes on her!



In all seriousness that is an annoying bug. My cathar doesn't wear anything that shows her body so I don't know if it's happening on her as well but she has white fur so it may not be as bad.

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