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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Command lvl 10 and I'm already sick of it.


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So... rushed to 70 and began GRINDING immediately on day one and want all the best gear NAO.


GRINDING for anything in a game generally will result in a player burning out or feeling frustrated. It's simply not the best way to play a game, particularly an MMO. Why? Because the grinder is approaching the game as a chore. That is a personal choice and approach. But if you insist on doing so... then own your choice and stop griping.


GC and GCxp appears to be designed to unfold more slowly then some of you wish. If you try to grind it out, rather then just let it unfold as you play the game.... I'm not surprised if you get frustrated.


Now.. if you actually needed the very best and most leet gear in this game, I would be right there with the gripers on GC. But it simply is not the case. It is a compulsion for some, but not a necessity.


I know some of you want it, but in reality you do not need the very best gear in the first weeks of a new expac in an MMO. You can be in full 220/228 gear in the first week or so without touching GC ... and then play as you normally do and as you collect GCxp.. you can continue to improve your gear as you play. Unless you are actually going to do progression raiding (why would with no new OPs??) or doing competitive PvP (where skill can and should make up for not having the most leet gear) you never even need the best gear from GC crates. You want it, but you don't actually need it.


Personally, I really only see PvPers as needing the best gear at all, ever. Progression raiding, at least at this point appears to be dead in this game and has been for some time. Regarding PvP, in my view, the studio needs to go one step further and not just homogenize gear between PvE and PvP... but rather remove gear stats from PvP completely. PvP should be about skill and tactics, not gear.


Outlook and approach are as important to enjoying a game as any mechanics or content.

Edited by Andryah
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You do realise of course that all people do not play the game the way you do?


Also, just because Bioware's idiocy killed off most progression raiders that means that they should just keep *********** over any that remains and any future potential ones?


The point stands that the time commitment required to get your alts to command lvl 300 is ridiculous. This isn't a single character game.

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I am not interested in grinding for points to begin with. I can't see what I am grinding for and relying on random chance is not enough reason to play. There is nothing to do but what has always been available to do in the game so I am out to play Elder Scrolls. I'll subscribe again when the next story expansion is released again.


I agree with you completely and I'm on the verge of unsubbing too, but tbh ESO is far more of a grindfest than this.

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The question to ask yourself is...What is not having top tier gear (Right now) keeping you from doing in game?


I am running all the content I normally would with my 208 Ex-PvP gear and a couple upgrades with no issues including PvP.....


So if you are unable to play the game because of the "The Grind" then I get it...that has not been my experience so far...My Sentinel is level 70 and playing any content I have time for with no issues....PvP I was hitting top 3 to 5 and having a decent time even on losses....


So all I'm saying is look at why you are unhappy with the grind? Is it the idea that they used to basically give gear away and now it takes time? Or is it actually preventing you from doing what you like to do in game? What is the actual problem with it?


If you are playing the game and having fun and gear itemization is not a problem then why is the grind even an issue?


My guess is the endgame raider crowd might have some issues because they actually have to gear up to reach their old position and there are no new raids....That I get.


Listen, I understand mmo's need carrot/stick grind in order to function for the most part. And I'm okay with it even being a year. However, what I'm not okay with, is the expectation that we should repeat this arduous process per character. It would be one thing if this were an mmo with one or two characters per server, but this whole game is centered around having multiple alts, and regrinding those alts with the same content ad nauseam. So how can you say it is okay for someone who has let's say only has 8 characters (one of each class), to seriously grind for 8+ years to get end game equipment for each. And all of that is not even considering rng.

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NO WAIT COME BACK! You'll miss all the fun! Once we get new gear they'll reset our command ranks to 0 and make us regrind it all over again. Doesnt that sound fun?! LOL


Seroiusly though who wants to bet that'll happen?

Edited by Radzkie
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NO WAIT COME BACK! You'll miss all the fun! Once we get new gear they'll reset our command ranks to 0 and make us regrind it all over again. Doesnt that sound fun?! LOL


Seroiusly though who wants to bet that'll happen?


Its funny that some dont even think about that irony. Ok you pick one char and start grinding command xp and pray for luck. Lets assume around march or april you get to tier 3 rank 170 or so. By then you have something gathered for your ONE char. Then comes new update with higher gear rating and who know new ranks for command also.

You start all over again?


I think not. I think this is here to stay to keep those who are still playing this game for last few years until game has shut down. I think they did this grind purposely. Bioware is well aware this game wont get any major updates anymore. This is the end. Sure few chapters here and there end of next year again but thats it boys and girls.

Continue the grind...

Edited by Divona
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What's really frustrating is that the money we pay for in this game to give us entertaining content went into making this system no one asked for. This is where your hard earned money is going folks. :confused:


Oh You asked for a Ferrari? Here's a used 2003 Honda Civic instead for the same price. I know a horrible analogy but you get the picture.

Edited by DuckKing
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No one should be able to get a full BiS set in a week, it ruins progression and leaves people with nothing to do once they finish the expansion's content (literally what happened with KOTFE)..


Having a full BiS set in a week doesn't ruin progression. You know what does? Working on something in HM or NiM then being knocked back to square one and facing the prospect of it being weeks or months to get back to the same point, having to run the same, tired (and easy) SM content you've been doing the last two years, because you're not one of the 1% of raid teams able to clear the current HMs in 220/224 gear.


There is more 'to do' than just gear in progression.

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I wouldn't expect to have a full set of gear on day one but after getting through 10 levels I have exactly ZERO new pieces of gear. I have 100% garbage aside from companion gifts. This is a COMPLETE RIP OFF of the Destiny Vanguard system except that it sucks.


I have no idea who at EA has the pathological obsession with gambling but they are destroying this game.

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I wouldn't expect to have a full set of gear on day one but after getting through 10 levels I have exactly ZERO new pieces of gear. I have 100% garbage aside from companion gifts. This is a COMPLETE RIP OFF of the Destiny Vanguard system except that it sucks.


I have no idea who at EA has the pathological obsession with gambling but they are destroying this game.


It really is RNG, after 4 levels I had one set piece, helm, and one 230 schematic for boots. I hate to think I will have a dry spell with nothing but know that is the way RNG works. Play the slots, you will see.

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**** honestly some of you people need to take a step back and see what you are doing to yourselves before you complain to the devs.


Galactic Command is the latest attempt to make the game continuously give rewards for doing things you like so that you can

- continue to do what you like to do (e.g., story, pvp, gsf, even guild building and decorating) AND still have it be rewarding instead of repetitive

- not get instant gratification and be bored because there's "no new content"

- not feel like you are grinding for a number (and that's all I see people doing on day 1-2 already)


By constantly using exploits to race to the limit of endgame content you are just shooting yourselves in the foot AND ruining it for everyone else who doesn't want to exploit and grind because then the devs have to listen to your complaints and bend over backwards to come up with even more new content.


For chrissakes stop rushing GC so they can slowly add more new content for you to discover later.


As for people complaining about GC being on all toons -- do you complain about having to level every alt? GC is a type of "unlimited levelling" with rewards to hopefully continuously discover as you go along. If you don't enjoy the ride, get off it and stop ruining the game by making continuous demands on the devs.


As for grinds and exploits to max ruining the game -- YES IT DOES. You can queue for ops and Hard Mode FPs at LEVEL FIFTY but no one wants to play with you because the devs have been forced to up the level of difficulty so much to deal with complaints by people who rushed to the best gear that it was "too easy".

And Galactic Starfighter -- newbs can't really get into it because all the vets just shoot them out of the sky and they don't even know how it happened. And you wonder why some days you can't get a match.




What you are doing ABSOLUTELY WRONG is limiting yourself to GC.

There is clearly a subset of the community that wants instant gratification, the best stuff as early as possible.

So give it to them this way: LET THEM BUY IT. And NOT with Cartel Coins or Credits but actual CASH.

So they can't farm credits from GTN or Cartel Coins from having a Security Key.

Get cash straight up front from them if they want your latest end-game stuff right now, which they clearly seem to do.

Saves everyone some precious TIME instead of listening to complaints about grinding.

Edited by MetrotownSimon
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**** honestly some of you people need to take a step back and see what you are doing to yourselves before you complain to the devs.


Galactic Command is the latest attempt to make the game continuously give rewards for doing things you like so that you can

Then why isn't it limited to cosmetic items and decorations or unique mounts or bonus gear...why the MAIN gear? Why gear when gear is what makes the difference in WZ's and HM/NiM Ops? Why gear when challenging content is restricted by gear?


I fully understand incentive and love it being used to encourage participation, but this is the opposite of incentive...this is a punishment. This is a grind for the hell of it...nothing more. This is a grind just to get back to where we were Monday. That's not a 'reward'.

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Galactic Command is the latest attempt to make the game continuously give rewards for doing things you like so that you can

- continue to do what you like to do (e.g., story, pvp, gsf, even guild building and decorating) AND still have it be rewarding instead of repetitive.

This new system is great for the phone game casuals. No argument there.


- not get instant gratification and be bored because there's "no new content"

- not feel like you are grinding for a number (and that's all I see people doing on day 1-2 already)

This new system puts a ridiculous grind in front of people who used to be able to do certain content. Yeah it's stale but they were at least willing to run it and either pay a sub or purchase passes just to run it.


Now? Hoo-boy. Now they have to grind stuff they don't want to do (or even actively hate) just to get to the parts they sorta, kinda liked. Boredom isn't the problem, burnout is. Lack of progression is a huge contributor to that. BINO didn't just stall progress they actively regressed it. Even better they made it almost impossible to replace somebody that leaves.


But whatevs. Guess you'd rather people just leave instead of try to get Austin to address their concerns. Congrats on your private server, hope you have the millions it'll take to keep it going.

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**** honestly some of you people need to take a step back and see what you are doing to yourselves before you complain to the devs.

No, seriously, a resounding NO. Doing to ourselves? What about what the devs are doing to their business? Your priorities are really wickedly distorted. People complain about an aspect they do not like and you say "customers, shut up, and think about it, albeit this change might not.. blablabla..". Thanks. Good job. See it from someone else's point of view. A lot of people have tried to see from the dev point of view but thanks to no communication, the design decisions are completely unexplained and there is just unhappiness. Sure, think about yourself and be quiet when a product you have paid for changes dramatically, to something you don't enjoy, be quiet will you!

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A lot of people have tried to see from the dev point of view but thanks to no communication, the design decisions are completely unexplained and there is just unhappiness. Sure, think about yourself and be quiet when a product you have paid for changes dramatically, to something you don't enjoy, be quiet will you!


Very true and nicely said. I have played and watched other games where devs explain WHY they changed this or that. With Bioware they are not explaining anything. They are just revealing slowly new changes before release and after new patch release you get to see full picture without any explanation why they did it in first place (story chapters excluded).

And this is key to understand whats going on really behind Bioware closed doors.


They cant tell anything to community about why they choosed this direction because its obvious. Not one gaming mmo company would put huge grind without new multiplayer content (story chapters are not mmo content its just solo story game experience). The more i look back 4.0 and 5.0 the nmore clear it becomes. It is phasing out this game future. They will not make ops anymore why? Because it wont matter. No more loot from bosses directly. Its all about grinding the current content until you reach your limit.

And thats it.

Edited by Divona
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You are the definition of white knight. You enter every thread you can and defend Bioware.


Hostile much?


See this is the problem with making personal attacks using absolutes (every thread, and defend Bioware). You immediately demonstrate both ignorance and bias.


A) I do not enter and reply in EVERY thread. Feel free to review all the threads on the first two pages. You will find I do not comment in a majority of them, though I do read most of them.


B) While I have a positive mindset in general where MMOs are concerned, having played them for close to 20 years now, I by no means endorse nor support everything a studio decides to do. In fact, just this morning I was commenting in another thread in support of a casual PvP player who has been retroactively impacted on a piece of gear that since the patch now has a valor requirement on it. You can read my post history if you do not believe me, I'm certainly got going to spoon feed you a link. It may be a tough read though, because I did it without slathering poop all over the thread like some of you are doing recently.


C) If you find my comments in the forum so personally offensive, then don't read them. Simple as that. But don't try to intimidate me with name calling and personal attacks thinking you can stop me from posting my opinions in this forum which is nothing more then different players opinions on any given topic. And if you were just lashing out in frustration..... go to the store and get a chew toy or something to vent with.


What I do not do is crap my pants and foam at the mouth over every single thing a game company decides to do to their game. That's just an absurd approach to giving opinions about something you do not like about a design choice by the studio. If I find what they are doing to be unreasonable from my point of view.. I have other MMOs I can play and I simply take a break. I did so over a running list of absurdities by the studio with 3.0, and lack of action or absurd action for many weeks after launch of 3.0.


Back on topic.... it is no surprise that binge consumers will immediately push full speed into an expac and complain at every perceived sleight by the studio. I personally do not see what value is gained by this, only frustration. And frankly some players do not handle frustration very well and must lash out rather then step back and think about the best way forward other than mindless grinding. Then again.. every players has complete freedom to play anyway they like.. including jamming themselves in the face with mindless grinding. I won't grind GC.. though I will play it at a pace consistent with my play style. I'll put my main and an alt in a full set of crafted 228s tonight with level 10 augments (which is sufficient for almost all content in this game, including HM content), and let the better gear come when it comes. Guildmates are following a similar formula, as we choose to work together and not be a slave to GC grinding for gear.

Edited by Andryah
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To all the white knights coming into this thread... those of us who are unhappy about this system are not just 'whiners' who want everything handed to them on day one. Any person who cares about gear in an MMO is used to having to grind for it. If all this system did was make the grind longer, then we'd deal with that.


The real problem is twofold:


1) Command crates are random, which means you may NEVER get a full set of gear, no matter how hard or long you grind out old content (that you may be sick to death of by this point after doing it hundreds of times already). There's even a fair chance you will not get ANY useful set gear EVER, simply because each box is random and the odds attached to each box are the same regardless of how many levels you've already acquired. This is patently unfair. Putting in effort should give you some kind of guaranteed reward at some point down the road, not make you play the lottery with long odds of getting a reward.


2) Command crates do not reward skill or dedication to a game. A person who hits a Command rank from farming starter planet missions (a breeze with level sync) gets the exact same chance of getting a piece of end game gear as someone who hit their Command rank doing 16 man nightmare mode ops. This is demoralizing for players who like to push end game content. They've all been thrown back to square one, and have no way to plan out getting back to the exact same place they were before. Premade raid teams can't help their members out by planning out loot distribution, because it's all entirely random. Some members of their team might get fully outfitted in record time, while other vital members of the group will get nothing. People also aren't going to be willing to play alts to fill holes in raid teams because that means they'll have zero chance to get set gear for their main!


It's not about the length of a grind. It's about the grind rewarding you with NOTHING 95% of the time. It's about feeling like all the effort you're putting in is meaningless. It's about how you now have to put in tons more effort only to very likely end up with NOTHING to show for it. It's like being told that not only the amount you get paid at your job (or whether you get paid at all!) is now going to be determined by random chance every pay period, but also that you have to work 16 hour shifts now instead of 8.


That is why people are upset. It's not that we want everything handed to us. We're fine with a longer grind so long as it's fair, but RNG boxes are the complete opposite of fair.

Edited by AscendingSky
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You know.. people could just stop trying to GRIND it and just like play.

Do the parts of the game they find enjoyable.

If that's ops, do ops, one, two, three a day doesn't matter, how ever many you enjoy doing.

If that's WZ's, same deal.

I don't get why folks always feel as if they need to finish everything yesterday. Don't grind it. Just PLAY>

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You know.. people could just stop trying to GRIND it and just like play.

Do the parts of the game they find enjoyable.

If that's ops, do ops, one, two, three a day doesn't matter, how ever many you enjoy doing.

If that's WZ's, same deal.

I don't get why folks always feel as if they need to finish everything yesterday. Don't grind it. Just PLAY>


you mean the same thing we have done for the past 3 years with our 20+ alts? sound exciting

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No one should be able to get a full BiS set in a week, it ruins progression and leaves people with nothing to do once they finish the expansion's content (literally what happened with KOTFE)....SNIP....


First off I'd like to know how someone got BIS gear inside a week. With the weekly heroic operations the best you could hope for is a couple 224 items and thats only if everyone in teh group made sure you got all the drops.


All other gear would be 220. Not BiS. It takes multiple months to work through and get 224 for even an 8 man ops group. This mythical get Bis in a week is a lie at expansion release even at 4.0 and thats before I bring up not all gear drops from the same ops. You have to wait weeks to get a chance at the other slots.


So stop with the delusion of BiS gear in a week for even a few weeks.


Now, on to progression. Even if you could get gear that was BiS in a week which you cannot do even in 4.0.

Skill the the defining factor for progression. A few rare percent of players hitting the hardest bosses and actually able to do them. You could give everyone in the game BiS gear from day one and there would still be tons of gamers that couldn't clear HM and Nim OPS because they lack the skill. It's very clear you know little about progression raiding.


Gamers didn't quite KotFE because they had gear. They stopped playing because it was a buggy piece of crap at launch and the OPS they did have were old and nothing new to progress in happened. I fell like you know that but just conveniently forgot.

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You know.. people could just stop trying to GRIND it and just like play.

Do the parts of the game they find enjoyable.

If that's ops, do ops, one, two, three a day doesn't matter, how ever many you enjoy doing.

If that's WZ's, same deal.

I don't get why folks always feel as if they need to finish everything yesterday. Don't grind it. Just PLAY>


You're still not getting it.


In a fair gear system, the people who put in the most effort and do the hardest stuff get the best gear. RNG boxes are inherently unfair. They don't reward the amount of time, skill, and effort put in. You can end up with NOTHING useful every single time you open a crate, which means you may NEVER get the gear you need no matter how much you play.


I'm not denigrating the way you play the game or what you want to get out of it. Stop denigrating the way me and other people play the game. It's a mass ad hominem attack.

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You know.. people could just stop trying to GRIND it and just like play.

Do the parts of the game they find enjoyable.

If that's ops, do ops, one, two, three a day doesn't matter, how ever many you enjoy doing.

If that's WZ's, same deal.

I don't get why folks always feel as if they need to finish everything yesterday. Don't grind it. Just PLAY>


You dont actually play swtor do you?

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