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So...Is KoTET the Last Expansion?


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Why do people leave out the latter part of the genre off this game? It's not just an mmo, it's an mmoRPG. And rpg is often storyheavy.


While I do agree they focus too much on one thing at a time, and leave other areas dry when they have the "focus" on something, Story is a big part of Swtor, always has been, always will be. To me, it would be nice with a more of everything-approach. The reason I play mmoRPG's is for everything they can offer. Not just small bits. If I was to only play pvp, I would play dedicated pvp-games like battlefront. If I only wanted story, I would play singleplayer rpg etc etc. The appeal to me is the choice in doing everything, but at the cost of mmo's simply reaching basically over too much, so none of the parts is as good as the focused games.


And what counts as "massivly" enough? if Swtor isn't massivly enough then there are a few mmorpg's out there that are. Wow being one ofc. But if Swtor is under the limit, where does the limit go? everything less than Wow? Right over Swtor? How many players does it have to be massivly online multiplayer?

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If SWTOR is shut down, you won't get a replacement Star Wars MMO. EA has the exclusive rights to developing Star Wars games, and they're not going to roll out a new Star Wars MMO if the one that preceded it was losing money.

The replacement is well into development. Visceral Games has been developing it for years...Bioware isn't even trying to pretend this game isn't being replaced. It may not be called an "MMO" because players are turned off by that, so expect an "open world" type game next...which would be more MMO than this game is these days.

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It depends more on if the game continues to be profitable than anything else. That usually means actually listening to player feedback and making those changes happen... or not happen... as it were.


If this turns out having been the last SWTOR expansion I'll give the story this much. We did get a good story. As far as where the mechanics of the game went. Well, I'll just echo another poster in saying I'd personally still enjoy a better parts of the complex SWG game with some clear paths added in for the next Star Wars mmorpg.


We honestly can't expect a Bioware answer to this until sometime into the next year though. The Holidays are upon us. They have to see where the profit wind is blowing... a number of factors.


But peddling back a bit, OP, I think we can still do plenty with story as far as if we keep going. Trying to keep up 8 different class stories kind of went south when the game did not meet expectations. Originally they imagined our individual stories continuing and planets upon planets being added. If we get another expansion... I'd expect more of the same one story for all classes thing again. :cool:

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I know! The total lack of gratitude. People seem to not be voting with their time. If this game is so bad, BE GONE. I am more than happy to spend more on the cartel market each month, pay an even higher sub to keep TOR going.


This is my last refuge of Lucas-Era canon that continues to expand. I NEED TOR. Anyone that wants to see its demise can seriously join Disney and #@$%ing die for all I care.

Wow lol...no red flags in this post at all...:eek:


This is either a brilliant troll job or serious call for help...

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Game is not joke.....you are for sticking around something you call a joke...do us a favour and rid us of your endless whining.

Good one...you really told him...nobody can argue with such sound logic from you...well done /hifive


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The replacement is well into development. Visceral Games has been developing it for years...Bioware isn't even trying to pretend this game isn't being replaced. It may not be called an "MMO" because players are turned off by that, so expect an "open world" type game next...which would be more MMO than this game is these days.


I have to admit, I really want that game to turn out being a mmorpg. It looks like it'd be set in the "current" era movie timeline which is something we haven't quite had yet. "Hey, look, I can play a Stormtrooper just like the one in the current movies and everything else around me jives with that too!" A little immersion joke for SWG players. :D


However, for that to actually have happened it'd mean Disney would have had to have already renegotiated the online rights to Star Wars games. IE... allowing more than one company to produce a Star Wars mmorpg. Which has me doubtful that is what is going on. We were told waaaay back when that SOE/LA would keep SWG going despite the reveal of SWTOR launching... and look what happened there.

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I can think of several story lines.. such as a war conquering the republic and sith (assuming you are the ruler of the Eternal Empire). If I remember right, tings aren't that good in the republic or the empire.


Or maybe they're bring back Revan (god forbid).


Age of Revan Kephess the Re-reborn-mutated-thing?

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I have to admit, I really want that game to turn out being a mmorpg. It looks like it'd be set in the "current" era movie timeline which is something we haven't quite had yet. "Hey, look, I can play a Stormtrooper just like the one in the current movies and everything else around me jives with that too!" A little immersion joke for SWG players. :D


However, for that to actually have happened it'd mean Disney would have had to have already renegotiated the online rights to Star Wars games. IE... allowing more than one company to produce a Star Wars mmorpg. Which has me doubtful that is what is going on. We were told waaaay back when that SOE/LA would keep SWG going despite the reveal of SWTOR launching... and look what happened there.

Huh? EA has the Star Wars license, not Bioware. EA owns Visceral as well as Bioware. There's no rule that only Bioware can produce an MMO. Disney would approve 20 MMOs if they thought they could make $ off of them.


Bioware can fold tomorrow and nothing changes for the license that EA has...they're under no obligation to only ever produce one MMO or one Star Wars game...the deal with SOE and LA was 100% different...that was just before EA signed the exclusive license with Disney and Smed was the one who didn't renew his license, not Lucas Arts...Smed even said that he thinks they would have renewed it, but it wasn't worth the $ to SOE at the time.

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Huh... I'd always remembered it being Bioware since the game was already well into development before EA bought Bioware out. And then a few years in we had the Disney move on Star Wars.


That actually does change the picture then. And... it'd explain a few things. I still want the other one to be the next Star Wars mmorpg-- I'm just skeptical. We usually already have some leaks by now. :cool:

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Not to spoil the substance but BioWare has been open about claiming the Eternal Throne and becoming galactic top dog as where this ends up. Beyond Uprisings, what is the character supposed to do in the future? Goal? Motivation? Alien invasion?


You fight and beat some of the most dangerous things Star Wars has ever come up with (again, no secret that Arcann was the big enemy of KoTFE and Vaylin needs to go). How is normal RPG content supposed to prove any challenge at all for the Outlander from now on?


So are we done?



Still have to deal with the Sith Empire and the Republic. And, the sudden and inevitable betrayal of the companion closest to you, who wants to either supplant you or save the galaxy for democracy (depending on which flavor of tyrant/emperor you are). Or, both of them, one who wants an empire, and the other who wants to save democracy and the Republic.

And, you know,

the Revan and Kephess merged together in a genetic horror Doomsday designed to end your rule. Hope your toon as a mother whose name is the same as Nocturno's mom.




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Well, not this MMO vs Story whining again.

Please accept that this is not WoW, everyone that wants to grind go to WoW and have a good time. Really, it will be better for every one of us. I really appreciate your feedback, but did you realize that this is a different game by a different company?

Why does each game (for a convenience and probably not anymore) called an MMO be a WoW clone?

Do story loving people go to the WoW forums and whine and threaten to unsub if they don't get more story in their game?

I don't think so.

Until this bunch (Bioware) can convince enough people to pay monthly and CM for a basically single player experience, and there are enough players to enjoy it, you can call it an MMO or an Online Game. or single player game with an online DRM, or whatever you want.

Edited by Galahard
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I can think of several story lines.. such as a war conquering the republic and sith (assuming you are the ruler of the Eternal Empire). If I remember right, tings aren't that good in the republic or the empire.


Or maybe they're bring back Revan (god forbid).

Being the Eternal Alliance also seem to be experiencing the same, trouble with republic and Sith preparing to respond.


I hope they drop this story line and go back to simplicity and I hope Revan isn't it either. Just good old Republic vs Empire.

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I hope so. We need new Star Wars MMORPG, real MMORPG but not this crap.

a far more healthy player base than this one for starts and content... Group end game content helps as in not 9 story modes chapters for people to play than unsub 1 month later... and incentive with a system that provides incentive to grind said end game group content ie legions mythic plus feature.... wow has had content droughts anyone that says it hasn't is flat out lying however.. lol 2 years no new end game ops.. I mean it doesn't probably matter to you as you strike me as more of a casual story driven player (WHICH IS FINE) but mmos live and die by end game content reasons to do it and how long the incentive remains to grind.


Not living out your wet dreams of being the hero of the galaxy :rolleyes:


Some people played this game because it was marketed as an MMO and it could have been a great MMO EVEN the might and myth people call the (WOW KILLER) but it fell short. MMO's can not be driven by story and can not focus on solo story mode content.. That is not what mmos are about. Maybe it works for you and some others but doesn't work for mmo playes that play to raid/grind gear be challenged by hard content and work as a team with other people to beat said content. when you do this solo story mode wet dream dance thing you end up with a game like this?? Great for you?? Maybe idk but MMO players ***** and hate it and leave.. How do you keep a guild running in a game like this lol "hey guys wanna go run dem glorified fps called uprisings that we mastered like 2 weeks in to the xpacs launch since we keybind and know what our spells do?"



SWTOR= story mode


Content and the speed and quality of said content defines an mmo.


This game is a solo story mode game with MMO tagged on to it so people who have traditionally been branded as "not good enough" or "bad" can feel good enjoy the game save or destroy the galaxy and open cartel packs..


The sad truth is this joke of a game would have died years ago if it didn't have the name star wars attached to it..:rolleyes:

So, as a general rule, I disagree with people who take a "love it or leave it" approach to criticisms of the game - I think it's certainly possible to enjoy the game overall while at the same time having (and giving voice to) legitimate complaints about certain aspects of the game, even multiple aspects.


But, when someone's overall, general impression of the game as a whole seems to be "it is crap" or "it should die" ... well, in those specific instances, I think asking "why are you still paying to be here?" starts to look like a pretty valid question.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I suspect we may be done.


The creative team have managed to write themselves into a corner. Try and find any story that can be told outside of hunting down your love interest where the answer isn't send the eternal fleet, send the knights of Zakuul, send my army of Skytroopers in, blast them with my star fortress.


If you want to keep telling a players story they have to remain some what on the road i.e. Witcher or Fallout etc. The moment you give them an army and a fleet it makes putting the player in situations where they are leading one person against an army as very odd. Why is it the bad guy thinks to send an army in and mine is back at base watching huttball.

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Well, not this MMO vs Story whining again.

Please accept that this is not WoW, everyone that wants to grind go to WoW and have a good time. Really, it will be better for every one of us. I really appreciate your feedback, but did you realize that this is a different game by a different company?

Why does each game (for a convenience and probably not anymore) called an MMO be a WoW clone?

Do story loving people go to the WoW forums and whine and threaten to unsub if they don't get more story in their game?

I don't think so.

Until this bunch (Bioware) can convince enough people to pay monthly and CM for a basically single player experience, and there are enough players to enjoy it, you can call it an MMO or an Online Game. or single player game with an online DRM, or whatever you want.



All these toxic people who call this game BS and keep hating on it, i don'T see what the heck they are still doing here? Just go to WoW and keep grinding for months if you like it. But i dont want this game to become a grindfest with no story in it. This is what this game is. And they are doing a GOOD JOB with this path. Keep going bioware! People can ask for more endgame content and operations and stuff, but not with this toxic behaviour where they are simply saying "NO ONE NEEDS STORY".

NO, this is NOT true. I love this game for the story. This feels like a KOTOR 3 with a Multiplayer aspect and thats perfect. If this game ever removes the story and will turn into a grindfest without any deep sense of an epic story adventure, then i am out.

Stop saying this game sucks, if it sucks then you are free to go. Yes this game has some cons, but there is no need to hate on the story. THATS how THIS game IS. There are tons of other MMOS where you can grind for years and will not even see the end of your maxlevel. Have fun with those.

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All these toxic people who call this game BS and keep hating on it, i don'T see what the heck they are still doing here? Just go to WoW and keep grinding for months if you like it. But i dont want this game to become a grindfest with no story in it. This is what this game is. And they are doing a GOOD JOB with this path. Keep going bioware!

You don't seem to understand what just happened...but I'm glad there are people like you in the world :)
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I'm hoping this is not the end of SWTOR but the way the story was left also has me concerned for future development. This whole 'third' power in a world of the Empire vs. the Republic feels strange. I'd hoped they would, after FE/ET, go back a little to the origin of the game. Class specific stories, stories to do with the "traditional" world but I don't see how that's possible now. =\


In any case, I do hope we at least get a future game-update that brings the remaining companions back in meaningful ways.

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