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Biggest 5.0 Gripes - List Yours!


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  • The menu bar, with no option to make it permanent like before <----- This one is causing me the most frustration, as it makes me want to seriously punch my monitor. A better solution would have been a fully customizable permanent bar with the option to add/hide icons on the bar. Or heck, even a scroll type of menu bar, but with the old feature set as the main pane.
  • Old pvp weapons and deco now requiring valor just to use!
  • Removal of Ziost token gear/armor.




That's all I got at the moment, but please post yours, and maybe we will get lucky and a dev might actually look.

Edited by Darkside
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Yeah not digging the new menu bar.


Heroic moment buging out and leaving the bar on the screen preventing you from using chapter abilities.


On a side note, were you always able to buy 6 personal cargo bay tabs instead of just 5?


Noticed I could buy a 6th today, i feel silly if i just never noticed it before...

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Yeah not digging the new menu bar.


Heroic moment buging out and leaving the bar on the screen preventing you from using chapter abilities.


On a side note, were you always able to buy 6 personal cargo bay tabs instead of just 5?


Noticed I could buy a 6th today, i feel silly if i just never noticed it before...


They added sometime around or shortly after 4.0

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omg, those more expressive faces... are terrifying. what the hell did they dod to Lana's smile? or Senya's face in general. I think those animations should have stayed in testing for a while longer. or just not been worked on at all. becasue YIKES.


also, new menu - blech.


and oh hey, Marka Ragnos robes STILL broken in cutscenes :/

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My telstra Internet being slow AF. I've plugged it directly in and now we are going places but still slow. The nbn isn't here yet. 1.7gb to go and I'm about 2 hrs into dling. Not the launcher problem as I got rid of bitraider. Wifi was sucking heaps dling frequently dropping down to .05 k/s argh. I am glad i noticed when i did. Now up to 5mb-6mb. Slow internetz
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Preview screen still screwed up. Cant preview any costume companion skins or the out fit u want to see vanishes after 1 or 2 seconds.


Too many people around make this bug happen. With all the kotet bugs I doubt this is high on list. Buy the gtn terminal from the CM and put it in your stronghold. Problem solved.

Edited by americanaussie
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What bugs me about 5.0 so far:


* RNG-based gearing. Am I really the only person that thought the crystal-token system was super simple?


* The fact that BW couldn't be arsed to write decent quest-lines to bring back, or merely hint at the fate of, Mako, Ashara, Andronikos, Jaesa, Temple, Nadia, Zenith, Iresso, Scourge, Risha, Akaavi, Elara, or Kira. Skadge, Quinn, and Tharan can stay MIA as far as I'm concerned. Strike that, Quinn needs to come back so I can kill him like I should have been able to do in the main story!


* Having the DvL Achievement wiped/reset to 0. Yet another example that EAware doesn't understand players, or even basic human psychology. Achievements should be forever. People usually don't like to have their stuff taken away, and especially without any warning. The players that care about things like Achievements and the Codex are the ones most likely to buy CC (ie drop real $ on the game). Pissing them off doesn't do the bottom line any good.


* The ridiculous prices for T5/T6 companion gifts relative to the amount of influence gained.


* The fact that companions from KOtFE can't be customized.


* The lousy exchange rate for our "obsolete" (AKA stolen) crystals and warzone tokens.


* That the "planets" aren't really. This would be OK if true, open-world, planets were added from time to time. Zakuul, despite it's shared bits, doesn't count.


* The LvD bar. It's in my line of sight and as buggy as the damned Conquest planetary control annoyance.

Edited by Salmonleap
Because I felt like it
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HATE the new menu bar.

HATE that I earn dark points now from missions because all of my missions say light even the dark ones.

HATE that my character 's head grows out of her armpit when on my favourite mount.

(See: http://imgur.com/pPLbUlM )

Hate that gearing up is so expensive now just to buy mods since I have to use so many credits.

Hate how expensive companion gifts are (seriously? I never have 250k onhand at once.)


They did increase drops for mission discoveries and companion gifts from mobs so that's awesome.

They also fixed the guild flagship bug so that's even more awesome.

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The menu bar is just a tad irritating, but not that bad.

I don't like that Blade Dance is gone. :c I really liked the animation. The new one is...meh. Just meh.


The "THE LIGHT SIDE/DARK SIDE GROWS STRONGER" bar that pops up. It just now appeared again, so I delved into the interface editor to find a way to turn it off/minimize it... and it doesn't show up there. Meaning, there's no way to turn it off or at least move it to a corner of the screen that it won't be that distracting. THAT'S very annoying.


...uh, that's all I got. XD

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Too many people around make this bug happen. With all the kotet bugs I doubt this is high on list. Buy the gtn terminal from the CM and put it in your stronghold. Problem solved.

I'll be alone in my SH and it still does this.


Also, new graphics tweaks they added have caused my graphics cards (I run SLI) to go beserk at max temp and fan speed. I thought they were reducing the workload on our cards, not increasing it?


I also hate the RNG-based gearing. Big thumbs down for me.

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How slow the walkers are in the story! /Flips desk.


That Iokath and Nathema aren't really planets, thought they would at least be like Zakuul!



That Arcann on light side won't have his mask, it's kind of iconic, even though I like him a lot without it too.



Still didn't finish story so haven't checked out the rest.:rak_03:

Edited by Eshvara
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The menu bar, with no option to make it permanent like before



Old pvp weapons and deco now requiring valor just to use!



Removal of Ziost token gear/armor.




That's all I got at the moment, but please post yours, and maybe we will get lucky and a dev might actually look.

My biggest gripes are:

1. RNG gearing\removal of unassembled gear tokens dropping from raid bosses and the associated grind

2. CXP being toon specific instead of applied to legacy

3. Dark vs Light achievements being zeroed out, I mean who the heck does that when our other event achievements stay?

4. I just noticed that the legendary badge that I earned in 4.0 is now gone from next to my toon's name. - UPDATED INFO: this badge is actually still there but hidden by default. To make it show again go to Character Sheet>Select Title>Character Flair

5. removal of crystals\commendations

6. The menu bar - we should be able to customize which functions are on it and not have this horribly inefficient drop down menu.

7. Huge Light vs Dark bar that flashes in the middle of operations, in your SH, everywhere with no option that I see to turn it off or even rescale or move it.


Usually on launch day the servers are flooded, I just logged on tonight and it's a ghosts town.


Update: I raided two Ops last night and the "new cosmetic vanity items that drop only in Operations" are just the same old tired mounts that we've had for years. The kicker is that they're bound and not legacy so if the toon that you have already possesses you can't give it to another toon in your legacy nor can you sell it on the GTN. Your only options are to trade it with a party member who probably already has it or vendor it for credits. Apart from that 216 com gear still dropped and then a mix of legacy bound schematics and crafting mats. Overall it was very disappointing and was more fun when unassembled gear tokens dropped so we could gear alts or experiment with off specs on our mains.

Edited by RagnarAugustus
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CXP system in general. They could have done it for solo player or whatever but I don't like a gear gate for PvP. Population health there has shrunk as it is without alienating people who might fall behind or just have to start at a huge disadvantage.


I like, love, or don't care about anything else

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4. I just noticed that the legendary badge that I earned in 4.0 is now gone from next to my toon's name. Yet another achievement nullfication.


This is actually a [semi-]feature. Many people asked for a way to remove it, and BW actually did so. There is a new "Flair" feature (access on your character sheet in between your personal and legacy title). You can add the badge back. Presumably, when BW adds more "flair", you will have to choose which to display, but for now, if you want to see it, just add it back.

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-Changes to PT's Flamethrower and the removal of DFA from the class. Hate both the new versions.

-Change to Ravage. The damage is just....lol

-Pointless removal of abilities for Assassin. No, they don't make sorc more unique and separate.

-New menu


Some changes I like or don't mind, but I hate all of these.

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Played the first 3 chapters and cancelled my sub. Beautiful cut scenes. Hardly any actual play. Most of what play there is seems to be linear mini games. They did not add any endgame content, just a so called 9 chapters of cut scenes. They seem to be in the animation movie business, not the gaming business.
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