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Allow us to to move and disable the new Light | Dark status bar


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No way is it worse, because you can actually close out the LvD window, whereas the "Guild controls this sector" does not have that option.

But it goes away on its own, and it only pops up at predictable times - not in the middle of the screen - and not in the middle of warzones, ops, etc.


Don't get me wrong, I'd also love the option to disable the Guild thing, but the DvL one is MUCH worse.

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But it goes away on its own, and it only pops up at predictable times - not in the middle of the screen - and not in the middle of warzones, ops, etc.


Don't get me wrong, I'd also love the option to disable the Guild thing, but the DvL one is MUCH worse.


You have a point. But sometimes the "Guild Controls This Sector" gets bugged and lasts for 5-10 minutes. Through cut scenes, right across everyone's faces. It's super obnoxious because it bugs out more often than not. But it IS predictable. DvL pops up randomly, which is startling and obnoxious. But, at the very least, you can close it out immediately.


How about we agree to say they're both equally horrible for different reasons, both of which can be fixed by being able to disable it :)

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I'd definitely love to be able to turn off both!


Want to know what's funny? You can move/disable system messages. So I can turn off the ACTUAL, IMPORTANT messages saying when the server is going to be shut down for maintenance, but crap messages you can't. It's kind of backwards if you ask me.

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That, the conquest popup and the stronghold popup. A trio of eyesores is what they are.



Yes please. All three. Mine keep bugging and wont disappear. Sometimes resetting the UI bugges to, and it wont come back. Please remove these annoying popups.

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So in response to our repeated requests to be able to move or disable the stronghold notice and the "this planet controlled by whatever guild" notice, they added another pop up in the same area we can't move or disable.


I was in the Broonmark alliance mission two weeks ago and I couldn't even read the upper text since the Alderaan pop-up was CONSTANTLY THERE. "well, it will go out after a few secs" NO IT DIDNT.



I really can't understand what's the point of putting unmovable pop-ups. Make them optional, it's like the ground rule for everything.

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There needs to be a method of disabling Dark vs. Light side meter popup box , this damnable popup is distracting and interfering with group / raid op performance, AND IS DOWN RIGHT ANNOYING!

Worst feature EVER Bioware if I want to know the server alliance then I can go look in the Galactic command window, I do NOT want an automatic popup FORCED in my face!

This feature should have Never been posted to the live server without a disable popup checkbox in the system preferences.

There is no discussion needed Bioware, your customers have spoken out against this automated feature, now deliver a disable command. :mad::mad:

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THIS.... the stronghold one and the guild one!


I think they are going to eventually have an EA/ Origin commercial here so while you're playing the game you pay for you can have updates to the latest games and game news and any pertinent commercials. Oh, and Cartel features should pop up here too! They're always thinking about what's best for their players! :o


Seriously this needs to go. :mad:

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You know, if you hover your mouse over the pop-up, there's is an "X" in the upper right corner, to close it. It is annoying when it pops up in the middle of something, but you don't need to wait for it to time out.


Using keyboard and mouse for moving around and abilities activation (not to mention camera rotation for group awareness) makes the "hover and click the x" almost useless, by the time you move the mouse point and click several things are happening in game that requires your atention and can be a cause of you or someone (if not all) in your group to die.


This is bad UI/UX design.


just put the number under the DS/LS selector, that one UI element is small enough to be unobtrusive and already can be moved around.

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You know, if you hover your mouse over the pop-up, there's is an "X" in the upper right corner, to close it. It is annoying when it pops up in the middle of something, but you don't need to wait for it to time out.


For me, it's more story immersion breaking. My most recent bad experience with this obscene and garish notification bar was when my Sith Warrior...


...just got done basically beating the Dark Side out of Jaesa's master, Nomen Karr, and then had a nice Sithy talk with Jaesa that resulted in her turning to the Dark Side...


...just to exit the cutscene and get blasted in the face with a notification that the Dark Side was growing weaker. Really? After all that, I'm told that the Dark Side is now growing weaker? Sigh...


It's like being ripped out of the SW universe right when something important happened just to be inserted as a spectator into some totally unrelated first person shooter Dark vs. Light capture the flag match. At this rate, I can't wait until they implement the "Killing Spree!" and "Rampage!" notices that I can experience while I'm out killing enemies at level 70 and "fighting for the Dark Side."


Look, I understand that there's people out there who like or don't mind these notifications, but I really don't see the harm in simply giving people the option to turn them off. I mean, options never hurt anyone and can ultimately please everyone.

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