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Petition for Dark V Light Achievements to be acknowledged / archived


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After another 20 mins of fleet-chat cancer, i come back to here hoping that the devs actually care, since most trolls there, just don't.


...Wait. You're the guy who clogged up the chat for half an hour with spam and ranting and then told people to go die if they disagreed with your point of view?


You got some mighty big stones calling them the trolls, dude.

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Thats great and feels good that they do take the time and listen on us.

I understand if would take a little time before response comes as there probs alot of issues to adress.

But atleast there came one and will be interesting to see what your solution will be. :)

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Power to the little people, they heard our cries and are looking to restore :D


We did it!


I wonder if they will make command rank legacy wide too as that would make more sense. Anyways, DvL achieves are on the way back!


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! Edited by EightiesMonkey
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The idea they would need to zero out an achievement to offer it again is ludicrous.


There's a simple solution; whenever they get around to running dvl again...


...Create an optional reset button/prompt for those that want to do DvL again.


I only finished this for the achievement, if BW been upfront about resetting I wouldn't have bothered.

Just another example of the blatant lack of consideration for the time and effort of the players.

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Looks to me like they basically employed the achievements as a cheap way to monitor the DvL event. It should have had its own system if this is how they were going to use it, entirely separate from the achievements.


That said, its a game that evolves, and its possible that they decided to use it in this manner after the initial DvL event release.


Either way, these "achievements" no longer fit with the rest of the achievements. Achievements are a one time grant and should be permanent. Remove it and maybe, to mark the various stages of completion for the DvL 2016 Event award some "one-off consolidation" achieves/titles/whatever.


They have options for a decent solution to this.

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Bioware have been misleading in the advertisement of the Dark V Light event they have not stated anywhere that the achievements would be removed from the game.


If you look at the guides they created they make reference to us earning achievements for eg


"Once all eight Classes among your Characters have reached level 50, you will receive the Achievement “Dark vs. Light: Alliance Hero” to note that you have completed this objective."


There is no wording anywhere to say these achievements were only going to be awarded temporarily.


Please reply to this petition if you think our achievements should be reinstated / Archived


/signed agree

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All my achievements under Events/Dark vs. Light have been reset to 0% although I have achieved all accomplishments to 100% on various DvL characters for my account and server.

For example, the achievement "Dark vs. Light: Armormech" states "Reached 550 in the Armormech skill with any character created during the Dark vs. Light Event", which I indeed did achieve, and hence this, as all other DvL achievements, should be correctly marked as indeed being achieved.

Please restore the achievements for this event which I have all accomplished to 100%.


Not extending my sub until this is fixed. Deeds speak stronger than words.

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The only reason I decided to actually get involved with this event was BECAUSE of the achievements. (well, that and the chiss comp).


I can't comprehend why they'd think it was a good idea to remove them. It completely contradicts the very point of an achievement in the first place!


If they want to make a new DvL event, then that means they need to make a new DvL category for the second event and NOT reuse the achievements for the first one.

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I cannot believe they reset the achievements after all the work it took to get 100% complete. If this is not fixed before my current subscription ends I am going to let it lapse, I don't care what sort of rewards they offer to subscribers, they need to fix this.

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