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DVL Reset?


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I spent a few weeks playing a video game and was rewarded with several unique items and packs (worth real money), but I'm mad as eff because I don't get to keep a few labels that no one else is ever going to see or care about!!!!


<Am I Doing It Right?>


i spent several hours grinding for those labels as it shows that i care about the my legacy and achievements. I dont give a flying F about those items, deleted all of them. all utter crap.

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I spent a few weeks playing a video game and was rewarded with several unique items and packs (worth real money), but I'm mad as eff because I don't get to keep a few labels that no one else is ever going to see or care about!!!!


<Am I Doing It Right?>


We spent a few weeks replaying old content instead of endgame to get titles, unique items, achievements and packs. Many guilds dropped their Ops/GSF/WZ schedule to work on DvL.


Titles are still there.

Unique items will come (if nothing was screwed up) tomorrow.

Packs worth real money are indeed still there. These same packs can be acquired with the CCs granted montly. They can also be bought from the GTN for credits that can be acquired through several ways, all of them requiring MUCH LESS gameplay time than the time needed for DvL.

The packs where actually half-packs.

They where advertise as "packs with the best and most desired items in the game". Those items where really there, but with a very low drop rate and with hundreds of junk items. Space mission and other experience boosts are indeed a great reward to get from an event where you have to create 8 toons and level them to 50, now we can create 8 more and quickly level them up!

Achievements where by far the main reason many people played the event, and they are gone without a reasonable motive.

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I won't be running the event again if they bring it back, and it'll be an even bigger joke if they keep it part of the achievements if it's going to be reset every time. Put it in a section like conquest and be done with it.


P.S - Still waiting on a response BioWare!

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It would be great if Bioware would at least admit that they produced some sort of bug with the DvL Event/5.0 Release and accidentally deleted the achievements. And then instead of comming out and explaining this, we get this BS of this being a design decision - c'mon who do you think buys this story?


And even (and I consider this a very remote possibility) if it was actually a conscentious decision and not an accident, I think this thread not to mention all the other places where this issue was discussed, should make Bioware rethink this idea.



one very p*ssed off, long time paying customer.

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Yep, still waiting for an update here...


I refuse to remain silent, I want my achievements back!


It's baffling, isn't it, this is the thread that has the most posts and the most views on the first page of the General forums (with other clone threads, like the petition thread, with hundreds of posts and thousand of views too), Eric even posted in it, so it's not an excuse that they don't notice. They just ignore us.

The most we can hope is that they are investigating what can be done. But even in that case, they could throw us a bone, like 'hey we know it's an issue for a large number of players, let us investigate what can be done', rather than complete and utter silence.


With less and less content with each update, achievements remained as one of the last things to do in this game.

With this move, they took away my belief in the achievement system and any desire to pursue any achievements in the future, in case they take it away nilly-willy.

It seems from a continuous paying sub, I will become one of those that come back for a weekend per year to finish new story chapters and be done with the game otherwise.

Edited by Galahard
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It's baffling, isn't it, this is the thread that has the most posts and the most views on the first page of the General forums (with other clone threads, like the petition thread, with hundreds of posts and thousand of views too), Eric even posted in it, so it's not an excuse that they don't notice. They just ignore us.

The most we can hope is that they are investigating what can be done. But even in that case, they could throw us a bone, like 'hey we know it's an issue for a large number of players, let us investigate what can be done', rather than complete and utter silence.


With less and less content with each update, achievements remained as one of the last things to do in this game.

With this move, they took away my belief in the achievement system and any desire to pursue any achievements in the future, in case they take it away nilly-willy.

It seems from a continuous paying sub, I will become one of those that come back for a weekend per year to finish new story chapters and be done with the game otherwise.

I underlined what seems like a learned lesson here. :mad:


Exactly the same for me. Well said sir.

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The fact still remains that EVERYBODY was unaware that these achievements would be reset to 0% at the end of the event. This was never communicated or if it ever was, it was communicated in a very ambiguous and misleading way.

The fact also remains that for many achievement hunters, myself included, now have yet another achievement that cannot be achieved UNLESS they decide to run the event again, and then what? Have it reset back to 0% when "DvL the very bad sequel" ends?

There is no point AT ALL to display an achievement in an achievement window or log that will never remain anything other than 0% for extended periods of time.

They fixed the "Kill it with Fire" bug on Makeb, granted. Treek's hidden and unobtainable achievements have been removed, granted.

If I still can't complete any of the Party Jawa achievements because I was not playing the game when they were handed out, then I'm sure everyone who has one and has completed these achievements would be thrilled to have them reset back to 0% and remain that way.

The Makeb Weeklies were removed from the game - there is no record or trace that they ever existed (come to think of it, I don't think I receive the Makeb decoration any longer when creating a new character\)

My point is - if its unachieveable by way of a bug, it should be fixed. If it's unachieveable because there is simply no way to complete it any longer then it should be archived or removed - not reset to 0% and remain in the achievements panel.

For everyone that said Bioware did this right, has only said that because they don't care for that particular aspect of the game, or they only PvP, or they only log in to craft, or they only log in to spin around in a circle on their favourite mount on the fleet, whatever! And that's fine, to each their own, but Bioware went about this VERY WRONG! They have a duty of care to respect all players' preferences in a game they created and with all these wonderful aspects of the game.

You add something to an achievement panel - it should be achievable. You add that achievement panel to the Legacy tab - it should remain as an achievement to YOUR legacy - for all time and for all to see - the very definition of "legacy"

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It's baffling, isn't it, this is the thread that has the most posts and the most views on the first page of the General forums (with other clone threads, like the petition thread, with hundreds of posts and thousand of views too), Eric even posted in it, so it's not an excuse that they don't notice. They just ignore us.

The most we can hope is that they are investigating what can be done. But even in that case, they could throw us a bone, like 'hey we know it's an issue for a large number of players, let us investigate what can be done', rather than complete and utter silence.


With less and less content with each update, achievements remained as one of the last things to do in this game.

With this move, they took away my belief in the achievement system and any desire to pursue any achievements in the future, in case they take it away nilly-willy.

It seems from a continuous paying sub, I will become one of those that come back for a weekend per year to finish new story chapters and be done with the game otherwise.


I think its disgusting that there is this post and the petition post where all the comments ask for them to be reinstated or something acknowledged or done about it.


Re read all the marketing about the DVL event is states "You will receive the achievement to note you have completed this objective" against every objective we had to complete to earn the DVL achievements click on show spoilers!


We receive that means they are giving it to us you cant give something to someone and then take it back without asking permission that's bad manners if it was something tangible it would actually be classed as theft. This was a business transaction, you cannot do business and then say sorry I have changed my mind listen to the twitch stream nothing anywhere was mentioned about them being taken away! I remember clearly them saying they had to be completed within the time scale and if you did not complete it then you would need to start from scratch the next time the event ran. My boyfriend said I was crazy doing this event but he understood my motivation was the achievements and even he thinks its a really low thing that they have done and he doesnt give a damn about achievements but he is not impressed.

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I just wonder how long we have to keep ranting and raving about this? With a lot of the bs that was going on in my life at the time I was doing this Event when I finally achieved it I felt like I had accomplished something because the event was hard and a lot of work to get to the Legendary Level and 100% complete. It made me feel if I could do this in a game how hard can it be in rl. Now it's like all that hard work and all that pride I had in myself is gone, I have no proof that I've done it and it's discouraging, granted it's not going to stop me from achieving what I want in RL but still this is just wrong, no where, none did it ever say that these achievements would be wiped when the event finished and yet here we are a stealth wipe, there wasn't even anything in the patch notes about it and why? Because they knew, the f***ing knew, it would cause this uproar that it has because it wasn't originally what we signed up for and it wasn't advertised. It's bulls***. All of it complete and utter BULLS***!
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I just wonder how long we have to keep ranting and raving about this? With a lot of the bs that was going on in my life at the time I was doing this Event when I finally achieved it I felt like I had accomplished something because the event was hard and a lot of work to get to the Legendary Level and 100% complete. It made me feel if I could do this in a game how hard can it be in rl. Now it's like all that hard work and all that pride I had in myself is gone, I have no proof that I've done it and it's discouraging, granted it's not going to stop me from achieving what I want in RL but still this is just wrong, no where, none did it ever say that these achievements would be wiped when the event finished and yet here we are a stealth wipe, there wasn't even anything in the patch notes about it and why? Because they knew, the f***ing knew, it would cause this uproar that it has because it wasn't originally what we signed up for and it wasn't advertised. It's bulls***. All of it complete and utter BULLS***!


I also found this a feat of strength in terms of completion as I am recovering from a spinal injury, holding down my job and studying It was a struggle to find time to do this so like you I feel pretty bummed!

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I also found this a feat of strength in terms of completion as I am recovering from a spinal injury, holding down my job and studying It was a struggle to find time to do this so like you I feel pretty bummed!


Right and what do we get as this uproar is gong on, nothing! No they f***ing post about the access tomorrow and maintenance on the third. Not a "We're sorry this has caused an upset to our subscribers but this is the path we have chosen and we hope you will forgive us for this but we could see no other way to do this if we chose to bring the event back.", nothing. Talk about slapping us in the f***ing face!

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You know what's really, really sad about this fiasco?


They came up with a not really original idea of regrinding old content, a lot of people didn't like it, still some people including me bit the the bait and surprise, enjoyed it!

It took me to areas of the game I have never before touched, and I enjoyed it (I guess that was part of its purpose too).

Comparing the investment they had to come up with this kinda joke of an event, it must have been very successful on return on investment.


Now, all was going well, until this final mistake, when they totally NUKED not only the whole event, but any future such events whatsoever, and not only that but the whole achievement system is down the drains as well.

So at the end of the event, they are at worse shape, compared to if they would have never done the event at all.

Talking about putting nails into the coffin of the game.

Edited by Galahard
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I just wonder how long we have to keep ranting and raving about this? With a lot of the bs that was going on in my life at the time I was doing this Event when I finally achieved it I felt like I had accomplished something because the event was hard and a lot of work to get to the Legendary Level and 100% complete. It made me feel if I could do this in a game how hard can it be in rl. Now it's like all that hard work and all that pride I had in myself is gone, I have no proof that I've done it and it's discouraging, granted it's not going to stop me from achieving what I want in RL but still this is just wrong, no where, none did it ever say that these achievements would be wiped when the event finished and yet here we are a stealth wipe, there wasn't even anything in the patch notes about it and why? Because they knew, the f***ing knew, it would cause this uproar that it has because it wasn't originally what we signed up for and it wasn't advertised. It's bulls***. All of it complete and utter BULLS***!

I feel for you.

I don't know if the developers, or the powers that be realize that they are developing more than a game.

A lot of people are beaten down in life. They work hard for minimum wages, without any hope of ever having a little chance of achieving anything substantial. They are in the wrong place at the wrong time, the wrong gender, the wrong color of skin, the wrong class, the wrong age, the wrong national minority, they have health issues that hinder them, doesn't matter why.

Their only chance sometimes is to get away from it all, and have a little sense of achievement in a game, like swtor, where they can celebrate it with (virtual) friends.

Now that's too taken away from them.

I guess the suits in the big offices will never understand this, and will never care. Only who has been there in their life can understand this. It cannot be described, it can only be lived through.

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I can relate to the past few posts myself.


I really felt like I achieved something with this event because I get a lot of social anxiety when it comes to harder group content like Operations and Hard Mode Flashpoints. I know that may sound silly to some but I've always been afraid of screwing something up and facing toxic ridicule after I caused a wipe once in Terror From Beyond and got kicked.


I'd never set foot in Scum & Villainy, The Ravagers, Temple of Sacrifice or any of the new HM flashpoints added with 4.0 until this event. But I wanted legendary, so I set my mind to it... did my best to learn fights and pugged my way through everything.


I was so proud of getting legendary that I recorded my last achievement so I'd have the moment on video. Ive spoken to some people who don't care about this but they don't care about achievements in general. I hope we are able to keep this thread alive for those of us who do care.

Edited by Solbeck
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The whole point of achievements is proof that we completed something in the first place. If you want to run the event again, fine, but let us keep the achievements this time around and make NEW achievements for the next event, like oh I dunno, Dark Vs Light 2017? or Dark Vs Light 2?
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Are you really just going to ignore this Bioware? Because, much add I'd like to believe it, somehow I doubt your silence is due to you working feverishly on a solution which you want to present to us in toto. Don't just do cr@p and then pretend not to hear us (again).


"Amusingly", some people seem to have kept the achievements to...

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First they came for the PVP fighters, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a PVP fighter.


Then they came for the PVE raiders, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a PVE raider.


Then they came for the GSF pilots, and I did not speak out—

Because I was not a GSF pilot.


Then they came for achievement hunters—and there was no one left to speak for them.

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