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50% XP armor DvsL HUGE MISTAKE please fix ASAP


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The armor is fantastic up to level 50. Determine where you're going to play new characters and then decide to transfer the new armor with a toon or not. Yes, it sucks. I didn't even realize that not transferring meant it unlocked dvl stuff again (though the second round seemed to yield A LOT LESS nice collector items and MORE junk. Suspect they reduced the drop rates of stuff or I was extremely lucky the first go)
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Wait, so the 7 piece vanished when he xfered or what happened to it? I just got the achievements nothing else on Harb when I xfered a toon


If you want the armor set on two servers, you have to grind the required level twice for it, as it comes as an achievement reward for completing the corresponding tier. But if you make the mistake of transferring a toon from a server on which you have the achievement to a server where you don't, it will make the gear set unobtainable on the target server because you can't complete the achievements anymore (as they transfer with you), but you also don't get the completion rewards (including the gear set) after getting the achievements via legacy transfer.

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I just recently transferred a character to The Red Eclipse. I sometimes play early in the morning and TRE has some epic PVP very early EST for me. I had planned on grinding some alts up and figure on running some DvsL to obtain some XP gear. Well that's impossible because:


#1. The gear is given as you complete the legacy achievement.

#2. When you transfer a toon to a new server, you legacy follows you making it impossible to repeat to obtain new gear.

#3. The gear is not unlockable from collections.


Now I have absolutely no problem with that at all BUT if your going to do that then it MUST be obtainable thru collections to avoid a multitude of problems. Besides this issue it also eliminates the issue of grinding multiple toons at once and having to continue over and over and over and over and over of taking gear off, putting it in legacy bank, and then putting it on a different toon. Get a little ridicules after a while.


I did turn in a ticket about what happened to me and this is the position of bioware at least at this point about it. Here we go:


I am Dominique from BioWare Star Wars: The Old Republic Support Team.


I understand that the transfer copies the legacy as well and that it solved your achievements automatically, without triggering the reward.


Unfortunately we cannot change this and are unable to provide the rewards again as well.


I'm afraid that the DvL reward crates will be locked for this server. You could only transfer another character over with said armor in order to get it there.


Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


Have fun playing Star Wars: The Old Republic and a nice week!


Best Regards,


So basically very politely I am screwed because that armor is not unlockable like in my opinion it should be. So I am crap out of luck. Worst part is I can not even regrind the armor on a different server because once you transfer a toon there you are now doomed.


In closing I really hope this was a mistake and will be corrected for MANY reasons, not just the reason I stated. Best of luck to you. Have a great day! :o

Perhaps you should have checked to see if it was in collections first? And since it isnt, perhaps you should have transfered it with the character you moved? I love it when people are lazy, dont do a little research before making a decision and then blame someone else for it. Typical of today's society so I guess I shouldnt be that surprised.

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Perhaps you should have checked to see if it was in collections first? And since it isnt, perhaps you should have transfered it with the character you moved? I love it when people are lazy, dont do a little research before making a decision and then blame someone else for it. Typical of today's society so I guess I shouldnt be that surprised.


What the heck are you talking about? Do you even read before you post a reply? I knew it is not in collections for unlock. I mean who on this game doesn't know that? Why would you even say that? And the reason I DID NOT pack it up on that toon was because it is ALOT more important to stay on Harbinger where it is right now. The only person who is lazy is you not reading before you go shooting your mouth off about something you know nothing about.


The post is about why is it like that. I would like a developer to explain if this will be fixed or addressed in a future update or if it was purposely designed that way on purpose. And if it was, I would like to know what the reason is for not allowing any toon attached to a legacy where it is unlocked to have full access of a copy of the armor.


I cant believe I have to keep re writing this over and over and over because people like you are to lazy to read.


If you do not have a good and reasonable reason why it is not accessable to any toon that is in a legacy in which it is unlocked then than don't bother posting. That was the question and you certainly didn't answer it.


Before you go shooting your mouth off at me, next time look directly in a mirror and say it to yourself. I think you would be wise for doing that.

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What the heck are you talking about? Do you even read before you post a reply? I knew it is not in collections for unlock. I mean who on this game doesn't know that? Why would you even say that? And the reason I DID NOT pack it up on that toon was because it is ALOT more important to stay on Harbinger where it is right now. The only person who is lazy is you not reading before you go shooting your mouth off about something you know nothing about.


The post is about why is it like that. I would like a developer to explain if this will be fixed or addressed in a future update or if it was purposely designed that way on purpose. And if it was, I would like to know what the reason is for not allowing any toon attached to a legacy where it is unlocked to have full access of a copy of the armor.


I cant believe I have to keep re writing this over and over and over because people like you are to lazy to read.


If you do not have a good and reasonable reason why it is not accessable to any toon that is in a legacy in which it is unlocked then than don't bother posting. That was the question and you certainly didn't answer it.


Before you go shooting your mouth off at me, next time look directly in a mirror and say it to yourself. I think you would be wise for doing that.

Stopped reading at Harbinger, that explains everything lol.


But, to answer your question, its just like legacy gear. Legacy gear isnt in collections either, its just able to be passed from character to character within that legacy. Its just the way it is.

Edited by mpddispatch
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Once again, OP is lashing out at other players cuz she's mad at the game and the developers.


It's ALWAYS been like this with Legacy gear. OP should know this, for whatever reason they've decided, Legacy gear is never in collections. ONLY the DEVELOPERS can give a "good and reasonable" answer so just ask the question and leave it alone. OP spazzing out at everyone for not telling OP what she wants to hear just makes her look more the fool.


The mere fact that there's so much rage about it and the timing of it makes it pretty obvious that OP is trying to pull something off here but rather than admit any wrongdoing the rage and attacks just intensify.

Edited by PetFish
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What the heck are you talking about? Do you even read before you post a reply? I knew it is not in collections for unlock. I mean who on this game doesn't know that? Why would you even say that? And the reason I DID NOT pack it up on that toon was because it is ALOT more important to stay on Harbinger where it is right now. The only person who is lazy is you not reading before you go shooting your mouth off about something you know nothing about.


The post is about why is it like that. I would like a developer to explain if this will be fixed or addressed in a future update or if it was purposely designed that way on purpose. And if it was, I would like to know what the reason is for not allowing any toon attached to a legacy where it is unlocked to have full access of a copy of the armor.


I cant believe I have to keep re writing this over and over and over because people like you are to lazy to read.


If you do not have a good and reasonable reason why it is not accessable to any toon that is in a legacy in which it is unlocked then than don't bother posting. That was the question and you certainly didn't answer it.


Before you go shooting your mouth off at me, next time look directly in a mirror and say it to yourself. I think you would be wise for doing that.


So you knew you couldn't get it so this is a big DRAMA QUEEN moment then yeah? I mean you knew. It wasn't so big mistake or an accident. You've just given yourself away. You figured if you passed it off as an accident that CS would give you another. They didn't so you stormed the forums about the injustice of it all when YOU KNEW! Time to drop your entitled attitude, dear, and suck it up.

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Seems that some people just don't get it.


Not that it helps anything, but you explained very clearly what you meant right from the beginning. I got you and frowned at various of the replies.


As someone (Rolodrome?) wrote, this was maybe just an oversight during their event planning process. I don't have a solution or suggestion though.

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I would say the simplest answer to why it is not in collections is that it IS legacy gear.


You are right in that you did earn it for the legacy. However collections are not legacy based but account based. If they put it in collections you could pull the armor out on any server you play on regardless of your legacy. That would go against the purpose of grinding out the reward for multiple legacies.


It was mentioned earlier by someone BW stated reasons for legacy gear not being in collections and I presume at one time they considered it but the coding logistics might of been unfavorable to a easy solution.

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OP is getting mad at us... what are we supposed to do here exactly?


My feeling is that DvL is almost over and OP tried to pull something and game the system and it didn't work out and now it's rage time.


Indeed. The fact is that it's a legacy reward. You have a different legacy on each server. BWA have made it possible to merge them so you won't lose achievements etc. when you move from one server to another, but when you do it's still a different legacy. By merging legacies the achievements are also merged. Clearly the OP failed to realise what that meant and now tries to blame it on BWA.


It has been made clear from the start also that the DvL was a legacy based event and that it could be achieved once per server. At least to me this was abundantly clear. Of course people realised instantly that they could duplicate rewards by doing this on different servers. That is something people figured out right away. However, the obvious downside that you cannot redo legacy achievements on a server once you merge it with a legacy of yours that already has those achievements.


Bottom line: We know that merging legacies means merging achievements. The fact that the OP didn't realise what that meant is unfortunate for him/her, but nothing happened here that was not to be expected. It's generally better to think before you act.

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Can't they add a new category or something to the collections to unlock the armor for any character in the Legacy? It will still cost some coins to unlock but not as much as you unlock for account, maybe?


I too wish if it was unlockable in collection.

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Not sure I understand the problem...


Do you still want to make more alts on your original server?

if not, you probably should have moved the XP gear with the transferred toon. (in a few days the price will be 150cc for cross region so maybe transfer some mainly pvp toons after that?)


Do you want to play 2 different servers depending on schedule?

Probably should have rolled a toon to L50 for the 3 piece on TRE and then transferred... but BW is not so clear as to how the rewards are assigned so this is probably information you need to know YESTERDAY!!! as they say.


Best suggestion if you want to make many more alts on both servers... roll on a new server to the 3 or 5 piece level, then transfer for 90cc next week.

but Valiant Level may be too much for one weekend of bitter grinding (can be offset with xp boost obviously)



1 Revan Complete the Shadow of Revan on a DvL character (Level 55+)

2 Outlander Complete Chapter 1-9 in Knights of Fallen Empire on a DvL character (Level 60+)

3 Home Sweet Home Complete the intro mission for Galactic Strongholds on a DvL character (Level 10+)

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And AGAIN if you can give me one GOOD AND REASONABLE explanation why this should not be I am all ears.


Yeah, I can actually. Here you go.


  • Dark Vs Light Pack bind rules - The reason we chose to go with BoP over BoL for these items is Collections. Currently, BoL items do not work towards a Collection unlock. If we had the items be BoL then you could not have combined the event packs with any other items to complete a Collection set. We agree this is not optimal and we are working on ways to solve this moving forward.



Edited by Transcendent
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And no, I am not transferring my armor to another server. That armor is going to stay exactly where it is. I didn't unlock it on Harbinger to move it and lose it to another server. My legacy is now also on Red Eclipse and that is where the unlocked armor should reside. Especially since once it is unlocked on your legacy, it is no longer obtainable. And my legacy is locked on Red Eclipse. So sorry, that is not a reasonable request. The reasonable request is allowing that armor to follow the legacy exactly like it should be.


You earned ONE set of armor, not a set of armor for every server to which you transfer a character.


Your armor is legacy bound, but you now have TWO legacies, although they may have the same name. This should be obvious from the fact that any legacy XP earned on Harbinger does NOT increase your legacy level on Red Eclipse.


Your demand to simply be handed another set of legacy gear that you did NOT earn is unreasonable.

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