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Just imagine the CXP grind on few year old content :)


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Im the only one who works and earns money in the family so..... its my way or the highway :p

Well...I think we all know one thing about you...you're wife obviously doesn't read the forums ;):p


As for the grind...I'm shocked they found another way to get players to play all the old content again...it blows my mind. You'd think new content would be what they'd introduce...but instead, they invent a new grind and force you up 5-levels.

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Well...I think we all know one thing about you...you're wife obviously doesn't read the forums ;):p


As for the grind...I'm shocked they found another way to get players to play all the old content again...it blows my mind. You'd think new content would be what they'd introduce...but instead, they invent a new grind and force you up 5-levels.


YUP here im king, at home, im the slave :p


Anyway, yup, I wonder how long theyll get away with making us do EV over and over :D

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YUP here im king, at home, im the slave :p


Anyway, yup, I wonder how long theyll get away with making us do EV over and over :D


First you'll have to do other stuff over and over just to get gear to do EV over and over just to get back to being able to do the content you are doing today.

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YUP here im king, at home, im the slave :p


Anyway, yup, I wonder how long theyll get away with making us do EV over and over :D


But it's EV to scale? EV hasn't been level 70 yet! Its an all new experience - esp if you bring your kylo ren or senya saber along for the ride, now packs 15% off to let you roll the dice and try to win them!

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First you'll have to do other stuff over and over just to get gear to do EV over and over just to get back to being able to do the content you are doing today.


This is my issue with the "give it a chance" crowd who have been around a long time. We've given it a chance for the past 2 years and they are making it worse.

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This is my issue with the "give it a chance" crowd who have been around a long time. We've given it a chance for the past 2 years and they are making it worse.

BINGO!!! There comes a point where it no longer pays to be patient and wish for the best.

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KOTFE/KOTET on Master difficulty :D


They said they will realease it later on so ppl are geared for it :D :D :D


Well, I won't be geared for it, so I guess that excludes me from that content due to RNG gearing? That's a great way to develop a game. So in the future of this game going forward, I'll not be able to participate, because RNG has this whole "giving me a cold shoulder" thing going on in this game? Excluding me from being able to gear up my characters?




I think I'll probably sit GC out, sounds like it's just more old content anyway.

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But it's EV to scale? EV hasn't been level 70 yet! Its an all new experience - esp if you bring your kylo ren or senya saber along for the ride, now packs 15% off to let you roll the dice and try to win them!







* new level 70 bosses

* new level 70 timers

* new level 70 adds

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This is my issue with the "give it a chance" crowd who have been around a long time. We've given it a chance for the past 2 years and they are making it worse.


Yup... Gave it a chance in v1.0.. result became fondly known as Tortanic and forced them to make move to F2P.


Then came Battlemaster boxes, RNG for PvP Gear. Result went over so well it was rapidly changed to fixed gear because of the backlash.


Now we have 5.0 coming. What was Einstein's definition of Insanity again?


Both times before cost a lot of subs. This time they actually believe it is going to gain them subs.

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Oh, yes. The total lack of anything new to do with this gear is the elephant in the room. Well, maybe for the hordes of new players flooding the servers, the same old content would be totally new. The funny thing is that's how i feel in WoW - I've never played it and the amount of content just for leveling is astonishing.


There weren't hordes of new players when 4.0 hit. Even the TFA bump a month later didn't help *that* much. This will be no different. BW can cite a 31% increase in subscriptions during that time all they want to but the tale of the tape is told on the servers themselves. People that aren't playing tend not to remain subscribed. 12 of 17 servers are either long dead or bleeding out.


Closing and force merging those servers would help the game appear to be more healthy but the reality is that story alone does not keep people. Especially stories with no reason to repeat them across your alt-army.


You are certainly correct about the elephant in the room. But let's not forget the 400 lb gorilla on top of the elephant.

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This is my issue with the "give it a chance" crowd who have been around a long time. We've given it a chance for the past 2 years and they are making it worse.


"Regression Raiding" really only became a thing last year...two years ago we actually got a real expansion (new FPs and OPs, etc.). But, yeah, Regression Raiding + RNGearing is definitely a leap in the wrong direction.

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This is my issue with the "give it a chance" crowd who have been around a long time. We've given it a chance for the past 2 years and they are making it worse.


Almost 5 years here... Idiots don't even know what failed in their own game previously.

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I think grind will over for many players after watching new charpets. They just do it at few twinks - logout untill new expansion. :rolleyes: And will play another game.


That's actually what I expect, about like 60 days after launch off the game originally. The question this time will be whether EA lets them struggle along until they can change all the things the players have said they can't stand and then spend a year or two trying to get those players back or if they decide they are losing money and pull the plug.

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That's actually what I expect, about like 60 days after launch off the game originally. The question this time will be whether EA lets them struggle along until they can change all the things the players have said they can't stand and then spend a year or two trying to get those players back or if they decide they are losing money and pull the plug.


The difference between launch and now is that at launch people could be persuaded to come back, now people know the Devs lie and wont trust them anymore if they promise changes. That is a major difference.

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Yup... Gave it a chance in v1.0.. result became fondly known as Tortanic and forced them to make move to F2P.


Then came Battlemaster boxes, RNG for PvP Gear. Result went over so well it was rapidly changed to fixed gear because of the backlash.


Now we have 5.0 coming. What was Einstein's definition of Insanity again?


Both times before cost a lot of subs. This time they actually believe it is going to gain them subs.


they think they can force the genie back into the bottle. They think when the F2p/Pref crowd realizes they are cut off from all but a little bit of the game, that they will subscribe. They copy anything wow does already and they want to be wow.

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First you'll have to do other stuff over and over just to get gear to do EV over and over just to get back to being able to do the content you are doing today.


Thats probably why the last of our group teams have disbanded. The few uprisings we get are so similar to watered down FP's there rather uninteresting and the group redoing 2-5 year old content AGAIN and AGAIN just to get back to where we were doing that same content AGAIN and AGAIN.


Do whatever you want to get CXP but remember, you've already been doing it for nearly 2 years. Enjoy doing it again because bws got little to nothing for you.


I think our guys imagined doing just what you said for so little and it was not an entertaining thought.

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So I was thinking of how it might look like.


I have heard that Uprisings wont be the best source for CXP at the start, but instead it should be HM operations. So to imagine I have 10 toons I really play from which 2 are unique (Sentinel, Scoundrel) and 8 are mirror rep/imp classes. This means IF (and that's a BIG IF) I want to have them geared just as I do now, what I need to do is go and do many years old content just do first of all get my GC level up and then to actually start getting top tier gear.


For those 2 unique toons it wont be such an issue as I will grind till I get most of the gear pieces. However the issue will be the 8 mirror toons. I have to grind GC rank on all 8 in order to be getting the left side since thats not legacy transferable. I mean OK, ill grind my Shadow to GC max level, get all the tank gear, then grind dps gear (but no sure since Serenity will be nerfed) BUT then i send the gear to my Assasin on which I again have to grind to max GC level and start hoping for left side. Each time i get a piece which I dont need ill dissintagrate it for CXP again and keep on doing until I have left side too.


Generaly speaking this aint THAT BAD when you look at it. However what you have to imagine about this is that you will be doing the grind on Content which we have all done a zillion times!! Operations have lockout so there is a limited amount of how many you can do, which also make sence why CXP gain should be large. Yes, Uprisings can be spammed forever and will be until achievements are done then they will be deserted places like Starfortress and we will be back at griding EV and KP HM for CXP!!


As I said, I take the grind (I dont like the RNG) but to do it on old content again...... please...... not again.....


Point of command rank is to reward everyone for playing whatever it is they play. Everything in the game now gives command xp at level 70. Listen to the producer: https://www.twitch.tv/swtor/v/95573503?t=22m20s


The bad news also from the same livestream. Vanity and showing off played a major part in the designer's discussion around Command Rank. It's grindy to allow players to show off, set themselves apart, show others how far into the end game they are. https://www.twitch.tv/swtor/v/95573503?t=20m25s


Charles Boyd: "..become a real bad***" 00:21:00

Ben Irving: "..because we want you to show off, right" 00:21:04

Eric Musco [recapped]: " ..you are going through this system, to show off to everyone you are a higher command rank" 00:21:18

Edited by Falensawino
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Point of command rank is to reward everyone for playing whatever it is they play. Everything in the game now gives command xp at level 70. Listen to the producer: https://www.twitch.tv/swtor/v/95573503?t=22m20s


The bad news also from the same livestream. Vanity and showing off played a major part in the designer's discussion around Command Rank. It's grindy to allow players to show off, set themselves apart, show others how far into the end game they are. https://www.twitch.tv/swtor/v/95573503?t=20m25s


Charles Boyd: "..become a real bad***" 00:21:00

Ben Irving: "..because we want you to show off, right" 00:21:04

Eric Musco [recapped]: " ..you are going through this system, to show off to everyone you are a higher command rank" 00:21:18


Lol seriously? THAT was their motivation for command ranks and this system. FFS could they possibly get any more out of touch with their own community?

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Also I forgot to mention the system in 5.0 benefits the people that can play the game much longer in a week than others. For me, being a family man, time is valuable and i can play few times per week, will have to use all that time just to grind CXP!!


If you can't play, why do you need gear?


From my "generally speaking" it is that bad when you look at it. :p


The part you find not so bad reads like a nightmare of monotony to me and the rest is basically ... erk kill me now.


I'll do new story, I'll do some uprisings ... whatever gear I get in the time my subs lasts for is what gear I end up with. I am not gear grinding through this grindy system in content we've done to death.


If the game is that painful to play, why do you need gear? Why not just quit?


First you'll have to do other stuff over and over just to get gear to do EV over and over just to get back to being able to do the content you are doing today.


And how much gear does one need to do EV? I thought EV was easy?


Lol seriously? THAT was their motivation for command ranks and this system. FFS could they possibly get any more out of touch with their own community?


You mean out of touch with everyone who dresses their toons up? You mean out of touch with everyone else in the game?

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