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How much days of sub do you have left?


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Recurring sub

I was a solo player for the first year I played this but then got into raiding. I now feel like the game wouldn't be enough to go back to that, wouldn't feel fulfilling, if my raid does die. So a big part of if i stay subbed is hinged on my team. The other part is how good the story is and various activities. I've been pretty disappointed in Kotfe story, it had some good twists here and there but overall felt rushed and didn't fit classes right imo.


I will give it a chance, and hope everything works out, if it doesn't I'll do solo play, subscribing here and there, depending on what I want to do, but not continuous.

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I pay month to month and have since launch. I just play casual, no ops and rarely PvP. Everytime I try to stop playing for another MMO I always come back. Tried soon, lineage II, FFIX, Legion on wow and I always come back to swtor. Edited by Nightblazer
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Currently paying 15$ monthly since early October, and I plan to pay one more for December to see how the expansion goes, specifically, the 'play your way' set up that was announced. Whether I continue to sub after December really depends on BW/EA.


If I don't like the 'play your way' feature or there is no Non-sync instance, then I won't be subbing anymore, with the exception of a reward I find interesting.

Edited by ZeroTypeR
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Lots. I don't plan on cancelling anytime soon no matter what KotET is like. I am not really playing the game for the "knights" expansions, there is a ton for a person like me to do without ever setting foot in those content packs. I will only take one character through it, anyway. I'll probably sub until they shut the lights off, hopefully NEVER.
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My current sub lasts a day or two into 5.0 early access. I stopped being a recurring sub some time ago. 5.0 doesn't infuriate me to the point of, "I'll never sub to this game again!" It also does nothing to inspire me to the point of, "I am so going to sub for this!" I don't want to game to shut down. After KotFE I have zero interest in doing KotET on my characters, I'd rather watch it on a video. So, at this time I'm comfortable saying I'm likely to sub at some point after my current sub lapses, but not feeling the desire to keep my current sub going. Edited by Nmyownworld
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I find it funny how people moan about 'same content' when most of them tend to be happy doing pvp over and over and over and over again, i mean in my opinion, pvp is pvp, sure there are different pvp maps, but that is not considered different content....not in my opinion.....its all ultimately the same.


I am looking forward to the story and to see how this Galactic Command features goes like, the whole RNG is not really a good thing, but its certainly better than going after a specific boss to get a specific piece of gear, which i tended to lose out on because after a single death, they all scatter, which made me only do guild runs, pugs are so unreliable now-a-days, they want everything with as little effort as possible.


I also wish the devs would make EVERY mob a requirement to kill in a flashpoint or operation, since the amount of mobs ignored is so pathetic.


Overall, i recently paid for a 60 day sub, which will tide me over for about a month or so after the 5.0 goes live, i do not believe in F2P games, if i play it, i pay for it, i do not believe in getting things for free, it just doesn't feel right.

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23. I'll play through the story once, maybe check out an uprising or 2 and after that? letting it lapse. for how long? don't know yet.I stopped thinking in terms of absolutes a long time ago, so i won't say i'll never subscribe again, but at the moment, there's very little motivation for me to do so.


I find it funny how people moan about 'same content' when most of them tend to be happy doing pvp over and over and over and over again, i mean in my opinion, pvp is pvp, sure there are different pvp maps, but that is not considered different content....not in my opinion.....its all ultimately the same.


what is supposed to make pvp different is unpredictability of people that you are playing against. the problem is that between the same few maps and small pool of pvpers (so at some point you recognize every single name you are playing against and can predict their strategies because you have played against them so much), even that little bit of unpredictable is all but gone.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I have 3 months left on my sub. Not currently playing bc there is nothing to do. KotFE was very alt unfriendly, went through it twice, will not ever do it again. I don't care how good 5.0 is (and it won't be anyway), I will never accept that quest to advance a toon again.


I'll see what 5.0 has to offer but since we already know it is just 2.0 for 4.0 I don't see me resubbing.

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Sure technology is making more possible in the gaming world but we are missing what made games of the past great...Games made by gamer's, for gamer's.....


When MMORPG's first started to rise they were built by people who loved RPG's and Tech.....Once the money backers caught wind....things began to devolve.


I think this is probably the biggest problem with this specific game. You can tell by watching their videos that the devs do not know how to play the game correctly.


Ultimately no one in a position to make or influence decisions actually plays this game at any competitive level, as a result they are entirely incapable of making the best decisions about the game.

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I have around 340 days ish of sub left. With Christmas coming and EB games having 30+ game cards and myself being the only person who buys them. I will probably get another 6 in Dec. and then more in July. Since EB games is willing to order more and they get them by the box load :cool:
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I have around 340 days ish of sub left. With Christmas coming and EB games having 30+ game cards and myself being the only person who buys them. I will probably get another 6 in Dec. and then more in July. Since EB games is willing to order more and they get them by the box load :cool:


Nice advert for EB games...shall i say it again ? EB games.


Game cards are the same price as a 2 month sub across the internet. No matter the exchange rate and still your paying way more than a standard 6 month sub direct from EA. (happily humming the muppets theme song)

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OOPs, forgot to reply to the original post. i apologise profusely !


Just 18 days left on my sub and i will not be renewing when time is up. Obviously, just like all sceptics that love the game but hate the way it's being handled. I have procured enough unlocks to play as normal for free until the game has settled after the expansion. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. fool me thrice, go ahead i'm a Drumf voting idiot!




1. A titanic cargo hold full of 4th class passengers will get nerfed over the course of 3-4 months of bedding in.

2. Game mechanics and bugs introduced across the game due to shoddy 10th rate PTS testing will make the game as annoying as a small child screaming to have its daiper changed. (i still make the same sound on Makeb(3yrs) and Yavin (18 months)

3. Just lost a +50 influence Senya (boy oh boy did i do some cussing)


Not that fussed about anything else , not even bothered that my sub won't be missed. I can only vote on this kind of thing with my wallet, there will be many more new subs to take my place, be guinea pigs, ask great questions on fleet and get thoroughly ripped off by the GTN.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all .

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Nice advert for EB games...shall i say it again ? EB games.


Game cards are the same price as a 2 month sub across the internet. No matter the exchange rate and still your paying way more than a standard 6 month sub direct from EA. (happily humming the muppets theme song)


I pay $29.99 CDN their, And if I subbed to either the sight or online through Amazon it's still USD...


I don't see your point? ;) oh and I get points towards my card...

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I pay $29.99 CDN their, And if I subbed to either the sight or online through Amazon it's still USD...


I don't see your point? ;) oh and I get points towards my card...

My point was ... you have 340 days left, you buy cards which are no cheaper than a 2 month sub. even with points added your not saving as much as a 6 month sub direct from EA.

Edited by Shfinky
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Nice advert for EB games...shall i say it again ? EB games.


Game cards are the same price as a 2 month sub across the internet. No matter the exchange rate and still your paying way more than a standard 6 month sub direct from EA. (happily humming the muppets theme song)


that depends. couple of weeks ago, amazon had them for $20 a card. that's cheaper than even cheapest (6 months) subscription package here


right now they are $26. yes, those are legitimate physical cards in official sealed packaging - same cost as 6 month subscription but without having to tie yourself to essentially 6 month contract. sometimes stores also have them on major sales. so... a lot of times it IS cheaper to subscribe via 2 month cards vs subscription through this site.


years ago, back when I personaly wasn't as dissatisfied with this game, i did buy my subscription in 6 month chunks. nowadays? 2 months commitment is the most I'm willing to make when/if I DO subscribe. personaly. and cards, when bought on sale - are perfect for that.

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It tells me i got 52 days of sub time left which i will be adding to it probably around end of dec with 60 day one time purchase as i don't personally have a reason not to stop subbing.


i don't mind that it might take me 1 year potentionally (probably whats scaring most players away i guess XD ) as some say to gear up in top tier gear or BiS gear or whatever because i don't normally raid i'm more here for story and most likely will run all 8 classes through all story. Except maybe makeb don't like makeb lol skip to SoR lol.


i guess my thoughts are all over but back to gearing maybe a year for a single toon i use to hear it taking months to get a single high end weapon/armor piece in mmos i thought cool dedicated players but i'm not that kind to play hardest ever content lol story is all i need. so nim ops were out of the question for me as im not that dedicated to want to run hardest content there is im okay with HM or lower.

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118 days


I usually sub for one month at a time, but this time I picked the longest sub and left it to renew. I've been playing this game so erratically lately that I got tired of resubbing.


Honestly I don't care that the expansions are tiny, or that the devs keep making the gaps between DPS even larger or whatever. Whenever I read a SWTOR patch note I just throw my head back and laugh until my stomach hurts. After I catch my breath I play some chapters, or whatever, then go back to FF14.


tl;dr I'm too lazy to keep resubbing and SWTOR patch notes make me smile

Edited by Radzkie
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Just checked amazon and Ebay.... neither site has anything listed that's anywhere near the prices you are quoting. If what you say is true, please pm me a link. I want some !!


https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0067G55XS/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_20?ie=UTF8&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&th=1 physical card - $26.50. the $20 promo is gone now, its not a normal price, you need to watch out for sales. it can and does drop lower than $26 periodically.. i used to buy a few cards whenever it would drop to around $23-24. shipping is free if you have prime (or if you grab 2 cards) this is US amazon, by the by, but sales don't just happen on US amazon either.


I haven't had as much success with e-bay when it comes to cards, I find it better for stuff like ps plus or x-box gold, rather then pc mmo subscription cards.

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