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Class Changes in KOTET


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This keeps getting worse and worse. Powertech is losing 'Death From Above' and Merc 'Flame Thrower'?:mad:

WTH?! Is BW thinking.... oh wait forgot they don't. Assassin/Shadow is losing 'Phasewalk' and 'Force Lightning and Throw Rocks' swell ... Sage and Sorc are losing thrash... what's the point in us even having a lightsaber anymore. Please stop removing iconic skills.


And please remove the useless transport skill that powertech has for something more useful. It's absolute garbage.


You do know that force lightning is replaced by a more powerful version at higher levels and that you do still get the higher level version and sorcs who use thrash should get their heads checked really. The lightsaber never made sense for sorcerers to be fair. It's about time they allowed sorcerers a force staff instead. They're space wizards after all.


Come to think of it, maybe it's a good thing that assassins learn to use their melee abilities early on instead of just shooting lightning.

Edited by Tsillah
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You do know that force lightning is replaced by a more powerful version at higher levels and that you do still get the higher level version and sorcs who use thrash should get their heads checked really. The lightsaber never made sense for sorcerers to be fair. It's about time they allowed inquisitors a force staff instead. They're space wizards after all.


Come to think of it, maybe it's a good thing that assassins learn to use their melee abilities early on instead of just shooting lightning.

You miss my point entirely. It was 'fun' to use. Just because our characters rely heavily in the force doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to use our freaking saber... Even Sidious and Yoda used them. You can't look at me with a straight face and say I need my head checked in. Now you're begging for them to have a lightsaber pike?! Are we even reading the same thread? No thrash means no saber swings. What's the point carrying a item that isn't used at all? I think you should be the one having their head checked.

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You miss my point entirely. It was 'fun' to use. Just because our characters rely heavily in the force doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to use our freaking saber... Even Sidious and Yoda used them. You can't look at me with a straight face and say I need my head checked in. Now you're begging for them to have a lightsaber pike?! Are we even reading the same thread? No thrash means no saber swings. What's the point carrying a item that isn't used at all? I think you should be the one having their head checked.


Well, my apologies. I never use thrash on any of my sorcs (and I have a few) after they leave the starter planet. Never thought to think that thrash would be considered a fun ability by anyone. At least you still have saber strike.


And no, not a force pike. A force staff, different things entirely. Doh, a force pike would be totally weird.


Incidentally, I already had my head checked years ago. There wasn't anything they could do for me really.

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I feel like its very hard to tell if the changes are good or bad with the limited amount of information, while all information is good it does seem far more can be found elsewhere on the internet.


What is a little surprising is how many classes the development team felt were solid or in a good place but that aside do these changes do much to improve the combat experience. It seems like there is another skill or two to be added to tool bars, a loss of some versatility in range and the like and over all maintaining a combat system that requires a special ability to do anything and a lack of any reactive quality to the combat.


If you want to dodge out of the way of an attack its not a case of rolling or side stepping or the like its use of an ability on a cool down, if its on cool down you just wont be able to dodge that blow. Want to block or parry an incoming attack, good luck with that if your damage mitigating ability is on cool down. Slowed, held, stunned, knocked down good luck getting out of that if your stun break is on cool down. Nothing in these class changes seem to suggest combat is set to improve.

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Guard: No longer has any Form restricting its use.


Eric, I'm not so sure about this particular change. Tanking in PvP is already largely irrelevant. Hybrid builds are the way to go (DPS gear and tank stance). By allowing all Knight/Warrior specs to use guard, instead of just tanks, you are just making the issue worse. If DPS can do everything a tank can, and better, then what's the point of a tank? I also see this potentially being abusive in progression raiding if any guardian/juggernaut who is not a tank can just guard on the fly. You severely hamper the amount of damage going to the party, making content exceptionally easier than before with little in the way of drawbacks.


Sure, DPS still won't have the survivability of a tank. However, with competent healers, lacking any survivability becomes a non-issue. It really seems as if Defense is being invalidated and I will be forced to either go Focus or Vigilance. Considering I have always found tanking to be the most entertaining role in my 11 years of playing MMORPGs, that would be incredibly disappointing being that PvP is my main source of entertainment in SWTOR.


Please don't forget about the importance of a healthy trinity in this game. DPS has always been the preferred role for many, but that shouldn't mean other roles become less important because of it.

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I have no problem with the game being easy, the problem is there are no restrictions and no training grounds to prepare for group content.


There is nothing stopping someone with there entire left side of gear shells being empty into entering a hard mode flashpoint, and no proper way to prepare without being pounded in one yourself. There technically is the EC, but it's buried way to far in the back of the game to be properly utilized and focuses heavily into investing into strong companions rather than refinement of your own skills. It doesn't teach dps checks, and some of the bosses can be cheesed to a point where you don't need to do it in the way designed. Not to mention while there are a few knock off bosses from hard mode flashpoints, IE the rancor on round 8, a lot of these are unique one time bosses which you will never encounter anything like it in a actual hard mode flashpoint. If the game is going to be easy for story mode, there needs to be a proper training regiment to go through to prepare yourself for different content.


Not to mention that nerfing classes =/= difficulty, just tediousness. Unless there tying a DPS check somewhere into the bosses, lowering my damage output isn't going to do anything other than making the fight itself longer.


Anyway I play a merc/commando so my dps will be fine :rak_01:.




01 - 8980 - +5.85% --- Mercenary - Innovative Ordinance || Commando - Assault Specialist

02 - 8964 - +5.65% --- Sniper - Virulence || Gunslinger - Dirty Fighting

03 - 8892 - +4.81% --- Sniper - Engineering || Gunslinger - Saboteur

04 - 8844 - +4.24% --- Operative - Lethality || Scoundrel - Ruffian

05 - 8809 - +3.83% --- Marauder - Annihilation || Sentinel - Watchman

06 - 8717 - +2.75% --- Assassin - Deception || Shadow - Infiltration

07 - 8682 - +2.33% --- Mercenary - Arsenal || Commando - Gunnery

08 - 8673 - +2.23% --- Operative - Concealment || Scoundrel - Scrapper

09 - 8500 - +0.18% --- Juggernaut - Vengeance || Guardian - Vigilance

10 - 8493 - +0.10% --- Marauder - Carnage || Sentinel - Combat

11 - 8352 - -1.56% --- Marauder - Fury || Sentinel - Concentration

12 - 8256 - -2.69% --- Powertech - Advanced Prototype || Vanguard - Tactics

13 - 8226 - -3.05% --- Assassin - Hatred || Shadow - Serenity

14 - 8127 - -4.21% --- Sorcerer - Madness || Sage - Balance

15 - 8116 - -4.34% --- Powertech - Pyrotech || Vanguard - Plasmatech

16 - 8098 - -4.56% --- Juggernaut - Rage || Guardian - Focus

17 - 8072 - -4.86% --- Sniper - Marksman || Gunslinger - Sharpshooter

18 - 7917 - -6.68% --- Sorcerer - Lightning || Sage - Telekinetics



3.0 all over again. Melee not welcome [Cept for Lethality OP] Marauder, a pure DPS class, not one spec in the top tier [1-4]. Sorc DPS, don't even bother.

Best burst - ranged.

Best sustained - ranged.


Bye Bye Bioware.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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01 - 8980 - +5.85% --- Mercenary - Innovative Ordinance || Commando - Assault Specialist

02 - 8964 - +5.65% --- Sniper - Virulence || Gunslinger - Dirty Fighting

03 - 8892 - +4.81% --- Sniper - Engineering || Gunslinger - Saboteur

04 - 8844 - +4.24% --- Operative - Lethality || Scoundrel - Ruffian

05 - 8809 - +3.83% --- Marauder - Annihilation || Sentinel - Watchman

06 - 8717 - +2.75% --- Assassin - Deception || Shadow - Infiltration

07 - 8682 - +2.33% --- Mercenary - Arsenal || Commando - Gunnery

08 - 8673 - +2.23% --- Operative - Concealment || Scoundrel - Scrapper

09 - 8500 - +0.18% --- Juggernaut - Vengeance || Guardian - Vigilance

10 - 8493 - +0.10% --- Marauder - Carnage || Sentinel - Combat

11 - 8352 - -1.56% --- Marauder - Fury || Sentinel - Concentration

12 - 8256 - -2.69% --- Powertech - Advanced Prototype || Vanguard - Tactics

13 - 8226 - -3.05% --- Assassin - Hatred || Shadow - Serenity

14 - 8127 - -4.21% --- Sorcerer - Madness || Sage - Balance

15 - 8116 - -4.34% --- Powertech - Pyrotech || Vanguard - Plasmatech

16 - 8098 - -4.56% --- Juggernaut - Rage || Guardian - Focus

17 - 8072 - -4.86% --- Sniper - Marksman || Gunslinger - Sharpshooter

18 - 7917 - -6.68% --- Sorcerer - Lightning || Sage - Telekinetics



3.0 all over again. Melee not welcome [Cept for Lethality OP] Marauder, a pure DPS class, not one spec in the top tier [1-4]. Sorc DPS, don't even bother.

Best burst - ranged.

Best sustained - ranged.


Bye Bye Bioware.

Oh wow...interesting...

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I'm not too concerned with all of the changes. Nothing that bad, but the Phase Walk is rather odd . . . and we still haven't seen the full list of changes. But, I digress . . .




Nerf all they want I will still look good. I may not get groups, but I will still look good while standing around in the fleet so everyone can see how cool I look!


/sarcasm off




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I'm actually a bit surprised by the lack of feedback. About 24 hours after posting, there are only ~100 replies to this post. Looks like the RNG gearing, among numerous other things, have chased off what remains of the subscriber base. Nobody even really cares anymore. Edited by teclado
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I'm actually a bit surprised by the lack of feedback. About 24 hours after posting, there are only ~100 replies to this post. Looks like the RNG gearing, among numerous other things, have chased off what remains of the subscriber base. Nobody even really cares anymore.


people are talking about it in the new class threads and also over at the pvp forums.

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I'm actually a bit surprised by the lack of feedback. About 24 hours after posting, there are only ~100 replies to this post. Looks like the RNG gearing, among numerous other things, have chased off what remains of the subscriber base. Nobody even really cares anymore.


This is a small subset of the overall changes and they won't allow the discussion of all changes until they release the information, which appears to be when the expansion launches. You'll have to check other places of discussion to get any real feedback on the changes overall.

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With Ravage/Blade dance now being instant, do we still get the cool animation or is it just poop now?


Doubtful considering the animation would only work practically as a cast. This is more or less a confirmation that the actual animation is changing but it will still be the same ability with likely the same damage.

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Doubtful considering the animation would only work practically as a cast. This is more or less a confirmation that the actual animation is changing but it will still be the same ability with likely the same damage.


This would be pretty broken in PvP. I assume the damage will be decreased since it will no longer take up 2 GCDs and hit a player 3 times. If you could do the amount of damage that a full Ravage does in one hit, the class would be totally broken. It is only balanced now because you rarely hit the target with all 3 attacks unless they don't know what they're doing or get CC locked by teammates.

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With Ravage/Blade dance now being instant, do we still get the cool animation or is it just poop now?

I thought about that. In order to keep the existing animations, they would have to be sped up to a ridiculous degree. That alone might kind of ruin the animation, so they may have no choice but to come up with something new that fits into one GCD.


I understand that we are missing a number of details, but I guess I was just expecting more people to speak up. I've been an avid forum reader for quite a long time, took a break from the game for a few months, recently came back. I keep getting the feeling that the number of people who care about the game is gradually decreasing. :( I totally understand why. If I wasn't still on my "I just came back from a break" high, I might be totally apathetic about all the changes and quit the game too.

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Give yourself to the SOE Side. It is the only way you can save your EA income. Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for... subscribers. So, you have veteran subscribers.*


Your feelings have now betrayed them, too. Bioware was wise to hide them from me. Now BW's failure is complete. If you will not turn to the SOE Side... then perhaps they will...


Look back at patch 2.6 and move forward to 5.0. Take note of the class changes. See how abilities were merged, changed from active to passive and outright removed from advanced classes. Some classes became Flavor of the year (2 years) while other classes became clunky with their rotations and extended ramp up times. This is your New Game Enhancement, cloaked over time. The game we were instantly hooked on from release has changed. No longer is it a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Play Game but a single player role player game. Even BW devs have confirmed this new genre title for SWTOR during the recent NYC Cantina event. The game has been dumbed down to cater to a more simple minded casual player base.



Impressive. Most impressive. SOE has taught you well. You have controlled your fear. Now, release your anger. Only your hatred can destroy more subscribers.


It's funny to see hidden strike make a full return but with a new name :rak_03:

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I'm just concerned about the removal of iconic RP abilities like Dirty Kick, crouch/take cover, Flamethrower and Blade Dance animations as well as their mirror things. This might cripple some characters from an RP standpoint. I'm hoping at least chat bubbles will finally make it into the game with the expansion to offset some of the damage done to roleplayers with the ability removal...we've been waiting for almost five years...
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Give yourself to the SOE Side. It is the only way you can save your EA income. Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for... subscribers. So, you have veteran subscribers.*


Your feelings have now betrayed them, too. Bioware was wise to hide them from me. Now BW's failure is complete. If you will not turn to the SOE Side... then perhaps they will...


Look back at patch 2.6 and move forward to 5.0. Take note of the class changes. See how abilities were merged, changed from active to passive and outright removed from advanced classes. Some classes became Flavor of the year (2 years) while other classes became clunky with their rotations and extended ramp up times. This is your New Game Enhancement, cloaked over time. The game we were instantly hooked on from release has changed. No longer is it a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Play Game but a single player role player game. Even BW devs have confirmed this new genre title for SWTOR during the recent NYC Cantina event. The game has been dumbed down to cater to a more simple minded casual player base.



Impressive. Most impressive. SOE has taught you well. You have controlled your fear. Now, release your anger. Only your hatred can destroy more subscribers.


It's funny to see hidden strike make a full return but with a new name :rak_03:


*SOE whispers to Bioware*


Bioware addresses players concerns with:


"Don't worry about the changes. It won't be as bad as you think. It had to be done for <insert stupid reason>. Kotet will make you feel Star Warsy and Iconic again!"

Edited by Darkside
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*SOE whispers to Bioware*


Bioware addresses players concerns with:


"Don't worry about the changes. It won't be as bad as you think. It had to be done for <insert stupid reason>. Kotet will make you feel Star Warsy and Iconic again!"




Everything that has transpired has done so according to my design. Your subscribers, up there on the sanctuary moon, are walking into a trap, as is your Preferred/F2P fleet. It was *I* who allowed the Dataminers to know the location of the PTS generator. It is quite safe from your pitiful little band. An entire legion of my best devs awaits them. Oh, I'm afraid the 5.0 changes will be quite buggy and over powered when your friends arrive.

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Chat bubbles aren't happening bubbah..... because this games engine struggles with text on your screen....... and the servers will melt with text above a players head........



Unless BW/EA gets serious and gives this game a proper engine and some real servers (not gonna happen) the mega sweet graphically intense features like text above your head and the option to hide a hood ain't gunna happen, the risk of global server meltdown and catastrophic client side crashes is too high for such epic and ground breaking features.............................

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These changes make me not want to play the game anymore. These changes make me not want to play the game anymore. These changes make me not want to play the game anymore.




I am not a doom and gloom player. I hardly ever complain about anything. I have loyally EVERY MONTH subbed (and paid for my Niece's account too) for the past 4 years non-stop. I defend this game at every turn, log into every live-stream, and constantly try and recruit new players in real life. I buy a hyper-crate or 2 every month.


But these changes? Wow, this is just insane, Force-walk.. NOT for Shadows or Assassins anymore? As with Telekinetic throw/lightning? No crouch for Operatives/Scoundrels? (and with it the handy cover-bar). Flamethrower and Death from Above.... F***, ALL of these "Removed from Base Class" abilities? Wow.

What in the world are they thinking with Phase Walk? You use Phase Walk as a tank in order to lure. You use Phase Walk + stealth in order to ambush then retreat LIKE A NINJA.


These changes make me not want to play the game anymore. The physical act of playing.. of combat. I really really hate all these "Removed from Base Class" abilities.

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Give yourself to the SOE Side. It is the only way you can save your EA income. Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for... subscribers. So, you have veteran subscribers.*


Your feelings have now betrayed them, too. Bioware was wise to hide them from me. Now BW's failure is complete. If you will not turn to the SOE Side... then perhaps they will...


Look back at patch 2.6 and move forward to 5.0. Take note of the class changes. See how abilities were merged, changed from active to passive and outright removed from advanced classes. Some classes became Flavor of the year (2 years) while other classes became clunky with their rotations and extended ramp up times. This is your New Game Enhancement, cloaked over time. The game we were instantly hooked on from release has changed. No longer is it a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Play Game but a single player role player game. Even BW devs have confirmed this new genre title for SWTOR during the recent NYC Cantina event. The game has been dumbed down to cater to a more simple minded casual player base.



Impressive. Most impressive. SOE has taught you well. You have controlled your fear. Now, release your anger. Only your hatred can destroy more subscribers.


It's funny to see hidden strike make a full return but with a new name :rak_03:


Lol. My vote for post of the week.

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