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Everything posted by WilliamSteeves

  1. Ok I think this thread should reappear so I going to post this because they haven't been added and the employees at Bioware really should add this
  2. I hate what your doing with sorc I just learned how to play
  3. I was playing the game last night 3:00am but since I woke up I been unable to play Idk why but it just not allowing me to click play https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/t31.0-8/14882262_1284872754920030_1346444629583246401_o.jpg
  4. Now it harder to add you to a guild if they wanted
  5. won't be good for rp then because I like to be able to prounce the name If i can pronuce it then it Roleplay worthy
  6. I have and the name is still taken
  7. wow get a lot of new classes or faction every update we need new one
  8. every name I want is taken it so annoying i have to hit random 50 times before i get one
  9. Guys like nothing would happen to your character but just like if you move to another server but the name taking on that server you need to rename Like for example I moved my Bounty Hunter: Drekllov from Begerian Colony to the Shadowland but someone already had it so I had to name it Dreklov instead I took out one L from the name.
  10. A sub only heroic faction called THE FALLEN EMPIRE Classes would be Tank/DPS class = Zakuul Knight Dps/Heal class = Scion Soldier class = Sky Trooper Outsider class = IDK I know Sky Trooper are droid but ever since Update: Game Update 4.0: Knights of the Fallen Empire Early Access Droid armour has been useless and clogging up Cargo hold space for people that haven't sold it hoping for a comeback but as a Skytrooper you could put it on you Droid player People saying playing as a droid would be dumb, I fully disagree. I fully enjoyed the KOTFE BONUS CHAPTER CALLED: SHROUD OF MEMORY (You play as HK-55 and get Z0-0M as a Companion)
  11. My sith inquisitor hate Jordan so far we keep arguing
  12. Everyone has at least one character with their name or want one
  13. I would use my name for Human because of it a Realist Human name and also for the Miraluka because my name comes from Galic Origin. like: Guillerme, Wilhelm So that the only time I would use my name.
  14. I have also seen dumb names like THE COOL GUY REAL LIFE GIRL why I think name purges would get rid of a lot of these names wow does it ever few months and it work fine for them
  15. I don't like to use other languages I am a roleplayer, and I like to make my names what they would be for the species Chiss I would do: Chiss names often have what we would see as the family/clan name as the first section of their name, then the given name, followed by another reference to the family (possibly a parents name) as the third part of its long tripartite structure. Human well: Realistic Name Miraluka: European influences on them, in particularly Scandinavian or Old Gaelic and Scottish. Mirialan: their names tend to be derivative in form or twisted spellings of other words. Rattataki: In fact breaking down the names seems to hint maybe a little Greek influence Twi'lek: They marry their Given and Clan name together into one singular name. Zabrak: Mainly they tend to take their name from the animals of their home world.
  16. But like if I want to name my human character William I can't
  17. Yep maybe your right we do pay so I was just trying to make it fair maybe a Cartel thing we can buy to disable that for the legacy but make it cheap discount for subs but pricey for f2p
  18. Sometimes I need to choose the weirdest name ever for my toon because there isn't anything available. Maybe we can make it that when a character hasn't been on for one year or so their toon name go back into the database to be reshuffled to make more choice for people to choose from for their toon. What we can do is. F2P - 1 year Subs - 1½ years What I find happening are, 1. People make their very first character try the game out and hate it so they never play again. 2. People beat the game and never play that toon again. 3. People beat the game and stop playing until the next DLC.
  19. 1. Thing I wish Bio Ware would do is add an option in Setting where you can have Kotor Conv / Swtor Conv and you can choose to make everyone happy
  20. I wonder if this ship is makeable in space engineers
  21. What about Phases like when you go to Korriban again around the Shadow of Revan you can decied to go to the Post Phases or Pre Phases from the Space Station
  22. If you made a level 60 without earning it wouldn't that make it no fun like if you just give a kid a machine he will lose interest soon but if you make him work for it he will play for longer
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