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Oh, I completely forgot about that! Now all I need is my tokens and well-working gearing system taken away and my mind will be totally blown! If they even make level 20 influence requirement for replay, I'll have to buy a dozen level 60 token to fully experience the perfectly unchanging KotFE experience!


Well good gamer. You're in luck!

Get ready for the best feeling ever because bw is doing just that and all for little ole you so you can experience the bliss of RNG as well as repeating the same story with over and over with companion sthat are of no use because they were not interesting the first time much less a second.


bw making sure all your worries are washed out the door right along with the old gearing system that was hundreds of times better than RNG.


Now, some call that being blind sided and some say RNG gearing is like a casino slot machine. Talking about just how bad it is. Like garbage. Well, there right but not us here at SWTOR.


We're 100% committed to doing things the opposite of what was working and is known to work.


You're bliss levels are about to hit a all time high.

Are you ready? (if not tokens will be on sale next week so you can be!)

Edited by Quraswren
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I don't like this story arc as much as I liked the previous ones, but I am interested to see how it ends. However, I am excited to try out Uprisings, and also am excited about the new Dark Vs. Light feature, and the potential for more social interaction because of it. I like that they're putting more focus on group content now. I would have preferred more flashpoints and operations, but Uprisings sound like they'll be really cool, and I enjoy fighting world bosses too, so hopefully things will turn out for the best.
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...And then, I want the Kotet expansion to be over so that the writers/devs can focus on the Star Wars story, ops, more customization options, and bringing our companions back. I've never considered myself a Ludite, but I definitely pine for pre-kotfe SWtor. The good ole' days.



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If you're not excited for the new expansion, you should probably take a break from the entire game. I just returned after 6 months off and feel much more positive now than I did when I left.


It doesn't last. You'll remember soon enough why you took a break from the game, which is what I'll be doing shortly after playing the KotET story to see where it goes.


Thing is, story is always a subjective kind of beast, some will enjoy it and others will not. Which is one of the varying reasons I took a break during KotFE.


It's a shame, SoR Prelude was enticing and well paced when it was released. SoR itself wasn't too bad either (especially with a nod towards class stories). Ziost was definitely well paced and left me wanting more story. Then we were given KotFE, which to me felt completely disconnected to everything that came prior to it and unstitched all of the good work done previously.


I still have no idea what they were playing at, I'm hoping (yes still slightly hopeful!) that they'll manage to bring it back within the realms of what happened previously in SoR through to Ziost. If not, then I'm probably done completely with the game. Aside from the gaping plot holes, I still don't see Valkorian as Vitiate.


As to making it replayable with different levels of difficulty? I'm sorry, just what are they thinking? What a complete load of.... :p

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According to Dulfy's notes of the livestream, BW thinks they are giving players what they asked for by making KOTFE/KOTET chapters repeatable: ...



I really rather prefer to think they're doing this for cold and calculated business reasons but what you've put together here makes them look so positively inept that I wonder how they manage to draw breath. With the former you can possibly build a business argument that may sway them. The latter... nope, they get to learn the hard way that fire is hot.


Replayability means content that is varied and interesting enough that it bears repeating with alts so that you can make different choices and explore different paths.

Present that to any story fan and you'll likely get a "well, duh" response. Apparently that seems to be lost on the Texas crew.

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I'm probably the odd one out but I look forward to 5.0. I'm not overly convinced I will or want to rehash the old Chapters, all depends on how that's going to turn out in terms of difficulty but I look forward to new Chapters. I play this game solely for the story progression and just having fun. Story is my end-game and as long as they keep providing that, I'm cool.


I did chuckle when Eric or Charles' said that people's biggest problem with Skytroopers was how easy they are to kill.. perhaps some have said so but I've always been more bothered with the vast amount of them at every turn prolonging a Chapter for no other reason than 'just because'. I'd rather see less but tougher Skytroopers but oh well, guess we're only getting the tougher part at least in Veteran mode. :p

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According to Dulfy's notes of the livestream, BW thinks they are giving players what they asked for by making KOTFE/KOTET chapters repeatable:


Technically they are, although IIRC, most of the those requests pertained to the launch stories, not KotFE. The only things I recall people wanting to redo KotFE for are to keep Darth Marr as a permanent companion (start Chap 1 and don't finish it), which seems like it will be possible and to redo the Lana romance quest where they thought they were turning down Theron, not Lana (which won't be possible).

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Technically they are, although IIRC, most of the those requests pertained to the launch stories, not KotFE. The only things I recall people wanting to redo KotFE for are to keep Darth Marr as a permanent companion (start Chap 1 and don't finish it), which seems like it will be possible and to redo the Lana romance quest where they thought they were turning down Theron, not Lana (which won't be possible).


I actually don't know anyone who wants to repeat the the KOTFE chapters. On the contrary: once you've done those chapters once on your main, they are generally viewed as a chore for those with any alts because they've *already* repeated those chapters, multiple times for all their alts. I can't imagine those people would be interested in repeating them more, especially when you can't update your choices.


However, I do know people who want to repeat the 1 - 55 content *and* want their choices to matter, both class and romance. For example: Are you mad that Quinn wrecked your trust? Redo your story and mac on Pierce or Lana instead. These are the repeatables that I've seen people say they want.

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I actually don't know anyone who wants to repeat the the KOTFE chapters. On the contrary: once you've done those chapters once on your main, they are generally viewed as a chore for those with any alts because they've *already* repeated those chapters, multiple times for all their alts. I can't imagine those people would be interested in repeating them more, especially when you can't update your choices.


However, I do know people who want to repeat the 1 - 55 content *and* want their choices to matter, both class and romance. For example: Are you mad that Quinn wrecked your trust? Redo your story and mac on Pierce or Lana instead. These are the repeatables that I've seen people say they want.

It did leave me scratching my head, cause they seemed really proud of making a point to say that repeatable chapters was a result of player feedback. But out of all the feedback I've seen in the last six months or so, I don't recall seeing that even once.


Now my memory for such details is not great, so I probably saw it a few times and forgot. But to see it on the level of popularity that would induce such pride in them, in listening to their playerbase... that's the part that mystifies me and I would have remembered that many people asking for it.


Mind you, I don't think it's a bad change or idea and it may take away some of the humdrum of running alts through KOTFE, if I can kick the challenge level way up. That part I'm tentatively looking forward to. But the repeating part on its own, I don't know where that came from. I believe them when they say it was player feedback, but I don't know from whom.

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It did leave me scratching my head, cause they seemed really proud of making a point to say that repeatable chapters was a result of player feedback. But out of all the feedback I've seen in the last six months or so, I don't recall seeing that even once.


Now my memory for such details is not great, so I probably saw it a few times and forgot. But to see it on the level of popularity that would induce such pride in them, in listening to their playerbase... that's the part that mystifies me and I would have remembered that many people asking for it.


Mind you, I don't think it's a bad change or idea and it may take away some of the humdrum of running alts through KOTFE, if I can kick the challenge level way up. That part I'm tentatively looking forward to. But the repeating part on its own, I don't know where that came from. I believe them when they say it was player feedback, but I don't know from whom.


That part puzzled me as well. I've seen people mention they didn't enjoy the Chapters, that their non-Force users felt out of place, that getting through the Chapters on an alt was a 'chore' and not fun but I haven't really seen anyone say "These Chapters are so cool I wish all of my characters could play them over and over again". Which is what BW claims to have heard or received for feedback.


Not sure if it'll take away the humdrum of running alts through KOTFE. I was under the impression that every character, not player account, has to do the Chapter on story mode first before they can kick up the difficulty to make it more interesting so even on alts it'll be a constant repetition rather than an engaging challenge the moment your main has completed the Chapter.

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No, they made the chapters repeatable because they were/are already developed and just took advantage of that so they wouldn't have to create new/additional content to what's already been released. The "we listened to player feedback" is just hog-wash. I read the forums everyday and don't remember a single instance of ANYONE wanting the KOTFE chapters to be repeatable. On the contrary, most comments are negative about the story or negative of the mindless grind skytrooper fest that they are. Repeatable chapters and we don't get to change our choices? I mean *** even bother?
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Not sure if it'll take away the humdrum of running alts through KOTFE. I was under the impression that every character, not player account, has to do the Chapter on story mode first before they can kick up the difficulty to make it more interesting so even on alts it'll be a constant repetition rather than an engaging challenge the moment your main has completed the Chapter.

I hope not. I will be a sad panda if I can't mess with the difficulty on the first run through.


That part puzzled me as well. I've seen people mention they didn't enjoy the Chapters, that their non-Force users felt out of place, that getting through the Chapters on an alt was a 'chore' and not fun but I haven't really seen anyone say "These Chapters are so cool I wish all of my characters could play them over and over again". Which is what BW claims to have heard or received for feedback.

No, they made the chapters repeatable because they were/are already developed and just took advantage of that so they wouldn't have to create new/additional content to what's already been released. The "we listened to player feedback" is just hog-wash. I read the forums everyday and don't remember a single instance of ANYONE wanting the KOTFE chapters to be repeatable. On the contrary, most comments are negative about the story or negative of the mindless grind skytrooper fest that they are. Repeatable chapters and we don't get to change our choices? I mean *** even bother?

Well, granted the forums are not the only means of communication. And technically, all they would need is one player to ask for it for the statement "we listened to player feedback" to be true.


I found it odd, but I can't see it being straight hog-wash. They seemed too genuinely proud of listening.


It's possible they misinterpreted the talk about "replayability" and thought it meant literally replaying the chapters, as opposed to the gamey term about being able to do something multiple times on different characters and still find it fun and engaging. But that would be an odd thing for them to get confused on, them being game developers and all.

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I hope not. I will be a sad panda if I can't mess with the difficulty on the first run through.




Well, granted the forums are not the only means of communication. And technically, all they would need is one player to ask for it for the statement "we listened to player feedback" to be true.


I found it odd, but I can't see it being straight hog-wash. They seemed too genuinely proud of listening.


It's possible they misinterpreted the talk about "replayability" and thought it meant literally replaying the chapters, as opposed to the gamey term about being able to do something multiple times on different characters and still find it fun and engaging. But that would be an odd thing for them to get confused on, them being game developers and all.


Nah I'm going with hog-wash on this one. You're not alone in having not seen many posts asking for this feature, though I have seen a few asking for all story content to be repeatable (which is usually met with "just roll a new toon")


Yes they're proud of themselves when they listen, just the same way I'm proud of myself when I do something my girlfriend asks me to do.... after she yells at me 100 times :rolleyes:

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I'm looking forward to continuing the story (even if it's based on force bs). Seriously, get some blasters in the story. Sadly it's going to be a short endeavor as this is an mmo after all. I expect more grind basically. Edited by BounceDK
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No, they made the chapters repeatable because they were/are already developed and just took advantage of that so they wouldn't have to create new/additional content to what's already been released. The "we listened to player feedback" is just hog-wash. I read the forums everyday and don't remember a single instance of ANYONE wanting the KOTFE chapters to be repeatable. On the contrary, most comments are negative about the story or negative of the mindless grind skytrooper fest that they are. Repeatable chapters and we don't get to change our choices? I mean *** even bother?


I'm not going to lie I really have no desire to replay a single act from KOTFE and I generally try to see the upside.


Hopefully KoTET will be worth replay....


They should make choices in a replay overwrite old decisions and they should have made planet and character story arcs repeatable....with difficulty modes.

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No, they made the chapters repeatable because they were/are already developed and just took advantage of that so they wouldn't have to create new/additional content to what's already been released. The "we listened to player feedback" is just hog-wash. I read the forums everyday and don't remember a single instance of ANYONE wanting the KOTFE chapters to be repeatable. On the contrary, most comments are negative about the story or negative of the mindless grind skytrooper fest that they are. Repeatable chapters and we don't get to change our choices? I mean *** even bother?



Well, they did listen ... and heard what they wanted to hear. When the kotfe excrement hit the fan, many veteran players swarmed the forum complaining -- among number of other things -- about how stupidly easy the game had become and that it was virtually impossible to die in the (solo) game. Back then, there was also a fairly large group of white knights (most of which, incidentally, have left the game by now...) which felt vindicated by the changes and kept spewing wonderful pieces of advice such: dismiss your companions when you find the game too easy, or run without gear. It was in this debilitating context that some "genius" came up with an idea of a difficulty slider, so that in theory each and every player can play the game in the difficulty niveau they felt comfortable in. The Austin boys club realized that the idea contained in itself an opportunity for creating a semblance of content behind a simple repetition of the same. After all, the amount of content is directly proportional to the persuasiveness of the marketing strategy...

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It did leave me scratching my head, cause they seemed really proud of making a point to say that repeatable chapters was a result of player feedback. But out of all the feedback I've seen in the last six months or so, I don't recall seeing that even once.


People have been asking for [the original] stories to be replayable for years. In true BW fashion, they are giving people what they want (repeatable stories) the wrong way (KotFE instead of original ones, probably b/c that would be a *lot* more work). Kind of how like people complained about the PVE space missions being on rails and BW gave us off-rails PVP instead of off-rails PVE. Kind of like players wanted housing b/c they liked it in SWG but BW gave them housing with hooks.


So yes, people have actually asked for this for years. This just isn't the implementation most people wanted.

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I can't wait to replay the endless, boring, faceless waves of skytroopers of Anarchy in Paradise and other chapters. Who else wants to AoE spam a boring story again, to see that no, none of my choices would have mattered, no matter how many times I try? I know I do!


Oh, but you have to wait for them to fully spawn before you can begin the AoE spam. So there's that.

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According to Dulfy's notes of the livestream, BW thinks they are giving players what they asked for by making KOTFE/KOTET chapters repeatable:



bw giving players what they ask for this time is very similar to why we have so much single, one story for everyone crap we have now.


What players originally asked for was more class stories. What bw heard was players wanted more story. They were very far off the mark.


Just like now.

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No, they made the chapters repeatable because they were/are already developed and just took advantage of that so they wouldn't have to create new/additional content to what's already been released. The "we listened to player feedback" is just hog-wash. I read the forums everyday and don't remember a single instance of ANYONE wanting the KOTFE chapters to be repeatable. On the contrary, most comments are negative about the story or negative of the mindless grind skytrooper fest that they are. Repeatable chapters and we don't get to change our choices? I mean *** even bother?


Players wanted to replay their class story, not KOTFE.

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What I am excited about are the Uprisings. And then, I want the Kotet expansion to be over so that the writers/devs can focus on the Star Wars story, ops, more customization options, and bringing our companions back. I've never considered myself a Ludite, but I definitely pine for pre-kotfe SWtor. The good ole' days.


What in the world makes you think they'll ever go back to any of that?



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I'm excited that the KOTFE/KOTET story arc is ending, and hopeful that we'll return to the Star Wars universe.


I hate this sentiment. Star Wars is more than sand planet, ice planet and forest planet (moon). I want them to keep exploring Star Wars universe, instead of giving us more sand planet, more ice planet and more forest planet.

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