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Level 50's are Killing pvp


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You will find it EASIER at lower level to PvP than at 50 since your few abilities do more damage. On my level 15 BH I do far better than on my 50 warrior because I don't need to use so many abilities to do lots of damage. If after level 16ish you are still doing badly, then its you that's the problem.


In warzones it does more than just give everyone the HP of level 50. All ability damage is normalised as well



You are comparing two totally different classes and playstyles. BH =/= warrior.




Might as well say "hey its easier to play with a disadvantage" too, derp.

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I don't see ANY downside of doing a "50 only" and a "1-49" bracket in PvP. It will not delay waiting times for the majority of the people but it will help to give everybody a fair chance.


It's the same issue with people entering the BG with lvl 10-13. Without sprint, they are basically useless. But you cannot blame them because you get your first PVP quest at level 10 and it gives a ton of XP.

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I have two jobs, wife and child, visited some with family over the holidays...and I hit 45 last night. I started on the last day of early access, and I haven't powered through any content. If I had started on the first day of early access, I would be 50 and fully geared. All while having "a life".


You might just not be as good at games as you would like to believe :)


i think someone is makeing up stories to help thier arguement :)

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So, why do we get gear and level up?


To get an advantage. Brackets take that away. After that, what's the point? It just becomes a pointless grind. No one wants to PVP, queues suffer, and it escalates from there.


Say no to brackets.


so the headstart you have right now getting blues/purps isn't enough Advantage aganst fresh lvl 50's ??? guess you need to smack the babies around some to feed that epeen :)

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So, why do we get gear and level up?


To get an advantage. Brackets take that away. After that, what's the point? It just becomes a pointless grind. No one wants to PVP, queues suffer, and it escalates from there.


Say no to brackets.


Q: Why did humans evolve to where we are now?

A: To kill small defenseless animals for lulz


As one 50 to another 50, that's a serious noob opinion brother

You should quit PvP

Edited by CupieFoxtail
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I'm a rank 45 level 50 with 15k hp. I kill non-50's with ease. I feel bad when my group of 50's queue up and there isn't even 1 50 on the other team. It's a slaughter to say the least. A complete joke.


Once a day maybe, we will go up against another 50 premade but it is rare. Bioware you broke your system. You want to keep everything on one server and don't want queue times so you throw everyone into the same pit. It's the worst implementation I have ever seen.


Put in brackets and cross server warzones. There is no server rivalry that you so quoted. It's us 50's looking at level 10s-40's pathetically try to win. They can only throw themselves against us like marshmellows on a brick wall. I can literally stand still and press 1 button over and over again and anyone under level 50 will die. A level 49 might take me to 40% health. A level 20 will get me to 90% health. It's just so broken.


Fix this.

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My main gripe is Feeling totally helpless as a 33 against those 50s as they seem to just shrug off CC 90% of the time. I jump into the crowd AOE pushing and they just stand there glued to the ledge pounding me into pulp. Are resistances not scaled or something?


I pitty the people starting in a few weeks. Can't see anyone subscribing after playing a few warzones against all 50s.

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What really gets me is that the 50s in the sparkly items think that they are some how more "skilled" at the game. I know people are pretty slow when it comes to understanding anything but it's literally a numbers game. Your numbers are higher than the other guy's numbers, there's no form of skill involved at a certain point.


So long as "gear" exists, PvP in all MMOs is a joke. Chess is the most widely played competitive game in the western world and has been for a very long time. There's a reason for that and it is because Chess never changes. Whereas MMOs are always adding new sparkles. If you guys want real PvP than **** needs to get static and set in stone when it comes to the rules and mechanics.

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I take it all of u telling u can own a lvl 50 np, lower level players gets a huge buff and it's about skills etc etc never have met an actual lvl 50 pvp?

Have u ever met a juggernaught with 19k hps? or an assisin with 17k or a... I could go on.

Try put 4 such players, say from same guild, in a random hutball wz.

I'm telling you, no matter how skillful u are, they will eat u.

Now, I joined such a wz at lvl 42. The average 13k hps. Doing about 150-180 dps. Now, these high hp opponents was fooling around at 250-300 dps, their highest hits 2-3,5k higher than my highest hits etc etc.

Think my buff helped in this bg? Or skill?

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I Personally guarantee that when you hit 50 there will be people leveling that you can kill in your shiny new epix.


Don't cry about it when you know full well you will be the one pwning teh noobs once you hit 50 and not caring at all about the imbalance real PVP gear gives you. Bolster is a fairly well implemented mechanic, your being hosed by precision not bolster fail.




edit: Spelling

Edited by Infrasound
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Ok, i dont know what kind of crack some of you guys are on, but there is NO way, a lvl 22 can beat a lvl 50.


Im a healer speced smuggler, and i cannot heal through the damage output of a lvl 50 marauder.


Absolutely no way. You get two or so level 50's in a warzone with a mix of 10/20/30's and it is pretty much a face roll for the team with the 50's.


But by all means teach me how to pvp against these guys, im all ears.

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I dont really understand these topics anymore... None of them are started by people even close to the home stretch.


I will admit right after release these topics made sense to me. Now... I am wondering *** you are still doing below lvl 45 -.-


Sorry.. some of us actually have lives outside of SWTOR and don't play all day and night. Apparently, you don't, so congrats on yoru high lvl. Apart from that, blasting lvl 50's into an acid pit doesn't help when there are 5 or 6 of them in a battlezone. To think that some artificial bonus helps was short sighted on the developers part. We don't have nearlyl the array of abilities unlocked nor the gear. FIX IT PLEASE so battlezones can be fun and challenging for all.

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Anytime you have brackets, you automatically have wait times.


Simply look at Rift to get a very good example of Brackets.


Even at 50, people still complained, the same people whining right now at 30, will whine at 50 that they're fighting rank 60 valor players.


But anyway, Rift introduced brackets for Premades vs Non Premades, and what happened, all the premade groups went from 1-5 min queue pops, to 40 min + queue pops with 3 or more players. That is simply not acceptable in any game, and caused a HUGE amount of guilds to flat out quit the game, as *** is the point of playing a online game if grouping with my friends is a not possible.


Hell, lets take it a step further, Now Rift is actually separating the ranks as well. So if you're Rank 8 you generally get put against Rank 8 players, and what happened? 10min+ queue instantly even while solo because of this.


I like SWTOR's queue system, it's fast, It's fun, and if I want to, I can group my low level guildmates and actually group..


Does it suck to get rolled by level 50's, not really, when I play my low level characters I die to level 50's sure, but I know if I properly assist I can murder them in seconds as well.


In closing, don't expect to 1v1 level 50's in this game with a level 20, assist and take your lumps and be happy you have pops.

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Sorry.. some of us actually have lives outside of SWTOR and don't play all day and night. Apparently, you don't, so congrats on yoru high lvl. Apart from that, blasting lvl 50's into an acid pit doesn't help when there are 5 or 6 of them in a battlezone. To think that some artificial bonus helps was short sighted on the developers part. We don't have nearlyl the array of abilities unlocked nor the gear. FIX IT PLEASE so battlezones can be fun and challenging for all.


Shouldn't you be focusing on leveling?

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I have not noticed 50s dominating. I don't feel this is yet an issue.


lol.....go fight one with lvl 20-30, fighting lvl 50ies is like hitting a wall.



Shouldn't you be focusing on leveling?



Why, people want to pvp aswell at lower lvls than 50.




Even at 50, people still complained, the same people whining right now at 30, will whine at 50 that they're fighting rank 60 valor players.


Maybe there are some around who do, but wait a minute and think about...these lvl 50ies with rank 60 valor will fighting lvl 10 in greens. The unbalance issues with higher ranked pvp gear will be even worse for lower levels.

Edited by BobaFurz
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I honestly didn't think this would even be a split decision on this topic..


45 - 50's absolutely need their own bracket and have a huge advantage over others in huttball. Skill is only one part of it. The extra skills and gear is what makes the difference. Watch a 50 marauder or jugg run through the fire while taking almost no damage and tell me its not that big of an issue.


The argument "You just need to level faster" is probably the worst you could possibly come up with. Especially in this game above others where if you take your time leveling, you get the full experience from the game.


There is no way even group of low level players could stand up to a 50 by themselves. I've seen 50's run an entire game of huttball only to be taken down by a group of mid levels zerging them.

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Bolster helps a level 15 be competitive with a level 35.


Bolster, as we have all experienced, does not help a level 35 be competitive with a level 50 in any kind of decent gear.


Unfortunately today I have come across two level 50 premades on my server. That's four level 50s each of whom takes the combined efforts of several lower level players to take ONE of them down.


Bolster is not working.


The "10%" edge that PvP gear was supposed to give players was clearly a lie and/or miscalculated severely.


With more players hitting 50 every day, Warzone PvP is getting worse by the hour.

Edited by TwinCinema
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Bolster helps a level 15 be competitive with a level 35.


Bolster, as we have all experienced, does not help a level 35 be competitive with a level 50 in any kind of decent gear.


Unfortunately today I have come across two level 50 premades on my server. That's four level 50s each of whom takes the combined efforts of several lower level players to take ONE of them down.


Bolster is not working.


The "10%" edge that PvP gear was supposed to give players was clearly a lie and/or miscalculated severely.


With more players hitting 50 every day, Warzone PvP is getting worse by the hour.


First, let's look at what Bolster does. It takes every single player and sets their base stats to a level 50. That's like being a level 50 with no armor or weapons on. Then, it takes your armor and gear stats and adds them onto that base. So now, you're a level 50 wearing [whatever level you are] gear.


What you're wanting is everyone's stats stripped down, made the same, regardless of gear and level, defeating the entire purpose of MMOPVP.


Why do you gear up and level? To get an advantage. And you want to remove that. So then, why bother leveling up and gearing or PVPing at all, for that matter? Doesn't matter, you want to remove it.

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I eat level 50s :) Play them in their zone that isnt comfortable. Take them away from what they know ;).


For Example.. i've taken down sages by force pushing them into a pit in huttball and charged after them. Making them panic thinking they have to get away as quick as possible. Not knowing i've already eyed up the speed boost and cut off their route to the free healing pick up :D


i loled realy REALY REAAARYYYYYY hard here o m f g LOL'zzzz

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Oh, there you are! Another whine-thread. Teamplay is surely not taken into account here.

Wait, teamplay? Oh, this is a mighty unusual word. And i totally love whine about poor players, poor performance and no teamplay. Sure, if you hit on a tank, supported by two healers, he's unbeatable. If you go alone against enemy sniper, he kills you in two shots.

Why would you blame lvl 50's for your own mistakes?


And one last thing. How comes, that a team usually lacks a healer? Most players want just to dps, or what?

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First, let's look at what Bolster does. It takes every single player and sets their base stats to a level 50. That's like being a level 50 with no armor or weapons on. Then, it takes your armor and gear stats and adds them onto that base. So now, you're a level 50 wearing [whatever level you are] gear.


What you're wanting is everyone's stats stripped down, made the same, regardless of gear and level, defeating the entire purpose of MMOPVP.


Why do you gear up and level? To get an advantage. And you want to remove that. So then, why bother leveling up and gearing or PVPing at all, for that matter? Doesn't matter, you want to remove it.

Wrong. That's not what I said at all, please learn to readingcomprehension,k?


The developers are using bolster as a means of lumping every player of every level into the same teaparty. If they plan to do this then the playing field should ideologically be reasonably equal. Not exactly the same, but ballpark. Otherwise what is the point of lower levels playing in Warzones at all if they're going to be annihilated in every fight? Where's the incentive for them?


If the devs want to continue to have everyone in the same field, the mechanic needs to operate in a way that allows 50s some advantage but allow the levelling characters to remain competetive. Otherwise whats the point at all for someone who is still levelling to participate in warzones? They get destroyed by the enemy and likely derided by their higher level team mates for bringing the team down. Does that sound like an inclusive, rewarding game system to you?

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