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Warzone Commendation Grants in 4.7.3


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Wow. 5.0 gets worse and worse the more you hear about it. :mad: I don't PVP, but if I did, I'd be fuming.


Crystals for credits, comms for credits. What's wrong with using crystals and comms for armor? The system was never broken-- and if it required tweaking to avoid "confusion" or locking part of the player base out of top-tier gear why not slap third tier gear on second tier crystal vendors, then rename it sensibly?


I've been trying to see the good in 5.0--or at least trying to find the livability--but these changes benefit no one. Not F2P, not Preferred, not solo players, not raiders, not PVPers. I have no idea what Bioware's aiming for, but it's not to create fun for the player base.


I really don't know - I think it must be related to wanting to encourage the casual players to sub for longer . . .


To me its just another one in a long series of actions that suggest they don't really care or listen to their playerbase (unless its on some minor point about what valor rank is needed to buy the pvp weapons that have been in the game for years - why do people give a flying **** about that?).


  • Make a major change to commendations, which for the life of me I can't see the logic to - if you're converting them because they are being removed from the game fine, but why make them bound to a single character?
  • Giving credits in exchange for wz commendations, which will probably work out at a paltry exchange rate for the time sink compared to say, running heroics at max level in a full group.
  • Linked to first point - if they are being converted into credits, given that credits can be traded between toons (for subs), why make the commendations bound to a single character? Fail to see the logic.


Topped off by giving less than 24 hours notice of said change to the playerbase. Nice.

Edited by Ayakin_Solaris
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How the ^%$# can you guys possibly think it's acceptable to drop this on players with only 24 hours notice? Gee, people play your game for years, and if they happen to not read the forums AND be able to log in, immediately, they're potentially screwed? Good thinking, guys!


And for that matter, what the %$#@ is even the point? You're going to convert them to credits no matter where they wind up, so what's the difference?

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So my take is BW won't convert to cxp for a similar reason.


Besides even if they did that why would PvPers be the only ones able to benefit the most of it? Crystals are limited, you can only get 1,000 of each, that's 3,000 if you keep saving the 3 types. On the other hand, PvP comms are almost infinite due to the commendation grants. So why would PvPers be able to turn these for a huge amount of CXP while the rest of the playerbase gets shafted?

Edited by demotivator
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Personally, I'm fine with the conversion being to credits, but for what it's worth, in previous SWTOR expansions they did convert old Comms to some form (usually the lowest tier) of the new currency, so it's not all that unreasonable a request for players to put out there for consideration.


True, and I can understand why some people who have millions of credits would want the conversion to cxp. Me personally, I'd prefer credits. I'd just hate to log in on 5.0 release and had 10 GC crates waiting for me and already find my commander bar at lvl 10 without doing anything. I'm actually looking forward to going out and earning the crates. I'm weird I know...

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Besides even if they did that why would PvPers be the only ones able to benefit the most of it? Crystals are limited, you can only get 1,000 of each, that's 3,000 if you keep saving the 3 types. On the other hand, PvP comms are almost infinite due to the commendation grants. So why would PvPers be able to turn these for a huge amount of CXP while the rest of the playerbase gets shafted?


Because most of PvPers doesn't really care about PvE. They just need a gear to play in a session based game.

So why not? :)


btw envy is not good thing :o

Edited by Glower
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Hey folks!


Alright, so after talking with the team about the feedback in this thread, we are going to make a change. Instead of requiring prior Season Ranked Tokens in 5.0, each of the cosmetic items will now cost credits and have a minimum Valor requirement.


Now, I know the next question will be, what is the minimum requirement? We would actually like to hear from all of you on that front. What do you see as the minimum requirement to have access to the the various PvP cosmetic items? Which should have higher or lower Valor requirements, etc?


Thanks you again for your feedback, as always, keep it coming!




The discussion on Valor requirements is well in hand. I did have an idea that used both ranked tokens and Valor. How bout you add to those vendors the older ranked rewards. Make them purchasable only with ranked tokens, and with a steep Valor requirement.


The furious weapons come to mind. Everyone wants them. I want them. I don't have them. I do feel like should darn well earn them.


And instead of converting old ranked tokens to credits, they become "ranked token" without a season designation. That way, people with lots of patience and little skill can pvp their way to something cool.

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Eric if your changing the properties of the pvp cosmetic items, can you also make the single sabers and blaster pistols Duel weildable? In fact that should be made for all single sabers and pistols since the original reason for mainhand/offhand specific items are now irrelevant Edited by toomanyluigis
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Hey folks!


Alright, so after talking with the team about the feedback in this thread, we are going to make a change. Instead of requiring prior Season Ranked Tokens in 5.0, each of the cosmetic items will now cost credits and have a minimum Valor requirement.


Now, I know the next question will be, what is the minimum requirement? We would actually like to hear from all of you on that front. What do you see as the minimum requirement to have access to the the various PvP cosmetic items? Which should have higher or lower Valor requirements, etc?


Thanks you again for your feedback, as always, keep it coming!



This is exactly how forum communication should work, IMO. Be brave and come out with ideas while they are in flux, and get feedbasck from the players. Then adjust as required. When you first work on something in secret and come out when it's ready, it's much more costly to rework it.

Over time, this will earn back the trust from the long-term players, which is badly needed at this time.


To your question, a Valor requirement is a good idea. Without it, it would seem strange to be able to buy PvP decorations from doing PvE activities (credits). The decorations are clearly themed for PvP, and the operation cosmetics can only be gained from operations either, not from PvP.

Regarding the Valor rank, I'd not put it too high. Keep in mind that these decorations should be purchaseable for new players while leveling. E.g. a cheap decoration for 10k credits and a Valor 10 requirement would be fine, but the nicer decorations should require way more credits and Valor ranks of 30-50, maybe even Valor 70. But anything above 70 would be too high IMO.

Unless of course, you want to have a (new?) super-rare decoration for Valor 100 for the real PvPers. I'd be okay with that, as long as it's only one decoration and it is donateable to a guild. This would improve the social aspect where you can ask PvP players to donate decos to your guild, and the PvP players in turn can earn some credits for being Valor 100.

Edited by Jerba
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Not read all the replies but my vote for the weapons would be convert the level requirement into the valor level requirement. So if someone wants a particular skin they have an incentive to play PVP to gain access to it. It would also be a primer to gaining valor to qualify for ranked PVP.


For those who think 5 valor would be high enough to get access to a pvp related item I hope you realize that is the equivalent to only 2-3 warzones. Might as well have no valor requirement if the bar is set so low.

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Hey folks!


Alright, so after talking with the team about the feedback in this thread, we are going to make a change. Instead of requiring prior Season Ranked Tokens in 5.0, each of the cosmetic items will now cost credits and have a minimum Valor requirement.


Now, I know the next question will be, what is the minimum requirement? We would actually like to hear from all of you on that front. What do you see as the minimum requirement to have access to the the various PvP cosmetic items? Which should have higher or lower Valor requirements, etc?


Thanks you again for your feedback, as always, keep it coming!





Valor 60 for weapons

Valor 70 for Armor

Valor 80 for mounts


Anything less is a slap in the face to those who have focused on pvp. I have over 250k WZ comms across my legacy with 4 sets of BiS 208s ... do right by those who cared about pvp

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For those who think 5 valor would be high enough to get access to a pvp related item I hope you realize that is the equivalent to only 2-3 warzones. Might as well have no valor requirement if the bar is set so low.

Yes, I am well aware of that. :)


It has been suggested that the valor requirement for the PvP weapons be that low because that is about how much effort it takes to get them now. 900 WZ coms -- the current cost -- requires that one PvP, but only a little.


Remember, these are fairly ordinary weapons that have been in the game for a long time; they're not legacy bound, and have no special stats or effects. They were never intended to be special rewards for the dedicated PvP'ers, but rather as something for people to spend coms on while leveling or for looks. And when some of these weapon looks became unavailable through other means with 4.0, these old PvP weapons became more popular.

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Yes, I am well aware of that. :)


It has been suggested that the valor requirement for the PvP weapons be that low because that is about how much effort it takes to get them now. 900 WZ coms -- the current cost -- requires that one PvP, but only a little.


Remember, these are fairly ordinary weapons that have been in the game for a long time; they're not legacy bound, and have no special stats or effects. They were never intended to be special rewards for the dedicated PvP'ers, but rather as something for people to spend coms on while leveling or for looks. And when some of these weapon looks became unavailable through other means with 4.0, these old PvP weapons became more popular.


Fair enough.

Maybe they should throw in some cooler stuff with meaningful requirements then as an incentive. If ranked is going to be gated by a valor level which is character based and be at a meaningful level ie at least 50 then encouraging some lowbie PVP with some carrots can't be a bad thing.


I suspect that the valor requirement for ranked is gong to be low maybe as low as 20 so as not to discourage a fresh 70 from trying it out. Cynical me expects AFK ranked to be a good source of both caffeine and cpx.

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I almost never post anything at all.

Wonders if the Credit Sellers have lobbied the game developers ... after all it they who sell for what 50 cents for a million credits... I can see them increasing the cost by 2 or 4 times. After all war coms and other unique currency was not sellable ... but Credit is going to be king ... thus a game in decline is what I am thinking.

Will have to seriously figure if I want to PvE or PvP ... which gives me the most bang for my credits. That is what they developers want ... right? Less PvP and more PvE?

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I almost never post anything at all.

Wonders if the Credit Sellers have lobbied the game developers ... after all it they who sell for what 50 cents for a million credits... I can see them increasing the cost by 2 or 4 times. After all war coms and other unique currency was not sellable ... but Credit is going to be king ... thus a game in decline is what I am thinking.

Will have to seriously figure if I want to PvE or PvP ... which gives me the most bang for my credits. That is what they developers want ... right? Less PvP and more PvE?


If the credit supply inflates, the RMTs are hurt. The RMTs want credits to be tight, lots of credit sinks and few credit fountains.

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Valor 60 for weapons

Valor 70 for Armor

Valor 80 for mounts


Anything less is a slap in the face to those who have focused on pvp. I have over 250k WZ comms across my legacy with 4 sets of BiS 208s ... do right by those who cared about pvp


How would it be doing right by those who care about PVP? If you've been doing PVP for ages and have 250k WZ comms across your legacy, this doesn't even really affect you since you have those valor ranks. These aren't new items, these are items you can get right now for 900 WZ comms. The only difference this makes is whether or not these items are harder to obtain in 5.0 for newer characters/players than they are now. I'm sure there are better ways to "do right by those who cared about PVP" than simply taking existing things and making them harder to obtain for people who haven't PVP'd as much as you have.


Also, should we be taking a drink for the "slap in the face" comment? That's part of that drinking game, right?

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If you're removing all the PvP vendors, can we get a dueling area in place of those? :)


Oooooh, Yes please! It would be nice to have that on fleet... also some more centrally-located dummies for those without them on their ship (maybe that closed off area that used to have stuff in it in 2.0 or 3.0?)

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Perhaps I'm missing something here... why do people WANT ranked rewards to only have a valor requirement?


Look, I have a PvP toon. But I really haven't been doing much PvP. Let alone ranked PvP. Regardless, though, her valor is at 100.


Why should I get access to RANKED PvP rewards when I don't play ranked PvP? Doesn't that just take the fun out of having a reward from ranked PvP?


Now, I'm not saying having valor rewards available is a bad idea. I'm saying it's a bad idea to replace ranked pvp rewards with valor rewards.

Edited by Soul_of_Flames
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Perhaps I'm missing something here... why do people WANT ranked rewards to only have a valor requirement?


Look, I have a PvP toon. But I really haven't been doing much PvP. Let alone ranked PvP. Regardless, though, her valor is at 100.


Why should I get access to RANKED PvP rewards when I don't play ranked PvP? Doesn't that just take the fun out of having a reward from ranked PvP?


These aren't ranked rewards being talked about. It's the PVP Weapons vendor (and surrounding vendors) on the fleet that sell things for regular WZ comms right now. Since WZ comms are being removed, they were originally planning to make those items cost Ranked Tokens, but changed it to credits + valor requirement since a lot of people didn't like the idea of those items now being locked behind ranked PVP when currently they can be obtained via regular WZ comms.

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Perhaps I'm missing something here... why do people WANT ranked rewards to only have a valor requirement?


Look, I have a PvP toon. But I really haven't been doing much PvP. Let alone ranked PvP. Regardless, though, her valor is at 100.


Why should I get access to RANKED PvP rewards when I don't play ranked PvP? Doesn't that just take the fun out of having a reward from ranked PvP?


Now, I'm not saying having valor rewards available is a bad idea. I'm saying it's a bad idea to replace ranked pvp rewards with valor rewards.

This is not about the Ranked Rewards, this is about gear that is currently available for Warzone Comms - with Warzone Comms going away, they were originally going to instead have that gear that used to only require Warzone Comms now require Ranked Season Tokens instead (so what used to be available for just doing Regular PVP would suddenly require Ranked PVP instead to get).


They listened to feedback in this thread and now that Warzone Comm gear is going to require a Valor Rank + Credits instead in 5.0.

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Hey folks!


Alright, so after talking with the team about the feedback in this thread, we are going to make a change. Instead of requiring prior Season Ranked Tokens in 5.0, each of the cosmetic items will now cost credits and have a minimum Valor requirement.


Now, I know the next question will be, what is the minimum requirement? We would actually like to hear from all of you on that front. What do you see as the minimum requirement to have access to the the various PvP cosmetic items? Which should have higher or lower Valor requirements, etc?

Well, the daily mission grants 300 comms, and right now they're purchasable for 900, so tbh it shouldn't be that high. 5, maybe 10.

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Hey Eric,


It may have already been covered off in this thread, but what's happening to PVP and GSF Decorations? If they're becoming Bound to Character like the other Warzone Commendation items, how will Guilds be able to use them? Additionally, if purchasable by credits will they have a certain Valor required as well?


It may seem trivial, some of the PVP Decorations are massively sought after for Guilds as they naturally lend themselves well to Guild Flagships and Strongholds, so if the items become Bind on Pickup they won't be able to be donated anymore. Perhaps it's time to allow players to donate any Stronghold Decoration through the Decoration UI, not just the Cartel ones?.



THIS. A million times this.


These particular decos are pretty much designed for the purpose of filling out flagships with crews and faction appropriate decorations. They need to remain donatable for this purpose.

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