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Warzone Commendation Grants in 4.7.3


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You don't understand, let me try again...


Today, right now, I can play PVP at lvl 65 competitively thanks to my gear. When 5.0 drops, that will no longer be the case.


I've already done the work, this is grind for the sake of grind, there is nothing new for it. I'm having my effort and "power" taken away for nothing.


Maybe you enjoy the hamster wheel for nothing, but there are other games to play, I'm not going to do it again. We already did this in 4.0, this is the second pointless level cap raise.


Welcome to every expansion I guess? I would continue expecting a new gear level every expansion forever. And while PvP has traditionally allowed you to purchase your gear with the same commendations that you have saved up, gear will not work the same way in the next expansion. I'm not advocating for a gear grind in PvP, but I also don't agree with removing the grind for PvPers IF the gear will be shared between PvP and PvE. Unless they change the design and separate gear again, it would be unfair to allow access to gear because of efforts in the previous expansion.


This is also not any different than most MMOs available. Very few don't require you to grind for new gear in PvP, even if nothing new is added to the game when there is a new level cap.

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You don't understand, let me try again...


Today, right now, I can play PVP at lvl 65 competitively thanks to my gear. When 5.0 drops, that will no longer be the case.


I've already done the work, this is grind for the sake of grind, there is nothing new for it. I'm having my effort and "power" taken away for nothing.


Maybe you enjoy the hamster wheel for nothing, but there are other games to play, I'm not going to do it again. We already did this in 4.0, this is the second pointless level cap raise.


It does seem like BW is "exploiting" the level cap raise - turning it into a reset and nothing else - while abandoning all of tbe elements that made leveling fun in the first games that gave us levels. They know they're "resetting" us and don't get why we don't like that since level raises in older games were generally celebrated events. It would take a very long post to explain why and what is missing here. Other games like Wow do have similar problems but they at least pay lip service to concepts that BW seems to be (deliberstely?) ignorant of.

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Oh? what do you think they do every expansion to raiders? They reset progress every time, and every expansion (except 4.0) they reset all of the crystals. WZ comms have not been removed during other expansions from my understanding so every PvP player that had extra comms could start to get gear as soon as they logged in. (if not a full set already). So for once PvP players and PvE players are on a more even playing field.


Well for 4.0 they totally screwed everyone, now they are doing it again... But perhaps you're new, or the concept is hard to understand or something...


Prior to 4.0 and level sync, with a new expansion you could still do the former content because it wasn't raised in level. But you also have to keep in mind that we haven't gotten an expansion for 2 years now. 3.0 was the last expansion, please don't insult MMOs by calling 4.0 one, and 5.0 sure as heck isn't one. There was no reason for the jump to level 65, and 70 is even more pointless.


I'll repeat, if they reset everyone to level 1, that would ALSO be a "level playing field". Honestly, I have no idea how in the world you think this is reasonable, perhaps you like being abused by companies you give your money to?

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Wow Eric...credits? Really? What a terribly worthless idea that was...you guys are doing a great job pissing off people though...keep it up!


Hey TUXs, welcome back! :)


Yea, it is completely absurd, but it is really part of their plan to hide the lack of content with a drawn out RNG gear grind. Nothing more or less.


I'm not doing it again. I did it with 4.0, 5.0 is completely pointless, there is no reason to have a level cap increase as there is no new MMO content.

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Welcome to every expansion I guess?


Lord... you're brainwashed, that is the only answer I can think of...


First, 4.0 and 5.0 were NOT expansions, please don't insult MMOs everywhere by calling them that.


Second, with "expansions", you usually get actual content, new FP, new OPS, new WZ, etc... This solo instanced crap is not MMO content and isn't remotely a MMO expansion.


Finally, with level sync, the levels have been made pointless, it is just gear grind to hide the lack of content. 3.0 was an expansion worthy of a cap because the older content was not raised up to max level.

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It does seem like BW is "exploiting" the level cap raise - turning it into a reset and nothing else - while abandoning all of tbe elements that made leveling fun in the first games that gave us levels. They know they're "resetting" us and don't get why we don't like that since level raises in older games were generally celebrated events. It would take a very long post to explain why and what is missing here. Other games like Wow do have similar problems but they at least pay lip service to concepts that BW seems to be (deliberstely?) ignorant of.


When WoW has an expansion, it comes with actual new content...


If we had 4 new FP, 2 new OPs, 2 new WZ maps, and 2 new GSF maps launching with 5.0, you wouldn't hear a word of complaint from me about the gear.


The real issue is that this is just trying to hide a complete lack of content behind a pointless gear grind of the same content that we've had for years and years...


Anyone defending this is either uninformed or blind as a bat...

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Hey TUXs, welcome back! :)


Yea, it is completely absurd, but it is really part of their plan to hide the lack of content with a drawn out RNG gear grind. Nothing more or less.


I'm not doing it again. I did it with 4.0, 5.0 is completely pointless, there is no reason to have a level cap increase as there is no new MMO content.

Thank you :) It's good to be back!!!


That is EXACTLY what it is. They lack anything new, so now they need us all to do DvL once more time...but this time it'll be for different RNG gear...this time it'll be for the gear we NEED to even play certain aspects of the game.

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Lord... you're brainwashed, that is the only answer I can think of...


First, 4.0 and 5.0 were NOT expansions, please don't insult MMOs everywhere by calling them that.


Second, with "expansions", you usually get actual content, new FP, new OPS, new WZ, etc... This solo instanced crap is not MMO content and isn't remotely a MMO expansion.


Finally, with level sync, the levels have been made pointless, it is just gear grind to hide the lack of content. 3.0 was an expansion worthy of a cap because the older content was not raised up to max level.


This entire post is your opinion and has nothing to do with anything I've said. It's just your own personal rant about the direction of the game. If anyone is acting brainwashed, it has to be you. You've been so conditioned to get X content each expansion that you don't even consider new content to be an expansion because it isn't what WoW did?


Personally, I'd like to see more group content released, but to even include new WZs in what you associate to expansions in this game is ignorant. How many new warzones have we gotten and how many of those came out with an expansion? We've had, I think, 4 new warzones plus arena maps if you'd like to count them and 0 of them have been released alongside a major expansion. So were RotHC and SoR not real expansions because there were no new warzones? We also have Uprisings coming with 5.0, we just don't have much information about them other than they are 4-man content.

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Ridiculous. An item may only have cost 900 comms ("back in olden days" :t_tongue:), but remember that with just needing Valor and cash, someone can buy that same item repeatedly once they hit the valor level. Or, more to the point, purchase all the items at that same level. Which, of course, would have cost many, many comms in the past.


So, that being stated, I think weapons and such should be available at lvl 40-50 valor. None of this should just be given away. Why have the requirement if it is going to be super low?


It's still going to cost them credits, which will be one of the only forms of currency in the game come 5.0 since most commendations are being removed entirely. If that isn't accompanied by an increase in credit rewards (and I don't see them increasing credit rewards) then all of the things that used to be bought with commendations will require credits which will make credits more valuable as a result.


Making the requirement upwards of Valor 40-50 is what would really be ridiculous. You mention that somebody could get them all if they met the valor requirements, assuming they have enough credits for it, but remember this: Valor is per character and with it being on the items themselves, even if they changed the items to Bind on Equip (currently they're all Bind on Pickup), you couldn't move those weapons to a character that doesn't meet the Valor requirement. So being able to buy all the weapons means nothing, you can only use them on THAT character. I don't even think you could use them for your companions since they wouldn't "share" your Valor ranking similar to LS/DS points. Since all of the weapons are all main-hand locked as well, so dual wielders can't buy two, what is the benefit of being able to buy more than one apart from swapping? How many people constantly swap between weapons instead of sticking with 1 (or maybe 2)?


You have to meet the Valor requirement on the character you want the weapons on. That means if you made a new character and want one of those weapons? You'll have to get to Valor 40-50 before you'll ever have a chance to use any of them. In the "olden days" of right now, you can pick one of them up as soon as you hit 900 comms. Even if you think they should need to be worked for and not "given away" (make it Valor 10, that's reasonable, and it still has a credit cost on top of that), Valor 40-50 is waaay beyond "working for it" when you consider that Valor is per character.

Edited by The-Kaitou-Kid
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This entire post is your opinion and has nothing to do with anything I've said. It's just your own personal rant about the direction of the game. If anyone is acting brainwashed, it has to be you. You've been so conditioned to get X content each expansion that you don't even consider new content to be an expansion because it isn't what WoW did?


Well, my comment might have been harsh, but it reflects what I see as the honest truth... No offense was intended...


There is just no need for a level cap increase for the single player instanced story content 5.0 is bringing, it is just a RNG grind fest to hide the lack of real content. Bioware is removing my ability to do what I'm doing today and providing nothing in return for it.


In other words, they are making it easy to quit since I'm not going to grind gear again on 2+ year old content, and the single player story won't require it.

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Well, my comment might have been harsh, but it reflects what I see as the honest truth... No offense was intended...


There is just no need for a level cap increase for the single player instanced story content 5.0 is bringing, it is just a RNG grind fest to hide the lack of real content. Bioware is removing my ability to do what I'm doing today and providing nothing in return for it.


In other words, they are making it easy to quit since I'm not going to grind gear again on 2+ year old content, and the single player story won't require it.


I've never associated a level cap increase to new content. I've always associated it to class changes, especially with the addition of new abilities. While possible, it would be odd to just add another ability to all classes without increasing the level cap.

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I've never associated a level cap increase to new content. I've always associated it to class changes, especially with the addition of new abilities. While possible, it would be odd to just add another ability to all classes without increasing the level cap.


Oh.... we haven't even got to the class change blogs yet. The whole RNG gearing / Warzone Commendations is just a storm in a teacup compared to what'll happen when those land.



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Oh.... we haven't even got to the class change blogs yet. The whole RNG gearing / Warzone Commendations is just a storm in a teacup compared to what'll happen when those land.




How mad can people be? Most of the random forum posts I see have merc/mando being at the top which should finally make those people happy. And they can't do anything that's worse than the sorc bubble/smash meta for 2 years.

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It doesn't break anything, it carries over our effort... A warzone played today should have value in a month, as it stands, it is worthless, why play one?


Credits are useless, the people with a million warzone comms across their legacy don't need credits... Or I don't, I have north of 2 billion credits at this point, there is nothing left to buy...


What's it worth? Some medpacs? Adrenals? Once you're fully geared, that's about all it's worth isn't it? Oh, random decorations/skins for weapons? Once this change goes live, all of those items are going to be available from the same vendors, for credits.

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How mad can people be? Most of the random forum posts I see have merc/mando being at the top which should finally make those people happy. And they can't do anything that's worse than the sorc bubble/smash meta for 2 years.

Right?! I love how Bioware pretended the PvP leaderboards didn't exist...

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Well for 4.0 they totally screwed everyone, now they are doing it again... But perhaps you're new, or the concept is hard to understand or something...


Prior to 4.0 and level sync, with a new expansion you could still do the former content because it wasn't raised in level. But you also have to keep in mind that we haven't gotten an expansion for 2 years now. 3.0 was the last expansion, please don't insult MMOs by calling 4.0 one, and 5.0 sure as heck isn't one. There was no reason for the jump to level 65, and 70 is even more pointless.


I'll repeat, if they reset everyone to level 1, that would ALSO be a "level playing field". Honestly, I have no idea how in the world you think this is reasonable, perhaps you like being abused by companies you give your money to?



i'm not new, I've been playing since day 1 of early access at launch. I want to see BW get back to making Content for every type of gameplay PvP, GSF, end game Operations, and flashpoints etc. Not just Story. However, if they are going to go through with the change in the gear system then this is the best route by making it so nobody has wz comms or crystals to give them an unfair advantage. Consider this. you can max out a character with 200,000 wz comms (and been able to shift comms from 1 character to another for a long time). the most any non PvP player can have is 1000 common, 500 glowing, and 500 Radiant crystals, consider to have a fair trade off, wz comms would have to have an incredible bad conversion rate to command XP otherwise you'd have a massive advantage over PvE players. So by BW taking away both crystals, and comms from us, they are making a clearly stated that neither side will get an advantage over the other at the beginning of the expansion when it comes to leveling up our command ranks. Nothing anyone does before hand will help us. (and to be blunt, why should we be able to anyway?) The whole point of a new expansion is to get gear from doing the content after the expansion launches (even if it is not new content), not by doing stuff in game before it goes live, and just logging in to get the gear after 5.0 launches.


To me I see it this way. PvPer's have had it nice for many expansions. You got to keep your comms, and have a full set of instant maxed out PvP gear after any expansion from using comms you've stockpiled. Now you can't and this is the true reason of the big uproar. You just want to stomp people whether it's noobs or casual players as soon as the expansion goes live with a full set of Min/Maxed gear. This system looks like it wants us to actually spend some time to get our gear, not walk in day 1 and have a full set.

Edited by Toraak
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... This solo instanced crap is not MMO content and isn't remotely a MMO expansion


If I have to fight another group of three "Skytroopers", I'm going to punch something cuddly. While I do appreciate Bioware's efforts in storytelling, and believe that this is one of the elements that sets this game apart for me, the Multiplayer and the Massive do seem to be lacking from these Online experiences. I understand that creating content is a huge enterprise. I am comfortable with mechanics changing during a games lifetime.


What I have a problem with is sudden changes like this occurring when nothing else in the game is going on. Now maybe I was distracted by the release of Battlefield 1 but this feels totally out of the blue.

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i'm not new, I've been playing since day 1 of early access at launch. I want to see BW get back to making Content for every type of gameplay PvP, GSF, end game Operations, and flashpoints etc. Not just Story. However, if they are going to go through with the change in the gear system then this is the best route by making it so nobody has wz comms or crystals to give them an unfair advantage. Consider this. you can max out a character with 200,000 wz comms (and been able to shift comms from 1 character to another for a long time). the most any non PvP player can have is 1000 common, 500 glowing, and 500 Radiant crystals, consider to have a fair trade off, wz comms would have to have an incredible bad conversion rate to command XP otherwise you'd have a massive advantage over PvE players. So by BW taking away both crystals, and comms from us, they are making a clearly stated that neither side will get an advantage over the other at the beginning of the expansion when it comes to leveling up our command ranks. Nothing anyone does before hand will help us. (and to be blunt, why should we be able to anyway?) The whole point of a new expansion is to get gear from doing the content after the expansion launches (even if it is not new content), not by doing stuff in game before it goes live, and just logging in to get the gear after 5.0 launches.


To me I see it this way. PvPer's have had it nice for many expansions. You got to keep your comms, and have a full set of instant maxed out PvP gear after any expansion from using comms you've stockpiled. Now you can't and this is the true reason of the big uproar. You just want to stomp people whether it's noobs or casual players as soon as the expansion goes live with a full set of Min/Maxed gear. This system looks like it wants us to actually spend some time to get our gear, not walk in day 1 and have a full set.


You paint a lovely pretty picture. Complete bias I'm guessing.


Hey folks,


I wanted to let you know about what changes are coming to Commendations in Fallen Empire, this way you can plan accordingly. Simply put, only the names of some existing Commendations are changing. There are no conversion rates or anything this time around.


  • Basic Commendations will now be called Common Data Crystals
  • Elite Commendations will now be called Glowing Data Crystals
  • Ultimate Commendations will now be called Radiant Data Crystals
  • All other Commendation names remain the same.

Again, there are no conversion rates pre/post Fallen Empire. Thanks!




Did you forget that when 4.0 landed, there were no conversion rates between Commendations to Crystals? Did you not realise that a basic set of PvE gear costs 1160 Crystals, compared to a basic PvP set costing 4075 Commendations?


What was that? Something about 3.0? Well if I recall correctly all of the commendations were collapsed into Basic Commendations for PvE players with this ratio:

2 Classic Commendations = 1 Basic Commendation

1 Basic Commendation = 1 Basic Commendation

1 Elite Commendation = 2 Basic Commendations

1 Planetary Commendation = 3 Basic Commendations

1 Ultimate Commendation = 3 Basic Commendations


(and wait for it.....) an overflow of the 1000 limit . Meanwhile, PvP players still had to contend with a lower cap (2750), higher gear costs at that time, as well as refund timers on any weapon being used to circumvent the cap, on top of no legacy warzone tokens.


Yes, that's right, go off on one about PvP players having it easy. When the reality is the PvP players have only had it simple for one expansion. 4.0.


2.0 was just as bad for PvP players and PvE players alike iirc, also PvE players had caps on the amount of commendations they could earn in one week per character, which was removed. Funny how that is now coming back in 5.0, considering it didn't work the first time..... just like RNG gearing didn't for PvP players.....

Edited by Transcendent
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To me I see it this way. PvPer's have had it nice for many expansions. You got to keep your comms, and have a full set of instant maxed out PvP gear after any expansion from using comms you've stockpiled. Now you can't and this is the true reason of the big uproar. You just want to stomp people whether it's noobs or casual players as soon as the expansion goes live with a full set of Min/Maxed gear. This system looks like it wants us to actually spend some time to get our gear, not walk in day 1 and have a full set.


Actually, it's the reverse. PVPers (at least me and the ones I know) want everybody to be in equivalent gear so that skill, not gear, determines victory. While storing comms lets the hardcore pvpers (of which I am not one) gear up faster, as many people have pointed out, it's pretty easy to get [currently 204] gear in < 1 week, and thus be competitive. I for one would be ok with converting current wz comms to credits and starting at 0 comms towards the new tiers -- it would still be better than RNG.

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Actually, it's the reverse. PVPers (at least me and the ones I know) want everybody to be in equivalent gear so that skill, not gear, determines victory. While storing comms lets the hardcore pvpers (of which I am not one) gear up faster, as many people have pointed out, it's pretty easy to get [currently 204] gear in < 1 week, and thus be competitive. I for one would be ok with converting current wz comms to credits and starting at 0 comms towards the new tiers -- it would still be better than RNG.


Then play ranked. The PvE crowd won't be able to get in, since it's going to have a Valor requirement to enter.

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You paint a lovely pretty picture. Complete bias I'm guessing.




Did you forget that when 4.0 landed, there were no conversion rates between Commendations to Crystals? Did you not realise that a basic set of PvE gear costs 1160 Crystals, compared to a basic PvP set costing 4075 Commendations?


What was that? Something about 3.0? Well if I recall correctly all of the commendations were collapsed into Basic Commendations for PvE players with this ratio:



(and wait for it.....) an overflow of the 1000 limit . Meanwhile, PvP players still had to contend with a lower cap (2750), higher gear costs at that time, as well as refund timers on any weapon being used to circumvent the cap, on top of no legacy warzone tokens.


Yes, that's right, go off on one about PvP players having it easy. When the reality is the PvP players have only had it simple for one expansion. 4.0.


2.0 was just as bad for PvP players and PvE players alike iirc, also PvE players had caps on the amount of commendations they could earn in one week per character, which was removed. Funny how that is now coming back in 5.0, considering it didn't work the first time..... just like RNG gearing didn't for PvP players.....


So what your not saying is, the PvE vendors from those conversions had crap gear that no sane raider would bother with, except maybe a high endurance tank? Mods were crap. High endurance, low power, Enhancements were crap high endurance, low power, and Armorings that had NO SET BONUS. Meanwhile PvP'ers could stockpile comms from before the expansions to at least begin getting gear WITH SET BONUS, and stats meaningful for PvP. yeah. PvP players have had it easier for expansions. Now we all have it the same, and all I see is complaints from the PvP community for it being done fairly since all gear will now be exactly the same for both PvP, and PvE.


PS: I've also noted that even tho the PvE community is losing all of their crystals, they aren't complaining about it either. hmm. just an observation on that one. does seem to confirm my want to stomp noobies on day 1 of expansion in full min/maxed gear theory to me.

Edited by Toraak
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Hey folks,



If you have a desire to move Warzone Commendations around or have a stockpile of Warzone Commendation Grants, please ensure they are on the character you want them to be on before Tuesday’s maintenance. Please note, Customer Service will not be able to assist with any Warzone Commendation grants after Tuesday.


It is our intent that Warzone Commendations will convert to credits (as will Crystals) with Eternal Throne’s launch. We are still working out the conversion rates and I am hopeful that I will have that information for you later next week. To reiterate, in preparation for Knights of the Eternal Throne all Warzone Commendation Grants will become bind on pickup as of Game Update 4.7.3 on Tuesday.


Thanks everyone!




You have us 24 hours notice? I was having a medical procedure done and did not see it until today. 1 day late. And I'm screwed if I don't like where my comms are. Good grief.


1 day's notice. Some of us have lives. And you've promised you won't make this right after. You do realize we don't live in this game, right? That we have other things happen? It isn't like it was 2 weeks. I missed the announcement by a day... because of my health. Like I could change that. Thanks guys.. Figures.

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I'm sorry but a "heads up" a 24 hr "heads up" that your going to make the change in 24 hrs is ********!!! Like we all have time to get on every day, way to screw us, and as well you do these changes and don't even release the ratio of what it will be because we all know it will probably be **** for the amount of time put into it. My friends and I that play wz's in every tier wont be able to use the wz comms the way we want. Now we will just be handed credits... BS And for all the PvE'ers saying that the PvP'ers are crying LOL they hate having PvP'ers in their raids well its probably going to happen a lot now because thats going to be the better way to get the new gear for everything come the new expansion...



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