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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP and PvE Gearing in Eternal Throne


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RNG gear is a horrendous idea Eric. It's already been tried here and it failed...weren't any of you guys around then?


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give us a way to guarantee that one item we need that isn't RNG based...


This ^


Does BW not remember how bad the RNG gear was and how players hated it.


RNG with the chance to never put a set together. To never get what you need for the AC you play.


I simply cannot say on these forums what I wish too about RNG gear after FIVE years of playing end game and now being faced with the idea of never getting what I need and not just for my main but for any alt I might have played.


I'll dumbfounded at the ignorance of BW right now.


This goes beyond any terrible idea I thought was coming from BW. Far beyond terrible with RANDOM GEAR AT END GAME.

Edited by Quraswren
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Is it really a "head start" if they played the warzones, and spent the time doing the activity? Your own signature says "you want a thing, do the work", isn't that exactly what rewarding warzone comms for lowbie pvp is?


I don't think it really "levels the playing field" either, seeing as it's the same number of warzones you have to play either way to get the comms. In the end, 2 people with full 208 gear played the same number of warzones.


Full disclosure though, I thought the pvp gear from random boxes at the game's launch was the worst possible way to do that.


Also, if you need the best gear just to start to playing ranked, why is playing ranked the fastest way to gain command levels in order to get the gear? It seems a little backwards.


Unless they're planning on just giving everyone flat stats in warzones now, with no variation or ability to customize your stats....


<<Also, if you need the best gear just to start to playing ranked, why is playing ranked the fastest way to gain command levels in order to get the gear? It seems a little backwards.>>


It won't be. Operations will be the venue that grants the most points towards raising command levels [but only NiM level will grant more command points than ranked], ranked will grant the second most amount of points towards raising command levels after Operations on NiM.

In terms of Operations,NiM [Master level} will grant the most points, HM less than NiM, SM less than HM.


I'd imagine in that vein, regs will grant less command points than Ranked.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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But they didn't mention crafting at all? And if the cxp gear is BOP then we will have to do activities on our crafting toons.


They did mention crafting:


Hey folks,




  • Players will be able to craft comparable item level gear without set bonuses.

That should cover most of the basic changes coming to itemization in KOTET. I know this is a lot to take in, so please ask any questions you may have in this thread and I will work to answer what I can!


Edited by KyaniteD
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This ^


Does BW not remember how bad the RNG gear was and how players hated it.


RNG with the chance to never put a set together. To never get what you need for the AC you play.


I simply cannot say on these forums what I wish too about RNG gear after FIVE years of playing end game and now being faced with the idea of never getting what I need and not just for my main but for any alt I might have played.


I'll dumbfounded at the ignorance of BW right now.


This goes beyond any terrible idea I thought was coming from BW. Far beyond terrible with RANDOM GEAR AT END GAME.


Actually token drops aren't RNG based. Each boss in each operation drops a specific token piece, for example Revan drops the token mainhand, and last boss from TFB drops the off-hand token peice.

Other non token gear that drops may be RNG based, but the token drops are specific to each boss. There is a list on Dulfy which gives the run down on each operation boss and the token gear each will drop. As set bonus peices are inherently token peices you can look on the list for the peices for the set bonus you still need to find the bosses that will drop those tokens that you still need to obtain the full 6 piece set bonus.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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RNG gear is a horrendous idea Eric. It's already been tried here and it failed...weren't any of you guys around then?


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give us a way to guarantee that one item we need that isn't RNG based...


I remember very clearly when getting pvp gear was totally randomized. It drove people crazy.


I hope they consider including some sort of token that, once enough are collected, allows you to buy the gear pieces you are missing. Some RNG is fine, but total RNG is going to make people very angry, just like it did the last time they tried it.

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They did mention crafting:


Thank you, will that require reverse engineering though? Say if the highest level gear is 240 will crafters be able to craft 240 gear without set bonus once they level crafting up to new maximum? Does this apply to mods, enhancements, armorings etc as well as say full gear pieces?

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It won't be. Operations will be the venue that grants the most points towards raising command levels, everything will give some points but Operations will be granting the most. While they didn't say it, and this is just an educated guess, chances are ranked will grant the second most amount of points towards raising command levels after Operations.


In terms of Operations,NiM [Master level} will grant the most points, HM less than NiM, SM less than HM.


Actually Ops does not, but I can't discuss my source for this due to the rules against where the information came from.


It's based on the mission. Each Weekly Ops Mission, PvP Daily, and GSF Daily. GSF rewards the most.


~ Eudoxia

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I am a bit disappointed in the fact that there are fewer incentives to do Nightmare, having the best type of Command Crates drop from Nightmare as well would be a great change that would promote Nightmare raiding while still not disturbing the balance of gearing through Galactic Command as Nightmare requires a high level of gear to begin with.
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Actually token drops aren't RNG based. Each boss in each operation drops a specific token piece, for example Revan drops the token mainhand, and last boss from TFB drops the off-hand token peice.


I was quoting TUX and what PVP gear used to be and gamers hated it and BW changed it. They cannot have forgotten how much that sucked this fast.

I know gear now is not RNG like 5.0 gear will be. That kind of end game gear RNG is some next level terrible game development at this point in the game.


It's like they keep forgetting what got them into trouble in the first place at different areas of the game.


Lets rely on story with little end game. SWTOR goes F2P almost faster than any other game in history.

**** They change that. Things get a bit more stable and then for KotFE they do it again and things go down hill again.


Lets put PVP gear as a random drop. Terrible idea gamers hated in mass.

**** BW changes that to choose what you need over time and things get stable in the game. Now they go back to a similar random design and you can bet just like the first time. Things will go down hill and in general be a hated design.


There is no benefit to the gamers for a RNG loot system. It's a business move that does nothing but frustrate the gamers and makes sure there is a chance to never get what you need.


Its a purely business move to keep you pulling the handle longer and waiting on the gambling machine to pay out but like casinos. The odds are not in your favor. EVER.

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I was quoting TUX and what PVP gear used to be and gamers hated it and BW changed it. They cannot have forgotten how much that sucked this fast.

I know gear now is not RNG like 5.0 gear will be. That kind of end game gear RNG is some next level terrible game development at this point in the game.


It's like they keep forgetting what got them into trouble in the first place at different areas of the game.


Lets rely on story with little end game. SWTOR goes F2P almost faster than any other game in history.

**** They change that. Things get a bit more stable and then for KotFE they do it again and things go down hill again.


Lets put PVP gear as a random drop. Terrible idea gamers hated in mass.

**** BW changes that to choose what you need over time and things get stable in the game. Now they go back to a similar random design and you can bet just like the first time. Things will go down hill and in general be a hated design.


There is no benefit to the gamers for a RNG loot system. It's a business move that does nothing but frustrate the gamers and makes sure there is a chance to never get what you need.


Its a purely business move to keep you pulling the handle longer and waiting on the gambling machine to pay out but like casinos. The odds are not in your favor. EVER.


I don't think they forget. They just don't have the content to keep people subbed so they introduce a rng grind.

Edited by Tsetso
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There are several multiple XP categories now: XP, Valor, Social, Legacy and now CXP..


The game will be like one encompassing heroic mission with dropped crates contents having increased stats for each level gained on the new XP system.


For modding - this seems like the Eternal Championship static 216, 220 gear where you can still install crystals and add a augment slot. Which means all other gear (packs, store, ...) is cosmetic - modding only for crystals and color.


If different class gear drops - CXP dropped gear should be Legacy gear. Or maybe the new "Crate Opening Experience" will allow the transfer of gear to another character.

Edited by jimmorrisson
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in ESO the champion points are account wide and if u got max CP (501) each toon you start got 501 points to spread from the start.


it got nothing to do with gear at all.


here in swtor 2.0 they will have you grind your command rank for each and every toon.


Also correct.


Again the reason I said it sounds a lot like it and not that it is the same as, exactly like or "is".

The base idea is the same. You gain extra levels after you're max level in a separate leveling system. You can only use the gear commensurate with your Command Rank like in ESO once you hit CP160 you can wear top level gear but continue to gain CP and have the CP's to spread around. (By this I mean that each toon in your account gets the same number of CP's and they can all spread them among the Champion System perks)


The base concept of gaining extra levels after you hit the level cap and your new level in that new cap system determining what gear you can earn and wear is similar.

The differences come in how the system is implemented, Legacy wide (or not), rate of gain, nature of gear acquisition and type of gear acquired. This therefore changes the end state of the system.


It is at the end state where the gear progression is either slowed or accelerated based on XP gain. In ESO Champion XP gain is quick until you hit CP160 (when running group content) so as to allow players to obtain gear quicker since the true grind isn't for gear and loot, but the account wide CP's that you can use to bolster your players and make them better, stronger, faster and more powerful. ESO has successfully made gear progression slightly less important than actual character/skill progression this way. Whereas SWTOR continues to focus on gear progression.


This is SWTOR 5.0, 2.0 was years ago...

Edited by RiVaN_
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The idea that you could raid every operation, every week...


Do PvP, Uprisings etc.....


And have bad RNG never let you get a 6 piece bonus....


Is inexplicable.


How can this be a viable endgame gearing method? How does this make sense?

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The idea that you could raid every operation, every week...


Do PvP, Uprisings etc.....


And have bad RNG never let you get a 6 piece bonus....


Is inexplicable.


How can this be a viable endgame gearing method? How does this make sense?


It's not a good idea. If the command create stash is legacy accessible (as it appears to be), it's won't be a terrible idea, but it'll still a bad idea without there being some way to mitigate bad RNG.


If disintegrating an item makes back close to a GXP level, that might be adequate mitigation. Might be.

Edited by IanArgent
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Now that Expertise is being phased out and converted to Mastery, If we do participate in both Warzones, as well, Ops/FPs/ect., will we still need 2 sets of gear? One for PvP that has no Accuracy and one for PvE that does have Accuracy? Edited by Banthabreeder
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So are these going to be like the old battlemaster bags? Just get stuff and hope to get the pieces you need


Yep, players really spoke on how much they liked those bags. I keep forgetting why they stopped being a thing....

Let's just bring them back!

Edited by Jamtas
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Yep, players really spoke on how much they liked those bags. I keep forgetting why they stopped being a thing....

Let's just bring them back!


Pretty sure the devs are just punking those people without the gall to just stop subbing. Who asked for these terrible changes?


I'm currently on the last day of my referrel link sub. I thought about resubbing for KOTET simply because I've always liked playing this game, but it's hard to justify it with the last 2 years of development choices and complete lack of attention to the actual player base

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