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Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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This is literally the dumbest end-game gearing system in the history of gaming. Congrats on being idiots at BioWare.


I concur. I thought they held the record before by not releasing ops for two years. This now tops that. Completely stupid

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I concur. I thought they held the record before by not releasing ops for two years. This now tops that. Completely stupid


You can add that to a long list of measures of "fixing things, just not the way you wanted". People complained that there are no new ops. And instead of fixing it by adding new ops, they fixed it by making people not want to do ops anymore. :p

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I like this. Players who love OPS and such get the gear faster, those players who don't, still can earn the gear.


Ops players will get gear slower than before 5.0 though. By tying cxp to quest completion rather than boss drops they are putting a time gate on the amount of cxp you can earn. Ops groups that get together once a week only will take far longer to gear up unless they want to do all the other activities in the game every day.

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Ops players will get gear slower than before 5.0 though. By tying cxp to quest completion rather than boss drops they are putting a time gate on the amount of cxp you can earn. Ops groups that get together once a week only will take far longer to gear up unless they want to do all the other activities in the game every day.



A good raiding guild can help their members/static to gear up in a few days. Becouse of DROP.

With this changes it will take weeks...

...if not a months :confused:


Operation lockouts will be EXTREMELY punishing at raiding guilds.

If Biofail will REMOVE lockouts...

...it will be double fail.

Becouse it will be KP/EV non-stop.


Will new players actually DO other operations? Nope.

I mean they have easy and fast EV/KP. Who cares about those OP's were you MUST know tactics?


This system will lead to disaster.

The End of raiding.

The End of SWTOR.

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Oh boo hoo. I have been here since beta also. You don't see me complaining.


It is ok, bud. I know plenty of SW fans are so desperate for a SW mmo, that they would eat ANY **** thrown at them at this point. It is ok to be one of those fans :) Enjoy your game.

Edited by Vodamin
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If you don't have NiM gear, you have to be able to do NiM content to get NiM gear, so you can do NiM content? That tautology still doesn't make sense to me.


Well, that's not a tautology to me but also it's not true. You can do any content to gain points from what I understand and ultimately it's the points that give you gear boxes. The tier of the gear depends on the level you have in GC.


Of course once you can do NiM it will give more points than easier content so it will help you progress faster at that point. Eric was perhaps a bit too enthusiastic in his explanation but I do not think he meant what you state here.

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IN KOTFE, my main marauder had a full set of 216 gear in about 10 days, due to the fact that my ops leader distributed loot fairly. So if I was missing a leg piece, my ops leader would prioritize me since others did have it, or some people were playing on alts. We had a system of gearing our mains first, and our alts second. And all of our raiders were 216 geared within 2 weeks max, and started the grind of ops to get more gear. We even 8manned EV council 16m to get everyone 220 relics for example. So, we were ready for harder ops in a little time. And those were fun, because we did encounter some stuff and had some laughs about stupid stuff we accidentally pulled in ops, and similar.


Without new ops, or no new content, a lot of people in our raid group, started quitting. Right now, of all the people that were in my guild and raided, there are 3 remaining, of which one is pref now, so we can't do any ops at all. We have one dps (me), a healer and one tank.


With the new changes, there is no point in raiding any more. People are going to leave the game even more, making HM/NiM raiding impossible. And without any new group content, it's going to be hell to find anyone who even has an idea how to play their class. I spent hours on dummy practicing my rotation, I spent hours minmaxing my gear, and all that is now gone. And that is true for a lot of raiders and a lot of PvPers as well.


SM ops? I haven't gone to Ravs SM or EC SM in a long time because people don't know *** to do on M&B or on minefield, and have wiped even 10 times. And now it's going to get even worse.


Thanks BioFail for ruining what was left of the game, with this Galactic Command crap.


Now the game is mostly SOLO, and this Command crap is just to appease the SOLO whiners.


This Galactic Command crap is the worst idea ever to come out in this MMO, followed by no new group content after SoR.

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Ops players will get gear slower than before 5.0 though. By tying cxp to quest completion rather than boss drops they are putting a time gate on the amount of cxp you can earn. Ops groups that get together once a week only will take far longer to gear up unless they want to do all the other activities in the game every day.


People that don't do ops probably don't understand that due to real life issues, it is necessary to use substitutes, swap rolls, or replace players that leave a team. When this happened in the past it was possible for a team to quickly gear someone to fill one of those rolls. By doing this the teams down time was reduced to a bearable amount of time, and the chances that the team will hold together were improved.


On the other hand, if a team that has already taken several weeks (or longer) to gear for ops that they once had gear for, but can no longer participate in because of yet another unnecessary level cap increase has to then go through any additional gearing cycles for individual players needing to gear up in order to fulfill their roll on the team, that team is much more likely to fall apart, and the players on that team are much more likely to unsub and quit playing the game.


Now, if it's EA's desire to make it harder for teams to thrive, and to create a situation where more people will become disenchanted and quit, then maybe this change will meet their goals. I don't want to see this happen though, and that I just one reason that I do not like the new gearing scheme.


P.s. Of course I can understand the allure of this system for people who prefer not to participate in operations, and I am in no way opposed to all players having a path towards obtaining the best gear that the game has to offer. It makes no difference to me whether people want the better gear to replay FE or ET content in their hardest modes, or for PvP or for Ops. What does matter to me is that increasing the amount of time needed to gear up can, and I believe will have a negative affect for those players that prefer to do group content.

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So.... Yea... Where to start...


So now, someone remember something about PvE players being able to roflstomp PvP players because of gear? Somehow I suspect that PvE has more avenues to gain CXP then PvP. Which was the whole reason for Expertise in the first damned place... So apparently someone at EA wants to have this fight again...


The RNG. IS. EPIC. FAIL. Again it's EA so I should not be shocked at this really. I live in Vegas, if I wanna gamble with RNG, I may as well just go to the casino... At least I get drinks out of the deal, and I may actually get something. The poor coding of the RNG here is just gonna make gearing painful. I can't even begin to wonder about gearing any of my DPS or Healers for that matter (tanks should not be a problem though /sarcasm). Shoot the DPS boxes now for say Sent/Mara still drop FOCUSES!!


I could go on and on, but it'd be a novella by the time I finish. Other people have stated a good deal of the problems already...

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RNG drops was old SWTOR. What's old is new again? What I was hoping to see was a list of all community based suggestions that over the years have been confirmed as wanted. Consideration of these quality of play enhancements like Respec'n and having all your hotkeys saved and mapped without it being reset every time! Or legacy friends list.... Such smal little details that seems to not be on the radar of care or concern.


I still get a Directive 7 pop and we can't kill the 3 shielded droids because it bugs out and the last standing droid has Immune shield up indefinitely. These in game problems are still present. Crazy.


The Eternal Empire chapters were awesome! Great Job. Now fix the numerous existing problems before you start doing all these crazy changes which seems to done just for the sake of change.

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I have one version of every class and its twin on the other faction. Will we still be able to legacy gear across?


Nothing was said abut mods going away. So yes, you should still be able to rip out mods, put them in Legacy shells and move those around

Edited by Aries_cz
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A good raiding guild can help their members/static to gear up in a few days. Becouse of DROP.

With this changes it will take weeks...

...if not a months :confused:


This is the only use case I can actually see the system being problematic.


In all other use cases, it seems only beneficial to players. Play whatever you like, an never actually walk entirely empty-handed.


Also, jokingly, didn't all good raiding guilds leave with 4.0? I have been lead to believe that :jawa_wink:

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And without gear, you expect people to run ops?


Genuine question here, as I haven't bothered to be a progression raider in this mmo.


What do you guys do once you are fully kitted out in bis gear? I've seen people state in this thread that they can gear up a new raid member in a few hours. Others have said a few weeks at most. So once you have bis gear, do you stop raiding? Or do you keep raiding for the enjoyment of it? Or for vanity/stronghold items?


If that's the case, what changes with this new gearing system? Doesn't it actually give you an incentive to raid for longer? Other than, welp that boss just dropped the earpiece I needed, never have to do him again.....

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Genuine question here, as I haven't bothered to be a progression raider in this mmo.


What do you guys do once you are fully kitted out in bis gear? I've seen people state in this thread that they can gear up a new raid member in a few hours. Others have said a few weeks at most. So once you have bis gear, do you stop raiding? Or do you keep raiding for the enjoyment of it? Or for vanity/stronghold items?


If that's the case, what changes with this new gearing system? Doesn't it actually give you an incentive to raid for longer? Other than, welp that boss just dropped the earpiece I needed, never have to do him again.....

I don't know and can't speak for other people, but raiding is more of a social aspect once you get to that point. More of a reason to all get on and screw around for a couple hours. Kinda hang out with your friends and do something...

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I don't know and can't speak for other people, but raiding is more of a social aspect once you get to that point. More of a reason to all get on and screw around for a couple hours. Kinda hang out with your friends and do something...


That was part of it... I was into a heavy raiding guild and raided every weekend for almost a year, got to the point where doing them was almost rote. :)


The problem is, that isn't enough, there are too many other games to play. Part of it is the carrot of gear, but even that isn't enough... New ops were needed...


I haven't done a raid in 6 months, without new ones, there was not enough left to hold the raid guild together, and it broke up. Hanging out is fun, but there are games with content newer than 2 years old to hang out in.

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I don't know and can't speak for other people, but raiding is more of a social aspect once you get to that point. More of a reason to all get on and screw around for a couple hours. Kinda hang out with your friends and do something...


So...nothing changes then, other than this new system gives your raids an actual purpose.

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Genuine question here, as I haven't bothered to be a progression raider in this mmo.


What do you guys do once you are fully kitted out in bis gear? I've seen people state in this thread that they can gear up a new raid member in a few hours. Others have said a few weeks at most. So once you have bis gear, do you stop raiding? Or do you keep raiding for the enjoyment of it? Or for vanity/stronghold items?


If that's the case, what changes with this new gearing system? Doesn't it actually give you an incentive to raid for longer? Other than, welp that boss just dropped the earpiece I needed, never have to do him again.....


A few things...


1. It makes derping hard mode flashpoints fun, you can ROTFLStomp them for giggles when everyone is BiS.

2. You can move some of that gear to alts via legacy gear

3. You can use it to carry weaker guild members in raids being overpowered, or do 16 man SM ops with 8 to 12 people for a different type of challenge

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A few things...


1. It makes derping hard mode flashpoints fun, you can ROTFLStomp them for giggles when everyone is BiS.

2. You can move some of that gear to alts via legacy gear

3. You can use it to carry weaker guild members in raids being overpowered, or do 16 man SM ops with 8 to 12 people for a different type of challenge


I see.....I think.


So, all this rage I'm reading is because you will not be able to get bis gear within a few weeks as you would normally, and therefore you cannot faceroll content a month after the expansion has released? There has got to be more to this anger surely.....

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