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Gearing Changes in Eternal Throne


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The fact that they're locked behind subscription paywall means they might as well be on the CM.


Crap I'm giving them ideas...


~ Eudoxia


Not necessarily, this game started out as a subscriber based game meaning you had to pay to play the features. Just because a new aspect of the game coming out doesn't mean it needs to be free for everyone. Pay to play the features. The only thing that this really effects is the weekly operations and warzone passes. They need a way to fix these concepts and allow for them to get some sort of return value on those if they pay for them.

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Not necessarily, this game started out as a subscriber based game meaning you had to pay to play the features. Just because a new aspect of the game coming out doesn't mean it needs to be free for everyone. Pay to play the features. The only thing that this really effects is the weekly operations and warzone passes. They need a way to fix these concepts and allow for them to get some sort of return value on those if they pay for them.


This is more or less what I'm talking about.


~ Eudoxia

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F2P and Preferred players will be unable to earn end-game gear since they will not have access to Galactic Command (GC). If they were a subscriber who went preferred and had earned gear through GC we won't take it away, but they will be unable to earn additional gear (through Command Ranks) until they subscribe. They can still get gear through Crafting, that is unchanged.




WHOA WHOA WHOA STOP STOP STOP STOP RIGHT NOW. THIS IS A BAD DECISION RIGHT HERE. VERY VERY BAD. You're going to alienate your F2P and Preffered members further from the game. I'm going to be brutally honest, the F2P/Pref model is already pretty bad, this invalidates artifact authorization and operation passses, f2p players can do nothing at max level even with all unlocks and passes, sure they CAN go into raids and I'm betting you guys are just going to go "Well yoooou can wear artifact gear but you can't get the new gear' way. But seriously guys, don't do it! Why even raid when you cannot get raid level gear and progress then 'Just sub' but I know there are alot of people who cannot afford sub but are able to get ops passes through ingame currency.


Ie) My best friend isn't subbed, though he uses operations passes. Through me I hold all his credits and sell his items for him and use those credits to get him ops passes so he can keep enjoying the game and progress with us in raids.


so PLEASE DON'T DO THIS, there are alot of people who are Pref and do play endgame content but with this , it is completely alienating a whole part of the community and will force even more people to quit and even stop playing.



please please don't do this, this is a very poor design choice!!

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So in 1.0 we had to deal with RNG boxes and this resulted in getting duplicate armor we couldn't use. Receiving 2 belts or bracers in a row is a devastating waste of time. What's to keep command crates from dropping duplicate gear? I'm hoping generic tokens we can trade in for any piece of gear. Also, will gear drops be based on discipline? I would hate to get tank gear on a dps.


Sadly, HEROICS still do this nonsense of dropping the same gear (or gear for the same exact position on the body that has NO STAT differences or is the exact same gear piece anyway!!) that the game already gave you in the previous Heroic that you just did (if you do 2 or more Heroics in a row, most of the time the game will "generate" or drop the same gear item set pieces in both crates -- this is RETARDED and it seems as if they are just going to use the SAME **** FORMULA (algorithm) that they use to generate loot from Heroics, in this new GalCom Crate system for PVP/PVE!!!


****. :( THERE IS NO IMPROVEMENT that way!!!

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If commendations are being removed then what is the point of doing any quests pre-70? What is taking the spot of comm rewards for all quests? At level 70 I assume you just get bonus points for doing weeklies but if I have a level 65 with full comms how is that going to get transferred if I can't even access galactic command until level 70? Will I get a bunch of crates once I ding 70 or will I start above rank 1? Also what will happen to the existing comm vendors and their gear both in terms of getting those appearances and whether anything will replace them?


Seems odd that an entire section of the fleet will now be empty if all gear is now acquired only through galactic command.

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@Musco, I would please like any response if raids are getting scaled to 70 or are players getting de-scaled to 65 to max stat gear setting of 65? Is PvP being handled the same way? If you are not able to respond, please respond that you can't answer at this time would be nice. Staying silent and not answering questions is pretty bad in itself already or could be considered rude or dodging. I would deem it a legitimate question as I am not asking about new operations, but content that has already been released.
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Hey folks,


One of the things we talked a bit about on the stream is that there are gearing changes happening with Knights of the Eternal Throne. This thread is meant to give you a few more details on some of the things that will be happening in KOTET, along with being a place that I can address questions or concerns you have with these changes. First, here are the details on how gearing will work at level 70:

  • Once you hit level 70, the source of end-game gear will be Command Crates from Galactic Command.
  • Most activities in the game will earn Command Experience Points (CXP), which will earn you Command Ranks. Each time your Command Rank increases, you earn a Command Crate.
  • The higher your Command Rank, the better gear that will drop from your Command Crates.
  • The highest difficulty Operations and Uprisings, along with Ranked Warzones are intended to be the fastest ways to earn CXP. This means they are the fastest way to get the best gear.
  • Both PvP and PvE gear will come from Command Crates. Their gear is now shared as Expertise is being removed (head to this thread to discuss PvP/PvE itemization specifically).
  • Gear will no longer drop from bosses as all gear will come from Command Crates. All cosmetic/unique drops will still remain on those bosses (Stronghold Decorations, Wings of the Architect, etc.).
  • Players will be able to craft comparable item level gear without set bonuses.

That should cover most of the basic changes coming to itemization in KOTET. I know this is a lot to take in, so please ask any questions you may have in this thread and I will work to answer what I can!




QUESTION: EXACTLY HOW MUCH staff effort at Bioware is mostly devoted to NEW CARTEL MARKET item development, as compared or opposed to FIXING (OLD) BUGS in the game and IMPROVING LOOT DROP via RNG/selection??


I have tons more questions but this seems to be the most timely and the most IRE-INDUCING one of all right now! :(

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Bioware - you guys obviously do not know what we want to be doing - seeing as, you know, you never asked.


Is it Bioware's idea though? Or is it that EA really want to emulate Blizzard's success with Overwatch's loot system getting players to constantly grind for the same random garbage drops, by implementing it in SWTOR?


Because this REALLY feels like a publisher-side decision.

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If commendations are being removed then what is the point of doing any quests pre-70? What is taking the spot of comm rewards for all quests? At level 70 I assume you just get bonus points for doing weeklies but if I have a level 65 with full comms how is that going to get transferred if I can't even access galactic command until level 70? Will I get a bunch of crates once I ding 70 or will I start above rank 1? Also what will happen to the existing comm vendors and their gear both in terms of getting those appearances and whether anything will replace them?


Seems odd that an entire section of the fleet will now be empty if all gear is now acquired only through galactic command.


Eric already answered most of those questions on this thread.

In short:

Pre Level 70 we are supposed to either make do with the mission reward crap gear, or keep using those mod vendor npcs, but they'll now take credits instead of commendations.

So all of those item mod-vendors and commendation-deco vendors will stay, but they'll be credit sinks now instead of using a separate currency.


As far as the conversion of our current commendations is concerned, Eric said that he'll cover that later on in a separate stream/thread.

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Very interesting. I think I'm excited about this, but the random crates scare me a bit. I like the fact that I can work towards better gear by doing all sorts of things, but I don't like random crates.


What is the Galactic Command cap exactly and how does the 'leveling' work at that point?


Will this affect conquests at all?

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BioFail... you stupid STUPID people.. you've just killed the game. The casual players you're catering to don't sub! You just got rid of the PVPers and the Raiders!

I don't see how this is catering to casual players. They're going to go through the same RNG hell that everyone else does.


The more I read about all this, the more I think that the RNG idea needs to be scrapped, if not seriously reworked, though it's probably too late for them to do it now, in time for KOTET release. For cosmetics and such, that's fine. Make people go through RNG. Yeah, it's annoying, but at least it doesn't affect gameplay stats.


For normal gearing, bundling it all into RNG might be appealing on the "players won't be confused" level, but on virtually every other level, it's a bad idea.


Off the cuff, I would say:


Give people two different command crates. One crate lets you choose the item type and you can choose whether you want tank or dps gear, or heal or dps gear, depending on your class. The other crate is RNG and includes whatever stuff is already being put in the crates (I think there was a much of other stuff on livestream, or I imagined it), along with a piece of end-game gear that is random.


It's a bit of a compromise that way. You get your consistent piece that you can choose and you get a random piece, so there's still that wow factor from surprise RNG.


It's not perfect, but I think it'd be a far cry better than what the system is looking like right now.

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Is it Bioware's idea though? Or is it that EA really want to emulate Blizzard's success with Overwatch's loot system getting players to constantly grind for the same random garbage drops, by implementing it in SWTOR?


Because this REALLY feels like a publisher-side decision.


I hadn't thought of it but that makes way too much sense. It seems like EA drives a lot of the bad decisions in this game sometimes.


But Overwatch isn't even an MMO. I'd classify it as a Third-Person Shooter.


~ Eudoxia

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You will still get gear from all of the normal sources pre-70. Flashpoint bosses, Mission drops, etc. The only exception is that you can no longer get gear for Commendations. The planetary vendors which sold mods for Commendations will now do so for credits instead.




What about the rewards for class missions? Will the 12 comms received be replaced by gobs of credits? Mods? Better gear?

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Is it Bioware's idea though? Or is it that EA really want to emulate Blizzard's success with Overwatch's loot system getting players to constantly grind for the same random garbage drops, by implementing it in SWTOR?


Because this REALLY feels like a publisher-side decision.


This whole disgusting casualisation craze and catering to the lowest common denominator, i.e. the most inept n00b player anyone could possibly imagine, is definitely publisher-dictated... after all, this only started to deteriorate so much after EA got in the mix.

I remember when you even needed some measure of skill for your class mission boss fights... now they even casualize operation bosses like the Underlurker, just cause a frighteningly large number of players apparently is completely incapable of telling left from right.


So yeah, my money is 100% on this being EA trying to maximize profits (as is their M.O.) rather shortsightedly instead of taking care of and showing love for the fans that have been with this game for years or even since beta, like myself.

Edited by HomerMorisson
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I don't see how this is catering to casual players. They're going to go through the same RNG hell that everyone else does.


The more I read about all this, the more I think that the RNG idea needs to be scrapped, if not seriously reworked, though it's probably too late for them to do it now, in time for KOTET release. For cosmetics and such, that's fine. Make people go through RNG. Yeah, it's annoying, but at least it doesn't affect gameplay stats.


For normal gearing, bundling it all into RNG might be appealing on the "players won't be confused" level, but on virtually every other level, it's a bad idea.


Off the cuff, I would say:


Give people two different command crates. One crate lets you choose the item type and you can choose whether you want tank or dps gear, or heal or dps gear, depending on your class. The other crate is RNG and includes whatever stuff is already being put in the crates (I think there was a much of other stuff on livestream, or I imagined it), along with a piece of end-game gear that is random.


It's a bit of a compromise that way. You get your consistent piece that you can choose and you get a random piece, so there's still that wow factor from surprise RNG.


It's not perfect, but I think it'd be a far cry better than what the system is looking like right now.


^^^^^^^This. I am COMPLETELY happy to RNG for cosmetic gear. It's a little annoying maybe, but more suspenseful than discouraging. Rolling for cosmetic items in Alliance crates is actually fun! Using an RNG to maybe eventually get the endgame headpiece I need rather than the hundredth tank-specced earpiece for my dps toon though feels far more futile and not even worth attempting. The reason why I like the commendation and construction piece system is I can optimize it and know I'm getting the correct item, not taking a crapshoot.

Edited by rositalagata
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Will the gear from Galactic Command will be moddable or static stats? Aside from Relics and the usual suspects, that is.


Just wondering since I like having legacy gear to transfer between characters as needed. I'd hate to be stuck only being to use the gear (again, aside from Relics, etc.) I earn on a single character.

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Oh dear, another experiment in the line of "anything, anything, as long as it's different"...


A lot depends on the quality of the crafted items, but I can see teams ditching their unlucky members because they don't get geared fast enough with the RNG. The nice thing with knowing what drops where is that teams can do gear runs and distribute gear resp. tokens as necessary. :(

Edited by KyaniteD
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