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Why Macros belong in TOR.


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The only macros I really want are mouseover macros for healing, the ability to use modifier (shift+1, alt+1, etc) macros to save space on my bars, and a target last target function of some kind. Everything else I don't really care about.


Modifiers would be nice, but they're not really macros.

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Modifiers would be nice, but they're not really macros.


They are when you put a condition into the macro saying "If I press X, I want to cast Y...If I press shift+X, I want to cast Z." The same thing can be done by placing Z onto the bar and assigning shift+X to the keybind, but it's nice to cut down on some of the clutter.


I'm all for a tidy interface, which is why I squealed with joy when I saw that most elements of the UI will be moveable in the 1.2 patch.

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If your physical response is not as accurate and precise as the other person, and therefore you make mistakes in input, then that's your skill level, and the results on your screen should correspond to it.


Sure, can't argue there but that's hardly a problem I suffer from until lag becomes a factor. I've had plenty of times where I will click on an enemy (cursor over them while they are running along solo, no other units to cause confusion) and the game simply refuses to target them until the 2nd or 3rd click. This game is definitely not the snappiest when it comes to inputs of any kind, and being an avid and seasoned FPS player (particularly fond of sniping classes) I'd like to think my click accuracy is pretty spot on.


Streamlining, is a different way of saying "giving crutches to sucky people that don't deserve it."


Maybe the word "streamlining" is throwing people off because that is in no way my intention when using that word. I simply mean that the combat experience as a whole could use some nips and tucks here and there. It feels sloppy, imprecise, and just poorly designed at times...almost like a rushed, semi-polished draft. I'm hoping that as time passes the feel of this game will tighten up. I come from several years of playing a particular game (you know the one) that felt tight, responsive, and polished when compared to this one.


It seems we can just agree to disagree on the matter? Although I would like to thank you for posting a well versed response that exists outside of the typical realm of "macros are for n00bz."

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Macros are for skill less players imo. In pvp im hitting 20+ buttons during a fight and if I slip up on my cooldowns/sequences, that is my fault and I should be killed for it. By cutting that down to 10 and making sure that the computer macro does the sequence exactly for me is stupid and cheap. It's called human error and human control.
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The **** is mouse-over? Honest question.


I never played WoW, but by the look of this thread, it seems like you didn't have to CLICK on stuff to target it?


I'm asking because somehow the OP seems to think this garbage is OMGREQUIRED to be a skilled player.



Also, we (you, actually) are playing a game with a global cooldown wich lasts half an hour and abilities with casting time of two hours, so good reflexes aren't required to be "skilled".

On top of this, you want a macro doing all the keyboard work for you.


SO what's left to filter bad players from good players?

O right, NOTHING. That''s what you WoW kids are used to.



I also like how the OP labels as troll everyone who dares to disagree with his WoW garbage.

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I dont understand why so many people are making a big deal over putting a benign element in this game.....


Tell me one good reason why this game shouldnt have macros. And saying something like 'cuz it makes players lazy' is not a reason thats an opinion. If it affects you in some way please elaborate. If you say it gives other players the edge.... then your the one whos lazy and doesnt want to learn how to use them....

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i often tab interrupt, go back to dps'ing first target to kill them, about 75% of the time it comes off, the other 25% i end up interrupting some guy off in the distance.


but the issue there is tab targeting is fubar, it's what needs fixing.


the focus macro replaces changing target, using skill, changing target back, that's not complexity, it adds simplicity, and with a 1.5s gcd, it simplifies the gameplay (which isn;t exactly challenging as is) and mechanizes it (which is exactly what it felt like in wow).

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This type of trolling, non-constructive response hardly deserves a reply, but..


It's clear you read absolutely nothing of what I posted, I devoted a paragraph to that particular myth, and why it's so blatantly wrong.


Not every macro is a "cast-sequence" which is not what I'm in support of, and not what this thread is about.



I guess the question is can Bioware create a macro system where people couldn't exploit it to do "cast-sequence" macroing ?

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Macros are for skill less players imo. In pvp im hitting 20+ buttons during a fight and if I slip up on my cooldowns/sequences, that is my fault and I should be killed for it. By cutting that down to 10 and making sure that the computer macro does the sequence exactly for me is stupid and cheap. It's called human error and human control.
This. Hopefully, stupid macros stay out of this game.
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Just got game today. By level 5, I had more hotkey items than a chinese buffet of hotkeys. No macros, that I can see. Google brings me here. This place makes me sad. Sad, I say. I want... no, I demand.. macros.


For me, it goes a little something like this:


I have a lot of buttons to manage for active duty. I have a lot to manage for passive duty (strafe, walk, jump, and so on). I don't care so much for the passive. I have to have macros for active duty because (a) I learned how to play much better in WOW with them, and (b) they make sense. Period.


It's a matter of utility management at the very least. I hope this is fixed or will be soon enough because I cannot manage much more keyboard aggro.

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Just got game today. By level 5, I had more hotkey items than a chinese buffet of hotkeys. No macros, that I can see. Google brings me here. This place makes me sad. Sad, I say. I want... no, I demand.. macros.


For me, it goes a little something like this:


I have a lot of buttons to manage for active duty. I have a lot to manage for passive duty (strafe, walk, jump, and so on). I don't care so much for the passive. I have to have macros for active duty because (a) I learned how to play much better in WOW with them, and (b) they make sense. Period.


It's a matter of utility management at the very least. I hope this is fixed or will be soon enough because I cannot manage much more keyboard aggro.


go back to wow, this isnt the game for you.


the devs made it clear they wont be adding macro's that automate combat.

Edited by Scotland
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Hardly trolling, maybe you should read the 3rd line from my first response. It still applies to anything that you wrote complaining about no macros.


EDIT: you wanted other players opinions, then you try to bash them by claiming that it is trolling for the sole reason that it differs from your opinion.


actually you were trolling


i would like to see macros, especially since targeting in this game is so abysmal

Edited by Ryotknife
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All the OP had to type was:


"I want macros the same as they were in WoW because that's the last MMO I played."


Well, no macro support yet and I honestly don't care if we get it. I'm prefectly fine with being forced to change target and manually do a few things.


PvP in WoW turned into : Do you have 100 macros set so you can CC any focus frame instantly? If you do, you win.

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Essentially what you want is this:


One button that does all the work for you.


Get some skill and you won't need macros. GG


How is having a /cast [target=focus] <spellname> one button that does it for you? That seems to me like I've got another button.


When using focus binds and macors you increase the work you have to do to perform effectively - because your competition is. Macros do not play games for you. Playing in 2400+ 3s and RBGs on a Death Knight I even had 40 keybinds, my mage has way more.


None of us want macros that allow looping, or continuous function. Or the of third party macro programs to be allowed - I'm going to assume you're a troll, or don't understand macros. The only time macros are coupled together with things are typically to make it so you have a few less keybinds overall, and can consolidate Even then it will only be abilities not on the GCD anyway. That is not playing the game for you, sorry.


Macro functionality in World of Warcraft for example doesn't allow sequences of abilties, nor looping. You can only put things together that are off global cooldowns, or you can add modifier commands to that specific macro. I.E. A macro on 5 may cast it on self, but a shift modifier can be written in the script to allow for shift+5 to cast it on a focus target. There's a serious misconception of what people who are pro macro want, or what macros in MMOs in the past few years (especially WoW) have become. There has been a history of macro type abuse in games, but nowadays it's from third party macro programs. Which are forbidden under typical Terms of Use policies.


For those that say, "go back to WoW." There aren't macros for automating combat. They're the equivalent of having a keybind, with the exception of throwing an extra non GCD script on it. But you could potentially push those within fractions of seconds of eachother, and setup keybinds right next to eachother. So that point is null and void. If macros are "automating combat" and "playing for you" then everyone needs to start clicking and stop hotkeying.




Example of how many keybinds an actual arena player may have. Im using mine, and I'm actually fairly light


1-5. E, F, R, T, G, V. Num1-12 (on a Razer Naga) - 23


Shift - 1-5, E, R, T, G, V, Num-1-6 - 16


Alt - 1-3, E, R, T, G, V - 8


Ctrl 1-3, E, R - 5


That's 52 off the top of my head. I went with a lower estimate, I know I have a few more binds. Including my macro keys on my Blackwidow Ultimate rebound to F keys for party targeting binds. That also excludes the use of tab and shift tab, but those are given. If you think I'm trying to get the game to play for me, you're sadly mistaken. I'm trying to play every bit of the game. Using Focus 1-3 macros is the equivalent of having binds for abilities versus clicking them - and you don't view binding as cheating, I assume.

Edited by Kiyoma
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As a matter of fact, it does separate the good players from bad.


I have no problems with tab targetting and mouse-click targetting. I use both of them at the same time moving around in all directions with my left hand, and have no problems whatsoever in switching around the targets I want.


Obviously, this comes from training/practice and experience. If you have a lazy or slow-poke hand, and stumble all over in trying to target the enemy you want, then that simply means "you lack in skill than compared to those who can use tab targetting with maximum efficiency."





Your "responsiveness" is something to be dealt with yourself, not with automated help.






Then just think the current state as a "limitation to the max, to the point that everything needs to be done manually."


Your own, trained response/reaction time is your own macro.


Have you used tab targetting in this game? It's absolutely horrible. Have you ever tried to click a target in the middle of a 5v5 battle? How is knowing which target you want but wasting time fumbling with tab target or click to target fun to you?


So you are FOR slower gameplay and your slow UI playing as big a role in pvp as possible. Got it.


I think I have an old Atari joystick laying around here somewhere collecting dust, want me to send it to you so you can further hinder your gameplay experience?

Edited by Arnathis
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Have you used tab targetting in this game? It's absolutely horrible. Have you ever tried to click a target in the middle of a 5v5 battle? How is knowing which target you want but wasting time fumbling with tab target or click to target fun to you?


So you are FOR slower gameplay and your slow UI playing as big a role in pvp as possible. Got it.


if u need macros when there are no macros in game, is just because u dont know how to put yourself in the samelevel that others do. Some practice will help

or not

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