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Six million dollars on a trailer, Zero dollars on MMO content...


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I have nothing witty to say, no snarky remarks or nerdrage. I stand in sheer awe at the flagrant mismanagement of this game. Its mind muddleing, in what bizarro world alternate diminsion can this happen? Please, somebody justify this misallocation of resources because I cant wrap my head around it. Edited by KevinQCowart
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millions on what pays their wages (as the trailer is obviously from content & not something totally standalone)

0 on the <1% that whine most


MMO content - what is that?

The term MMO merely describes the fact that many players can play online at the same time, not any aspect of one, EvE is a really good example, almost no content, just a viscous sandbox

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Trailers like this are a good investments because it appeals to everybody except a few miserable gits on the forum like ourselves ;)


I do like the trailer, but I am also jaded enough to look directly past it and ask myself where the content is. Maybe this galactic command thing is gonna be something, maybe not... Time will tell soon enough I guess.

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Trailers like this are a good investments because it appeals to everybody except a few miserable gits on the forum like ourselves ;)


I do like the trailer, but I am also jaded enough to look directly past it and ask myself where the content is. Maybe this galactic command thing is gonna be something, maybe not... Time will tell soon enough I guess.


Pretty sure galactic command is just the new fancy word for alliance, like how premium is the new word for subscriber.

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Every game developer spends heaps of money on trailers and video content that doesn't represent game play. Would I prefer them to spend all that money on the game instead, absolutely.. but it's not like they aren't doing what every other developer does, so you really can't call it mismanagement.
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Pretty sure galactic command is just the new fancy word for alliance, like how premium is the new word for subscriber.


Yes, let's change the terms and pretend that we created new content. :)

Edited by Tsetso
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Every game developer spends heaps of money on trailers and video content that doesn't represent game play. Would I prefer them to spend all that money on the game instead, absolutely.. but it's not like they aren't doing what every other developer does, so you really can't call it mismanagement.


I'm not against spending money on marketing, but the main budget should be spent on the meat and potatoes of your game. And sadly this doesn't seem to be the case.

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I'm not against spending money on marketing, but the main budget should be spent on the meat and potatoes of your game. And sadly this doesn't seem to be the case.


Obviously, they believe the meat and potatoes is the story, which they spent the money on. If you think it's the group content, then you're mistaken.

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LMAO. Seriously. Where do you get your figures? The trailer is probably a cut scene from KOTET so I doubt extra time was spent on the "trailer" alone. :p


The trailer isn't made in house at bioware. They're made by a company called Blur who does contract work for all kinds of game dev studios etc at a rate of about 1 million per minute.


You won't be seeing anywhere near that quality in a "cutscene", this is just to draw in people who have no idea about what swtor is, it's a marketing device.

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So what?


Is that not the universal answer you group content players give to everyone else?



Anyhow putting that aside, This did not need a new thread as there are already a few started about this since yesterday. It has been reported that new info about group content will come out in January. So six million dollars on a trailer was BS to begin with, where did you get that number from? I am sure it did cost and cost a lot but keep to facts not fiction. If new group content is forthcoming next year your zero dollar comment is also BS.

Edited by cloneofdax
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While I agree with the sentiment, this is how all the big publishers work these days, they spend more money advertising the game than actually building it, because we live in a world where hype is more more important than content. Edited by jedip_enguin
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They need to make money. A mix of strong marketing and game development makes them a *lot* more money than just game development or weak marketing and lots of game development. If you're complaining, you're naive about the way the world works and don't even realize you'd do the same thing if you were in charge of where the money goes (or get fired for being terrible at your job). You guys on here will complain about anything.
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Obviously, they believe the meat and potatoes is the story, which they spent the money on. If you think it's the group content, then you're mistaken.


If they created enough story to keep players occupied for the whole year you could have a point. Not going to work with 16 chapters worth ~20 hours of playtime for 1 year. And surely not going to work with 9 chapters. Let me be clear $6 million/year is equivalent to a budget of $500k/month. Let's say they have to pay 100k for rent, electricity, etc. Let's add another 100k for upgrading computers and paying software licenses. That leaves 300k for salaries. Not sure what the mean salary in a game studio in BW is but I'd guess that 4.5k won't be too far. So the money they spent on the trailer could possibly be used to hire additional ~75 developers, which could probably double the amount of produced content. So tell me again that these were well spent $6 millions.

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They need to make money. A mix of strong marketing and game development makes them a *lot* more money than just game development or weak marketing and lots of game development. If you're complaining, you're naive about the way the world works and don't even realize you'd do the same thing if you were in charge of where the money goes (or get fired for being terrible at your job). You guys on here will complain about anything.


Ok, so how about 5mil on a 5min trailer and 1mil for a new operation and warzone? That still sounds extremely unbalanced still but at least it considers new replayable group content.


Or how about 3mil on a 3min trailer, and 2 new operations, 2 new warzones, and two new GSF maps? That sounds reasonable to me.

Edited by KevinQCowart
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Pretty sure galactic command is just the new fancy word for alliance, like how premium is the new word for subscriber.


I'm not so convinced.. First of all it includes this new Uprising format. What that is exactly is unknown so far but the Alliance stuff is done pretty much through Heroics so I see the first difference.


From the comments from the devs it seems like other gameplay elements will also contribute to this galactic command. It could be an expanded version of Alliance. I see there are some resemblances of course, but it looks like it will be a lot more.


Also the comment that you will gain the most powerful rewards in the galaxy via this system would indicate it'll be more than the Alliance rewards which certainly can't be classed as the most powerful rewards. The thing is with BWA, that you can never be sure what they mean with something. Eric already said he's got several blogs on the topic ready to go, awaiting approval from above. So time will have to tell.


I am not saying I am convinced of the new set up at this moment, but I do see some positives. As I've said, my sub runs out in about 3 months. Whether I will resub after hasn't been decided yet. I have to be fair. I've said that for me it doesn't have to be raids for me but I did want other stuff to do in its stead. Will this be it? Maybe, maybe not. But the possibility is there.

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Publishers long ago figured out that maximizing profit is best served my marketing budget matching if not exceeding the development one.


As much stick we give to BW, I think they spend more than 6mil a year to develop the game.


You just have to spend money to make money. They'll roll a short version of it before Rogue 1 a Mickey cash in story and get some new people in for a couple of months. Trowing the same money at an operation would probably just placate the existing grouches for even less time.

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The trailer isn't made in house at bioware. They're made by a company called Blur who does contract work for all kinds of game dev studios etc at a rate of about 1 million per minute.


Keep in mind that those numbers are a internet rumor neither Blur nor any of the company's they worked for so far has ever made the actual production cost public as far as iam aware.

Edited by UmbralSpirit
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Every game developer spends heaps of money on trailers and video content that doesn't represent game play. Would I prefer them to spend all that money on the game instead, absolutely.. but it's not like they aren't doing what every other developer does, so you really can't call it mismanagement.


Well to be fair to other developers, some of them produce trailers including gameplay, some produce trailers using CGI (Blizzard's Overwatch for example) with a story much akin to this, then back it up with the gameplay videos. We're completely absent of the gameplay videos.


Engine probably can't handle it or something :D

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Well to be fair to other developers, some of them produce trailers including gameplay, some produce trailers using CGI (Blizzard's Overwatch for example) with a story much akin to this, then back it up with the gameplay videos. We're completely absent of the gameplay videos.


Engine probably can't handle it or something :D

Gameplay videos will be coming, I'm sure. It makes sense to stagger the trailers to maintain interest / media presence during the run-up to launch.


With KotFE they released the "Sacrifice" all-CGI trailed on June 15, followed by the "Outlander" gameplay trailer on August 5, and then the "Alliance" gameplay trailer on October 20, and then the "Face Your Destiny" gameplay trailer on the day the expansion launched.


There's a shorter lead-up time from to announcement to launch with KotET (two months instead of four), so we may not get as many gameplay trailers as we did for KotFE, but I am sure we'll see some before it is released.


As to OP, the Uprisings are group-able content, so not sure where this idea that they aren't spending anything on MMO content is coming from.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I have nothing witty to say, no snarky remarks or nerdrage. I stand in sheer awe at the flagrant mismanagement of this game. Its mind muddleing, in what bizarro world alternate diminsion can this happen? Please, somebody justify this misallocation of resources because I cant wrap my head around it.

My only assumption is this - EA gives $XXX amount to develop the game, and $XXX amount to market the game...this falls under "marketing" and is not $ that could have been used for development.

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Ok, so how about 5mil on a 5min trailer and 1mil for a new operation and warzone? That still sounds extremely unbalanced still but at least it considers new replayable group content.


Or how about 3mil on a 3min trailer, and 2 new operations, 2 new warzones, and two new GSF maps? That sounds reasonable to me.


Sounds reasonable to you being the relevant words in your paragraph. Experts who make their living making money Vs. random guy on internet.


Regardless, your point isn't even fair because they are spending money on making game features (just maybe not ones you want). For all we know, it could be like "6m for trailer, 20m for expansion", where taking 1m from trailer to add in an operation/warzone might not be wise spending considering how much more the budget for development got than the marketing budget (and in fact might not even be enough for both things, again, we don't know how much it costs to make).

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