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KotFE Community Assessment


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I) Story content

I am not a fan of episodic release. I rather have the whole story at once. Let me choose how fast I go through it with my characters. I might take one character through in a weekend, then another take 4-5 months. I don’t like to be spoon-fed story. In the age of Netflix, Hulu, and DVR’s, where most people gorge themselves on multiple episodes at once, the thought that you would change to monthly story telling seems backwards.

Story-wise, Best: I enjoy cinematics. Worst: Illusion of choice and consequence (both short and long term). If you are going to give me a life or death choice, make it a real choice. Example, when Valkorian first offers his power to “save” Lana outside the Gravestone, if you choose not to accept she dies? No, she hurts her wrist. Really? From that point on I have no reason to believe Valkorian ever again. Now, if she would have died or been severly wounded, that would have been a real consequence and maybe make me take Valkorian as more than evil Casper. Another example, the choice to shoot down Arcaan and mom. Whether I choose to shoot or not they get away? So either I am a trusting guy or incompetent shot? If you need them to get away or live in the story, just do it, do not give me a false choice.


II) Group content

While I understand the scaling of Operations helped Bioware avoid creating new Ops to hand out gear, I think it hurt more than helped. If you would of left a few of the operations lower level I think they could of better been used as training Ops for players not experienced in them.



I don’t really PVP anymore so leave this up to those players. However… Pierce/Forex fiasco was bad. Bioware, you made a comment that locking the end of Oricon content in an operations was a bad move. Then you locked content behind PVP? That makes no sense. I feel this attempt was your answer to try and boost PVP play and it backfired, it made more people resent it and only fed the beast of PVP vs “Carebear” play.


IV) Heroic Missions

They only became relevant as the source of income. I did like the quick travels though.


V) Crafting

Crafting was not simplified. You may have removed items needed but now you have to craft the pieces you want to craft with. You swapped out raw material for new crafted materials which takes up space and time like before.


VI) Star Fortress

I don’t mind there is a solo mode. But I would of liked to see better rewards for grouping to encourage it. It is very repetitive, although I was amused the first time I got put in the brig. I don’t think adding it to group finder would be beneficial.


VII) Level Sync

It is both beneficial and a determent. I like that I can take any of my character to help my friends that are leveling without having to create new characters. But, there are days when I had a bad day at work and would love to take my Sith Warrior to a lowlevel flashpoint an just obliterate everything to let off some steam. It feels good once in awhile to be really powerful.


VIII) Alliance Specialists

Since this is the only endgame activity I guess it is ok. The rewards are ok I guess, just a few commendations every few levels. I would of liked to see more of a change in the base itself as the levels were raised. I know dialogue seemed to change but a physical appearance would have been appreciated too.


IX) Companions

I don’t mind companions having all three stances. However I wish they had something unique about them to make me want to work on more than just the 5-6 I need for crafting purposes.

I still only make choices that produce the best results for the influence of the companion I am with. Since the only other way to raise it is to feed them gifts, I want the most bang for the buck. If they would add more ways to gain influence, such as rewarding influence to the companion you do the heroics with, I would have a reason to swap out my companions, I might start making choices in conversations that would be more in line with how I wish to play them.


XII) Eternal Championship

My enjoyment level depended on what class and discipline I was playing and the influence level of my companion. No interest in repeating the activity. I had better gear than what the reward was offering. Why continue to do it?


XIII) Subscriber Rewards

Most of them were rather bland. I like companions and mounts. However I would rather receive really useful things, like 1 free collection unlock a month or 1 free item off a special vendor that might include a monthly rotation of old Cartel Market items.


XIV) Absent Content

1) Operations - 8

2) Flashpoints -8

3) Galactic Starfighter – I don’t play but would like them to get something.

4) Seeker Droid/Macrobinoculars – 10 These were some of the best small group challenging content to date. I know people don’t like to be forced to group, but the puzzle solving and group work made these awesome. (Jumping from car to car on Nar Shadda was hilarious for my group.)

5) Reputation Leveling - 7

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IV) Heroic Missions

3) Do you think removing the conversation aspects made the missions better? Worse?

Much worse. Story has always been this game's strong point, so taking out story is...bad.


I wouldn't mind if there was the ability to turn them in by clicking a button, the way you can travel to the Heroic by clicking a button - but, in addition to the option to go and talk to the quest-giver. Please...bring those back.


XIV) Absent Content

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not caring and 10 being most important, how much did you wish there was more new content for:

1) Operations 0

2) Flashpoints 0

3) Galactic Starfighter 0

4) Seeker Droid/Macrobinoculars 0

5) Reputation Leveling 0


(Or if you really insist on the stated parameters, you could count those as ones.)


I don't care about new content, just bring back the original content that was removed (heroic quest turn-ins)...and don't remove any more.

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I) Story content

1) Chapters 1-9 were released as a group, which was more like the previous expansions in giving a large amount of story content at once, with a delay of several months until the next chapter. Good or bad?

2) Chapter 10-16 were released on a monthly basis.Good to have small frequent updates, or was it better to have the large update that the start offered?

3) Story-wise, what was the best aspect of KotFE, and what was the worst?


1) With KOTFE's release I think the large content drop was necessary to get everyone on track with the new storyline. It worked very well with each chapter flowing into the next. The break until the next content was a mistake. There wasn't enough repeatable content to keep people interested for the 3 month gap. Ideally there should be something to return to every month.

2) Good for the most part, but not perfectly executed. The new chapters suffer from their more episodic nature on an immediate playthrough and a sudden ending on Chapter 13 that is out of place in a monthly chapter.

3) Good: The new setting, Valkorion, the art direction. The first 8 chapters set up a great new direction for the universe and a fresh new story in Star Wars. The bad: 99% of choices end in the exact result with the the story on Light side jedi rails, with the bare minimum effort made to have the dark side players stay on the same track. Character focus taken away from the player character.


II) Group content

1) Operations had a difficulty adjustment. Were there any signs of where this did well? Where it did not do well?

2) Are operations more accessible to the average player or less so?

3) Can operations still offer sufficient challenge to those who seek challenges?


I don't run operations much so can't really comment. I have played Story Mode operations more though thanks to the recent changes.



1) Was the Odessen map a satisfying addition to PVP?

2) A new arena map was added. Was this a satisfying addition, or do the lack of new objectives make it same-ol', same-ol'?

3) If you are an active PVP player, did the Major Pierce/M1-4X mission impact your gameplay positively, negatively, or not at all?

4) Has the new system for Open World PVP made the PVP experience better or worse and how?


1) I personally like it. With tank/healer currently combos being immovable in some situations mobile capture points make tactical play more fun.

2) After they fixed the instant-kill bugs, more variety is always good.

3) Extremely active. I liked both of them more for the ability to easily level up another character reputation. In fact would be good if they had a crafting or PVE companion that levelled up the same way.

4) Playing on PVE server I haven't noticed much difference. The PVP instances seem to be empty most of the time, which admittedly make it easier to get some quests done.


IV) Heroic Missions

1) Did KOTFE succeed in making old content relevant again with heroic missions?

2) Do you think the transports to the mission sites were an improvement?

3) Do you think removing the conversation aspects made the missions better? Worse?


I think the new heroic system is great. Previously there was zero reason to re-do them bit for some occasional cosmetics.


Only thing I would do is add back the option to have the complete old conversations. Some heroics such as the Imperial Collicoid missions would be nice to see again.


V) Crafting

1) Crafting has been simplified with fewer material types, more acquired from nodes, and no randomized missions being offered? Did this make crafting better, or worse?

2) Craft times have been reduced. Is this an improvement?

3) Operation crystals can no longer be learned but can be purchased. Is this good or bad?


1) Much better, organising a bank filled with materials was a pain enough before. Would be nice to add some flavour text back again.

2) I don't think it's made too much difference, I only craft when necessary.

3) No opinion either way.


VI) Star Fortress

1) The 2+ mode can be soloed, but only if sufficiently geared, skilled, and have a good companion. Does that make it good, to serve as a challenge? Bad, because it does not allow as many solo players to complete? Bad because it provides even fewer needs for grouping?

2) Star Fortress has been accused of being too repetitive. Do you feel that's accurate or overstated? If accurate, what would you prefer to make it less repetitive.

3) Should Star Fortress be added to group finder?


1) I enjoyed the challenge of the 2+ mode achievements solo. However there should have been a proper 4 man version as an option.

2) Yes, the stations are effectively identical but for the end boss who is easily beaten. They could have used more of the variety of Kuat plus some more changes in scenery/trash mobs/bosses.

3) a new 4 man version at least.


VII) Level Sync

1) Has level sync improved your overall leveling experience, or not?

2) Has level sync improved your group experience on relevant planets?


Better. Old planets are worth doing, you don't overlevel planets on new characters. Able to run with lower level characters on the same content.

Level sync needs to be adjusted for character gear and planetary support though. Flagship support is meaningless now.


VIII) Alliance Specialists

1) What is your feeling on how the Alliance Specialists are implemented?

2) Do you feel the rewards for leveling Alliance Specialists are sufficient or insufficient?

3) Are there any changes you would like to see to Alliance Specialists?


1) Had no problem with levelling them up. However their complete lack of influence on the game is grating.

2) Insufficient. You get crystals, some minor changes to the base you barely visit. A title. Alliance influence has no effect on anything other than one single recruitment mission or bonuses for Star Fortresses.

3) The specialists need to have more implemented to make them better. Allow a commander to assign weekly missions to companions for rewards which can lead to new cosmetic gear or unlocks. Allow base customisation, allow you to customise the look of a generic Alliance trooper, officer, scout so the base is shaped by yourself. Unlock in-game abilities of use such as Alliance support, or airstrikes in the same way class Legacy skills are used.


IX) Companions

1) Companions have changed from having specific roles to being universal (e.g., any companion can heal, tank, or dps). Is that good or bad?

2) Is companion healing more powerful than the other two, or are they on par with each other?

3) Influence has replaced affection, which means companion effectiveness is unaffected by dialogue choices. Is this good or bad?

4) Are you more likely, less likely, or unaffected in considering your companion's views when making dialogue choices under the new system?

5) Do you feel that raising the companion influence to 50 is good or bad, and why?

6) Companion gear no longer effects anything but appearance. Is this good or bad, and why?

7) With companions now getting universal unlocks, are you more or less likely to use a companion customization (when offered)?

8) How do you feel about companions getting universal unlocks, as opposed to being class-specific?


1) Having companions able to fit more roles is better in my opinion. In story missions you were stuck with a companion whose personality you hated because they fit the role you required to level.

2) some companions seem better in roles than others. I use Qyzen as my tank, T4-1D as my DPS. I haven't found companion healing to be much of a game breaker.

3) Better, I don't feel the need to say everything to appease my followers.

4) Less likely, though I tend to still pick companions that mesh with my Character's personality.

5/6) Good. No more arguing over "companion gear" for loot rolls, influence affects all stats instead. Now I can make them look however I like when gearing up an army without having to worry about cost. I also have more variety in companion choice.

7/8) Main problem is getting the customisation cross faction. I want to use some of the pub side Qyzen customisations Imperial side so I can dress up my bounty hunter's collected companions as the original ESB crew.


X) Conquest and Strongholds

1) KOTFE has significantly reduced the impact of crafting on most Conquest events. Was this good or bad?

2) KOTFE has also reduced the point requirement in many Conquest events. Was this good or bad?

3) The number of active strongholds was increased to five with a corresponding increase in Conquest bonus. Did you feel pressured to fill a fifth stronghold with junk for the Conquest bonus or were you happy you could decorate all five of them?

1) Good for the most part. It stops crafting from being the single most valuable conquest objective. It needs to have more of a limit though outside of crafting weeks. Perhaps repeatable for 5x for crafting so a crafting character doesn't have to resort to PVP to get their total.

2) Good, less of a grind per single character.

3) Most of my strongholds are filled with junk for the conquest boost.


XI) Events

1) The number of Rakghoul and Relics of the Gree events have sharply increased. Is this good or bad?

2) Did the Dark vs Light event enhance, diminish, or not effect your game play?

3) Do you prefer these less-intrusive events (Rakghoul, Gree, Bounty) or more intrusive (original Rakghoul, Chevin)?

4) How do you feel about no Nightlife Event this year, happy, unhappy, indifferent?


1) Good, changing up on a weekly basis keeps things interesting. Ideally there would be more events so there was a different one to cover each week.

2) For the first week a lot of people were more focused on getting DVL done, which hit queue times. Now it's pretty much over. The event itself was boring.

3) I think a major intrusive event is a great way to introduce the storyline, then you have the less intrusive ones to follow on.


XII) Eternal Championship

1) Was this an enjoyable experience for you?

2) Were you inclined towards doing it repeatedly

3) Do you feel the rewards are worth completing the EC and why?


1) I liked it, a nice callback to KOTOR as well.

2) to get a few achievements done, but not much after. The EC really needs new bosses every so often to make it an on-going event of interest.

3) The armor is not, the new weapons aren't so bad.


XIII) Subscriber Rewards

1) Did you enjoy the more frequent rewards offered during KOTFE or the previous rewards that were less frequent?

2) Which rewards did you enjoy the most (besides the bonus chapter) and which the least?


Early rewards were good. Liked HK-55, the Jetpack. You could tell that the effort was going seriously downhill after that though. Loved the HK-55 bonus chapter.

I'd prefer that there was quality over quantity.


XIV) Absent Content

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not caring and 10 being most important, how much did you wish there was more new content for:

1) Operations

2) Flashpoints

3) Galactic Starfighter

4) Seeker Droid/Macrobinoculars

5) Reputation Leveling


1) 8. Even as a player that doesn't run operations often they're something to aspire to PVE side and keep players coming back.

2) 10. This is the major group content that most players head into. This, or any other real reason to join up with other players in the game is sorely needed.

3) 7. I've logged a lot of GSF hours. I'd love for there to be more mission types, there was a rumoured "void star" style mission or Capital ship killing mission a while back. Implementing a few of those would be perfect.

4) 1. Was a grind, not interested in doing these again. Only thing I liked was the shroud base missions and instances.

5. This one depends entirely on the type of rep grind. Some are painful, others much less so.

Edited by FixerFortyKay
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Too bad our opinions matter as much as our choices. :rolleyes: Thanks for your effort regardless.


I) Story content

1) Chapters 1-9 were released as a group, which was more like the previous expansions in giving a large amount of story content at once, with a delay of several months until the next chapter. Good or bad?


We should have had some minor set up story bits prior to the release of KotFE (Ziost wasn't enough), however the fact that 1-9 came at once made the expansion kind of worthwhile. On the other hand, missing replay value and the fact that Alliance building and SFs were nothing but achievement grinds made me feel like this expansion was lesser than for example Shadow of Revan which I quickly ran 8 times upon release for the class story quests. The delay until chapter 10 was released actually caused my guild to go on hiatus because there was nothing to do all this time.


2) Chapter 10-16 were released on a monthly basis.Good to have small frequent updates, or was it better to have the large update that the start offered?


The premise is really good, as it gives players something to look forward to every month, but the execution was lacking. The chapters were too short and after it was done there was nothing to do but spend my credits on the new pack. EC was delayed as well as a few companions. In a world where BW/EA reinvests the money SWTOR makes, we have monthly updates to story as well as other parts of the game (for example Chapter 12 could have added Odessen Wilds as a daily area or Chapter 10 a flashpoint to take out Overwatch).


3) Story-wise, what was the best aspect of KotFE, and what was the worst?


Best aspect was the urgency the earlier chapters had where you didn't know what happened and you were on the run. Worst aspects are the existence of Zakuul and everything it encompasses (secret empire, Vitiate's double life, etc.), the fact every class becomes the Outlander and the departure from Star Wars themes.


II) Group content

1) Operations had a difficulty adjustment. Were there any signs of where this did well? Where it did not do well?


Of course they needed to scale the endgame content if they are not adding any, but after 4.0 there was actually less content for the average PVE player as running the old Operations in HM/NiM that players couldn't not clear before was very popular from my perspective. Then there was the debacle of NiM Ops not giving the best gear and Highlighted Hardmode which instantly killed many players' carrot to do NiM Ops (gear was a big factor).


2) Are operations more accessible to the average player or less so?


While I certainly like that story mode operations are accessible to anyone who has enough brain to fill all their equipment slots (Bolster does the rest), the difficulty decrease and removal of mechanics that would be built upon in the hard mode version is frustrating. Operations should be easy to access but not that easy to complete like they are now. For all solo players there should be an option to do an alternative questline like with ToS so they are not locked out of the story if they don't want to group or commit to the work an operation needs. SoR definitely had story modes that were too tough (and buggy), but I think any operation should not be cleared the first week by the average raider, regardless of SM or HM/NiM. The story has so much more impact if you actually have to work toward it and not one-shot the galaxy's most dangerous creatures and powerful people.


3) Can operations still offer sufficient challenge to those who seek challenges?


Yes, definitely. But in my opinion the difficulty jump between SM and HM is so high that any player who wants more is in for a rude awakening and might be scared off.


Added 4) FPs are also group content and I want to adress the terrible state 4.0 has put them in. Now all story mode FPs are tactical, which helps with queue times but created so many problems it makes me sad. Most tacticals I've been in since 4.0 were among the most unpleasant experiences I've ever had in this game. Tanks no longer learn to tank, the scaling is terribly off (putting a few Kolto stations in boss rooms doesn't solve anything) and putting 4 20-somethings in Manaan Research Facility ist straight up sadistic. I have not seen the last boss of that FP in the tactical version for ages. Not to mention that people get stories spoilt for them (Level 15 and you know Revan returns before you even meet him in the Foundry!). Another problem I discovered when doing Forged Alliances recently was that you cannot queue for the tactical version while you have the quest (which might actually be better given the state of these FPs :( ).



1) Was the Odessen map a satisfying addition to PVP?


It is different which can be good or bad. I personally like it, but many of my guild members despise it because you win by standing in something (oversimplification!). Also the map scatters players too much. The removal of faction separation is great, I would like to see that for all maps to improve queue times, even if it is somewhat lore-breaking.


2) A new arena map was added. Was this a satisfying addition, or do the lack of new objectives make it same-ol', same-ol'?


The arena was really buggy when it first came out but the layout makes for interesting fights. If BW would regularly release new maps for already existing objectives it would go a long way towards satisfying PVPers.


3) If you are an active PVP player, did the Major Pierce/M1-4X mission impact your gameplay positively, negatively, or not at all?


I think throwing a bunch of clueless companion hunters in PVP is either really great or really frustrating, depending on what team they're on and what kind of player you are. We had that problem before with the PVP relics that were BiS for PVE and we have it again with the valor achievement from DvL. Personally, I was not really affected. You will have clueless players regardless of such events. But if it makes some people consider to keep playing PVP, I welcome it.


4) Has the new system for Open World PVP made the PVP experience better or worse and how?


Open World PVP is almost non-existent, so the new system did not much except kill PVP Servers.


IV) Heroic Missions

1) Did KOTFE succeed in making old content relevant again with heroic missions?


KotFE had the problem of no new sidequests, no new heroics, no new dailies. Heroics were already kind of recycled in conquest as well as still rewarding somewhat unique gear (before 4.0), so I would have liked new quests better. Nice for the credits though.


2) Do you think the transports to the mission sites were an improvement?




3) Do you think removing the conversation aspects made the missions better? Worse?


You should be able to choose whether or not you would like to see the conversation. It made them better for quickly farming credits/lockboxes but it takes away context.


V) Crafting

1) Crafting has been simplified with fewer material types, more acquired from nodes, and no randomized missions being offered? Did this make crafting better, or worse?


The things you mention here made it better. However, crafting could use a little bit more complexity. The new component system is just annoying.


2) Craft times have been reduced. Is this an improvement?




3) Operation crystals can no longer be learned but can be purchased. Is this good or bad?


Bad. There should be more recipes that can only be learned by RE.


VI) Star Fortress

1) The 2+ mode can be soloed, but only if sufficiently geared, skilled, and have a good companion. Does that make it good, to serve as a challenge? Bad, because it does not allow as many solo players to complete? Bad because it provides even fewer needs for grouping?


SFs should have been a series of FPs primarily for 4 players (with a HM version). The solo version should have SM and HM as well. I'm all for solo challenges but only if there are group challenges, too.


2) Star Fortress has been accused of being too repetitive. Do you feel that's accurate or overstated? If accurate, what would you prefer to make it less repetitive?


To be honest I did all of them and I couldn't tell you which one was which. It should have featured unique bosses (like on Tatooine, they could have had a rampant creature native to the planet as a boss that was captured by Zakuulans for scientific purposes or Rakatans on Belsavis). We see some nods to the planets themselves by certain furniture or plants and it makes sense that every SF would have the same layout, but it doesn't make it diverse enough to bother with them anymore once you cleared all achievements.


3) Should Star Fortress be added to group finder?


Yes. It should also be accessible by characters that didn't play KotFE.


VII) Level Sync

1) Has level sync improved your overall leveling experience, or not?


Level sync is not as bad as I thought it would be, but the fact that some story bosses are scaled down and therefore become a joke is disappointing.


2) Has level sync improved your group experience on relevant planets?





VIII) Alliance Specialists

1) What is your feeling on how the Alliance Specialists are implemented?


When BW first announced KotFE they said that we would recruit companions by raising Influence with certain factions of the galaxy. So I imagined that we would have reputation systems like they were before 4.0 (legacy!) for Empire, Republic, the Hutts, Mandalorians, the Underworld and so on. So for example to recruit Torian you would have to complete missions for the Mandalorians. It promised a lot to do to get all these reputations up plus unique rewards besides the companion missions you would unlock at certain ranks.

The alliance feels very disconnected from what is going on in KotFE, the people you recruit never matter again, most of them are practically skins for your companion. You are the Commander but you cannot do anything with your troops. It would be nice if you could assemble task forces and send them on missions or really do anything with them.


2) Do you feel the rewards for leveling Alliance Specialists are sufficient or insufficient?


I like that BW put in former gear designs from operations as rewards, but if you don't care about aesthetics the rewards are lacking.


3) Are there any changes you would like to see to Alliance Specialists?


Make them legacy. Make them and your rank influence the story in some way. Make them actually matter in your effort against the Eternal Empire. We recruit and recruit and recruit but nothing seems to come out of it except for the same cookie-cutter companions. Add missions that become available at certain ranks, add content for you to run with your troops, the possibilities are endless. Also, bring voice acting back.


IX) Companions

1) Companions have changed from having specific roles to being universal (e.g., any companion can heal, tank, or dps). Is that good or bad?


Again, the premise is good, as it allows players to maintain their playstyle while still being accompanied by their favourite companions. However, the streamlining did infuriate a lot of players as companions lost their unique abilities and weapons. In my opinion this change was not necessary as every vanilla companion complemented their respective class and you could switch companions before cutscenes. Some companions also only fit in one role in my head, such as Broonmark for tank or Doc as healer (obviously). I think it would be enough, if we could switch between tank and dps or healer and dps for these.


2) Is companion healing more powerful than the other two, or are they on par with each other?


Healing is slightly too powerful, because it makes most content easy and makes players ignore things like their health bar and opponents' actions. The other two at least require keeping an eye on your companion and focus enemies or throw out heals in a way that improves player awareness.


3) Influence has replaced affection, which means companion effectiveness is unaffected by dialogue choices. Is this good or bad?




4) Are you more likely, less likely, or unaffected in considering your companion's views when making dialogue choices under the new system?


Depends on the purpose of the character I made, but this changed nothing really.


5) Do you feel that raising the companion influence to 50 is good or bad, and why?


Before 4.0 I had maxed affection with most of my companions, but I only got rank 10 in influence when the conversion happened which you can now achieve after the capital planet. So I didn't bother to level any companion to 50.


6) Companion gear no longer effects anything but appearance. Is this good or bad, and why?


It takes out yet another system of the game that required the player to prepare for certain fights and pay attention. In my opinion, an outfit designer for companions would have sufficed.


7) With companions now getting universal unlocks, are you more or less likely to use a companion customization (when offered)?


I usually don't use customizations because their look when you first meet/recruit them is "canon" to me. There are better ways to make them look unique.


8) How do you feel about companions getting universal unlocks, as opposed to being class-specific?


I was excited for this at first, but seeing how most of the returning companions were handled and how they made no sense with a lot of what was going on, I would like to reassemble every character's crew (maybe create a mission that you can do with your original companions once they all returned and catch up?)

In some way it also took away the incentive to level other classes. While this might be a minor point, I leveled a BH as soon as I learned that they get Blizz. :D


X) Conquest and Strongholds


I haven't participated in conquest in 4.0. It is a problem that deserves it's own assessment thread. :rolleyes:

I think the changes only made it harder for small guilds to win most of the events. Also I guess I have a lot of cargo holds full of unused mats now.


XI) Events

1) The number of Rakghoul and Relics of the Gree events have sharply increased. Is this good or bad?


Good. Especially with the amount of event currency the "new" rewards at the Cartel Bazaar cost.


2) Did the Dark vs Light event enhance, diminish, or not effect your game play?


The DvL event is not worthy of the title. It is a cheap way to keep players playing until KotET and it doesn't respect players that have played for one year or more. It could have been so much more, but that's a statement that is true for a lot of what we get from BW.

It boosted the population for the first few weeks which was nice for queue times, but after everyone reached Eternal it quickly went back to normal.


3) Do you prefer these less-intrusive events (Rakghoul, Gree, Bounty) or more intrusive (original Rakghoul, Chevin)?


Unfortunately I wasn't around for original Rakghoul and Chevin.


4) How do you feel about no Nightlife Event this year, happy, unhappy, indifferent?


There is no reason for BW not to run this event every year. Personally, I have every reward from it and I would welcome new ones, but there are always new players that don't, so why not let it return. They could also make it a permanent thing and actually bring life to the casinos (or strongholds) by adding more games.


XII) Eternal Championship

1) Was this an enjoyable experience for you?


No. The fights were too easy for the most part. If all additional "battle content" you release in almost a year is an arena with 10 encounters, you have to make sure that the later fights are impossible for some, challenging for many and a cakewalk for very few.

(If you're not doing that, then it would have been the perfect opportunity to introduce a tutorial on endgame mechanics. Most new players will breeze through the story but have no idea to how to actually play their class. Even the "tutorial" instant 60s get only gives them abilities one at a time but does nothing to explain anything.)


2) Were you inclined towards doing it repeatedly?


I did it once, then I checked the achievements and saw that there is one for each class, which would require me to do KotFE with them, and never visited it again (might do it for the weapons now, though).


3) Do you feel the rewards are worth completing the EC and why?


The PVE endgame path in SWTOR was really screwed up in 4.0. If you have access to HM KP/EV you don't need to do anything else and you have the best gear. EC gear rewards try to be a stepping stone into operations but solo players won't do them (while asking for the best gear anyway, of course). In my opinion, rewards should be purely cosmetic or maybe trigger a few follow-up quests, depending on your fame in the Zakuul fighting scene.


XIII) Subscriber Rewards

1) Did you enjoy the more frequent rewards offered during KOTFE or the previous rewards that were less frequent?


While it was nice to get some preorder bonuses in the past I did not need to be rewarded with anything for subbing. In my opinion the current subscriber reward model is flawed. Rather than "subscribe on day X" they should have "subscribe for X days in this period of time". The rewards in KotFE ranged from great (jetpack) to abysmal (HK-helmet) to sad (Shipdroid customization). I'd rather have fewer rewards (if any), but more thoroughly thought out ones that don't take advantage of a running gag most people already got tired of. Maybe tokens you get to trade in for a variety of rewards that suit you rather than getting another mail you have to delete with every new character.


2) Which rewards did you enjoy the most (besides the bonus chapter) and which the least?

see 1)


XIV) Absent Content

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not caring and 10 being most important, how much did you wish there was more new content for:

1) Operations 10

2) Flashpoints 9

3) Galactic Starfighter 6

4) Seeker Droid/Macrobinoculars 7

5) Reputation Leveling 8

( 6) Class Stories 11 )

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Been thinking about how I want to answer these...so I guess I'm going to try and give it a whirl. Thanks OP for taking the time to put all this together. :) My answers in blue.



I) Story content

1) Chapters 1-9 were released as a group, which was more like the previous expansions in giving a large amount of story content at once, with a delay of several months until the next chapter. Good or bad? I enjoyed getting a large part of the story together like they did with 1-9...

2) Chapter 10-16 were released on a monthly basis.Good to have small frequent updates, or was it better to have the large update that the start offered?...But I also like the frequent updates, in giving us a bit to do each month, I think it's better than having long content droughts where there is nothing new to do. I remember the content droughts from years previous and it was an unhappy time, and it tended to breed a lot of misery on the forums because people were bored.

3) Story-wise, what was the best aspect of KotFE, and what was the worst? I think the cinematics are amazing, as is the VA for Valkorian. I enjoyed the Force-centric chapter (12, I believe) with Marr and Satele. I also liked Vette and Gault's chapter, but I don't like two comps returned at once because it takes away from each one's imporance. No love interest should be teamed up with another comp at any time. The return of a love interest comp must be a cut above, a unique and wonderful experience for the PC. The worst aspects were that the player character never seemed to get the last word, or the smart remark, or the better of any situation, the NPC's always one-upped my characters, and I feel that my character was never the top dog in anything. If anything I felt like I was everyone's bish. The PC needs to have more authority in what they get to say and do. I also DESPISED the 'classic kotor' crap where my toon never got to say anything. THAT SUCKED.


II) Group content Not interested in group activity.

1) Operations had a difficulty adjustment. Were there any signs of where this did well? Where it did not do well?

2) Are operations more accessible to the average player or less so?

3) Can operations still offer sufficient challenge to those who seek challenges?


III) PVP Not interested in PVP.

1) Was the Odessen map a satisfying addition to PVP?

2) A new arena map was added. Was this a satisfying addition, or do the lack of new objectives make it same-ol', same-ol'?

3) If you are an active PVP player, did the Major Pierce/M1-4X mission impact your gameplay positively, negatively, or not at all? This part angered me. Characters gotten through story from any class, should not be exclusive PVP prizes. Make new comps for the PVPers if you must, but don't make beloved characters be gated behind PVP. Many PVPers don't even care that much about comps, they're just 'skins' to many of them. Story people care. Don't do this to people like me who love story and the comps gained through story.

4) Has the new system for Open World PVP made the PVP experience better or worse and how?


IV) Heroic Missions

1) Did KOTFE succeed in making old content relevant again with heroic missions? For a while, then it got old fast. The level sync actually did more harm than good, in that it make final fights in class stories largely a faceroll that took 2 seconds. If they could restrict level sync to the heroic area only, that would be an improvement.

2) Do you think the transports to the mission sites were an improvement? Yes these were wonderful! Thank you.

3) Do you think removing the conversation aspects made the missions better? Worse? I like the option of having conversations, though I suppose after you've been grinding them 1000 times, it gets old.


V) Crafting

1) Crafting has been simplified with fewer material types, more acquired from nodes, and no randomized missions being offered? Did this make crafting better, or worse? Yes

2) Craft times have been reduced. Is this an improvement? Yes

3) Operation crystals can no longer be learned but can be purchased. Is this good or bad? This is bad, people should be able to craft these things.


VI) Star Fortress

1) The 2+ mode can be soloed, but only if sufficiently geared, skilled, and have a good companion. Does that make it good, to serve as a challenge? Bad, because it does not allow as many solo players to complete? Bad because it provides even fewer needs for grouping? Anything I can solo is awesome and is content I will work at. I'm a solo player and appreciate being able to solo these things.

2) Star Fortress has been accused of being too repetitive. Do you feel that's accurate or overstated? If accurate, what would you prefer to make it less repetitive. Variety is the spice of life, a few different challenges along the way might make it more interesting.

3) Should Star Fortress be added to group finder? As far as I'm concerned no.


VII) Level Sync

1) Has level sync improved your overall leveling experience, or not? As I said above, level sync has destroyed the final boss fight. I should not be able to go and pew pew Darth Baras in under a minute. Or Thanaton either.

2) Has level sync improved your group experience on relevant planets? No it sucks, because every stupid mob wants a piece of me now. Restrict the level sync to heroic areas only. Make them instances if you must and level sync it, but the rest of planet, definitely not.


VIII) Alliance Specialists

1) What is your feeling on how the Alliance Specialists are implemented? They're fine...but they're a bit dull after a while.

2) Do you feel the rewards for leveling Alliance Specialists are sufficient or insufficient? Rewards are sufficient, but could be improved.

3) Are there any changes you would like to see to Alliance Specialists? I'd like to be able to give them all their gifts at once.


IX) Companions

1) Companions have changed from having specific roles to being universal (e.g., any companion can heal, tank, or dps). Is that good or bad? This makes no difference to me, because I can alter my play style to match whatever my companion does. I do tend to like to run with certain ones, so being able to change them up in terms of their talents is nice.

2) Is companion healing more powerful than the other two, or are they on par with each other? I think everything is fairly on par.

3) Influence has replaced affection, which means companion effectiveness is unaffected by dialogue choices. Is this good or bad?I don't like having to pander to my comps. I like to say and do what I want.

4) Are you more likely, less likely, or unaffected in considering your companion's views when making dialogue choices under the new system?I consider their feelings less in the new style...in the old style I always had to exit out and start over if they really hated what I said, because I didnt' want to lose their affection. I think once you cap affection it should stay locked in...not that that matters now.

5) Do you feel that raising the companion influence to 50 is good or bad, and why?It's bad, because it's expensive to do when you have a crap ton of alts you take through KotFE. If you could make the comps influence and the influence with the alliance available across legacy, it would be much better. You can always raise the ceiling later on, if people get bored.

6) Companion gear no longer effects anything but appearance. Is this good or bad, and why?Bad, I liked to customize their stuff and keep them on par with me. It's how I showed them I care lol.

7) With companions now getting universal unlocks, are you more or less likely to use a companion customization (when offered)? I want to hang out with attractive comps, so if I find the default version unsatisfactory, I will use a customization.

8) How do you feel about companions getting universal unlocks, as opposed to being class-specific? I'm ok with this.


X) Conquest and Strongholds Don't care about Conquest, it's boring.

1) KOTFE has significantly reduced the impact of crafting on most Conquest events. Was this good or bad?crafting goals were good, it was the only way a soloer like me could participate. Diminish that and well, it becomes pointless, and it has, because I don't do them anymore.

2) KOTFE has also reduced the point requirement in many Conquest events. Was this good or bad?Don't care. Conquest is boring.

3) The number of active strongholds was increased to five with a corresponding increase in Conquest bonus. Did you feel pressured to fill a fifth stronghold with junk for the Conquest bonus or were you happy you could decorate all five of them? I love decorating and keeping strongholds for fun, and I love them, but my love for them has nothing to do with any conquesting or bonus. I do it because I love it, not because it has a bonus incentive to do some crappy boring thing that I don't want to do.


XI) Events

1) The number of Rakghoul and Relics of the Gree events have sharply increased. Is this good or bad? It's great.

2) Did the Dark vs Light event enhance, diminish, or not effect your game play?It got very boring when it started demaning grouping and group activities. I quit at the second highest level. Pvping is a horrible experience because of unkind people and no I won't be doing it ever again, regardless of what shiney you dangle before me. If it requires grouping I won't do it, simple as that.

3) Do you prefer these less-intrusive events (Rakghoul, Gree, Bounty) or more intrusive (original Rakghoul, Chevin)?I loved the original events, it would be nice to have a mix of both.

4) How do you feel about no Nightlife Event this year, happy, unhappy, indifferent? I've gotten what I wanted out of it early on, so its irrelevent to me.


XII) Eternal Championship Not that interested in this.

1) Was this an enjoyable experience for you? After about the 6th round? No, it sucked.

2) Were you inclined towards doing it repeatedly It got boring fast.

3) Do you feel the rewards are worth completing the EC and why? Not really. I don't care that much about some crappy rancor, or whatever it is.


XIII) Subscriber Rewards

1) Did you enjoy the more frequent rewards offered during KOTFE or the previous rewards that were less frequent?I loved frequent gifts, but if I never see any more HK crap again, it'll be too soon.

2) Which rewards did you enjoy the most (besides the bonus chapter) and which the least?HK jet pack and HK's poster. I hated HK's weapons and armours.


XIV) Absent Content

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not caring and 10 being most important, how much did you wish there was more new content for:

1) Operations 0

2) Flashpoints 1

3) Galactic Starfighter 0

4) Seeker Droid/Macrobinoculars 0

5) Reputation Leveling 3

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I) Story content

1) Chapters 1-9 were released as a group, which was more like the previous expansions in giving a large amount of story content at once, with a delay of several months until the next chapter. Good or bad?


No comment. Reason? I came back to the game in January after quitting in 2012, and although I had a 50 (max level last time I played), I did not use her, but started a Consular at level 1 (actually deleted and re-rolled a 36 because I had totally forgotten the story by that point). By the time I got to KOTFE I think chapter 14 was about to come out, so I really can't say what it was like to do 1-9 and then wait.


2) Chapter 10-16 were released on a monthly basis.Good to have small frequent updates, or was it better to have the large update that the start offered?


Again I played like 14 chapters at once. So I didn't really get to witness this difference.


However, I also did not like the KOTFE story at all and from about chapter 4, I just wanted it to be over with -- I only kept playing it because I wanted to come out the other side and be able to team up with an old friend of mine who was also finishing up KOTFE. So to my mind, I guess having a huge chunk available at once would be better in a 'rip the band-aid off as fast as you can' kind of way.


3) Story-wise, what was the best aspect of KotFE, and what was the worst?


Best aspect: Nothing. Honestly, I did not like a single thing about the KOTFE story. I thought it was terrible. I have made many posts about this so I won't belabor them here.


Worst aspect: Where do I begin? How do I choose? There are so many candidates. I have to say, V in my head. I absolutely freaking HATE that mechanic and I rolled my eyes every single time there was a V-in-you-head scene. This was the first time probably ever in SWTOR that I was sorely tempted to spacebar the story.


I will not comment about Ops or PVP because I don't do those. I pair up with a friend to do pair-doable content, or I solo it. Anything that requires an Op is content I never see. Same with PVP.


1) Did KOTFE succeed in making old content relevant again with heroic missions?




I don't grind. I never grind. I hate grinding. I do content for the story. Making me do H2s on planets my character has already fully mapped.. H2s she's already done... is a freaking waste of my time and clearly a stop-gap to paper over the fact that they do not have enough content in the level 65 game.


2) Do you think the transports to the mission sites were an improvement?


Yes but that's like asking me if I would rather travel to the dentist for a root canal instantly or be stuck in traffic for an hour before I get there.


3) Do you think removing the conversation aspects made the missions better? Worse?


Worse. It's jarring.


1) The 2+ mode can be soloed, but only if sufficiently geared, skilled, and have a good companion. Does that make it good, to serve as a challenge? Bad, because it does not allow as many solo players to complete? Bad because it provides even fewer needs for grouping?


I've not tried to solo a 2+ mode SF, since I have a good friend and we have done them together. I honestly don't give a darn who groups to do this or who solos. I never do stuff like this more than once so once my friend and I are done with them I don't notice what happens with what other people are doing.


2) Star Fortress has been accused of being too repetitive. Do you feel that's accurate or overstated? If accurate, what would you prefer to make it less repetitive.


Yes, they are way too repetitive. But then so is most of everything else in KOTFE outside of the cutscenes. What would I prefer to make it less repetitive? To do it once, and be done with it. Why would anyone think I would want to just do the same exact content over, and over, and over again?


3) Should Star Fortress be added to group finder?


I don't use the group finder so I have no comment.


1) Has level sync improved your overall leveling experience, or not?


It's irrelevant. Whether I am capped to 3 or 4 levels above the world or am 20 levels uncapped, there is absolutely zero challenge throughout almost the entire game because everything is always the equivalent of a grey mob to me, from like level 19 on, faster if you do all the H2s on the starter world.


2) Has level sync improved your group experience on relevant planets?


Not affected it one way or the other. My friend and I play together, and do not level without each other, so we are always within 1 level +/- of each other. Whether we were sync'ed or not would not matter.


1) What is your feeling on how the Alliance Specialists are implemented?


Hate them. Hate the alliance. Hate the grinding. Hate the 'leveling up' of their loyalty. It's a grinding mechanic meant to try and give some (slight) purpose to making you repeat the same (lame) content over and over again. Detest it. I'd love to group-select nearly every contact in my queue and dismiss the whole darn lot of them other than Lana and my class companions and take on the entire freaking Zakuul empire just the handful of us.


2) Do you feel the rewards for leveling Alliance Specialists are sufficient or insufficient?


No reward is sufficient for this grinding misery they try to make you do.


P.S., I haven't done it. My alliance guys are like ally level 5 or something. I don't give a pile of bantha poodoo about the allies. They have zero effect on my game play. What, so I can't click on some glowies in the SF mission that I don't want to keep doing over and over again anyway? Yeah, I'll pass.


3) Are there any changes you would like to see to Alliance Specialists?


Yeah. Get rid of 'em.


1) Companions have changed from having specific roles to being universal (e.g., any companion can heal, tank, or dps). Is that good or bad?


I'm torn about this. On the one hand like that I can go along with the companion I choose regardless of role, because they can take any role. With my Consular, as soon as I got T7, he became my perma-hench for all soloing unless the story forced me to take some other fool like Kaliyo or Theron. I just set him to heal and forget him, In the past I would not have been able to use him because both he and I would be tanks and it's silly to have 2 tanks.


On the other hand, I no longer even notice who my hench is because they are all basically the same.


I'd argue that the role-switching is less of an issue than the fact that companions are generally OP.


2) Is companion healing more powerful than the other two, or are they on par with each other?


I would say they are on par. I played 65 levels with a healing hench as a Shadow Tank. I think I died like 3 times outside of my friend and I trying to 2-man hardmode FPs (because we're idiots). I thought healing was OP. But then we made a smuggler and a trooper, I'm the trooper, and we're both DPS, and I put my hench on tank, and it's just as OP as healer. I bet DPS would be the same though I rarely play with a DPS hench, mostly because I don't feel like having to pull aggro off of them when they're being stupid (which they usually are).


3) Influence has replaced affection, which means companion effectiveness is unaffected by dialogue choices. Is this good or bad?


Good. Ever since Dragon Age introduced it I have utterly despised the companion mini-game of trying to gain affection for the hench by which convo options you pick with other people. So anything that minimizes it, I am in favor of.


4) Are you more likely, less likely, or unaffected in considering your companion's views when making dialogue choices under the new system?


I stay in character. If Elara Dorne doesn't like it she can go take an escape pod to the nearest backwater world. Same with the other Henches.


5) Do you feel that raising the companion influence to 50 is good or bad, and why?


I think the companion grind is idiotic and annoying and one of THE worst aspects of SWTOR (along with the alliance grind). How is it that I can have a hench with me for something like 58 levels, do 100% convo options the hench approves of (light side Consular with Qyzen), and *still* only be 30% of the way to max affection (15 out of 50)? What, 65 levels of grinding is not enough, they want me to grind 200% *more* to make him like me? It's stupid. Which is why my highest comps are all < 20 affection rank.


I cut out answers to a bunch of stuff I don't care about, like Strongholds and Conquests.



Here's the thing. I like the stuff from the original 1-50 game in SWTOR a whole lot. I have very little love for anything they've done in the 51+ game. I find most of it boring, unoriginal, repetitive, and grindy.


Which is why I just play a class through all the story and world missions and some of the enjoyable H2s and then stop at Ilum now. I see no point to going further and definitely no point to going on to KOTFE with any but my first level 65.

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What makes you think you're entitled to judge someone by how they play the game, or try to publicly shame them for honestly answering a questionnaire? They pay for it, they're entitled to play however they want and share that experience.


You're not the arbiter of the proper way to enjoy anything, okay?


Going through this and saw your response wanted to say you answered that perfectly.


People who use terms like they did and others like "if there isn't raids its a "single player game" not a mmo"." MMO means grouping" "group content is the "core" of the MMO and try to ram that down other peoples throats as actual "fact" are not worth dealing with . Especially in a thread like this where everyone is simply answering questions based on their own opinion.


Its simply because they have a Zealous self centered belief and use invalid or otherwise faulty reasoning to champion their cause an example of this is in the very quote you commented on.


There is enough evidence on the factual definition of a mmo and even evidence in SWTOR from the start of the game there has been more solo content available to qualify as the "core" of the game and Bioware is even adding to the amount that is already there .


The evidence is clear just in this game alone group content has been a supplementary addition played by the niche group of a loud vocal minority. ( nothing wrong with that my point is that its not the core of the game . Swtor would still be a MMO without it )


Anyways personally I just ignore such comments now, I wasted enough of my time on them trying to reason with them that statements like above regarding group content are factually invalid , that group content is "not a mandatory requirement " to be classified as a mmo and the simple fact that playing a mmo like SWTOR /WOW /GW2 and many others "solo" is actually more common than they would like to believe .


This is just a suggestion If I was you I would do the same from now on as you will never get them to see actual logic and reason and its really not worth wasting the time on them do to their closed minds and zealous beliefs

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Its simply because they have a Zealous self centered belief and use invalid or otherwise faulty reasoning to champion their cause an example of this is in the very quote you commented on.


Pot meet Kettle. :D


Now back to our regularly scheduled OP assessment.

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Pot meet Kettle. :D


Now back to our regularly scheduled OP assessment.


I should take my own advice and not bother responding to this comment but this is easy to disprove and you just gave my post validation with your comment .


This will be the only comment you get


As referenced by the example comment they respond to


what i state is not an opinion but fact there is a difference. Its not "mandatory" to have raids, or any other organized group content to be classified a multiplayer online game .


All you need is a platform that allows multiple people to log on to the same environment in real time .


Which Swtor does so when i say that if you take out all of the organized group activities Swtor and all games like it would still be classified as MMO that is a fact not an opinion.


so your comment is not only completely wrong but again proves everything i said regarding the use of invalid or otherwise faulty reasoning to champion a cause

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Please don't hijack this thread. Thank you.


My apologies again it was someone of the "group" mentality that hijacked it originally I was merely praising someone for standing up to them and cautioning them on repeated attempts to do so. Due to their zealous mindset and beliefs. Your correct I should have taken my own advice on my second comment and apologies for feeding them further.


I can assure you I will take my advice from now on won't feed them any more

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K I bite, good idea BTW


I) Story content

1) Chapters 1-9 were released as a group, which was more like the previous expansions in giving a large amount of story content at once, with a delay of several months until the next chapter. Good or bad?

2) Chapter 10-16 were released on a monthly basis.Good to have small frequent updates, or was it better to have the large update that the start offered?

3) Story-wise, what was the best aspect of KotFE, and what was the worst?

Would rather have a $50 Xpack with packed content than monthly updates. There's a reason, (apart the price), Netflix business model is successful : enjoy the content at your own pace.


Best: the cinematics. For once I felt either in space of in a SW setting. Too bad the cinematics are far away from the game play in terms of both setting and game mechanics.

Bad: again trying to make us feel THE HERO while giving no actual choices and making the player feel he's obliged to do what his companion wants.


II) Group content

1) Operations had a difficulty adjustment. Were there any signs of where this did well? Where it did not do well?

2) Are operations more accessible to the average player or less so?

3) Can operations still offer sufficient challenge to those who seek challenges?

I stay away from operations for a couple of reasons:

  1. Real life constraints : have enough of being obliged to manage my life in RL @work. Don't need other "meetings" schedules
  2. Voice chat required without an in game tool provided
  3. Don`t like bashing the same mobs for minutes
  4. Many players against one single boss doesn't feel heroic at all in SWTOR.


1) Was the Odessen map a satisfying addition to PVP?

2) A new arena map was added. Was this a satisfying addition, or do the lack of new objectives make it same-ol', same-ol'?

3) If you are an active PVP player, did the Major Pierce/M1-4X mission impact your gameplay positively, negatively, or not at all?

4) Has the new system for Open World PVP made the PVP experience better or worse and how?


Odessen is a mess as most players have no clue of what to do. Where's the tutorial?

The companions missions had no impact whatsoever. I see this as an incentive for non PvPers.

Open world PvP systems looks a nice addition on paper though as tthere's not enough players in game it's mostly useless


IV) Heroic Missions

1) Did KOTFE succeed in making old content relevant again with heroic missions?

2) Do you think the transports to the mission sites were an improvement?

3) Do you think removing the conversation aspects made the missions better? Worse?

Reviving heroic mission is a good idea as most players never done them

Transport is a great QOL, even use it to bypass starports or space stations without doing the missions

Conversations should be optional with a toggle. Bad idea to remove them.

V) Crafting

1) Crafting has been simplified with fewer material types, more acquired from nodes, and no randomized missions being offered? Did this make crafting better, or worse?

2) Craft times have been reduced. Is this an improvement?

3) Operation crystals can no longer be learned but can be purchased. Is this good or bad?


Gathering is way better, though guess it killed the fun of being a dedicated crafter.

Really like tuning down the crafting times

Operation cristal looks good to me now


Side note crafting is still a inventory nightmare. We should not need to craft intermediary items and stock them then be able to craft items.


Also we should be able to buy grey crafting mats directly in the crafting window.


Finally we need a dedicated legacy crafting storage as a player with all crafting professions need at least 4 Legacy bank tabs to stock everything, grey mats and components included.


VI) Star Fortress

1) The 2+ mode can be soloed, but only if sufficiently geared, skilled, and have a good companion. Does that make it good, to serve as a challenge? Bad, because it does not allow as many solo players to complete? Bad because it provides even fewer needs for grouping?

2) Star Fortress has been accused of being too repetitive. Do you feel that's accurate or overstated? If accurate, what would you prefer to make it less repetitive.

3) Should Star Fortress be added to group finder?

Done 2 of them, the copy/paste of the layout and encounter made them boring so I skipped them


Will never do Star Fortress again so plz avoid from group finder


VII) Level Sync

1) Has level sync improved your overall leveling experience, or not?

2) Has level sync improved your group experience on relevant planets?

For playing alone it's not of much a help and as we're out-leveling mobs unless doing heroics or champions. Most of the time soloing with level sync is too easy and as such boring. So much that we don't need to gear anymore


IT helps for group play, though usually we're still too powerful and making the player that's leveling feeling weak.


Only mitigation is to store our companions while using level sync otherwise it's ZZZzzz.... mode


VIII) Alliance Specialists

1) What is your feeling on how the Alliance Specialists are implemented?

2) Do you feel the rewards for leveling Alliance Specialists are sufficient or insufficient?

3) Are there any changes you would like to see to Alliance Specialists?

More on that later


IX) Companions

1) Companions have changed from having specific roles to being universal (e.g., any companion can heal, tank, or dps). Is that good or bad?

2) Is companion healing more powerful than the other two, or are they on par with each other?

3) Influence has replaced affection, which means companion effectiveness is unaffected by dialogue choices. Is this good or bad?

4) Are you more likely, less likely, or unaffected in considering your companion's views when making dialogue choices under the new system?

5) Do you feel that raising the companion influence to 50 is good or bad, and why?

6) Companion gear no longer effects anything but appearance. Is this good or bad, and why?

7) With companions now getting universal unlocks, are you more or less likely to use a companion customization (when offered)?

8) How do you feel about companions getting universal unlocks, as opposed to being class-specific?

  1. Companions roles are great. Wish we could choose whether they are ranged or melee or even better the type of weapon used.
  2. Biased question though as we can't micromanage the companions healing is more powerful and handy.
  3. Good though I don't mind
  4. Still redo all the dialog until I find the answers giving the most influence
  5. Bad as it's a time grind and a credit sink
  6. Love that we can choose our companion gear effortless. Though we need to be able to edit the companions body.
  7. Will be much less likely to even use companions. I don't want to play Clone Wars. Won't even buy CM item to customize them vs I would have pay real $$$ to customize their body.


X) Conquest and Strongholds

1) KOTFE has significantly reduced the impact of crafting on most Conquest events. Was this good or bad?

2) KOTFE has also reduced the point requirement in many Conquest events. Was this good or bad?

3) The number of active strongholds was increased to five with a corresponding increase in Conquest bonus. Did you feel pressured to fill a fifth stronghold with junk for the Conquest bonus or were you happy you could decorate all five of them?

We just fill Strongholds with junk for the conquest bonus.


All in all it's not a credit sink and it's populating the database with garbage for quite nothing and it's not even fun nor convenient to fill the SH.

A bad game design for sure.


XI) Events

1) The number of Rakghoul and Relics of the Gree events have sharply increased. Is this good or bad?

2) Did the Dark vs Light event enhance, diminish, or not effect your game play?

3) Do you prefer these less-intrusive events (Rakghoul, Gree, Bounty) or more intrusive (original Rakghoul, Chevin)?

4) How do you feel about no Nightlife Event this year, happy, unhappy, indifferent?

Good idea to make the events last 2 weeks, especially for people with RL constraints.


Just would like to see new events coming up.


XII) Eternal Championship

1) Was this an enjoyable experience for you?

2) Were you inclined towards doing it repeatedly

3) Do you feel the rewards are worth completing the EC and why?

Solo play with some classes it's a pain as we can't micromanage the companion and the AI is quite dumb.


No way I'm going to redo it (see above)


Some rewards are ok, nothing to be thrilled though.

XIII) Subscriber Rewards

1) Did you enjoy the more frequent rewards offered during KOTFE or the previous rewards that were less frequent?

2) Which rewards did you enjoy the most (besides the bonus chapter) and which the least?

Sub rewards but a couple of them are lame.


Oliging players to be subbed at very specific times/periods to get them is a really poor way to make players happy.


They should copy paste SWG reward system in which you could choose your reward among a list depending on how may month in total you have been subscribed.


XIV) Absent Content

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not caring and 10 being most important, how much did you wish there was more new content for:

  1. Operations = 4
  2. Flashpoints = 8
  3. Galactic Starfighter = can we put a minius 999?
  4. Seeker Droid/Macrobinoculars = 2
  5. Reputation Leveling = 1
  6. Good story = 10
Edited by Deewe
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I) Story content

1) Chapters 1-9 were released as a group, which was more like the previous expansions in giving a large amount of story content at once, with a delay of several months until the next chapter. Good or bad? fine

2) Chapter 10-16 were released on a monthly basis.Good to have small frequent updates, or was it better to have the large update that the start offered? fine

3) Story-wise, what was the best aspect of KotFE, and what was the worst? The best? It was new. New characters, settings, stuff. Theron's hot, but please let me change his clothes.

The worst? Well...Valkorion makes no sense. Vaylin and Arcann are stupid af. The part with Marr and Satele still makes no sense to me at all. I don't know why I'm "ready" now to lead. I'm not leading, I'm Lana's servant. I didn't get to kill Arcann, Senya, or Koth. I'm an all powerful Sith, I do what I want. That's the point. What I want is to be Emperor of the Sith Empire, not run a bunch of errands for random people all over the galaxy -_- I wish I had the option to kill the companions im sent to recruit *before* I have to run their errands. That would make more sense. Ugh, idk, I want to be a Sith again.


II) Group content

not interested



dont care that much


IV) Heroic Missions

1) Did KOTFE succeed in making old content relevant again with heroic missions? yep

2) Do you think the transports to the mission sites were an improvement? awesome

3) Do you think removing the conversation aspects made the missions better? Worse?Fine. they're repeatable, so why do we need to hear the same conversation over and over?


V) Crafting



VI) Star Fortress

]Good god I hope to never have to set foot in another star fortress ever again. If they put 5 more identical instances in the new expansion, i will literally die.

3) Should Star Fortress be added to group finder? The star fortresses should be deleted.


VII) Level Sync

Level sync is just one part of the process to streamline the original, 5 year old game. I have no problem with that.

VIII) Alliance Specialists


IX) Companions

1) Companions have changed from having specific roles to being universal (e.g., any companion can heal, tank, or dps). Is that good or bad? good, I can use the one I want without worrying if it goes well with my class role.

2) Is companion healing more powerful than the other two, or are they on par with each other? on par

3) Influence has replaced affection, which means companion effectiveness is unaffected by dialogue choices. Is this good or bad? good. Should have been like that from the start.

4) Are you more likely, less likely, or unaffected in considering your companion's views when making dialogue choices under the new system? unaffected


dont care about the rest.

X) Conquest and Strongholds

dont care


XI) Events

never do them

4) How do you feel about no Nightlife Event this year, happy, unhappy, indifferent? unhappy, I missed the first one


XII) Eternal Championship

love it. I want more like it

XIII) Subscriber Rewards

1) Did you enjoy the more frequent rewards offered during KOTFE or the previous rewards that were less frequent?

2) Which rewards did you enjoy the most (besides the bonus chapter) and which the least? They're all forgettable except the jetpack. monthly cartel coin amount should be increased

No more hk stuff plz.


XIV) Absent Content

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not caring and 10 being most important, how much did you wish there was more new content for:

1) Operations 1

2) Flashpoints 1

3) Galactic Starfighter 1

4) Seeker Droid/Macrobinoculars 1

5) Reputation Leveling 1



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1. Story content

Honestly I'm fairly indifferent to the format in which crapter...I mean chapter content is released. I got minimal enjoyment out of the 16 chapters outside of the occasional chuckle from some cutscene dialogue. The overall plot was terrible as we saw the baddest sithlord in the galaxy go from a planet killing monster to Mr. Dad who likes to hang out and do nothing in my head. The story line prior to KOTFE was building towards an epic showdown with Darth Vitiate in what I presumed would be an amazing op and inexplicably veered off into whatever that was. There were some good cutscenes but overall I was massively disappointed in both the story and utter lack of anything resembling a challenge in KOTFE. SWTOR was great when it was an MMORPG, this MSORPG experiment has not been a good experience.


2. Group content

What group content? All the group content was present before KOTFE and simply got scaled up.

Scaling all the ops and fps to 65 was a good move (and long overdue) and imo bought time to get new ops and fps out. Unfortunately this never happened and we've seen the longest drought of real endgame content the game has had. Most SM ops were nerfed to incredibly easy difficulty levels which on the positive side made operations accessible even the most unskilled casual player. Unfortunately this made SM ops a very poor training ground for players looking to move into HM ops and the high attrition of skilled long time players due to no real endgame content left my server with a shortage of good players.


3. PVP

Not a big pvp'er though I do pvp some. Odessen was a cool additon to pvp as I enjoyed both the cross faction teams and the new objective style play. I'd say not enough was done to pvp in KOTFE but at least they got a couple new maps. Raiders got zilch.


4. Heroic Missions

Like the addition of the fast travel to the mission. After you've done everything a hundred times anything that stream lines the process is welcomed.


5. Crafting



6. Star Fortress

Heroic SF is far too easy for any serious endgame player. Honestly there is minimal difference between snory mode and heroic mode. Lack of challenge kills replay value.


7. Level Sync

I think level sync in theory is a good idea, however given the lack of any challenging encounters most planets it really ends up being more of an inconvenience than anything else. Groups of mobs that you once could ride straight through now have to be dealt with in some cases. These encounter aren't fun or challenging but just nuisance when trying to get from point a to point b.


8. Alliance specialist

Mostly pointless other than the access to buffs in star fortress. I have made a lot of credits of the crates and vendoring the 7.4 billion pieces of legacy gear i've got.


9. Companions

I like some of the companions but don't understand why I need 950 companions when i can only use 1 at a time. The new any companion any role thing is an improvement for the most part but I miss my comps having some diverstity in their skills. They feel a bit like cookie cutter comps now.


Healing is pretty OP when compared to DPS and especially Tank mode. There are a few areas where the healing fits the amount of damage you take pretty well so I wouldn't say that the heals themselves are OP, just OP compared to the other 2 roles.


10. Conquest and Strongholds

Conquest is dead, no reason to do it other than crafting mats and a few credits. No changes to conquest objectives made, same old rewards, why bother. I do like my 125% bonus though. I WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND HAVING A CONQUEST WEEK TIED TO BOUNTY WEEK AND NO CONQUEST POINTS FOR DOING BOUNTIES. I might actually do bounties if they gave conquest points or at least i would have when Conquest had a pulse.


11. Events

Old events > new events. The first rakghoul event was pretty cool, the new one was ok the first 100 times but is as stale as everything else at this point. No new events, no new rewards, SOS. The nightlife event is a credit sink so it's absence isn't missed. Nightlife would have been great if they would have implemented pazaak tables and allowed real gambling. Right clicking on those machines for an hour isn't fun.


12. Eternal Championship

The one shining ray of light in the abyss that has been KOTFE. I love EC. It is the one piece of new content that actually requires a modicum of skill to do. It's great practice for ops (if we ever get new ops). If there's one thing I'd like to see more of from KOTFE it's EC. New bosses to challenge, new rewards, hard modes, etc. Don't abandon this like macrobinoculars and seeker droid and legacy level and oh yeah group content.


13. Subscriber Rewards

Just give me more CC's if you can't come up with anything better. If I get 1 more HK-55 INSPIRED ANYTHING I'm going to start kicking kittens. Nothing like getting a sub reward out of the mail and immediately throwing it on the ground.


14. Absent Content

On a scale of 1 to 10 I'd give this a 4 billion.









Get the picture. 5.0 will mark the end of SWTOR journey if new ops aren't VERY soon to follow.

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I) Story content

1) Chapters 1-9 were released as a group, which was more like the previous expansions in giving a large amount of story content at once, with a delay of several months until the next chapter. Good or bad?


Good. I prefer to have my "expansion" all at once in a chunk.


2) Chapter 10-16 were released on a monthly basis.Good to have small frequent updates, or was it better to have the large update that the start offered?


I grew to dislike this format. Imagine reading a book where you are only allowed to read one chapter a month! I would rather get the full story at once and then have a longer wait in between updates. It keeps the story fresh and keeps me engaged.


3) Story-wise, what was the best aspect of KotFE, and what was the worst?


Best: Cut scenes were beautifully done, I noticed the little things like characters' eyes shifting, and new moving camera angles. The feeling was very "lush."


Worst: After chap 4, the story quickly lost focus, became less personal and needlessly convoluted. I felt like I was watching a million disjointed stories about other people. The personal sense of urgency that you get in the early chapters was gone. And...WHERE ARE MY COMPANIONS? A year later and all my favorites are still missing.


II) Group content

1) Operations had a difficulty adjustment. Were there any signs of where this did well? Where it did not do well?

2) Are operations more accessible to the average player or less so?

3) Can operations still offer sufficient challenge to those who seek challenges?


I pretty much stopped doing OP's a while ago.



1) Was the Odessen map a satisfying addition to PVP?

2) A new arena map was added. Was this a satisfying addition, or do the lack of new objectives make it same-ol', same-ol'?

3) If you are an active PVP player, did the Major Pierce/M1-4X mission impact your gameplay positively, negatively, or not at all?

4) Has the new system for Open World PVP made the PVP experience better or worse and how?


I don't do PvP.


IV) Heroic Missions

1) Did KOTFE succeed in making old content relevant again with heroic missions?


Yes, i enjoyed doing the heroics and getting rewarded with current level gear.


2) Do you think the transports to the mission sites were an improvement?


Mostly, yes.


3) Do you think removing the conversation aspects made the missions better? Worse?


I wish the option had stayed. Would have been nice to have both.


V) Crafting

1) Crafting has been simplified with fewer material types, more acquired from nodes, and no randomized missions being offered? Did this make crafting better, or worse?


I love the crafting changes. My favorite is being able to go anywhere at all and still gain experience.


2) Craft times have been reduced. Is this an improvement?


I like this.


3) Operation crystals can no longer be learned but can be purchased. Is this good or bad?


I think I would rather be able to craft them. Why not make the schematic sellable instead?


VI) Star Fortress

1) The 2+ mode can be soloed, but only if sufficiently geared, skilled, and have a good companion. Does that make it good, to serve as a challenge? Bad, because it does not allow as many solo players to complete? Bad because it provides even fewer needs for grouping?


I like the challenge of being able to solo the heroic 2's. They are just SO LONG. After a while it gets tedious.


2) Star Fortress has been accused of being too repetitive. Do you feel that's accurate or overstated? If accurate, what would you prefer to make it less repetitive.


I didn't mind the way they did the morphing maps.


3) Should Star Fortress be added to group finder?


Sure, why not?


VII) Level Sync

1) Has level sync improved your overall leveling experience, or not?


I like level sync and think it's been an improvement. I feel like I can quest at my own pace now and not have to worry about being outleveled.


2) Has level sync improved your group experience on relevant planets?


I don't really group much.


VIII) Alliance Specialists

1) What is your feeling on how the Alliance Specialists are implemented?


I wish they were somehow legacy wide.


2) Do you feel the rewards for leveling Alliance Specialists are sufficient or insufficient?


Rewards are good, but it would be nice to see them have some impact on the story even if it is only cosmetic (and doesn't make your char fail if you didn't do it.)


3) Are there any changes you would like to see to Alliance Specialists?


Once you get to 20 there they don't seem to be relevant anymore. Not sure how to remedy that.



IX) Companions

1) Companions have changed from having specific roles to being universal (e.g., any companion can heal, tank, or dps). Is that good or bad?


I'm ok with that. Flexibility is good. But I do miss many of them having their special attacks that used to make them unique. (HK's assassinate!)


2) Is companion healing more powerful than the other two, or are they on par with each other?


I'm not understanding this question. Other two what? Companion healing is pretty powerful...I have mixed feelings on that.


3) Influence has replaced affection, which means companion effectiveness is unaffected by dialogue choices. Is this good or bad?


I like this change. I am more likely to pick a choice that makes sense for my character rather than trying to please my companion and avoid negative points.


4) Are you more likely, less likely, or unaffected in considering your companion's views when making dialogue choices under the new system?


See above. :D


5) Do you feel that raising the companion influence to 50 is good or bad, and why?


I'm ok with it, probably because my old level 10 companions are still decent enough to be usable. If they had become useless I might have been upset since I have sooo many alts.


6) Companion gear no longer effects anything but appearance. Is this good or bad, and why?


I'm ok with this. BUT, I am NOT ok with many of the new companions being uncustomizable AT ALL.


7) With companions now getting universal unlocks, are you more or less likely to use a companion customization (when offered)?


More likely for sure.


8) How do you feel about companions getting universal unlocks, as opposed to being class-specific?


I wouldn't mind it as much if it weren't for the fact that practically all companions are no longer class-specific. It's yet another symptom of class identity being swept away in favor of uniformity. I can't keep track of all the companions I have! I would much rather that we were asked to choose our top 10 or so to be our personal crew.


X) Conquest and Strongholds

1) KOTFE has significantly reduced the impact of crafting on most Conquest events. Was this good or bad?


Well, it hurt guilds that are too small to compete otherwise.


2) KOTFE has also reduced the point requirement in many Conquest events. Was this good or bad?


This was good. I actually finished a few weeks that I'd never been able to complete before.


3) The number of active strongholds was increased to five with a corresponding increase in Conquest bonus. Did you feel pressured to fill a fifth stronghold with junk for the Conquest bonus or were you happy you could decorate all five of them?


I'm just glad it didn't lower the conquest bonus I already had. I decorate to look nice, so 75% is probably the best I'll get.


XI) Events

1) The number of Rakghoul and Relics of the Gree events have sharply increased. Is this good or bad?


I don't do either of these as often now that I have already done them, but I don't mind that they are more frequent.


2) Did the Dark vs Light event enhance, diminish, or not effect your game play?


I'm ok with the event. I am starting to get burnt out though and I haven't yet reached Eternal. (Forget legendary!!)


3) Do you prefer these less-intrusive events (Rakghoul, Gree, Bounty) or more intrusive (original Rakghoul, Chevin)?


I don't have a preference either way.


4) How do you feel about no Nightlife Event this year, happy, unhappy, indifferent?




XII) Eternal Championship

1) Was this an enjoyable experience for you?


I was looking forward to this, but I ended up getting stuck on boss 6 and after trying other players' advice, trying new tactics, trying new companions, etc, I finally gave up. I've been told that I chose the hardest class to do it on though, so I'm going to give it one more shot on another class and see what happens.


2) Were you inclined towards doing it repeatedly


I don't like how every time you have to start over from the beginning.


3) Do you feel the rewards are worth completing the EC and why?


What rewards? Heh. Don't matter to me since I can't get there.


XIII) Subscriber Rewards

1) Did you enjoy the more frequent rewards offered during KOTFE or the previous rewards that were less frequent?


I love "free" stuff, but even so many of the rewards were lackluster in my opinion. They can't please everyone though.


2) Which rewards did you enjoy the most (besides the bonus chapter) and which the least?


I didn't really care for the weapons and HK helmet. Chances are I'm never going to use those. Mounts are ok, but I've got so many now that it's just....<sigh> So getting Nico was pretty cool. I use him on my gunslinger.


XIV) Absent Content

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not caring and 10 being most important, how much did you wish there was more new content for:


1) Operations 7


2) Flashpoints 8


3) Galactic Starfighter 1


4) Seeker Droid/Macrobinoculars 1


5) Reputation Leveling 8. Weirdly enough I kind of miss this. I guess I like having landscape quests to do that make me feel connected with the world.

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here is my opinion:


I) Story content

1) Chapters 1-9 were released as a group, which was more like the previous expansions in giving a large amount of story content at once, with a delay of several months until the next chapter. Good or bad?

I preferred more at once as the individual chapters released afterwards could be done in 15-40 mins of playtime. But ultimately, the inital batch also included the SF to grind on as well so it wasn't limited to jsut a chapter so that also added to the play enjoyment. With exception of release of the EC, the other chapters didn't contain much else outside the short story chapter.

2) Chapter 10-16 were released on a monthly basis.Good to have small frequent updates, or was it better to have the large update that the start offered?

I'd side with large as long as we are also including other replayable content in the mix

3) Story-wise, what was the best aspect of KotFE, and what was the worst?

The various cut scenes for the most part were enjoyable. The HK-55 one on first viewing was funny. I disliked the illusion of choice mattering as I've stated elsewhere. If the end result was the same, I don't feel it was really a choice- which in of itself was more an issue due to the heavy "choices matter " marketing.


II) Group content

1) Operations had a difficulty adjustment. Were there any signs of where this did well? Where it did not do well?

IT did bring the old operations back to being run again since there was a gearing benefit. This also allowed those who came to game late the ability to both play these and have the difficulty similar to what it was released as (newer abilites not around at time still persist so not exactly the same as before. The not so well is more a preference thing. equal gear in all operations and the inclusion of designated HM giving nightmare gear took away some of the grind and pride in accomplishment through gearing

2) Are operations more accessible to the average player or less so?

I think more so since there are many more all at same level opening past the lockouts for a few certain ones.

3) Can operations still offer sufficient challenge to those who seek challenges?

So challenges yes, new challenges no. If you had already developed that strategy for these fights at level previously, those same strategies worked again so not a new challenge.



1) Was the Odessen map a satisfying addition to PVP?

I've enjoyed it. And as more people are finally understanding the objectives and how to play the matches are getting better

2) A new arena map was added. Was this a satisfying addition, or do the lack of new objectives make it same-ol', same-ol'?

I'd say SSDD but same ol same ol applies. New map is nice but with nothing else about it being new it isn't much of a change.

3) If you are an active PVP player, did the Major Pierce/M1-4X mission impact your gameplay positively, negatively, or not at all?

no real change. Already had the valor level on the characters i did KOTFE on

4) Has the new system for Open World PVP made the PVP experience better or worse and how?

I would say worse for me and here's why. Coming form a pvp server, missions with objectives in PVP areas always had several challenges to them - 1) same faction waiting on spawns and 2) opposing faction there to battle for them. Missions on yavin and commanders in conquests are examples. Giving the option to do these on PVE instances offers a "quicker" route which in many cases is easier and more flocked to decreasing the pvp instance. Now for some this is better, but for myself, I liked the challenge of dealing with other players. Again, this comes down to preference.


IV) Heroic Missions

1) Did KOTFE succeed in making old content relevant again with heroic missions?

yes, heroics are now regularly run across all planets. I do think longer ones should have rewards increased to correlate with the increase time requried.

2) Do you think the transports to the mission sites were an improvement?


3) Do you think removing the conversation aspects made the missions better? Worse?

Made quicker but quicker not always better. Can see both sides of this one


V) Crafting

1) Crafting has been simplified with fewer material types, more acquired from nodes, and no randomized missions being offered? Did this make crafting better, or worse?

I'd say overall better. Wasn't a fan of the removal of things that were once REable and changes made to strip something from one profession and give to another. (thought mainly b/c in these cases they dind't stay archived, they were wiped out completely

2) Craft times have been reduced. Is this an improvement?


3) Operation crystals can no longer be learned but can be purchased. Is this good or bad?

As mentioned above, bad i think. Taking more away from players ability to create desired products for the market


VI) Star Fortress

1) The 2+ mode can be soloed, but only if sufficiently geared, skilled, and have a good companion. Does that make it good, to serve as a challenge? Bad, because it does not allow as many solo players to complete? Bad because it provides even fewer needs for grouping?

Good for completionists like me, bad because it really doesn't feel like added group content if it can be soloed.

2) Star Fortress has been accused of being too repetitive. Do you feel that's accurate or overstated? If accurate, what would you prefer to make it less repetitive.

Accurate. Different mechanics/boss types in there. Same adds, bosses and "traps" with a different arrangemnt doens't feel much different

3) Should Star Fortress be added to group finder?

Don't see why not. Could denote them by planet SF-Alderann, SF-Tatm etc


VII) Level Sync

1) Has level sync improved your overall leveling experience, or not?

has eliminated the pure steam roll of adds. To the bad part, the rewards syncing have also addded too many credits to economy increasing inflation. (Heroics guilty of this as well)

2) Has level sync improved your group experience on relevant planets?

To a degree. Allows you to group with higher/lower levels and not sacrifice exp as a result


VIII) Alliance Specialists

1) What is your feeling on how the Alliance Specialists are implemented?

feels incomplete. Expecting more to come as a result of this

2) Do you feel the rewards for leveling Alliance Specialists are sufficient or insufficient?

like the legacy boxes and comp gifts, but some additional rare drops or perhaps even legacy weapons and off hands as a reward

3) Are there any changes you would like to see to Alliance Specialists?

Make their contribution for maxing more than just stations in SF heroics. maybe that opens to other FPs as well or some vendor opens up as a result - maybe comp gifts for glowing crystals, legacy weapon,armor vendor, etc. Perhaps even a speical mission once you hit 50 for each of them and then one grand when all 4 maxed out?


IX) Companions

1) Companions have changed from having specific roles to being universal (e.g., any companion can heal, tank, or dps). Is that good or bad?

good- no longer have to have the companion who is a healer or tank for a situation, but the one you want and then can put them in that role

2) Is companion healing more powerful than the other two, or are they on par with each other?

healing feels stronger than other 2 but that is just gut feeling because it requires the least knowledge of mechanics to deal with

3) Influence has replaced affection, which means companion effectiveness is unaffected by dialogue choices. Is this good or bad?

Better move. Might still sway to get more infl for a choice they like but no longer a major factor

4) Are you more likely, less likely, or unaffected in considering your companion's views when making dialogue choices under the new system?

more so attuned to the character's views save for romance options

5) Do you feel that raising the companion influence to 50 is good or bad, and why?

ITs a grind, but I"ll say grinding them in past to 10 felt way less effort than 50 so not as likely needed to do on multiple characters.

6) Companion gear no longer effects anything but appearance. Is this good or bad, and why?

Makes things easier can take the good/bad discussion from there based on viewpoint (reduces need to sell/buy on gtn, knowing what gear stats should have, etc)

7) With companions now getting universal unlocks, are you more or less likely to use a companion customization (when offered)?

no change really.

8) How do you feel about companions getting universal unlocks, as opposed to being class-specific?

I like this one- but it seems to fit for a neutral alliance commander more than it would for pub vs imp


X) Conquest and Strongholds

1) KOTFE has significantly reduced the impact of crafting on most Conquest events. Was this good or bad?

i think it was a double edged sword. It decreased participation but it also was giving too much wieght to crafting. Another example of the nerf nuke where a balance wasn't met.

2) KOTFE has also reduced the point requirement in many Conquest events. Was this good or bad?

With crafting nuke I think it was a good thing

3) The number of active strongholds was increased to five with a corresponding increase in Conquest bonus. Did you feel pressured to fill a fifth stronghold with junk for the Conquest bonus or were you happy you could decorate all five of them?

I think the design to getting 100% prestige is more at fault. If prestige was merely form unlocking each section of a SH and not form the amount of hooks decorated I think many would have better design ideas. I know my design ideas for some didn't fill all hooks so i had to go overboard on chairs, banners, etc.


XI) Events

1) The number of Rakghoul and Relics of the Gree events have sharply increased. Is this good or bad?

good. keep the events coming back so more can achieve and participate.

2) Did the Dark vs Light event enhance, diminish, or not effect your game play?

With content drought it gave me something to achieve so good in that sense

3) Do you prefer these less-intrusive events (Rakghoul, Gree, Bounty) or more intrusive (original Rakghoul, Chevin)?

mix of both but new events would be the thing that would improve on events

4) How do you feel about no Nightlife Event this year, happy, unhappy, indifferent?

I have what I want from it but those who missed last year (esp with the influx of new players and exodous of old are stuck in game with things that they can see from a vendor but not earn currency for.


XII) Eternal Championship

1) Was this an enjoyable experience for you?

I did enjoy it

2) Were you inclined towards doing it repeatedly

Well, tough to say, with pre-requisite of KOTFE 1-9 I didn't bring majority of my characters through. Just the ones eligible form doing KOTFE

3) Do you feel the rewards are worth completing the EC and why?

Can be improved. If this is a setup for raiding, maybe something like 208 gear with set bonuses so they are less than what is earned in raiding, but a start at set bonus would be nice.


XIII) Subscriber Rewards

1) Did you enjoy the more frequent rewards offered during KOTFE or the previous rewards that were less frequent?

frequency was nice since that was the carrot to stay on going sub, but the rewards themselves (save for a few) felt lackluster. Too much focus on one theme for too long

2) Which rewards did you enjoy the most (besides the bonus chapter) and which the least?

companions, jet pack, legacy armor/weapons are ones I use. Helmet and droid customizations least favorite


XIV) Absent Content

On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being not caring and 10 being most important, how much did you wish there was more new content for:

1) Operations- 10

2) Flashpoints - 10 (group required not soloable)

3) Galactic Starfighter - 10 (not my favorite, but many friends like it and it should still receive some development content/attention)

4) Seeker Droid/Macrobinoculars - 7 (nice to see them a side quests to give more to do/achieve)

5) Reputation Leveling - 10 (these are great at giving reason to repeat things.

Edited by Jamtas
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SWTOR is no longer moving in the direction of an MMO, (this should be obvius by now) I don't believe that EA will allow BW to be honest and tell the player base that they are overhauling ans transitioning SWTOR into something more akin to a cross between Dragon Age Inquisition and MMO options. SWTOR is more like a story driven, it always has been really, but now more of a solo RPG with multiplayer options.

With an MMO you are encouraged to group up, with SWTOR they are making more and more content single player oriented unless you really want to get into end game raids, love PvP or just want to run with friends you have no reason to group up, nearly everything can be completed by yourself.


Transition isn't a bad thing it is just different from what the game started out as. This makes the MMO crowd angry and the solo crowd happy. Once the transition is complete and the new version of the game is ready for new content based on it's updated format then playership will either rise significantly or drop off to the point of no return. Although I want more MMO based group content, Ops, flashpoints and etc, I'm betting that the player base in SWTOR will transition and playership will rise.


The fact is that this is Star Wars, the most lucrative IP on the planet, what do you really think is going to happen? BW will continue to get funded(as long as SWTOR is profitable) by EA until EA has another game (that will attract similar customers) ready to fill the void that will be left by shutting SWTOR down. Now all those who sank millions into SWTOR will be ready to sink millions more into the latest and greatest Star Wars game

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