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New Math for Devs to Ensure KotET Community Bliss


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(Dark Option 3 Cutscene): (Koth + Airlock) - Air = EternalJoy + Droid Cleanup Hangar Deck 2


That is all...for now.


Hmmm .. need an option 4:


(Light Option 4 Cutscene): (Koth + Airlock) - Air = EternalJoy + Droid Cleanup Hangar Deck 2

Edited by Keta
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Is that really new math or would it be new variables? New values?


I'm not a mathematician but I figure new math would mean new rules. Can someone define "new math?"



This is the new math: http://www.kappit.com/img/pics/201411_1459_deedh.jpg


And all I need to be blissful is more romantic scenes with my romanceable companions. At the start and end of each chapter. Maybe even entire chapters devoted to furthering our romance. That would be awesome for me. I'd be thrilled.



One third of the dead weight is still not enough!

So, as long as we get an option to shove Lana and Theron out as well, it will be be all good. :)


And this would NOT make me blissful at all. It would incur my wrath (not my game wrath, MY wrath). I'd be really upset if anything bad happened to my beloved Theron.


Koth can meet airlock. I'm fine with that.

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Ok :D The Lana fans can fight their own battle lol.


I liked Lana in SOR but she's bordering toward Liara/insert territory and needs to be scaled back. Her and Koth (my personal feelings about liking player foils aside). Theron is actually quite well balanced and isn't in your face and dominating over a player determined storyline the way those two are. My light sided Wrath happily accepted taking Valkorian/Vitiate's power and serving her Emperor and Lana, just scolds and reprimands but still supports this obvious betrayal like an idiot.


People say they wouldn't have trusted Senya or a Koth who walked away and came back- Lana is trusting a Wrath in my story's case who is determined to accept any order from her Emperor (don't get me started on not having one throw away line on a Wrath in that instance).


And it gets to the point where I'm expecting RPG fail when she gets to stand on some ground, 'insist she's right' and you'll have to follow her because her overall goals are the best ending. Koth doesn't even get so obnoxious and with the end of last round, I'm fairly certain the 'kill Koth' option is coming. I get the feeling Lana is a protected species.

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Awww OK, Theron can stay, but Lana has to go!

I love Lana, she has one of the best voices in the game, I love to listen to hear! You monster!


Why isn't there an option with the escape pod in your ship to dust whatever companion you don't like? So you can throw away anyone you hate while others can keep them? I still haven't found a use for it anyway(the escape pod).

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(Dark Option 3 Cutscene): (Koth + Airlock) - Air = EternalJoy + Droid Cleanup Hangar Deck 2


That is all...for now.


That's certainly a good idea. A lightsaber through the gut or shooting him in the face would work too. Any of work really, as long as we get to see the expression on his face right before it happens or a surprised expression like Jorgan had.

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After the last chapter I'd like to add Senya to the list as well.


In fact I want to shove all COMPANIONS that are more powerful than my character out of an airlock (or incinerate them if they are droids) because as far as my character being the hero of the story, Knights of the Failed Experiment did not deliver in any shape or form.

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That's certainly a good idea. A lightsaber through the gut or shooting him in the face would work too. Any of work really, as long as we get to see the expression on his face right before it happens or a surprised expression like Jorgan had.


The problem with death by lightsaber or blaster is that there is not enough explosive decompression involved. Dude does not deserve an honorable death. He's not worth one photon from either weapon. Psssssshhhttttt arrrggggh splat! is what I'm asking for...and that's not too much to ask, all things considered.

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After the last chapter I'd like to add Senya to the list as well.


In fact I want to shove all COMPANIONS that are more powerful than my character out of an airlock (or incinerate them if they are droids) because as far as my character being the hero of the story, Knights of the Failed Experiment did not deliver in any shape or form.


Actually, I'd like this option in each and every cutscene in future;


Dark 4: (Use weapon on NPC + NPC dies horribly) = Smaller Alliance.


Then I can cut out pretty much all of the alliance, and the remaining ones will fit on my own personal starship which is quite capable of avoiding the Eteranal Fleet (as already proven in the past :p).


To be honest, I'm not even sure why my Bounty Hunter is even in this fight, she would more likely be hunting down erroneous bounties such as Sith Lords and Jedi Knights who seem to have a grudge. It would make far more sense than whatever it is I'm doing now.

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I get a feeling that there are a lot of people that regardless of light or dark would like to space Koth, Senya and Scorpio, also probably Lana and Theron for just being so god damn useless.


Now if this was the plan of the writers to surround you with awful new companions they have succeeded, however to inflict on players the Jar Jar Binks of companions and on the whole force you to use them in the chapters seems a really strange move.

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Why let the airlock have all the fun? I want to squeeze the last breath from his throat with my hands.


+1. Another good alternative...much better than death by energy weapon. Death by force lightning over several days (like the torture scene on Korriban, only much longer) would be another acceptable option.


I still vote for:


(You chuck Koth into an airlock with Force push, or just kick him into it)


Koth's voice on intercom: "Commander, you're bluffing. O.K., I'm scared. Fine. Now let me out."


Dark option 1: "It's been said that breathing is fundamental. Let's test the hypothesis." (push decompression button)

Dark option 2: "Sorry, buddy, you need to stop using our air." (push it)

Dark option 3: "Sith never bluff." (push it!)

Light option 4: "Reflect on your errors. You have three seconds. There is no death." (push it real good!)


Koth's expression cycles between arrogance, disbelief, then finally horror. He starts pounding on the glass separating him from air.


You stare back.


Pound pound splat! Gore covers the glass.


(Insert class-dependent smart butt remark here) You turn away and walk toward the elevator back to the bridge...

Edited by Dreamquencher
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Death by force lightning over several days (like the torture scene on Korriban, only much longer) would be another acceptable option.


Nothing will be as satisfying to me as a hands on death.


For a cherry on top, I'd like to murder every one of his current crew members. Maybe have the blue haired girl help me out, she's crazy enough to comply.

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