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Vector Hyllis: Worst Romance Ever


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Is it normal, or did you do earn affection points with him during these Quesh quests?


I think if I remember it right I didn't get any affection with him on Quesh, but I am not sure if he was with me on Quesh or not. I did everything with

Ensign Temple

after Hoth! She's like my little sister ^^


Mine and Vector's romance started when I was max level so I'm sorry but I don't know when the kiss happens progress-wise!



He asked for my hand even if I only chose one or two flirt alternatives in the end, and I felt like a cold hearted ***** when I turned him down :< I'm waiting for being able to romance Saganu!


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No he shuts it down. Everyone who did the romance told me.


Anyway insects can't understand what sex is, it's like if humans were watching insects moving their wings without understanding what they are doing.

Edited by Evolvana
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No he shuts it down. Everyone who did the romance told me.


So long goes my hopes from Shadow of the Apt books.


In part 2 of that series, a beautiful elf lad goes with an ant female, and the day after every single female across the city smiled at him

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Just in to remind you.


While you romance with Vector and bang him, the whole hive watches and feels it


honey, when my Big Blue Bubble Booty goes into action, the entire planet feels it.


on a side note, in vegas atm, and you KNOW you need to put this game down when you see an add for the blue man group, giggle hysterically, and wanna paint the eyes red.


and aww did you get video of what he says when you say no? i'd not be able to do it myself, in fear the game would cut it so short id have no chance to exc out.


and that bug milk..ugh..well i DO like honey, and thats just bee puke, heck i eat whole honeycomb, so why am i going all gack over it... and someone on another thread said she was waiting for vector to intoduce her to a coupple of his killik friends for a 4-way... kiiinda want :eek:

but yeah as posted above, like the killik even care about human reproduction. they might find subtle differences in courtship and the actual biological processes interesting, but nothing they wouldn't know from joiners already( heck if you joined (which you cant) you and vector could totally acess each other's memory and get the scoop on past flings.... aaakwaaard, no wonder he dosent want you to join, him and his "diplomatic treaties" and such). As i said before, theyd just be like that lousy cat that derpstares too intently

and frankly id rather they watch than watcher X... i'd let the whole killik population across the galaxy tap into vector's hivemind while we got kinky if it meant making watcher X get his big snooping nose out of MY head just for those times. but really hes right.. IA has NO privacy... so my char just shrugs and does what she does, like the watcher's havent seen dirtier things on hutt spy surveillance. Heck, if it means i shock watcher 2 with my skills, then it's all worth it.


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I'm at a loss. I wasn't aware so many people were turned off by Vector as a companion, let alone as a romance option.


I understand the initial discomfort, however. Vector seems so inhuman and strange to begin with, and surrounded by the other Killiks....


However, the longer he is around, the more you learn about the Killiks, and the more you learn about Vector, the unease tends to fade (at least for me). The Killiks, despite being giant ants, have a lovely culture and the way they perceive things in song and auras is really interesting. Vector himself still retains a large chunk of his humanity, despite also being greatly Killik.


His romance was also terribly sweet and nuanced. I think it might at least be one of the most unique romance experiences in the game.

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No he shuts it down. Everyone who did the romance told me.


Anyway insects can't understand what sex is, it's like if humans were watching insects moving their wings without understanding what they are doing.


You have the option to have him keep his link to the hive open or closed. He'll show up with it suppressed, but if you tell him you prefer him as a full joiner, then hell turn it back on for you. You get a slightly different conversation after the smexy times depending on which you chose.


Personally, I greatly preferred the conversation you get when he suppresses the hive.

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You have the option to have him keep his link to the hive open or closed. He'll show up with it suppressed, but if you tell him you prefer him as a full joiner, then hell turn it back on for you. You get a slightly different conversation after the smexy times depending on which you chose.


Personally, I greatly preferred the conversation you get when he suppresses the hive.


His voice when he's "supressed" is sweeter too. You can really hear the emotion in his voice and it's much softer. :o

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That ship sequence with the barrage of images was disturbing, but the whole mind abuse idea still bugs me and I'm past act 2, just starting act 3 while my friends catch up. I had to push through act 2 and get my freedom back, I couldn't stand the whole mind control scheme. The idea that you couldn't even tell anyone that you couldn't resist being forced to do things by these monsters and having to live with that knowledge would be mentally scarring to say the least. When Watcher X set the new codeword and we had 3 choices; revenge, one I can't recall, or freedom with no more programming ever, I jumped on freedom without a second thought. Kylania does want revenge but that pales compared to being her own woman again. All this trauma is why I had to let Chance die, and killed Kothe and will kill Hunter when I can, but I let Saber and Wheel go since they were not only not nasty, they never used that abominable codeword. Before the brainwashing horror, I always chose light with 1 or 2 grey options. I let Karrels go back on Hutta, I felt bad enough as it was. I had to let poor Mia go back on Tatooine as she had my sympathy and I really liked her.


Kylania will get light 5 for sure. I'm at 7950 light and 250 dark right now, and while her idealism is shaken, she still genuinely wants to make the empire a better place for everyone, barring the dark council and the nastier Sith (all my sith are light side :p ). I want the 'batman' ending where you are light/grey and give the codex to the minister to become free to help the empire from the shadows without the intervention of the accursed dark council.



You also will get a letter later on about having you join Aristocra's house.


As to Chance, I killed him. After the comments I had made, the flirting I had done, and the fact that I told him I would come to help and he used the code word...I had decided when Kothe used that on me the first time that anyone that used it was dead and the fact that Chance used it on me to make me come when I was willing to come help him and then the fact that he tried to use it again when I got there to heal him...sorry, you're dead boy. I had 0 remorse in killing Chance, I had 0 remorse in killing Kothe, and really, Saber and the droid didn't deserver to be killed, but I had to tidy the whole situation up so they died and was somewhat amusing to salvage the droid... :p


I also choose freedom, but was tempted to choose the improvements, to not feel pain, to have greater stamina, it was tempting. But at the start of Act 3, and talking with the Minister of Intelligence (the former Keeper) with him explaining that he did what he did to save me and that he would only use the keyword as a last resort told me that he wasn't the enemy. He did what he did to save me from being killed, but if he had used it, he would have died too.


I've been playing my IA as completely neutral, I think I'm sitting at effective 200 Light at the moment because I've gone with the attitude that anyone that screws with me or could be a theat to the Empire needs to die. I won't slaughter innocents whole sale. I let the innocents on Taris go even though Thana didn't like it (and she died after) along with Gravus, but he saw the wisdom in it eventually when he sent me a mail stating that while he didn't like it at the time, it benefitted the Empire in the end. I actually convinced the mining colony survivors to tell everyone that the slaughter on the mining colony was caused by SIS and not the Empire thus saving them and making the Empire look good as the Empire came in and saved the survivors from the Republic. So, when I finally get to Hunter, Hunter is dead and I'm going to enjoy the suffering I cause.


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as for the " to supress or not to" i heard he can't do it that often, so i just view that one evening as something extremely special, while the majority of time spent with him will probably be connected. If anything, it's enough to see his eyes at least just once, and to have true privacy after the turmoil in chpt.2

even then i bet watcher X is watching... creepy lil bastard



if you look at it (being "connected" vs. supressed) from a "this could be kinky" standpoint, imagine how he experiances intimacy with his heightened senses... if he savoured a ration bar for 2 hours, imagine what savouring your body with every one of his enhanced senses must be like. touch, smell, sound, taste. all on a level beyond comprehension. he probably would be very observant on your behalf too, with the aura reading, seeing what little things he does gets it to flare up in response, so it wouldn't be all one sided in his favour completely.

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if you look at it (being "connected" vs. supressed) from a "this could be kinky" standpoint, imagine how he experiances intimacy with his heightened senses... if he savoured a ration bar for 2 hours, imagine what savouring your body with every one of his enhanced senses must be like. touch, smell, sound, taste. all on a level beyond comprehension. he probably would be very observant on your behalf too, with the aura reading, seeing what little things he does gets it to flare up in response, so it wouldn't be all one sided in his favour completely.


I read that at work and suddenly my friend turned around and wondered why I was blushing ^^ That sounds so perfect!

I let him be the Vector I knew with his joining, since I didn't want him to change from the man I know. But reading about how he's different if you let him suppress his joining, I want to try that too *blush*


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Despite my initial distaste with Vector's nature, I find myself liking him more and more. He was one of the very few that was genuinely concerned with Kylania's plight while her world was collapsing around her in act II and that was comforting. I still need to make more progress with him but his whole storyline is interesting as well.
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as for the " to supress or not to" i heard he can't do it that often, so i just view that one evening as something extremely special, while the majority of time spent with him will probably be connected. If anything, it's enough to see his eyes at least just once, and to have true privacy after the turmoil in chpt.2

even then i bet watcher X is watching... creepy lil bastard



if you look at it (being "connected" vs. supressed) from a "this could be kinky" standpoint, imagine how he experiances intimacy with his heightened senses... if he savoured a ration bar for 2 hours, imagine what savouring your body with every one of his enhanced senses must be like. touch, smell, sound, taste. all on a level beyond comprehension. he probably would be very observant on your behalf too, with the aura reading, seeing what little things he does gets it to flare up in response, so it wouldn't be all one sided in his favour completely.


Oh my...


Well, I know what will be going through my mind as I slog through the rest of the work day. :D

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How do you know when you're in a relationship with a companion?


I ask because after having some positive conversations with Vector, I decided to give him a "Courting" gift, and I gained 0 rep with him from it. As such, I've been holding onto more courting gifts I've come across for some time, as I don't want to waste them.

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I'm at a loss. I wasn't aware so many people were turned off by Vector as a companion, let alone as a romance option.


I understand the initial discomfort, however. Vector seems so inhuman and strange to begin with, and surrounded by the other Killiks....


However, the longer he is around, the more you learn about the Killiks, and the more you learn about Vector, the unease tends to fade (at least for me). The Killiks, despite being giant ants, have a lovely culture and the way they perceive things in song and auras is really interesting. Vector himself still retains a large chunk of his humanity, despite also being greatly Killik.


His romance was also terribly sweet and nuanced. I think it might at least be one of the most unique romance experiences in the game.



I have to agree with this. Vector is very sweet, kind and protective. Even though the buggy thing was odd to me at first, as you get to know the character and care about him, its not such a big deal anymore. Anyone not romancing him, is missing out, in my opinion. :)

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How do you know when you're in a relationship with a companion?


I ask because after having some positive conversations with Vector, I decided to give him a "Courting" gift, and I gained 0 rep with him from it. As such, I've been holding onto more courting gifts I've come across for some time, as I don't want to waste them.


It's really like any other type of companion gift in the game, some like them some do not. Even being "in a relationship" with a companion isn't going to make them like courting gifts.


I'm lol "married" to Kaliya, no affection from courting. Ensign takes the courting gifts.


There is a great chart somewhere but I'm too lazy to link it.

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