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Vector Hyllis: Worst Romance Ever


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To the people taking issue with Alderaan:



I didn't find the hive's desire particularly unreasonable...I felt like how Vector/the hive handled wanting House Cortess was one of those "lost in translation" things of cultural awkwardness. Would a human have known to communicate up front what they wanted in exchange for helping? Yes. But the hive isn't human.


My agent still said no -- Cortess was a valuable, and human (more important to her superiors than her), ally still -- but I would have liked a "No, but you can have House Ulgo" response or something. I mean, the hive was willing to defend you when you go running back to Vector at first. It really did deserve something for its efforts, imo. Still feel bad about that one.


If Vector had chosen the hive over my agent...THEN she would have had some serious difficulty trusting Vector. Imo if he'll turn on the beings he shares a mind with to serve the Empire, he's good to go.


Edited by Sarielle
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Of course that important quote, "The actions of one is the same as the whole," condemns Vector for his dishonest betrayal as well, since he and the hivemind string you along while they prepare their sneak attack on House Cortess.


Funny that.


how is that condeming Vector at all?


The fact Vector is willing to side with you against his own hive says more...I just don't even understand this comment at all.

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I love Vector. I use him as my primary companion since I heal and he tears s*** up! I think he is full of whimsical conversation and his voice and his sincerity really draws me in. He is by far my favorite companion character in the game in my opinion and most def the best romance option for a female that I have come across. But, to each their own :p
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any way you see it... my poor vector is taking a much needed rest during this patch downtime. hes gonna need it. i plan to make plenty of chiss of every class from my agent! muahahahahahahahaha

" but agent.. we are only one man!"

" * whip cracks*"

" ...understood :jawa_redface: "

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I recorded a few different versions of the "One People" quest the other night, and I just uploaded my first few videos on You Tube!




This is the "Agent freaks out" version. Unfortunately it's incomplete. I believe it ends in the same way as the other joiner versions do. I also did not chose the conversation option to get the "We love you" part. It was getting pretty late and I was tired by this point!


This is one of the versions where the agent prefers to keep him as a joiner. In this version she asks if he is human enough for some "alone time" and he assures her that he is. :D


This is a non-joiner version, where instead of saying "I love you", the agent asks him if he can stay in his non-joiner form.



There are a LOT of varying conversation paths on this quest! I can't imagine trying to capture them all. I did try to get some of the lesser chosen versions captured though so people can see those.


Thank you so much for capturing those. I am always afraid of not escaping out quickly enough and being stuck with something that messes up the romance. I really wish we had save points so that we could replay those moments. :)


Wow. The one where she freaks out is very sweet in a different way. :)

I still like how my agent is happy an bubbly with Vector when they are alone. Like only with him she can be herself and have some fun.


Where did you get that outfit for Vector? I really like it on him. It suits him so well.

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any way you see it... my poor vector is taking a much needed rest during this patch downtime. hes gonna need it. i plan to make plenty of chiss of every class from my agent! muahahahahahahahaha

" but agent.. we are only one man!"

" * whip cracks*"

" ...understood :jawa_redface: "




My Chiss Juggernaut is going to my Sniper's & Vector's daughter and man is she going to be ticked off at both the sith and the jedi for what happened to her mother. The best part is that hating these 2 groups is encouraged by the sith so she'll fit right in! ;)

Edited by IronSalamander
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Where did you get that outfit for Vector? I really like it on him. It suits him so well.


It's the formal outfit from the social vendor on Dromund Kass. Only requires social 1!


Wow. The one where she freaks out is very sweet in a different way.


It breaks my heart though the way he says, "Agent stop," when she turns her back on him. :(


Thank you so much for capturing those. I am always afraid of not escaping out quickly enough and being stuck with something that messes up the romance.


I'm always afraid of that too! Another reason why that video is incomplete.

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It's the formal outfit from the social vendor on Dromund Kass. Only requires social 1!




It breaks my heart though the way he says, "Agent stop," when she turns her back on him. :(




I'm always afraid of that too! Another reason why that video is incomplete.


i woulda liked to see the " i love you" instead of " stupid bug man" but that was still epic~


my BH was going to be my agent's couzin, but she dosen't act chissly... so i'm just saying shes a half breed of Crez and vector, and went BH for the freedom, but right now resents having to be stuck with the imps to meet her ends

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So....the patch notes have me a bit nervous. I haven't done Voss yet, but I have married Vector. Is that going to be a problem later on?



Is marrying that Voss a required part of the storyline? If it is, I can't imagine the game would force a breakup with your companion over something you couldn't control.



Just wanted to check to see if anyone had heard anything.

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So....the patch notes have me a bit nervous. I haven't done Voss yet, but I have married Vector. Is that going to be a problem later on?



Is marrying that Voss a required part of the storyline? If it is, I can't imagine the game would force a breakup with your companion over something you couldn't control.



Just wanted to check to see if anyone had heard anything.


im worried too

....i slept with the voss..... with vector out!..... ohh man i owe him big time....


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And Vector was ok with that?



Well, maybe if you're used to sharing all your thoughts and memories with so many others already, sharing your wife's body too is not a big deal. :confused: Just be careful, he might think that that idea goes both ways. :eek:



I think the patch notes are referring only to people who willingly break up with their companions and then were still getting romance conversations. The agent's situation is rather unique and hopefully does not fall into that category.

Edited by CloudCastle
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And Vector was ok with that?



Well, maybe if you're used to sharing all your thoughts and memories with so many others already, sharing your wife's body too is not a big deal. :confused: Just be careful, he might think that that idea goes both ways. :eek:



I think the patch notes are referring only to people who willingly break up with their companions and then were still getting romance conversations. The agent's situation is rather unique and hopefully does not fall into that category.


no affection loss at all o.o


i was just wanting to see the reaction, but i was so stunned by no loss....i forgot to esc out O.o



if you tell him not to be posessive when you marry him...he...discusses negotiating terms...



i hope those terms included punnishment >:3




edit- i just realised the concept of him fathering anything would be adorable...i bet his spidey senses would make him notice it before anyone else would. just look at your agent one day, and notice a tiny little aura inside yours, and getting all poetic about it <3

Edited by Crezelle
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Yeah don't worry about the Voss marriage, guys...you HAVE to marry a voss. It's just the quest. The patch notes are just referring to the exploit people were using to marry Kaliyo and Temple at the same time.


Incidentally, I just found out today that I still had one conversation left with Vector that I didn't know about, because it showed me he was incomplete in my legacy tab D:

Edited by chuixupu
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But this assumes that denying House Cortess to the Killiks is the only possible reasonable choice. Based on feedback here and on the cutscenes uploaded to YouTube, this seems to be overwhelmingly the choice most players pick, even the otherwise dark-side players.


My Agent is light-sided, but when presented with the same choice it was a no-brainer to me. The Killiks offered their help in achieving my goal, an objective that I could not have achieved without that help. In return they asked for a price. I granted that price. My Agent looked at Vector (his heart went pit-a-pat because he couldn't say "no" to Vector over anything) then I said to the Killik Queen "Sure thing, it's all yours" turned and walked away. No fight, no fuss. I've never regretted it.


What I do regret is that the phasing in the game doesn't reflect my choice. I'd like to return to Alderaan, cruise past what once was House Cortess and see a fresh hive there where mansions once stood.


I felt pretty much the same way about this.


Additionally though, every time I tried to twinkie it out for the LSP I couldn't quite make myself do it. Baron Cortess slapping his wife and then ordering his guard to execute her (I would have preferred her to stand trial or at least be interrogated) both put me off him too much to take his side.


The killiks were guilty of not properly stating their terms at the beginning, but they were exceptionally helpful the entire time on Alderaan. I felt that the killiks of House Cortess would make better allies to the Empire than the humans of House Cortess.


And in keeping in theme of the thread, I am utterly charmed by Vector. He's sweet, understanding, humorous and insightful. I'm not big on bugs in real life, but Killiks didn't really bother me at all. I would have liked to know about the stowaways upfront though.

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Yeah don't worry about the Voss marriage, guys...you HAVE to marry a voss. It's just the quest. The patch notes are just referring to the exploit people were using to marry Kaliyo and Temple at the same time.


Incidentally, I just found out today that I still had one conversation left with Vector that I didn't know about, because it showed me he was incomplete in my legacy tab D:


Yeah, the Voss thing shouldn't be that big a deal.





Vector knows why you're there, that it's all part of your cover to get in good with a Voss family to gain access. I just thought that the reason he was fine with it is because you were respectfully taking part in another culture's rituals. He loves that sort of **** :)




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It's the formal outfit from the social vendor on Dromund Kass. Only requires social 1!.


Thanks! I'm going shopping with my dear Bug Boy tomorrow. :)


i woulda liked to see the " i love you" instead of " stupid bug man" but that was still epic~

Yeah. Me too.


Sometimes I take the flirt options with Vector and sometimes I don't. Depends on the "feel" of the conversation. There are some that just seem a bit flippant or too coy/evasive. And especially in the beginning I worry that he won't get that undertone since he's still searching for his memories of human behavior.


Does anyone actually use the mods for him? I think I've seen one vid with a mod'd Vector. But like the standard version best.

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Yeah, the Voss thing shouldn't be that big a deal.





Vector knows why you're there, that it's all part of your cover to get in good with a Voss family to gain access. I just thought that the reason he was fine with it is because you were respectfully taking part in another culture's rituals. He loves that sort of **** :)




i took the...erm...complete ritual >.>;;;




You have been a very very bad girl, agent. We will begin the song of punishment immediately.


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