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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Maintenance: 7 September 2016


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I thought that was the mechanic - hide behind a pillar when he draws a bead on you (whatever the actual name of the power he's channeling is) to break LOS, or take possibly-fatal levels of damage. Which is a bit harsh, I'll admit, especially since there's not a "Kilran is about to kill $PLAYERNAME$" message when he starts the channel, so a naive new player may not figure out WHY they're trekking back from teh med droid.

It's never been like it is currently...and by "never", I mean, not originally.


I wonder if this has more to do with the difficulty in LoSing him these days maybe? A little while ago they changed how LoS worked, making it easier to hit targets than it ever was...I wonder if the massive damage is so noticeable because it's so much more difficult to LoS him these days?

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It's never been like it is currently...and by "never", I mean, not originally.


I wonder if this has more to do with the difficulty in LoSing him these days maybe? A little while ago they changed how LoS worked, making it easier to hit targets than it ever was...I wonder if the massive damage is so noticeable because it's so much more difficult to LoS him these days?


Hunh. I just did that fight for DvL, and didn't even notice. Of course, I'm not sure he got a clean look at me at all during my approach, since I set my comp on him to distract and just ran down one side with Hold The Line active. Popped out, buttstroked him, and the fun commenced.


(Side note - he's never sniped a comp in the several times I've run that FP in solo mode, or even in story mode)

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Looking forward to the new update, myself.


That said, why is there nothing mentioned about fixing some long-standing bugs?! Sure, they're fixing some new bugs, but there are a ton of glitches that have been around for years now and need fixing. Come on, BW! Get it together!


Cause like I said CS is priority it not CS issue dont expect it fixed any time soon.

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The following titles have been added, and are obtainable by achieving the appropriate Social Rank. Players who have already attained the required Social Rank(s) will be granted the title(s) with Game Update 4.7.2:

  • Friendly (Social I)
  • Outgoing (Social II)
  • Coordinator (Social III)
  • Guide (Social V)
  • Chatterbox (Social VI)
  • Extrovert (Social VII)
  • Charismatic (Social VIII)
  • Leader (Social IX)


Tait, can you clarify on this? Because these titles are ingame for months now.

Edited by Torvai
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I thought that was the mechanic - hide behind a pillar when he draws a bead on you (whatever the actual name of the power he's channeling is) to break LOS, or take possibly-fatal levels of damage. Which is a bit harsh, I'll admit, especially since there's not a "Kilran is about to kill $PLAYERNAME$" message when he starts the channel, so a naive new player may not figure out WHY they're trekking back from teh med droid.


It's never been like it is currently...and by "never", I mean, not originally.


I wonder if this has more to do with the difficulty in LoSing him these days maybe? A little while ago they changed how LoS worked, making it easier to hit targets than it ever was...I wonder if the massive damage is so noticeable because it's so much more difficult to LoS him these days?


One thing to note is that the fight is bugged from the start. If you have done this flashpoint back in the days, he is not supposed to jump mid way right off the bat but he should stick with the first group of adds right after the cutscene (I actually have seen this fight done genuinely a couple of times since it started to bug out).


Another thing is that his snipe could be very punishing in tactical, solo mode looked fine to me but tactical could quickly end with a few deaths especially if you didn't have a heal given the terrible location of the kolto stations.


Edit: and I thought that the website was supposed to be take down during the maintenance?

Edited by demotivator
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One thing to note is that the fight is bugged from the start. If you have done this flashpoint back in the days, he is not supposed to jump mid way right off the bat but he should stick with the first group of adds right after the cutscene (I actually have seen this fight done genuinely a couple of times since it started to bug out).


Another thing is that his snipe could be very punishing in tactical, solo mode looked fine to me but tactical could quickly end with a few deaths especially if you didn't have a heal given the terrible location of the kolto stations.


I've seen him guard the stairs at the end of the rows of pillars; is that supposed to be phase 2 of the fight, and him falling back to the "cell" that the Prisoner is in actually Phase 3?


Edit: and I thought that the website was supposed to be take down during the maintenance?


Huzzah that it's not? I never understood why they downed the forums during maintenance. I mean, I can think of a couple reasons, but they're all bad ones, IMO.

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I've seen him guard the stairs at the end of the rows of pillars; is that supposed to be phase 2 of the fight, and him falling back to the "cell" that the Prisoner is in actually Phase 3?


Originally (that was when lvl 50 was the cap), after the cutscene Kilran would stay with the imperial soldiers, you would AOE the lot of them then Kilran would jump to the end of the hallway at the bottom of the stairs instead of jumping there right at the start now.

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Originally (that was when lvl 50 was the cap), after the cutscene Kilran would stay with the imperial soldiers, you would AOE the lot of them then Kilran would jump to the end of the hallway at the bottom of the stairs instead of jumping there right at the start now.


Hmmph. That would be a more interesting fight - since it would draw you out into the center of the corridor, instead of you being able to basically dive for the pillars, wipe the adds, and start the sniping phase already out of LOS.

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Good morning, everyone!


To address an issue discovered this morning, we unfortunately need to extend the maintenance window by an additional two hours to 11AM PDT (19:00 BST).


However, feel free to download the patch at any time, as it won't be affected by the updates we're making.


Thanks for your understanding, and we'll have you back in-game as soon as we can!



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Good morning, everyone!


To address an issue discovered this morning, we unfortunately need to extend the maintenance window by an additional two hours to 11AM PDT (19:00 BST).


However, feel free to download the patch at any time, as it won't be affected by the updates we're making.


Thanks for your understanding, and we'll have you back in-game as soon as we can!




Completely irrelevant query, but why use BST instead of UTC as the "alternative" timezone?

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Still no Manaan fix? I did it 2 night ls ago, and no one in the group got credit (and he was not in fire when we killed him). At this point, you really need to just remove it from the achievement list.


Same - did it in group and for the final burn we made sure fire was no where around- but no credit was given in the list. Hoping patch today fixes that and gives credit. If not, I agree- remove it from requirements. No reason at all to keep a bug preventing people from completing DvL. Its been running since June 28th, if this doesn't fix it - remove it.

Edited by Jamtas
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Why not use GMT(UTC) as the primary and let everyone look up local time :D


I used GMT during BST last year, and there were a lot of folks asking me to use BST instead, so I swapped this year.


I actually prefer using GMT (because most people know what their GMT +/- is), but I've seen a notable decrease in people asking to use something else this year. :tran_grin:

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Why not use GMT(UTC) as the primary and let everyone look up local time :D


Majority of their players are in the US, probably, is why they use a US timezone as the "primary" time-key. Most everyone in the US can convert from one US TZ to another, especially from Eastern or Paific. I'll admit to keeping a world clock widget on my phone to convert from UTC to local TZ; but my job requires me to read logs timestamped in either local TZ or UTC, and guessing which is which is occasionally an exercise in frustration.

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I don't mind which timezone they use as long as the conversion (US/EU) is correctly done...

which was rarely the case at launch when they gave many timezones (PDT, EDT, BST, CEST, AEST, ...) or later on when they used PDT and UTC.


It seems they are able to use PDT / BST correctly, if it ain't broke, don't fix it...



also i saw quite a few English people not knowing the difference between GMT and BST..

Edited by Turshek
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I used GMT during BST last year, and there were a lot of folks asking me to use BST instead, so I swapped this year.


I actually prefer using GMT (because most people know what their GMT +/- is), but I've seen a notable decrease in people asking to use something else this year. :tran_grin:


Does the EU harmonize DST switchover rules the way the US harmonizes DST switchover rules? If so, then I would expect most EU folks can convert from British Time by adding a fixed number rather than having to recall if they're in DST or not to do the conversion WRT UTC. Just as most Americans can do the conversion from Pacific time to local TZ by recalling the offset and not having to worry if they're in DST or not. (Except for AZ, and the time zone messes in Indiana.)


Edit: I don't, off the top of my head, know what my UTC offset is; and I need to be able to convert from UTC to local time in all 4 US timezones for my job :) (I make my phone do the work). OTOH, I can convert from one US TZ to another by muscle memory. So there's that.

Edited by IanArgent
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