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Lets make our voices heard - Boss fights and level sync


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Ok I guess I'm the only one who likes to feel like a god against Thanaton and Baras. After 50 levels of dealing with their posturing and put downs, it feels fitting to knock their blocks off. I am just that powerful :)
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Look, I solo tacticals while leveling. I'm not expecting the story line to challenge me. But there is a difference between "not challenging" and "Immersion-breaking because it's so stupidly weak." Barras should be able to hurt me if I don't have a healer. He can't. At all. Even if I just stand there doing nothing with my companion on passive. He can't hurt me because he is the wrong level. He is like 6 levels below me or something.


This pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter. Look, level sync is here, it is here to stay. I understand that. I also understand they made the game easier to draw in SW fanboys that have no interest in a game, but some interactive movie.


But playing for story =/= making it to where I can have my bird jump on the keys and kill everything easy. And seriously, I have done that. Story =/= absolutely no challenge, whatsoever, and anyone that has played Story driven games, unless they intentionally put it on easy (which btw isn't the default setting), then they honestly cannot say a storycentric game is grade school easy (actually more like pre-school easy).


But it is what it is, and they have chosen the course they are on. I accept that because there are things I still enjoy in this game. But if you ask me, they have ruined the "story" part because your main antagonist, is a *****.

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Ok I guess I'm the only one who likes to feel like a god against Thanaton and Baras. After 50 levels of dealing with their posturing and put downs, it feels fitting to knock their blocks off. I am just that powerful :)


I enjoy it too, but I want to feel like I am truly overpowering them, while they are showing that they are at their ranks for a reason.

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Ok I guess I'm the only one who likes to feel like a god against Thanaton and Baras. After 50 levels of dealing with their posturing and put downs, it feels fitting to knock their blocks off. I am just that powerful :)


Nope..I feel the same way. I enjoy going into that last fight knowing I'm gonna kick his face in. I remember how annoying it was having to get help from others to beat the emperor with my JK, or finishing that last fight on Tatt with my smuggler. Now I set my companion to heal and ROFLSTOMP Thanaton for daring to talk tough wit me! :D

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It's not so much level-synch in and of itself that's the problem, it's the way level-synch works in this game:


Because you're not actually rallied-down to level.


IE, you do not lose access to abilities and passives that you've unlocked past synch'ed-level. As well, unless I'm very much mistaken:


Level-synch doesn't rally-down tertiary stats on your gear, IE, Crit/Surge, Alacrity, etc. Sure, you lose some crit-strike from the loss of MainStat, but all the actual crit on your gear from your-level mods and/or augments is still there.


You also don't lose any set-boni, either.


Also --again, unless I'm very much mistaken-- companion influence is also unaffected. A rank 50 comp will still be rank 50, even with their base stats capped to synch'ed-level.


Going into a level 25 instance with your Arsenal nuke-cannon in full-set/full-aug'ed raid gear?


You still one-shot things with the auto-crit HeatSeeker after the initial Unload (that still hits like a truck even un-proc'ed.). Your +30% extra crit-chance on a full Light-em-Up stack'ed RailShot --and those crit-strikes' unaffected Surge-- will probably still full-nuke after that and make them go "urp..."


Your rank 50 companion in DPS mode will still solo the other Elite all on their own.


If we are to have level-synch, then let it be real level-synch, especially in instances, with mobs then rallied-down to the same level you are.

Many other games do this --FF14 also rallies down your gear fully, if you're heavily over-gearing an instance-- and it's absolutely not a problem; it keeps content relevant and fun throughout the life of a character, and still at least a little challenging. As in, you still have to pay attention.

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I have a feeling the main problem with a lot of bosses, not just synced ones, is the companions being too insanely strong.


I am redoing an agent for the DvL event, as an operative. I havn't done this story in, oh, 2 years or so.


I just fought Jadus and I decimated him. I absolutely wrecked his face. Everytime he stepped down off his platform, he just got MELTED in a second and a half. Jadus used to be HARD, not just challenging, HARD. You saw people asking for help on DK, fleet, alderan, for help to fight Jadus. I mean that guy whooped my butt repeatedly!!


Now vector slapped him in his face and he died.

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Those heady tales of heroism that span the galaxy in epic story-driven content..... Where Jedi and Sith collide, the Emperor is revealed, the Evil master is unveiled and you bring all your talents and resources, your team and your training to bear.....


Suddenly gets a (Level-sync)


Spaceballs twist, where the big-bad end-of-level boss is actually 5'2" tall and has a Schwartz instead of a lightsabre.:eek:


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Well there is that. Perhaps BioWare could add an "Ironman" story game mode, where you can only do class stories / world questing (all other content disabled on that character) and you are synced below the level of the planet (by 2-4 levels). If you die then that is it for the character. They stay dead.


No revives ever.


Would certainly make the story interesting.

Now you're getting WAAAAAAY too complex. This would be pointless...but a toggle on the character sheet of MIN or MAX planet level, would seemingly be simple to add...but let's be honest...nobody would actually use it. People like to complain, but the tools to make the game more difficult, already exist...players just refuse to use them.

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Now you're getting WAAAAAAY too complex. This would be pointless...but a toggle on the character sheet of MIN or MAX planet level, would seemingly be simple to add...but let's be honest...nobody would actually use it. People like to complain, but the tools to make the game more difficult, already exist...players just refuse to use them.

Don't underestimate that it is getting more and more complicated to keep the game challenging for yourself.

I think there are a lot of players, who would use such a switch, because it is easy to use.

As long as there is more and more effort involved, to keep up a certain level of difficulty by yourself, less players will make that effort. They will just stop playing or give in and play without the joy they would have had with a better challenge. Eventually they just loose interest, either into the whole game or the leveling experience.


Before 4.0 the best way for me to feel challenged, was to be underleveled by four level ore more, not much effort involved, just not doing all side quests left and right of my path. Thanks to level sync you can't underlevel the chapters that take place on the lower planets anymore.

Now that steaying underleveled isn't as easy either, as you are buried under XP everywhere. You have fun doing an occasional FP or a WZ ? Tough luck, one and a half level or more earned, just like that. You are in a guild with nice people, sorry too much XP bonus.

I really loved the module you could use during 12XP to avoid the extra experience gain, sadly it doesn't work anymore.


So now i have the choice between enjoying the whole game below max level with all its activities or have a still comical easy class story experience, even if i avoid every XP that can be avoided. I even had a f2p account for some time, but that didn't help that much either and was crippled too much by the other restrictions, that had nothing to do with leveling and XP.


Wearing bad gear was another route to go, i leveled a new SW up to Taris since 4.0 with only empty orange shells and the starter planet lightsaber, without any problems and no challenge at all. I didn't even notice until then, that i forgot to make an outfit tab and put the empty armor on directly. My Scoundrel was with level 28 greens on Corellia and really had to play suicidicial tactics to get into danger. Well you could call that a challenge, if you are just mass pulling everywhere, but to me it more feels like running around on a killimg spree with god mode cheats active in old games, it's occasionally fun but gets boring very fast.

If you want to stay on your toes while playing, running around pulling everything isn't really the thing you enjoy just to feel challenged. Or as an infiltrating agent it is heavily immersion breaking too.


Playing without companions is another option, as is using one that doesn't get influence by conversations to avoid the companion becoming stronger, as you really can't avoid for your class companions to get influence levels.

But with a game that was buildt to play with the companions, all these interactions wíth them, comments while fighting, that takes away a lot of fun too.

Even before 4.0 i rarely played with healing companions during normal gameplay, most of the time i was running as tank + tank comp in dps stance. That doesn't work now either, even as tank, the companion is too strong and able to kill everything thrown at you during class missions by himself.


But the overall leveling experience is not what the OP was about, it was the chapter bosses that were turned into cartoonish versions of themselves.

It is just not logical that the class chapter bosses die, before they are even able to finish their iconic abilities. SW final is only one of the most prominent examples.

There doesn't have to be a wall to bang against, but even from a RP point of view the bosses are portrayed to be tough guys, they shouldn't die just like that, without any fight at all.


One reason is that they are synced to the planet level instead to the level of the class mission. The latter would make Nomen Karr something in the thirties, Baras 47+, still no challenge for someone who is much higher than them, but at least there is a chance that they get one or two attacks on the player, that is there with the intended level. And it would be possible to underlevel them again.

But i guess it was just too difficult to seperate the class mission instances from the planet for both the player and the mobs. The player synced down to Korriban level would have no chance against a mission level apropriate Baras, so instead of keeping sync completely out of the class phase, everything is synced.

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I would say that pretty much everyone agrees.


you should take to your own forum name more often, being a cynic. i am only half way agreeing, the boss fights could be adjusted yes and the level sync i don't mind one bit, it at least gives players the chance to play content that otherwise would offer nothing in reward on a fixed level.

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I am not speaking for anyone but myself although I hope that a few of you do agree with me.


Please Bioware adjust the end chapter boss fights back up to their relevant level.

I want my Sith Warriors to fight a dangerous level 50 Baras not a level 12.


As these fights are all in their own instance it should be very easy to separate them from the level sync of the planet they are on.


Who agrees?


I wholeheartedly disagree! Buuuuuuut listen to my reasoning first before you judge me!


What you are proposing is too tricky to pull off. Instead, I suggest they simply buff the final chapter bosses to a point where they are godlike level 12's (or whatever level they've been synced to). Example:


Before: Baras is a lvl 12 with 7k hp and minimal dmg

After: Baras is a lvl 12 with 20k hp and dangerous amounts of dmg (I mean warrior has amazing stuns and def CD's so why not?)

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Wake me up before you boss fight

Don't leave me hanging on like a stuck kite

Is it weird that, in my head, every time my Sorcerer interacted with Zash (before that time at that place where she did that thing), I heard the sax intro to Wham's Careless Whisper?

Edited by Thoronmir
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Is it weird that, in my head, every time my Sorcerer interacted with Zash (before that time at that place where she did that thing), I heard the sax intro to Wham's Careless Whisper?


Not weird at all, unless you're weird like me...wait a minute...

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Is it weird that, in my head, every time my Sorcerer interacted with Zash (before that time at that place where she did that thing), I heard the sax intro to Wham's Careless Whisper?

is all I can think of when you mention that song...
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I doubt it would ever happen. Because if they did, and there was a large exodus to that HM server, BW would have to eat their shorts and admit that a large playerbase does not like easy mode.

It would never happen. Players won't make it more difficult on themselves, people prove that daily here.

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I doubt it would ever happen. Because if they did, and there was a large exodus to that HM server, BW would have to eat their shorts and admit that a large playerbase does not like easy mode.


At best they'd introduce another aspect. Unless they offered additional rewards I doubt you'd get that much interest. I wouldn't mind a bit more challenge but meh, levelling's just a speed bump to endgame.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*dusts off the thread*


I did the Baras fight about a week ago. That was sad. No... no, it was a mockery.


My companion was set on heals so it was me doing all the damage and it took only two or three whacks to move him to each phase. Back in the day this fight had some must-do mechanics. Now you just sneeze on him. I've had better trash fights than this.

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*dusts off the thread*


I did the Baras fight about a week ago. That was sad. No... no, it was a mockery.


My companion was set on heals so it was me doing all the damage and it took only two or three whacks to move him to each phase. Back in the day this fight had some must-do mechanics. Now you just sneeze on him. I've had better trash fights than this.

Should have dismissed your companion or put it on passive - that would have certainly helped. As for the fight itself, it's the end of the story, and while it could be made more difficult, it's just obviously meant to tell the story, not challenge you as a player.

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