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How many are looking forward to KOTET?


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The only thing I'm actually, actively 'looking forward to' is getting Risha back. The rest can happen without me. The prospect of a pre-determined, enforced destiny as something that fits none of my characters has me more dreading the next season than actually looking forward to it.


Perhaps KOTET will do a better job of being relatable to every class? I know that can be hard to believe that with the precedent KOTFE set, but anything is possible. Definitely, I think one of the highlights for many will just be reuniting with their LI companions and seeing where that goes.

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Perhaps KOTET will do a better job of being relatable to every class? I know that can be hard to believe that with the precedent KOTFE set, but anything is possible. Definitely, I think one of the highlights for many will just be reuniting with their LI companions and seeing where that goes.


My smuggler is female, so Risha is not her LI, but they're the Sisters of No Mercy, so she's still looking forward to reunite with her soulmate, the one other sane person in the galaxy. :)


Sure, KotET may do a better job, but for me KotFE hasn't done anything to warrant any excitement in advance. Maybe I'll be positively surprised. But BW in general has gambled away a lot of my trust and confidence and I learned the hard way I'm better off limiting the disappointment by curbing my expectations.

Edited by KyaniteD
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Based on remarks the Producer on SWTOR has made about KOTET, it seems plausible to believe KOTET will be very similar if not identical to the expansion format that was used with KOTFE. We'll know for sure when New York Comic Con (Oct. 6-9) is here. However, it seems quite likely we should already know what to expect with what is essentially season two of KOTFE.


I personally find this to be great news as I enjoyed KOTFE immensely even though it did have some faults. Considering how some love to claim they speak for the community at large, I'm really curious to know what everybody's thoughts on KOTET are. Do you happen to be looking forward to KOTET? Or are you dreading the idea of another KOTFE-type expansion?


There is no right or wrong answer. Everybody has an opinion. I, myself, can't wait to hear more news about the latest expansion for SWTOR.



I'm definitely looking forward to it. I won't go into specifics since I realize some people haven't experienced the story yet, but this is a Greek legend set in the Star Wars universe with the moral dilemmas, and psychological complexities common in those myths. Juicy stuff

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Absolutely looking forward to it. I enjoyed KotFE a lot and am happy we're (likely) getting more of the episodic story content. Especially if the 'side content' - i.e. the content released alongside the story chapters like TEC and the WZs were in KotFE - for KotET ends up being PVE group content for the sake of those who want more of that type of gameplay. Edited by DarthDymond
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I'm not waiting KotET. Not for the "story". Because it's dumb. Also not waiting more comps, because "you cannot summon your companion in an ops group". But I really hope I can kill of Lana, Theron, and basically every one of them and only keep 2-3 just for the lolz.


What I looking forward to is group content, any kind of group content.

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Looking forward to it. If it's more Skytroopers in corridors with easy bosses, then I'll be doing what a number of others are doing, moving on. If in fact we do get something challenging, group relevant, not the SF crap they threw at us, then I'll gladly be sticking around.

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I'm looking forward to finding out whether we can skip FE entirely and go straight to ET. I have 6 characters who've yet to reunite with their LIs and dragging them through those 16 chapters (plus however many of ET) in order to get to the reunion chapter is just not worth it.
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I'm looking forward to see what 5.0 has in store for us.


If the streamlining trend continues, we will see applied to PCs what happened to companions - your AC only determines the source of your power (tech/force) and which weapon animations apply. We will choose role (dps/heal/tank) with a fixed set of abilities (mirrored across all classes). Story and background will be the same for all classes. Stats will be made entirely obsolete by removing the level concept. Everyone can do everything, everywhere, with the full set of abilities available. (Conveniently also removes the discussion about level sync. Also conveniently removes level brackets and resulting imbalances in pvp.) Economy will be based solely on cosmetics. Crafting as we know it will be removed from the game, as it is only a distraction from continuous story, anyway. :p

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For KOTET to succeed we need:


More group stuffs. Brand new FP's and Ops relevant to the story

More group chapters

More variety in SF's-- with harder difficulty modes that would make them qualify as FP's and would require a standard full group (tank, healer, two dps). The current SF's are only different in layout. Make them unsoloable with more vareity not just in layout, but in mobs, bosses, loot etc. And unique story content/cutscenes.

More long-lasting, even game changing consequences based on choices. Not severe enough that we become completely unable to finish the story, but enough that it becomes harder and more challenging.

More alliance-alert missions for RESOURCES and not just companions, that way we have more to do between chapters. Resources can be supply packs, influence with specialists and companions, or a special item that makes the next story chapter more rewarding in some way

Maybe a little More delving into the backgrounds of Arcann, Vaylin, and Thexan... and eventually Valkorion. Is he or isn't he a "bad guy?" Maybe drops some minor hints along the way.


We also need:


Less mobs that insta-aggro on spawn, even if we're stealthed

Less "999 heptadecillion *INFINITY* stuns and knockbacks/knockdowns each and every single micro-tetra-milli-billi-nano-bano-second"

Less taking convenience requests and making them into Cartel Market-only purchases (like the fiasco with shorter time giving companion gifts... don't you DARE also do this with such suggestions as letting us place companions back on player ships, too)

Less "each new chapter starts instantly and gets *ABSOLUTELY* crammed down our throats soon as we finish the last one, if we wait for multiple chapters at a time to become available"


And finally... the single, solitary, absolutely *THE* most important thing we need:


LESS "Keep buying more and more CARTEL PACKS so we at EA can stroke our ***** (rhymes with sticks) ever more briskly!!"

(This is SWTOR, not Project Runway... I have QUITE enough new Barbie-esque fashion outfits to last a little while, thank you very much)

Edited by HollyUSEC
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Looking forward to it. If it's more Skytroopers in corridors with easy bosses, then I'll be doing what a number of others are doing, moving on. If in fact we do get something challenging, group relevant, not the SF crap they threw at us, then I'll gladly be sticking around.


So... Skytroopers in Lawn Dwarf skins would be fine then.. yeah? :p


My point? They are NPCs... to be slaughtered on the way to objectives. It does not matter if they are Skytroopers, Giant Man Eating Gerbils, or Robot Cats that have an AoE "death-purr" with a 100% crit rate. In other words, they are fodder for XP, credits, and some semblance of not being able to just stroll immediately to the objective and finish your chapter in 2 minutes. ;)

Edited by Andryah
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LESS "Keep buying more and more CARTEL PACKS so we at EA can stroke our ***** (rhymes with sticks) ever more briskly!!"

(This is SWTOR, not Project Runway... I have QUITE enough new Barbie-esque fashion outfits to last a little while, thank you very much)


It must be just terrible to HAVE to buy cartel packs, AND be forced to dress up in whatever you get. :eek:


I honestly don't know how people are able to cope with this. Perhaps it is the power of their mind to recognize that CM content is both optional and offers no advantage in game play, much less needed by anyone who prefers to run around with default looks like the rest of the clones. :p


As for wanting group content... true.. they do need to do more group content. But not at the expense of story arc formats. It needs to be 1+1 not either or, IMO. But you know what... none of us have a say in that. We either play what they offer, or we go find something more suited to personal wants/needs.

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For KOTET to succeed we need:


More group stuffs. Brand new FP's and Ops relevant to the story

More group chapters

More variety in SF's-- with harder difficulty modes that would make them qualify as FP's and would require a standard full group (tank, healer, two dps). The current SF's are only different in layout. Make them unsoloable with more vareity not just in layout, but in mobs, bosses, loot etc. And unique story content/cutscenes.

More long-lasting, even game changing consequences based on choices. Not severe enough that we become completely unable to finish the story, but enough that it becomes harder and more challenging.

More alliance-alert missions for RESOURCES and not just companions, that way we have more to do between chapters. Resources can be supply packs, influence with specialists and companions, or a special item that makes the next story chapter more rewarding in some way

Maybe a little More delving into the backgrounds of Arcann, Vaylin, and Thexan... and eventually Valkorion. Is he or isn't he a "bad guy?" Maybe drops some minor hints along the way.


We also need:


Less mobs that insta-aggro on spawn, even if we're stealthed

Less "999 heptadecillion *INFINITY* stuns and knockbacks/knockdowns each and every single micro-tetra-milli-billi-nano-bano-second"

Less taking convenience requests and making them into Cartel Market-only purchases (like the fiasco with shorter time giving companion gifts... don't you DARE also do this with such suggestions as letting us place companions back on player ships, too)

Less "each new chapter starts instantly and gets *ABSOLUTELY* crammed down our throats soon as we finish the last one, if we wait for multiple chapters at a time to become available"


And finally... the single, solitary, absolutely *THE* most important thing we need:


LESS "Keep buying more and more CARTEL PACKS so we at EA can stroke our ***** (rhymes with sticks) ever more briskly!!"

(This is SWTOR, not Project Runway... I have QUITE enough new Barbie-esque fashion outfits to last a little while, thank you very much)


No. More group content is perfectly fine and reasonable, but not putting (main) story content behind group-only modes. You can have your own independent storylines for each FP or OP for all I'd care.


As for Cartel Packs: Just don't buy new ones :eek: There, problem solved. Cash shop is the new thing in MMOs with no (mandatory) subscription (e.g. SWTOR, GW2 or B&S and most other Asia Grinders).

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If the streamlining trend continues, we will see applied to PCs what happened to companions - your AC only determines the source of your power (tech/force) and which weapon animations apply. We will choose role (dps/heal/tank) with a fixed set of abilities (mirrored across all classes). Story and background will be the same for all classes. Stats will be made entirely obsolete by removing the level concept. Everyone can do everything, everywhere, with the full set of abilities available. (Conveniently also removes the discussion about level sync. Also conveniently removes level brackets and resulting imbalances in pvp.) Economy will be based solely on cosmetics. Crafting as we know it will be removed from the game, as it is only a distraction from continuous story, anyway. :p


That's a scarey thought. :eek:

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Based on remarks the Producer on SWTOR has made about KOTET, it seems plausible to believe KOTET will be very similar if not identical to the expansion format that was used with KOTFE. We'll know for sure when New York Comic Con (Oct. 6-9) is here. However, it seems quite likely we should already know what to expect with what is essentially season two of KOTFE.


I personally find this to be great news as I enjoyed KOTFE immensely even though it did have some faults. Considering how some love to claim they speak for the community at large, I'm really curious to know what everybody's thoughts on KOTET are. Do you happen to be looking forward to KOTET? Or are you dreading the idea of another KOTFE-type expansion?


There is no right or wrong answer. Everybody has an opinion. I, myself, can't wait to hear more news about the latest expansion for SWTOR.


I feel like I am bracing myself. BW tends to take things away when they do big updates and they've already said many will hate one of the big changes that's lined up. I don't think it's smart to make too many assumptions about KoTET at this point.

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For KOTET to succeed we need:


More group stuffs. Brand new FP's and Ops relevant to the story

More group chapters

More variety in SF's-- with harder difficulty modes that would make them qualify as FP's and would require a standard full group (tank, healer, two dps). The current SF's are only different in layout. Make them unsoloable with more vareity not just in layout, but in mobs, bosses, loot etc. And unique story content/cutscenes.

More long-lasting, even game changing consequences based on choices. Not severe enough that we become completely unable to finish the story, but enough that it becomes harder and more challenging.

More alliance-alert missions for RESOURCES and not just companions, that way we have more to do between chapters. Resources can be supply packs, influence with specialists and companions, or a special item that makes the next story chapter more rewarding in some way

Maybe a little More delving into the backgrounds of Arcann, Vaylin, and Thexan... and eventually Valkorion. Is he or isn't he a "bad guy?" Maybe drops some minor hints along the way.


We also need:


Less mobs that insta-aggro on spawn, even if we're stealthed

Less "999 heptadecillion *INFINITY* stuns and knockbacks/knockdowns each and every single micro-tetra-milli-billi-nano-bano-second"

Less taking convenience requests and making them into Cartel Market-only purchases (like the fiasco with shorter time giving companion gifts... don't you DARE also do this with such suggestions as letting us place companions back on player ships, too)

Less "each new chapter starts instantly and gets *ABSOLUTELY* crammed down our throats soon as we finish the last one, if we wait for multiple chapters at a time to become available"


And finally... the single, solitary, absolutely *THE* most important thing we need:


LESS "Keep buying more and more CARTEL PACKS so we at EA can stroke our ***** (rhymes with sticks) ever more briskly!!"

(This is SWTOR, not Project Runway... I have QUITE enough new Barbie-esque fashion outfits to last a little while, thank you very much)


Some of what you have suggested is fine, but as a solo player I can't agree with anything that keeps me from fully enjoying the story. I don't believe that vital parts of the story (like the climax or conclusion) should be hidden behind group content. I played like that for years, never getting to see the end of things and it was horrible. It's like watching a movie or a program that you never get to see the ending to. So, I'm fine with people getting group content, but please don't prevent the soloer from full story enjoyment. I don't expect the same rewards as groupers get, but I do need to see how everything ends. Soloers pay subs too--why hurt us to get what you want, when it's possible for everyone to enjoy the game. It's fine the way it is, with a solo option so that *everyone* can experience the full story.


And as for being Project Runway...that's one of the main reasons I play. I like to dress up my toons in new costumes and create new character concepts (I have alt-itis). I also like the home decorating and spend millions of credits, lots of actual dollars and loads of hours working on my strongholds. I love them, and as far as I'm concerned, if we had more fashion and stronghold fun, I'd be in 7th heaven. As far as I'm concerned, I need no OPS, FPs or PVP stuff, but I wouldn't be so mean as to try and deny anyone what they like doing, so I hope there is a smidge of everything. :)

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So... Skytroopers in Lawn Dwarf skins would be fine then.. yeah? :p


My point? They are NPCs... to be slaughtered on the way to objectives. It does not matter if they are Skytroopers, Giant Man Eating Gerbils, or Robot Cats that have an AoE "death-purr" with a 100% crit rate. In other words, they are fodder for XP, credits, and some semblance of not being able to just stroll immediately to the objective and finish your chapter in 2 minutes. ;)


NPCs might all be the same to you, but I like variety, even if it's only cosmetic. I might very well enjoy playing a game with lawn gnomes, giant gerbils & robot cats. I'd ask my husband to make me that game, but he never makes the games I want 😭


As far as the OP goes; I'm looking forward to KotET, but I'm not excited about it yet. I need a guarantee of higher quality romance scenes, brutally killing Vaylin, and saving the Republic from Saresh. Then I'll get excited! I'd get excited over a hood-toggle too 👍

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they've already said many will hate one of the big changes that's lined up.


Did I miss them saying this somewhere? That seems to go against all previous statements of "the biggest, bestest things out there and will blow people away"

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I think the only way they are going to have a lot of subscribers return in mass is to release the expansion all at once. If they continue the spoon-feeding mentality of monthly chapters you will keep a few subs but I think more will dropout. When you can subscribe for one month at the end to get the whole thing THAT will be where you see the surge of people ( a year from now). If they do keep the same format, that means that we will have to continue to wait for group content based on where they would happen in the story. We might have 6-8 months of wait after the expansion is released before we get to the group content, it might be the end of the expansion before seeing an OP.


I do fully expect them to continue the same format as KotFE but not because of it being "successful", instead it will be that way since it was planned that way all along. BW had KoTET planned already (when they pitched KotFE) and I will bet there is one more behind that since Trilogies are the "in thing" for "story" Star Wars. While they said in a stream they listen to feedback and can make some changes based on that I doubt it will be anything major.


I am one of the few that do not base success on how much money something makes, I base it on the quality of the product. KotFE was a very single minded product (story-based) that did a mediocre job of making your character feel important. I agree with some others that we have not been the real focus of the story. Our choices that we have made matter but only in cosmetic outcomes, every choice so far has the same outcome with no true consequences for actions. Maybe KoTET with change that but I doubt it.

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Did I miss them saying this somewhere? That seems to go against all previous statements of "the biggest, bestest things out there and will blow people away"


Unless he actually has a source for this alleged claim by BioWare, I'm going to consider it pure speculation. BioWare isn't trying to intentionally ruin the game for players. BioWare is trying to make it better. Of course, not everybody agrees exactly on what "better" is.

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I am one of the few that do not base success on how much money something makes, I base it on the quality of the product. KotFE was a very single minded product (story-based) that did a mediocre job of making your character feel important. I agree with some others that we have not been the real focus of the story. Our choices that we have made matter but only in cosmetic outcomes, every choice so far has the same outcome with no true consequences for actions. Maybe KoTET with change that but I doubt it.


The problem with your statement is "quality" is a subjective phrase. What is quality to one person is trash to another. Thus, money is the obvious equalizer to determine the success of a product. If enough people buy it and continue to do so, then that lends credibility to the idea that many players are enjoying this new content. Whether that means it is a "quality" product or not is irrelevant.


I see KOTFE as a foundational arc in this story and was more so meant to introduce us to characters. We did have some major decisions (regardless of the naysayers) and we did have some consequences (people complain about those consequences daily). We'll see exactly where it all goes, but BioWare has a history of learning from its lessons and generally improving its games.


At the very least, I'm looking forward to see what BioWare does with KOTET.

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Sure, I'm looking forward to KotET. I liked KotFE a lot, though I would have liked more class-specific dialogue and more interactions with companions, romantic and otherwise. I'm sure KotET won't be perfect, but I expect to enjoy it.
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