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Assassin Darth Title no fix? you a joke


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Lol bioware no fix for the assassin darth title this patch? surely its a quick fix.


So far that patch is a joke obviously you don't put effort into it.


Makes me wonder if Bioware treat old republic as a mmorpg so far its been treated as a singleplayer game.

Edited by Raigon
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As far as I know someone's title has no major impact on game play in a online game. Seeing how you are throwing such a hissy fit about an "achievement" I would imagine you play this game like a single player game.


I rather have BW focus their efforts on game balances, lag issues, and FPS problems than a silly title you can gloat to your friends too. Cause I can assure you they really don't care.

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As far as I know someone's title has no major impact on game play in a online game. Seeing how you are throwing such a hissy fit about an "achievement" I would imagine you play this game like a single player game.


I rather have BW focus their efforts on game balances, lag issues, and FPS problems than a silly title you can gloat to your friends too. Cause I can assure you they really don't care.


And adding remaining baby names to the credits helped the game also :rolleyes:

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As far as I know someone's title has no major impact on game play in a online game. Seeing how you are throwing such a hissy fit about an "achievement" I would imagine you play this game like a single player game.


I rather have BW focus their efforts on game balances, lag issues, and FPS problems than a silly title you can gloat to your friends too. Cause I can assure you they really don't care.


You're the one throwing a hissy fit, buddy.

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As far as I know someone's title has no major impact on game play in a online game. Seeing how you are throwing such a hissy fit about an "achievement" I would imagine you play this game like a single player game.


I rather have BW focus their efforts on game balances, lag issues, and FPS problems than a silly title you can gloat to your friends too. Cause I can assure you they really don't care.


You're the one throwing a hissy fit, buddy.


Lol i was about to point that out too

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Lol bioware no fix for the assassin darth title this patch? surely its a quick fix.


So far that patch is a joke obviously you don't put effort into it.


Makes me wonder if Bioware treat old republic as a mmorpg so far its been treated as a singleplayer game.




"lol you a joke".......



CLEARLY they applied no effort.


Are you like 14?.... I just do not get you kids today.

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As far as I know someone's title has no major impact on game play in a online game. Seeing how you are throwing such a hissy fit about an "achievement" I would imagine you play this game like a single player game.


I rather have BW focus their efforts on game balances, lag issues, and FPS problems than a silly title you can gloat to your friends too. Cause I can assure you they really don't care.


You should really look at the patch notes.


Nothing in that patch fix was critical to the game and one of the things that was, didn't even get fixed properly.

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Well if his is a hissy fit then the OP is certainly throwing an all out ***** fit. Title fixes over the bloody gathering nodes issues and performance glitches?


Do you even know what's wrong? It's not that the title doesn't show up... it's that their entire NAME disappears, it's just a health bar. It's making Huttball a pain when they just pop out of nowhere and all you see a health bar among friendly names, and with this wonderful tab targetting system, actually targetting them to verify is fun.

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You're the one throwing a hissy fit, buddy.


Player A comes in fuming about how BioWare is failing because there's an issue with a single title for a single class.


Player B comments that their titles aren't a significant portion of the game experience and that they're glad BioWare focused on some of the problems they did fix with the patch instead.


I've seen some arguments where both sides are being unreasonable, but I'm siding squarely with Player B on this one.

Edited by Dymensia
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Give it some time. That bug is not a critical bug. This patch they fixed the gathering nodes, and even added a little animation on top of them so they are easier to see. On top of that, multiple other fixes. That's great for the 1st week. Let's see what happens on following weeks.
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This is clearly the most catastrophic event since the sinking of the Titanic.


I demand Bioware pay us all *One MiLLLLLLLLion Dollars for this travesty!!!!!!!




You a joke, you so broke, you no smoke, you... ah, I am out of oke words...


Anyone have an oke?

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Lol bioware no fix for the assassin darth title this patch? surely its a quick fix.


So far that patch is a joke obviously you don't put effort into it.


Makes me wonder if Bioware treat old republic as a mmorpg so far its been treated as a singleplayer game.


Dont assume its a quick fix. Do you know anything about code? then you would know nothing is a quick fix.

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