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10 Good
  1. I couldn't agree more. With 1.1.5 taking out the need to grind on Ilum there is really no reason to go there. I'm not opposed to it. I'm a big advocate of world PVP, however, standing in a group of 20 on 20 while the game client starts to choke isn't it. I've had more fun on Tatooine trying to instigate guild on guild wars. The few times its succeeded have been some of the most memorable PVP experiences I've had in TOR.
  2. +1 - Apparently something changed, but it certainly wasn't evident in that post.
  3. Did you switch to HD? No problems here.
  4. The thing is 60 Valor isn't exactly easy to get for a casual player - even for hardcore its a grind. That grind really hasn't changed. I understand its a little different per server as Ilum is a different experience based on what server you're on. If you're a new 50 the grind is for Champ gear. As in my last post I stated that time frame really hasn't changed much. If you're "seasoned" enough that you've hit 60 valor well now the grind is for Battlemaster gear and Champion gear is now your Centurion.
  5. I have a hard time believing that the new system makes gear any easier to get... I received 8 pieces of champ gear two of which were duplicates in the "old" system. I've opened probably 50-60 bags. At 60 bags that's a champ piece every 7.5 bags. Now yes I realize everyone had different results, however, that was the whole problem. The new system now gives you 7-Champ and 15-Centurion tokens per bag. Centurion gear for all practical purposes is "gateway" gear. The Cent gear is not going to make you instantly competitive but at least you're holding your own a little. I welcome this personally. Killing a new 50 in 4-5 shots isn't exactly "fun". Now the Champ grind honestly hasn't changed much, IMO. Take a 67 token head, legs, body piece for example. You're going to have to open 10 bags to get it. On a bad day in the old system it took you 10 bags to get a piece of armor. The only easy mode here is you're not going to get screwed on a duplicate item. Yes my math/logic isn't perfect and some people were screwed more than others, this I can agree with. My point, however, is that the "**** TO DAMN EASY MODE NOW" issue that people are concerned about isn't as big as its being led on.
  6. I have no complaints with narrowing a gap if it truly is the gear that is a problem. I just hope Bio has taken the necessary steps to ensure that it is the gear causing the problem and not people dinging 50 - not dialing in their skills quite yet. I completely understand there is a benefit to gear. However, after I did the 48-49 mod upgrades in my orange and grabbed 1-2 pieces of PVP gear I was already pretty competitive. No, you can't walk into PVP in greens and expect to be top notch - no different than PVE raids. It's easy to get frustrated when you're loosing but people certainly don't want to admit the finger may need to be pointed the other way. We're in a society of instant everything! Why should peoples gaming experience be any different right? /sarcasm off
  7. Like it. Props that Bioware took the time to communicate what's coming to PVP.
  8. Well if his is a hissy fit then the OP is certainly throwing an all out ***** fit. Title fixes over the bloody gathering nodes issues and performance glitches?
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