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I Totally For Realz Speak for the Entire Community When I Say...


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You don't speak for me.


Only people that speak for me when I don't post is Tux and Ikinai.

They need to add a feature to the forums similar to "Befriend". It would be called "Proxy." The feature would allow Forum User A to designate Forum User B to speak on their behalf ... i.e., would give Forum User B Forum User A's proxy.


I look forward to being entertained by robust "proxy fights", in which would be soap-box-climbers battle for proxy rights to lend weight to their opinions. For the record, I would likely sell my proxy cheap. A stack of pancakes and a box of cigars might do.

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Candy? I'd get in the van if Valkorian had candy. Erm I mean, We'd get in the van :p


I'm a girl who's tough but sweet

I'm so fine, I can't be beat

I've got everything that I desire

I set the summer sun on fire


I want candy,

Iiii waant candy!


I too will allow Queen Ikinai to speak for me, if only because of her ability to get songs that I'd forgotten all about stuck in my head. :rak_01:


Oh, and I agree with the OP. No one should ever claim to speak for anyone but themselves, for the simple reason that no ever does. Claims to the contrary pretty much make me disregard everything else a poster has to say, since they're clearly delusional if they honestly believe that they're doing anything but voicing their own singular opinion.

Edited by sithlordschmidt
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They need to add a feature to the forums similar to "Befriend". It would be called "Proxy." The feature would allow Forum User A to designate Forum User B to speak on their behalf ... i.e., would give Forum User B Forum User A's proxy.


I look forward to being entertained by robust "proxy fights", in which would be soap-box-climbers battle for proxy rights to lend weight to their opinions. For the record, I would likely sell my proxy cheap. A stack of pancakes and a box of cigars might do.


That's not cheap! Unless you smoke cheap cigars. If that's the case, I simply cannot trust you to speak for me.


You don't speak for me (yet).

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That's it, pal, it's on like Ms. Pac Man. He took our jerbs, um, I mean, candy.

They should totally make a cartoon featuring a young Arcann, Thexan and Vaylin. Vaylin could be the goofy younger sister who goes along with anything, Thexan the serious and smart brother and Arcann would be the one always getting in trouble. When Valkorian notices Arcann is up to something, he could be all like "ARCAAAAAAANNNNN!!!" and they would queue a laugh track....it'd be great! "Acrann and the Eternal Monks"?

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They should totally make a cartoon featuring a young Arcann, Thexan and Vaylin. Vaylin could be the goofy younger sister who goes along with anything, Thexan the serious and smart brother and Arcann would be the one always getting in trouble. When Valkorian notices Arcann is up to something, he could be all like "ARCAAAAAAANNNNN!!!" and they would queue a laugh track....it'd be great! "Acrann and the Eternal Monks"?


Sounds amazing! Make it so.

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That's not cheap! Unless you smoke cheap cigars. If that's the case, I simply cannot trust you to speak for me.


You don't speak for me (yet).

To put the price of my proxy in context ...


Cigars come 20 to a box. I smoke a box each week. Each cigar I smoke costs the same as a month-long SWTOR subscription. So, yeah, I spend around $1,200 each month on cigars. I.e., I literally burn $1,200 each month ... all while doing my body harm.


I sustain my cigar affectation under legislative mandate. As a white-haired, middle-aged, tall, large, bearded, Southern attorney who always wears suspenders with his suits, I am required by law to always have a lit stogie to perpetuate the stereotype. Honestly, I am one bow tie away from being Big Daddy in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.

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They'll look at why folks unsubscribe, but the main data BioWare accumulates is metrics. BioWare can see what kind of content the community is engaging in the most. Every decision BioWare makes is based on what elements of the game are most popular. If we aren't seeing any content for a particular area of the game, it's likely because that feature is only engaged by a minority of the player base.


Community feedback is really quite pointless for the most part. Obviously, on the forums you are likely going to hear the vocal minority far more than anyone else. It's why most developers take forums with a grain of salt as most folks on here likely have ulterior motives and would rather critique the game for some hidden agenda.


Regardless of how many players may seem to bash KOTFE on the forums, it without a doubt was a huge success for BioWare and it is going to continue that model with KOTET. Those who don't like story can try and fear monger as much as they want, but ultimately what they say has little probative value to BioWare.


I won't pretend to have this entire post let alone this entire thread, but I would imagine that just because most people play the story, which would show in the metrics, doesn't mean those players are satisfied at any point. Of course, if they keep playing, business-wise Bioware wins, but trust-wise they lose

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I'm not sure, but I believe earlier in this thread I signed over my rights to speak for myself to Thoronmir, which might mean that by declaring me able to speak for you, you may have inadvertently signed over your rights to Thronmir as well...see...this is how those damn lawyers get ya! "No fees unless we win" "free* consultation"...:mad:


So what you saying is when someone say they are speaking for the community they real are since we all give the right to speak for us to someone else and than they give their rights to someone else..........

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So what you saying is when someone say they are speaking for the community they real are since we all give the right to speak for us to someone else and than they give their rights to someone else..........


In the end we all give the right to speak for us to .... Eric Musco

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They should totally make a cartoon featuring a young Arcann, Thexan and Vaylin. Vaylin could be the goofy younger sister who goes along with anything, Thexan the serious and smart brother and Arcann would be the one always getting in trouble. When Valkorian notices Arcann is up to something, he could be all like "ARCAAAAAAANNNNN!!!" and they would queue a laugh track....it'd be great! "Acrann and the Eternal Monks"?



Arcann: Uh oh! Papa found out about the puppies Thexan!

Valkorian: ARCAAANNN!

Thexan: Quick, into the laundry shoot!

Vaylin: Arcann Arcann Arcann! Maybe I should do something bad, then maybe Papa would notice me.

Arcann: Whatchoo talkin bout Vaylin?

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I sit here on drab, grey Wednesday afternoon, waiting for a client to call me back, and, in my musings, pondered the addition of a new item for the next Cartel Pack: "SoapboxTM"


A new interactive decoration. Click on the SoapboxTM and your character stands atop a wooden box speaking in /yell, automatically espousing opinions such as "This game is lousy!" or "KOTFE? It means 'Knights of the Failed Enterprise'!" To be fair, there should be a second type of SoapboxTM (maybe a different color) that allows the character to extoll the virtues of the game.


Of course, any such item would require a new status of rarity. Platinum would not suffice. EA/BW would have to add Unobtainium level of scarcity into the RGN.

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Arcann: Uh oh! Papa found out about the puppies Thexan!

Valkorian: ARCAAANNN!

Thexan: Quick, into the laundry shoot!

Vaylin: Arcann Arcann Arcann! Maybe I should do something bad, then maybe Papa would notice me.

Arcann: Whatchoo talkin bout Vaylin?

It only works if they're all in a band and at least once each episode, there is a musical scene with the gang getting chased by the Outlander (let's face it, the Outlander is the villain in this story) in and out of different doors in the same corridor.

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Explains why you're acting like an angry fascist bully lying through his teeth.


Your right. That explains so much. I now understand Zanya. He/she is just another lost and confused soul stubbornly defending something that is wrong simply because he/she doesn't know any better... Sad that this kind of person is becoming more and more common.

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I sit here on drab, grey Wednesday afternoon, waiting for a client to call me back, and, in my musings, pondered the addition of a new item for the next Cartel Pack: "SoapboxTM"


A new interactive decoration. Click on the SoapboxTM and your character stands atop a wooden box speaking in /yell, automatically espousing opinions such as "This game is lousy!" or "KOTFE? It means 'Knights of the Failed Enterprise'!" To be fair, there should be a second type of SoapboxTM (maybe a different color) that allows the character to extoll the virtues of the game.


Of course, any such item would require a new status of rarity. Platinum would not suffice. EA/BW would have to add Unobtainium level of scarcity into the RGN.


They could use the Czerka Crate-O-Matic for that purpose.

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Arcann: Uh oh! Papa found out about the puppies Thexan!

Valkorian: ARCAAANNN!

Thexan: Quick, into the laundry shoot!

Vaylin: Arcann Arcann Arcann! Maybe I should do something bad, then maybe Papa would notice me.

Arcann: Whatchoo talkin bout Vaylin?


Prime example why Ikinai speak for me all the time.

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He's not fooling anyone. He's certainly not fooling BioWare. The moment I saw him demanding more raids and fps with less story, I knew where his thread was going. I think what people need to start realizing is even though they may like particular content, that doesn't mean EVERYBODY likes it.


Especially when the content you are asking for is probably something less than 10% of the community is interested in, you really make a fool out of yourself trying to suggest everybody wants it. BioWare has metrics. BioWare knows how many people actually engage in raids, fps, pvp, story, etc.


Making a thread suggesting you represent the "community" merely makes an *** out of yourself. Kudos to you for pointing out the hypocrisy of these "community leaders" to those who may not realize it. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. They just need to realize their opinion may only represent a vocal minority and not everybody in the game.


unless you have statistics of what people play in this game, maybe dont pull numbers out of your you know where to substantiate your own personal playstyle, which btw, you do quite often.

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They should totally make a cartoon featuring a young Arcann, Thexan and Vaylin. Vaylin could be the goofy younger sister who goes along with anything, Thexan the serious and smart brother and Arcann would be the one always getting in trouble. When Valkorian notices Arcann is up to something, he could be all like "ARCAAAAAAANNNNN!!!" and they would queue a laugh track....it'd be great! "Acrann and the Eternal Monks"?


Can we have them call Vaylin Jean Grey or Phoenix every once in a while by accident?

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I think I speak for the Entire Community™ when I say I agree with this.


Hey! You don't speak for me!


I'd have clicked the laughing emoji :D



Arcann: Uh oh! Papa found out about the puppies Thexan!

Valkorian: ARCAAANNN!

Thexan: Quick, into the laundry shoot!

Vaylin: Arcann Arcann Arcann! Maybe I should do something bad, then maybe Papa would notice me.

Arcann: Whatchoo talkin bout Vaylin?


Genius..... pure genius :D

Edited by ImmortalLowlife
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Who actually needs to say this? Who are you afraid is going to think that someone else speaks for you? Bioware? I assure you, they're not stupid enough to assume any one person speaks for all of their customers. NOBODY thinks anyone does...do they? Do YOU???


Terms like "we" or "us" are inclusive terms, but that doesn't mean they are ALL inclusive. Even when someone says something like "nobody liked it", you can't take it so literally that you get offended by it...nobody believes that 'nobody' liked something. It's a viewpoint, not a factual statement.


Where does this fear come from? What has happened to some of you that THIS is actually an issue?? :confused:


Although I agree with the fact that I am sure BW probably laughs at posts where people say they represent the community (like us), I dont think the OP is referencing the "we" or "us", they were referncing the people that post threads title "what we as the community want for swtor", which is both narcissistic and arrogant, not to mention false.


Pretty sure I didnt miss any elections in game....just saying.

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