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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Please Reconsider the Way You're Treating Fans


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I want to preface this post by saying I was in the first closed beta and have played this game uninterrupted for five years. I predominately play PvP and story content casually. The D/L event did not upset me, and I enjoyed it. There have been a lot of angry threads recently, and I really never thought I'd make one, but I think it's important to suggest to the developers that there are those of us who are dedicated to the game who are upset and who are not PvP gods and parse lords throwing a hissy fit (to paraphrase the caricatures I've seen thrown around on these forums).


Having said that, the way this recent story ended was patronizing and left me feeling robbed of time and money. Teachers don't make a lot of money, and I really felt that I had wasted a lot of it when I finished this chapter. Those of us who have the HK chapter payed substantially more for this expansion than we did for the original game ($120 in subs). Instead of 8, 3 chapter complete stories, we got 1 prologue. Can you imagine the antagonist at the end of the sith warrior story (to avoid spoilers) turning into a rakghoul and running off just to force you to play update 1.1? This is how the story of KOTFE felt. It was mercenary and flippant. I am not a money hamster running on a wheel towards mundane and outrageously protracted plot points. Many have compared it to serialized TV, but frankly, I didn't pay $120+ to watch MadMen. I paid 7.99.


I wanted to post this because I am not filled with rage nor do I represent some specifically slighted group in this game (raiders, for example). I have no bone to pick with it. I love it. It's probably my favorite game ever made. I have a folder of hundreds of screenshots of my sith warrior dating back to December 13th, 2011. But you've turned what I truly appreciated into something that feels very mercenary and frustrating. I would've been happy to keep playing and paying, but to be treated so poorly from a conceptual level makes me want to do neither for the first time in five years.


So, please, reconsider. Don't treat us like idiots. Don't only respond to positive posts on these forums. Usurious story is not what this game about.

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I think those who compare it to serialized TV are making a poor comparison. First of all, serialized TV is an established form of entertainment over decades. Serialized TV was also designed as it was to keep people tuned in because otherwise they would drift away. In a big MMO, with many different types of content and lots of options for repeating content in different ways, you don't need to keep people drooling on the edge of their seats because there's a lot to occupy the downtime.


Furthermore, in serialized TV, you aren't any of the characters. You might care about the main characters more than you do side characters, but ultimately, no matter what happens to any of the characters, it's not you and it's never supposed to directly be you. So if the main character is on the verge of some breakthrough, or some life/death scenario, and gets stonewalled, or caught on the edge of a cliff (literally or figuratively) it's not that jarring because you know that you're looking at the story from the outside in as an observer, i.e. it's not personal.


In a game like this, it's just the opposite. Things are designed to be very personal. When you face down the antagonist in the final moments of virtually any of the class storyline chapters (using them as an example) it's not "Jack Bauer against his foe," or Indiana Jones or Luke Skywalker, or whatever. It's YOU against YOUR foe. It's highly personal and if you fall or fail in that moment, in some way, it must be believable and it must not feel like someone just pulled your marionette strings.


It's all the easier to mess up a story where the audience is the main character because they're going to be more sensitive to stuff happening to their character that seems forced or out of place. For example:


Shooting at Senya's ship as it's trying to escape and only damaging it before it jumps to hyperspace. Probably believable if watching it like a TV show. Without intimate knowledge of your character, it'd be more easy to stomach the idea that you just messed up the shot somehow in the heat of the moment, or Senya was already too far for you to get a good shot.


But because your character, traditionally, has basically been incapable of *********** up a single thing they do and is basically a god at killing people, it's sort of hard to buy this idea that in the climax of trying to destroy their main antagonist (after having reached a point where they've bested the antagonist in sheer power), they can only get off one "ship injuring" shot in time.


Not to mention the conveniently non-fatal shot/slash when facing Arcann in battle. Somehow, you mess up killing him twice for no apparent reason. In both cases, you have a pretty damn solid hit on him and he just sort of survives. Whether it's ACME's Perfectly Timed Falling Debris or the classic space trope "Hyperspace Jump Right Before Dying" bit, he survives.


I'm not sure I'm even exaggerating to say that it contradicts the fundamentals of your character leading up to that point. In a TV show, it might be tolerable, but this isn't a TV show and your character isn't realistic and everybody sort of gets that and is ok with it because it's a game. To suddenly rob your character of the skill to finish the job, especially when every aspect of the story is saying that in this moment they have no excuse not to win, is jarring as ****.


You have to explain this stuff with the internal logic of the story for it to work. ACME debris and hyperspace jumps are not good excuses.


For example, I would have found it much more believable if you are on the verge of hacking Arcann to bits and Senya literally jumps into the fray, blocking you off. And then you have this moment where you might want to fight her to get at Arcann if you're DS, but then, guess what, here comes Vaylin too and you're too drained from fighting Arcann to take on Vaylin and Senya, and now Vaylin seems ready to kill Senya and the ship is getting hit hard which is complicating matters further.


Then, what do you know, Senya says, "This is family matter" and force pushes you out of the room (a sort of callback to chapter 9), sealing it behind her. Your only good option at that point is to get the **** off the ship.


Senya then tries to appeal to reason with Vaylin, more or less same cutscene as what's in the actual story. Ba-da bing, ba-da boom. Senya and Arcann leave on a shutle.


But this time they're right in your sightline and guess what, whammo, Vaylin comes up in a shuttle of her own, firing on you, saying, "She's mine!" Chaos ensues and regardless of whether you chose to attempt a shot at him, your sensible move is to get the **** out and let them try to fight each other.


Vaylin gets a shot off and Arcann/Senya jump to hyperspace. Then boom, omnicannon, mass explosion, Vaylin jumps to hyperspace at the last minute but her ship is injured. We see a brief cutscene after where Scorpio sends out a ship to pick up Vaylin and brings her to the throne room. Vaylin agrees to join forces, like how it happened.


This is all just me getting creative about it after the fact, but the point of all of this is... it could have been more believable while still telling more or less the same story.


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I am with you on this. It's the first time in SWTOR when I actively don't want to play the story on yet another character - it was bad and frustrating the first time I was through it. I need to do it on my DVL char and I'd rather do PvP (which I never done and never liked) and the flash points with pug groups...

For a Sith this story did not work. At all. And I am upset that from the whole diversity of character we are suddenly all light side jedi in essence... The story blatantly disregards SW lore to fit us in to "one size fits all" basket.

I only started playing SWTOR when I was told that I DON"T have to be a jedi - never liked them, never will.

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Story IS what this game is about, I don't know what the hell you're talking about because we got a hell of a lot more then just a prologue there is about the same amount of story content here as there was in the original launch


O.O Uh, no. At launch I got 8 different stories stretched across 16 planets accompanied with another 17 planet stories (some really nice ones like Tatooine and Nar Shaddaa) and many more small stories. The story content of KotFE is nowhere near what I got at launch. If I take my time, KotFe is about 15-20 hours. That's considerably less than it takes me to go through the first three acts of a vanilla class story. (Both with watching cutscenes and dialog.)

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I want to preface this post by saying I was in the first closed beta and have played this game uninterrupted for five years. I predominately play PvP and story content casually. The D/L event did not upset me, and I enjoyed it. There have been a lot of angry threads recently, and I really never thought I'd make one, but I think it's important to suggest to the developers that there are those of us who are dedicated to the game who are upset and who are not PvP gods and parse lords throwing a hissy fit (to paraphrase the caricatures I've seen thrown around on these forums).


Having said that, the way this recent story ended was patronizing and left me feeling robbed of time and money. Teachers don't make a lot of money, and I really felt that I had wasted a lot of it when I finished this chapter. Those of us who have the HK chapter payed substantially more for this expansion than we did for the original game ($120 in subs). Instead of 8, 3 chapter complete stories, we got 1 prologue. Can you imagine the antagonist at the end of the sith warrior story (to avoid spoilers) turning into a rakghoul and running off just to force you to play update 1.1? This is how the story of KOTFE felt. It was mercenary and flippant. I am not a money hamster running on a wheel towards mundane and outrageously protracted plot points. Many have compared it to serialized TV, but frankly, I didn't pay $120+ to watch MadMen. I paid 7.99.



If you've been a sub since beta then you paid more for ROTHC and SOR than you did for KOTFE - and you would have spent the money you did "for KOTFE" whether KOTFE was released or not. If you wanted to save money, however, BW made it clear that all you had to do was sub for one month at the end of it. But that would have cut into your PVP time, right? Remember KOTFE did include PVP maps and balancing adjustments (and bug fixes) not to mention x-faction was introduced (as a pvper I'm not a happy camper at all right now but that doesn't mean BW's done nothing with it this year). Unless you do a lot of Cartel Market-type stuff (which you didn't mention) MMOs are just about the cheapest hobby you can have - going out to lunch at McDonald's 1x/week will cost you more, golf costs more, fishing costs more, going to nightclubs, movies, concerts or theatres remotely regularly - costs a lot more. If your played time for the last year was -just- what was needed for the story on one character then -maybe- you've got a case but that doesn't sound like you. If you want to complain about the story or BW's focus on it that is fine with me, but the money? Complete nonsense.

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If you've been a sub since beta then you paid more for ROTHC and SOR than you did for KOTFE - and you would have spent the money you did "for KOTFE" whether KOTFE was released or not. If you wanted to save money, however, BW made it clear that all you had to do was sub for one month at the end of it. But that would have cut into your PVP time, right? Remember KOTFE did include PVP maps and balancing adjustments (and bug fixes) not to mention x-faction was introduced (as a pvper I'm not a happy camper at all right now but that doesn't mean BW's done nothing with it this year). Unless you do a lot of Cartel Market-type stuff (which you didn't mention) MMOs are just about the cheapest hobby you can have - going out to lunch at McDonald's 1x/week will cost you more, golf costs more, fishing costs more, going to nightclubs, movies, concerts or theatres remotely regularly - costs a lot more. If your played time for the last year was -just- what was needed for the story on one character then -maybe- you've got a case but that doesn't sound like you. If you want to complain about the story or BW's focus on it that is fine with me, but the money? Complete nonsense.


Some people just live to be toxic and are always searching for something to cry about, OP is the one that has no respect here.

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OP gets an expansion that has more content and story than RotHC and SoR combined FREE with the cost of a subscription, and is whining about the value?


How about you be honest and in that wall of whine you also include all the other stuff you got with that sub that free and preferred players live without? :rolleyes:

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OP gets an expansion that has more content and story than RotHC and SoR combined FREE with the cost of a subscription, and is whining about the value?


How about you be honest and in that wall of whine you also include all the other stuff you got with that sub that free and preferred players live without? :rolleyes:


Some people will forever be ungrateful unfortunately

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Fans. LOL.. way to put deceptive frosting on your complaints as a customer.


Fact.... MMOs are produced and maintained by studios. Often, "fans" disagree with studio direction.

Fact.... We as players play what is offered, "as is", or we don't. We all have a choice.

Fact.... This variation on "stop mistreating players" will go where every other one has.... nowhere.


If you like an MMO, you play an MMO. If you don't, then you likely do not play it. If you have suggestions or request... they have a whole sub-forum for you to share your wants/desires.


And then we have the Don Quixote crowd who think they can slay windmills by their heroic stance and battle cry. Heck they will even pay a sub fee just to go after windmills.


The game certainly has it's flaws, but so what. It's still got a lot of fun elements, and few of it's perc3evied flaws are objectively shared by everyone playing the game. If you don't enjoy it, it silly to keep playing IMO. It's also silly to think players can wag the studio to make the game in their particular MMO image.

Edited by Andryah
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You made the mistake of stepping into the Bioware echo chamber, OP. Just back out and go about your day while the echoes pat themselves on the back over how much they all love KOTFE.


32 days and counting.


Given your sentiment, why on earth would you continue to put your referral link up in neon in your signature?

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For those who are defending KOTFE, what "content" are you talking about? The 1 hour of new content every month? 2 new pvp maps were made, that's cool yea. But the only thing KOTFE literally gave us was story, which choices didn't matter as much as they use to, 2 new maps, which one was a 4v4. We didn't get any new raid content, and WE SPENT 10 MONTHS DOING STORY AND LEFT WITH SO MANY QUESTIONS. The devs say "Oh boy we can't wait to tell you and show you the new expansion will be great! Kotfe was just a intro to lead to it!".


So no, BW in swtor is barely treating their fans well. I had a blast the first 10 chapter of KOTFE, I'll admit, but after that it became *****how. This was yet another expansion that offered no major endgame content. They basically increased the item level, and said "Hey, your item level is terrible! Go do the raids you did last year, they're just harder and you get top gear doing the same raid again!"

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Story IS what this game is about, I don't know what the hell you're talking about because we got a hell of a lot more then just a prologue there is about the same amount of story content here as there was in the original launch


I am going to say no to the about the same amount of story as the original vanilla game and its SUPER small compared to even just one story on one character arc.


I will also say that the chapter content could maybe fit into the size of possibly makeb. But story there was so much more to do and see in makeb. In fact there was more story linkage and over all star wars story feel in oricon story arc.


so please just realize that the new chapter story content was yes content but so underwhelming it was just funny and sad all at once.

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Lol, and lol.


FREE at the cost of... Lol...


Been a sub nonstop since 2.0 because it's just way more convenient for me and the 21 characters I've rolled over the years. I get unlimited WZs, unlimited FPs, unlimited Ops, better gear, more character slots, etc. Everything KotFE brought to the table was just a bonus for me.


Also, way to ignore the point. OP either stupidly or deliberately ignores all the stuff a sub gets that FTP and preferred don't, and you did too, but I guess it's easier to hate than to think or be honest. ;)

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Been a sub nonstop since 2.0 because it's just way more convenient for me and the 21 characters I've rolled over the years. I get unlimited WZs, unlimited FPs, unlimited Ops, better gear, more character slots, etc. Everything KotFE brought to the table was just a bonus for me.


Also, way to ignore the point. OP either stupidly or deliberately ignores all the stuff a sub gets that FTP and preferred don't, and you did too, but I guess it's easier to hate than to think or be honest. ;)


You're assuming people subbed for the exact same reasons you did.

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I'm not quite sure why folks continue to throw this ridiculous accusation around. KOTFE was FREE to subscribers. You didn't pay a fee for this expansion like you did with RotHC and SoR. If you wanted, you could have waited until all of the chapters were released, sub for a month, and you would have gotten all of KOTFE immediately.


Also, $15 a month is dirt cheap, even for a teacher. I'm sure you have a subscription to cable, internet, netflix, or a variety of other products that are far more expensive than SWTOR. Is 50 cents a day really going to break your bank? If so, maybe you shouldn't be playing an MMO to start if money is that tight. Then again, I'm sure you spend far more on plenty of other things that you really don't need.


Either way, BioWare stated before KOTFE that this was just the beginning of the story. The fact so many assumed Chapter 16 would resolve so many things is beyond me as consumers clearly did not know what they were paying for. KOTFE wasn't perfect, but it's by far the best storytelling BioWare has done with this game since launch. I'm looking forward to see how KOTET improves upon its predecessor.

Edited by Aowin
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I'm not quite sure why folks continue to throw this ridiculous accusation around. KOTFE was FREE to subscribers. You didn't pay a fee for this expansion like you did with RotHC and SoR. If you wanted, you could have waited until all of the chapters were released, sub for a month, and you would have gotten all of KOTFE immediately.


Also, $15 a month is dirt cheap, even for a teacher. I'm sure you have a subscription to cable, internet, netflix, or a variety of other products that are far more expensive than SWTOR. Is 50 cents a day really going to break your bank? If so, maybe you shouldn't be playing an MMO to start if money is that tight. Then again, I'm sure you spend far more on plenty of other things that you really don't need.


Either way, BioWare stated before KOTFE that this was just the beginning of the story. The fact so many assumed Chapter 16 would resolve so many things is beyond me as consumers clearly did not know what they were paying for. KOTFE wasn't perfect, but it's by far the best storytelling BioWare has done with this game since launch. I'm looking forward to see how KOTET improves upon its predecessor.


1. Bioware didn't release it at once like any other xpac, and the story stuff became the new endgame. So if you were waiting with baited breath like any other xpac, you had to pay $15x8-10months of sub.

2. By trying to point out subsequently how cheap it is in the following paragraph, you've just highlighted what they did.

3. It wasn't that chapter 16 didn't resolve EVERYTHING. It's that chapter 16 resolved NOTHING AT ALL.

4. KotFE, the "best storytelling Bioware has done with this game since launch" lol, that's not saying much even if I were to agree with the statement.

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Some people just live to be toxic and are always searching for something to cry about, OP is the one that has no respect here.


Why is any constructive criticism , whining complaining and trolling? I really don't understand this. If anyone posts about something they don't like, then they are a troll and a whiner and just complaining. The OP had things they didn't like, so what. Is the OP not allowed to have an opinion?

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Story IS what this game is about, I don't know what the hell you're talking about because we got a hell of a lot more then just a prologue there is about the same amount of story content here as there was in the original launch




We get that you Yanks can't spell to save your life but have go, eh? Good lad.

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1. Bioware didn't release it at once like any other xpac, and the story stuff became the new endgame. So if you were waiting with baited breath like any other xpac, you had to pay $15x8-10months of sub.

2. By trying to point out subsequently how cheap it is in the following paragraph, you've just highlighted what they did.

3. It wasn't that chapter 16 didn't resolve EVERYTHING. It's that chapter 16 resolved NOTHING AT ALL.

4. KotFE, the "best storytelling Bioware has done with this game since launch" lol, that's not saying much even if I were to agree with the statement.


The point is saying it cost $120 is blatantly false. KOTFE did not cost a dime. You gain access to all of it by just being a subscriber. You can complain about having to wait all you want but you did not pay extra money on top of being a sub like you had to for RotHC and SoR.


I'm making a point that if you want to use your ridiculous and erroneous argument that KOTFE cost $120, $15 a month (or 50 cents a day) is chump change.


How did Chapter 16 not resolve anything? The whole point of KOTFE was to remove Arcann from the throne and that's exactly what happened. The entire point of the expansion was resolved. Anything else was never promised or suggested by BioWare.


I agree. RotHC and SoR were terrible in terms of storytelling. KOTFE is the best storytelling this game has had since launch. In my opinion, it's better than most of the class stories as well. It's not perfect, but it's the kind of storytelling I expected from a KotOR MMO rather than what we have been getting.

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