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Cross-faction warzones


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First of all i must say that iam playing for EMPIRE and that i was one of those players who were against implementing cross-faction warzones because as we thought it will spoil the game's idea of war between republic and empire...but now i changed my mind...It is ridiculous to see how republic faction is dying with each day,the fights against them became so easy not just because they are unskilled but because now they even don't have full teams on most of the servers! Iam a pvp player and i tired of palying empire (i have all empire toons 65 lvl with 208 gear) and i really want to try playing republic side but it is impossible because i loose 99% of all warzone fights. I tried TRE,Harbringer,TEH even T3-M4 (well,i must admit that on this server reps are not so bad but still they loose like 75 % of all fights) and it's unreal to play reps... Someone who were designing this game made a terrible mistake,u made republic weak,bleak and poor in matters of everything (abilitites,gear,story and so on), everyone is playing empire and republic is good only in pve. So yeah,pls give players a chance to play republic PVP,you can see in pvp forum section how many times players asked for it and even players like me who as i said before were against cross-faction now understand the situation and i was wrong....If you don't do it,well...there will be no reps at all. Their population on most of the servers are already in a huge minority comparing to empire side.

So pls - make cross-faction for ALL warzones,not just alliance proving grounds.

For those who still thinks that cross-faction will ruin the main idea of the game - ask yourself,do you really have faction vs faction fights now? No,there is no empire vs republic fights,if you play empire allmost all your fights will be empire vs empire.... so the main idea of the game is already DEAD

Edited by omaan
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It occurs to me that you have a terminology problem. We already have *cross*-faction warzones, that is, warzones that cross the faction boundary. I think you meant *same*-faction warzones, where you might have two Imp teams fighting each other.

No...he means cross-faction, where Imps and Pubs can be on the same team.

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Eric said that they can't due to the fact theres no cartel coin value in pvp. (or in other words - they don't have the man power).


I said it 3 years ago that Bioware needed to stop slapping plasters on its broken mess and deliver the cross server they PROMISED at 1.4


Sadly, it's now too late with a tiny player base and even smaller pvp base, cross faction still wont address the overall issue.

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Eric said that they can't due to the fact theres no cartel coin value in pvp. (or in other words - they don't have the man power).


I said it 3 years ago that Bioware needed to stop slapping plasters on its broken mess and deliver the cross server they PROMISED at 1.4


Sadly, it's now too late with a tiny player base and even smaller pvp base, cross faction still wont address the overall issue.


But it will still help to renew balance population of empire and republic. There are many people who willing to start and play republic toons for pvp as me,but they are scared of and forced to play imps on warzone because of huge imbalance...Implementing cross-faction is MUCH easier then cross-server. They did it with the new warzone and it's easy to make it with other! Ofcourse making cross-server would be great too but it takes much resources but cross-faction really doesn't need much work...

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Eric said that they can't due to the fact theres no cartel coin value in pvp. (or in other words - they don't have the man power).


I said it 3 years ago that Bioware needed to stop slapping plasters on its broken mess and deliver the cross server they PROMISED at 1.4


Sadly, it's now too late with a tiny player base and even smaller pvp base, cross faction still wont address the overall issue.


well, they realized the Engine couldn't hack it, so why that didn't happen have been obvious for quite some time, as you very well know, so why still beat the dead horse.


As for cross faction, well, a "Odessen Battle Tactics Training" WZ would make a lot of sense following the current storyline . . . so that claim for another xfaction wz is legit out of any given aspect.


But out of curiosity; what is "the overall issue" besides people gathering on the perceived winning faction!?

Edited by t-darko
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They were saying x-server was imminent in 1.1. Eventually they gave up and did merges ("megaservers") instead.


X-faction was talked about in EM's interview with Snave recently. They intend to implement it in other WZs soon.

Edited by Savej
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You mean more? We have odessen wz that is cross faction.


It's not enough,you see republc faction is dying and there are 80% of all fights on warzone imp vs imp..... there are many people who want to play republic classes for pvp but they can't win a single match so they forced to play only imp side due to win. THats the reason why on all servers empire fleet has always like 100-120 players and reps have only 40-50... reps also don't have full teams it's always like 6vs8 or 7vs8 this went out of control.

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They were saying x-server was imminent in 1.1. Eventually they gave up and did merges ("megaservers") instead.


X-faction was talked about in EM's interview with Snave recently. They intend to implement it in other WZs soon.


We both know that their "intentions" means nothing... they intended to give us "something better then cross-server",they intended to fix buggs,they intended to make faction balance....

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We both know that their "intentions" means nothing... they intended to give us "something better then cross-server",they intended to fix buggs,they intended to make faction balance....


Yes, I wasn't defending, just sharing what I know about what has been said on the thread's subject.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Anyway when bw and ea were creating this game they made a terrible mistake - they made empire side look strong and cool, brutal while republic is bleak and weak so now we see consequences and republic side became terrible in pvp people are playing it only for pve and we already dont have faction fights because there is no reps left for pvp and allmost all fights are imps vs imps and thats one of the reasons why people are leaving the game (no one will play one faction game). Cross faction would change the situation
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Anyway when bw and ea were creating this game they made a terrible mistake - they made empire side look strong and cool, brutal while republic is bleak and weak so now we see consequences and republic side became terrible in pvp people are playing it only for pve and we already dont have faction fights because there is no reps left for pvp and allmost all fights are imps vs imps and thats one of the reasons why people are leaving the game (no one will play one faction game). Cross faction would change the situation

Sorc vs. Sage is the ultimate example of this (cool vs weak).


PvP...you got me on this one...it's gotten beyond frustrating lately. I've largely quit queuing even...the fights are THAT lopsided lately. Cross faction would absolutely renew my desire to play again...but right now, why would I?

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First of all i must say that iam playing for EMPIRE and that i was one of those players who were against implementing cross-faction warzones because as we thought it will spoil the game's idea of war between republic and empire...but now i changed my mind...It is ridiculous to see how republic faction is dying with each day,the fights against them became so easy not just because they are unskilled but because now they even don't have full teams on most of the servers! Iam a pvp player and i tired of palying empire (i have all empire toons 65 lvl with 208 gear) and i really want to try playing republic side but it is impossible because i loose 99% of all warzone fights. I tried TRE,Harbringer,TEH even T3-M4 (well,i must admit that on this server reps are not so bad but still they loose like 75 % of all fights) and it's unreal to play reps... Someone who were designing this game made a terrible mistake,u made republic weak,bleak and poor in matters of everything (abilitites,gear,story and so on), everyone is playing empire and republic is good only in pve. So yeah,pls give players a chance to play republic PVP,you can see in pvp forum section how many times players asked for it and even players like me who as i said before were against cross-faction now understand the situation and i was wrong....If you don't do it,well...there will be no reps at all. Their population on most of the servers are already in a huge minority comparing to empire side.

So pls - make cross-faction for ALL warzones,not just alliance proving grounds.

For those who still thinks that cross-faction will ruin the main idea of the game - ask yourself,do you really have faction vs faction fights now? No,there is no empire vs republic fights,if you play empire allmost all your fights will be empire vs empire.... so the main idea of the game is already DEAD


Why not? Come join my Alliance! I am the Lord Commander of the Alliance Against Zakuul and rightful ruler of the universe!


Er, I mean, I have this great team of misfits and we welcome everyone. :t_angel:

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Anyway when bw and ea were creating this game they made a terrible mistake - they made empire side look strong and cool, brutal while republic is bleak and weak so now we see consequences and republic side became terrible in pvp people are playing it only for pve and we already dont have faction fights because there is no reps left for pvp and allmost all fights are imps vs imps and thats one of the reasons why people are leaving the game (no one will play one faction game). Cross faction would change the situation


The Imps have their fair share of bads in PvP - its not just the Reps. Due to the lack of faction balance, the 'story' has taken its current path where both Imps and Reps 'work together' to defeat a common enemy.


Back in the day, both factions had a strong showing in PvP and it was super fun with Reps always being a bit more co-ordinated, especially on maps like Huttball.


As I said about, Eric was asked in that Snave interview if they are going to/can do more cross faction but its too difficult to do on most maps (I think only Huttball and Civil War are the options) but I guess this is what happens when you don't plan. Fail to plan, plan to fail.

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Can we not destroy whats left of the core lore and story of the game? I'm all for new warzones that fit into the alliance storyline where teams are cross-faction but changing every single warzone into cross faction maps goes against the lore of said warzones and the core war between the Republic and Sith Empire.Huttball and arenas can be cross-faction i'll agree to that though.


And also it would make even less sense to change existing flahspoints or operations into cross-faction ones,these missions follow a specific story point and lore.Again,I'm all for new cross-faction content that follows the KOTFE story but lets not butcher the previous story points please.

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Sure. Lets throw what little remains of faction camaraderie and the Great Galactic War down the drain for "cross-faction" convenience. I'm against this vehemently. I don't believe BioWare would ever do it anyway, but who really knows at this point? Factions existed in this game for a reason. Factions have existed in most MMOs for a reason. If it wasn't clear before, it's to encourage faction loyalty and incite competition for PvP. Take away what little remains of faction identity and there is no reason to have factions at all.
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Sure. Lets throw what little remains of faction camaraderie and the Great Galactic War down the drain for "cross-faction" convenience. I'm against this vehemently. I don't believe BioWare would ever do it anyway, but who really knows at this point?


They have done it already with KotFE. In substance, destroying the factions to work against one core enemy. It doesn't matter with pvp, that is team based, not faction based. Honestly, it may breathe new life into PVP. It would still maintain a red vs blue mentality. It would also help with OPs. Providing a larger pool of players. The OPs stories are generic, they don't depend on faction. FPs, yes they change with faction, but I didnt mention them did I?


Factions existed in this game for a reason. Factions have existed in most MMOs for a reason. If it wasn't clear before, it's to encourage faction loyalty and incite competition for PvP. Take away what little remains of faction identity and there is no reason to have factions at all.


Again see point above. There would still be a team mentality. I love how people rant about the old way of MMOs etc, until it is something they are against, then they try to point to it. It is no different asking for solo operations, as asking for cross faction operations, the story for those are the same. And I hate to break it to you, but most people don't do OPs to experience the story. Maybe the first time, that is it.

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